View Full Version : turbo il seals went bad?

07-28-2007, 12:25 AM
Ok my question is this i got t28 BB, i hooked up the oil feed line, was testing if it was leaking anywhere, i pluged up the oil drain line and tryed to blow it through and the air comes out of turbo intake side? its not supost to happen like that right? i need to rebuild it? Change oil seals?

07-28-2007, 11:50 AM
Or is it supost to be able to breath and only if 2 much oil enters it will spit it out of the intake side? any1 on this? I dont know what to do,put in the turbo or not...

07-29-2007, 10:13 AM
Bah no1 knows, what would u guys recomend? I could try to explain it a little bit better if some1 knows about turbos....

07-29-2007, 10:48 AM
I know exactly what your talking about, but that is not a proper way of telling if a turbo is blown. If you don't have a test engine available, hook it up to the car and install all of the parts like restrictor etc. and run the car. check for leaks then wait for the initial burn off to stop. shut down car. start car with engine nice and warm if the turbo is blowing oil you'll either have smoke or oil in the hotpipe or a puddle by the compressor inlet. Still all is not lost...

07-29-2007, 09:36 PM
I guess il just do it and see wut happens..

07-30-2007, 12:12 AM
Is there any shaftplay?

07-30-2007, 06:38 AM
The oil seals are like piston rings, i questioned mine like that when I got mine 2nd hand I had put oil in the feed line whil it was sitting out of the car to keep it from rusting and it ended up comming out of the Exhaust housing, I was worried then but its on my SR now with no problems.

No real way to check out off the car so hook it up and let it run for a while

07-30-2007, 11:22 AM
There is very little shaft play, but there is a little bit.