View Full Version : Even Manly men arent so manly!!

Vision Garage
07-28-2007, 01:18 PM
So for all you machos out there who love being outdoors and roughing it out, you probably know of this cat. Hes the guy I looked up to. I was like wow, this guy is awesome. Sadly, reality hit hard!!!

How Bear Grylls the Born Survivor roughed it - in hotels

To viewers of his TV series, Bear Grylls is the daredevil adventurer who catapults himself into world's worst 'hellholes' and then survives on his wits alone.

But it has emerged that far from roughing it in brutal environments, the former SAS man actually spent nights in hotels during filming of his Channel 4 show.

The Eton- educated 33-year- old is also alleged to have choreographed parts of Born Survivor, with many of his spectacular stunts carefully set up by the production crew.

Channel 4 last night began an investigation into the claims, which follow a number of embarrassing incidents in which programmes screened by the station were found to have misled the public.

Grylls's show attracted 1.4million viewers when it was shown in March and April, with audiences enthralled as he demonstrated gruesome survival tips that included sucking the fluid from fish eyeballs and squeezing water from animal dung.

But an adviser to Born Survivor yesterday claimed that many of his other escapades were not exactly as they seemed on TV.

In one episode filmed in California's Sierra Nevada mountains he was shown biting off the head of a snake for breakfast and boasting that he was living on 'just a water bottle, a cup and a flint for making fire'.

Viewers were not told that he was actually spending some nights in the Pines Resort hotel at Bass Lake, where the rooms have Internet access and is advertised as 'a cosy getaway for families' complete with blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

In another episode when Grylls declared he was a 'real life Robinson Crusoe' stuck on a desert island, he was actually on an outlying part of the Hawaiian archipelago and retired to a motel at nightfall.

Mark Weinert, a survival consultant brought in for the programme, said one show also wrongly gave the impression that the adventurer built a Polynesian- style raft using only materials around him, including bamboo and palm leaves for a sail.

Mr Weinert had in fact led a team that built the raft, which was then dismantled so that Grylls could be shown constructing it on camera.
In another episode, Grylls was filmed attempting to lasso 'wild' mustang in the Sierra Nevada, when the horses were actually tame and had been brought in by trailer from a nearby trekking station.

'If you really believe everything happens the way it is shown on TV, you are being a little bit naive,' Mr Weinert told the Sunday Times.
Channel 4 confirmed that Grylls had used hotels during expeditions and ordered the production company that made the programme to investigate the other claims.

A spokesman said: 'We take any allegations of misleading our audiences seriously.

'Bear does do all his own stunts and does put himself in perilous situations.
'But Born Survivor is not an observational documentary series but a "how to" guide to basic survival techniques in extreme environments. The programme explicitly does not claim that presenter Bear Grylls's experience is one of unaided solo survival.'

Grylls had earlier told how Channel 4 bosses had pitched the series to him, saying: 'We just drop you into a lot of different hellholes equipped with nothing, and you do what you have to do to survive.'

07-28-2007, 01:32 PM
Man, first the fat boys break up and now this?
You mean to tell me that I can't believe the shit I see on television either?
This is some bullSHIT, man!

A Spec Products
07-28-2007, 02:05 PM
Eh, that guy is still nuts, I don't think his manliness is at question here

I mean yeah this is kinda fraudulous, but eh, it a TV show meant to show people survival skills

So at its core, its doing just that and getting that done properly

If the show was really as hardcore 110% as it shows, there's no way a camera crew could film it worthy for television

And cmon, that foo is getting PIZZAID, and after all his REAL experiences in the past roughing it, I'm sure that fool would rather not risk his life and wants to eat blueberry pancakes for breakfast

I sure would

07-28-2007, 02:21 PM
Yeah, hes still cool in my book. He's still more manly than 99.9999% of other males out there.

Phlip, just for you:

07-28-2007, 02:47 PM
wait, so unscripted television is really scripted? MY HEAD A SPLODE

07-28-2007, 10:53 PM
Hell i still think he's a mans man to still be doing most of the shit that he does.

Andrew Bohan
07-28-2007, 11:15 PM
wait, the fat boys broke up?

07-28-2007, 11:39 PM
wait, the fat boys broke up?

:wtc: x 1000
Disorderlies is my favorite movie of all time!!

I hear Survivorman is pretty rad and VERY real.

07-29-2007, 02:17 AM
omg i really liked man vs. wild on discovery channel.
now i cant really believe him any more??
shouldnt have read this whole thread....:(

07-29-2007, 03:31 AM
I don't think I've seen him before.

Oh well.

Vision Garage
07-29-2007, 03:51 AM
go on youtube and search man vs. wild. Very entertaining! But after hearing all this it is just disappointing. Yes he is still awesome. Just not AS AWESOME as before i had read the article. I think Icecreamdan should chime in here since hes all about hiking and stuff. Any adventurous person should know how i feel!! :(

07-29-2007, 03:13 PM

When the hell are you going to pay for my gas so i can drive down and hike???

LookOut Nick
07-29-2007, 04:00 PM
whats the link to the original article...me and my freind have an on going debate on who is better les stroud aka SURIVOR MAN or bear...im a surivor man fan and always new that bear was aided by his crew...i want that link to smear in my freinds faces

Vision Garage
07-30-2007, 05:03 AM

07-30-2007, 09:53 AM
I still think dude is hardcore. Added or not he's more BA then I could ever be.

Why get mad cause he was smart enough to stay at the Hilton at night?

07-30-2007, 10:20 AM
We had a big debate about this...
LOL! This proves it! It's all fake!

I'd much rather watch speed channel than Discovery channel, anyways.

Baka Sama
07-30-2007, 03:57 PM
I feel so let down...
I really like that show too, but I knew it had to be fake.

07-30-2007, 04:37 PM
One question, though!
How do they film him while he's lets say.. swimming over to the other side of the lake in strong currents?

LOL! That always had me puzzled.. How he could film himself!

Sometimes it shows him having put the camera infront of himself, but most of the time, it just doesn't make sense!

Vision Garage
07-31-2007, 03:23 AM
tru tru. All the angles of the cameraman makes it obvious. I just thought he roughed it over night. I wonder if the rabbit he threw the stick at was real.

07-31-2007, 04:06 AM
tru tru. All the angles of the cameraman makes it obvious. I just thought he roughed it over night. I wonder if the rabbit he threw the stick at was real.

It was probably a real rabbit, but likely bought at a pet store and sedated so they could get the multiple takes they needed.

07-31-2007, 08:02 AM
The other day I seen him swim through a river in the Everglades full of gaters.

Hotels at night or not, that's still way more hardcore then any of us.

07-31-2007, 09:23 AM
I dunno what to think about this...Man vs. Wild is my favorite show. However, the OP is refering to anther show, not this one. Also, he states in the begining of the show that he has a camera crew w/him. BTW, Bear>Survivorman!

07-31-2007, 09:54 AM
Either way, Bear Grylls > Chuck Norris


07-31-2007, 11:13 AM
Either way, Bear Grylls > Chuck Norris

no argument here

Andrew Bohan
07-31-2007, 11:16 AM
superman may wear chuck norris pajamas,

but chuck norris wears bear grylls pajamas

and bear counted to infinity THREE times. that's one more than chuck could do.

07-31-2007, 12:13 PM
i feel so betrayed... :wtc:

- street cred for bear grylls

07-31-2007, 12:21 PM
Survior Man kicks Man vs Wild's ass. Survivor-Man-dude goes out totally solo, and it shows based on the film footage. Man-vs-Wild-dude obviously has a crew with him for filming those sweet looking shots.

I mean don't take anything away from Bear, he obviously knows some shit, but he's not risking his life the same way the other guy does.

08-01-2007, 11:45 AM
does your definition of manly not include being smart?

it all depends on your definition of manily,
i mean he is still doign the stuff you see him do on tv, and if he is staying at a hotel you know he has done the crazy shit before.

Vision Garage
08-01-2007, 11:50 AM
Well im not saying hes manly, just not as manly as I thought he was. He does lose credibility in my eyes after reading the article. He is still the shit. It just makes me wonder!