View Full Version : Smoking just one cannabis joint raises danger of mental illness by 40%

07-27-2007, 08:23 AM

Smoking just one cannabis joint raises danger of mental illness by 40%

A single joint of cannabis raises the risk of schizophrenia by more than 40 per cent, a disturbing study warns.

The Government-commissioned report has also found that taking the drug regularly more than doubles the risk of serious mental illness.

Overall, cannabis could be to blame for one in seven cases of schizophrenia and other life-shattering mental illness, the Lancet reports.

The grim statistics - the latest to link teenage cannabis use with mental illness in later life - come only days after Gordon Brown ordered a review of the decision to downgrade cannabis to class C, the least serious category.

The Prime Minister is said to have a 'personal instinct' that the change should be reversed, with more arrests and stiffer penalties for users.

Cannabis has been implicated in a string of vicious killings, including the recent stabbing of fashion designer Lucy Braham.

The authors of the latest study, the most comprehensive of its kind and commissioned by the Department of Health, said: 'Policymakers need to provide the public with advice about this widely-used drug.

'We believe there is now enough evidence to inform people that using cannabis could increase their risk of developing a psychotic illness later in life.'

The analysis does not look at the age at which schizophrenia is likely to develop. However, previous studies have shown that smoking the drug as a teenager raises the risk of developing schizophrenia in one's twenties or thirties.

The researchers, from four British universities, analysed the results of 35 studies into cannabis use from around the world. This suggested that trying cannabis only once was enough to raise the risk of schizophrenia by 41 per cent.

At greatest risk, however, were heavy users, with those who took cannabis over 100 times having more than double the risk of those who never touched the drug.

With up to 40 per cent of teenagers and young adults in the UK believed to have tried cannabis, the researchers estimate that the drug could be behind 14 per cent of cases of schizophrenia and other psychotic illnesses.

'Although individual lifetime risk of chronic psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, even in people who use cannabis regularly, is likely to be low - less than three per cent - cannabis use can be expected to have a substantial effect on psychotic disorders at a population level because exposure to this drug is so common.'

Cardiff University researcher Dr Stanley Zammit added: 'Even if cannabis does cause an increased risk of developing psychosis, most people who use cannabis will not develop such an illness.

'Nevertheless, we would still advise people to avoid or limit their use of this drug, especially if they start to develop any mental health symptoms, or if they have relatives with psychotic illnesses.'

In an accompanying editorial in the Lancet, Dutch psychiatrists said the focus on heroin, cocaine and other Class A drugs meant the dangers of cannabis had been overlooked.

'In the public debate, cannabis has been considered a more or less harmless drug compared with alcohol, central stimulants and opioids.

'However, the potential long-term hazardous effects of cannabis with regard to psychosis seem to have been overlooked, and there is a need to warn the public of these dangers, as well as to establish a treatment to help young frequent cannabis users.'

Previous studies have shown a clear link between cannabis use in the teenage years and mental illness in later life.

Research completed by leading psychiatrist Professor Robin Murray in 2005 showed that those who smoked the drug regularly at 18 were 1.6 times more likely to suffer serious psychiatric problems, including schizophrenia, by their mid-20s.

For those who were regular users at 15, the stakes were even higher, with their risk of mental illness by the age of 26 being 4.5 times greater than normal.

It is thought that, used during teenage years, the drug can cause permanent damage to the developing brain.

Professor Robin Murray, of the Institute of Psychiatry in London, warned yesterday that the risks were likely to be heightened by the increasing use of powerful skunk cannabis.

'My own experience suggest to me that the risk with skunk is higher. Therefore their estimate that 14 per cent of cases of schizophrenia in the UK are due to cannabis is now probably an understatement.'

Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity SANE, said: 'This analysis should act as a serious warning of the dangers of regular or heavy cannabis use, doubling the risk of developing schizophrenia - a condition in which a person may hear voices and experience strange thoughts and paranoid delusions.

'The debate about classification should not founder on statistics but take into account the potential damage to hundreds of people who without cannabis would not develop mental illness.

'While the majority can take the drug with no mind-altering effects, it is estimated that 10 per cent are at risk.

'You only need to see one person whose mind has been altered and life irreparably damaged, or talk to their family, to realise that the headlines are not scaremongering but reflect a daily, and preventable, tragedy.'

However, others questioned the link, pointing out there has been little change in rates of schizophrenia in recent years despite the rise in cannabis use and the increasing strength of the drug. __________________________________________________ ___________________

Three heavy drug users and their horrific killings: William Jaggs, a 23-year-old Oxford University student and prolific cannabis user, stabbed fashion designer Lucy Braham 66 times at her home near Harrow, the public school in North-West London.

The paranoid schizophrenic was found covered in blood beside Lucy's body, having plunged the knife into his own chest last September.

The former Harrow pupil, whose father is a teacher at the school, started using drugs when he was 14, moving on from cannabis to cocaine.

He was sent to Broadmoor secure hospital this month for an unlimited period after admitting manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

Drug-crazed drifter Richard Cazaly is believed to have stabbed pregnant Abigail Witchalls in Surrey, in April 2005.

Cazaly, 23, who killed himself five days after the stabbing, had a history of heavy drug use dating back at least four years.

His girlfriend, Vanessa MacKenzie, told police both she and Cazaly were regular cannabis users, smoking 'a couple of joints a day'.

Surrey police said Cazaly became psychotic and violent as a result of long-term abuse of drugs and the alcohol he had consumed on the day of the random stabbing.

Miraculously, Mrs Witchalls and her unborn baby survived the attack. Her young son - who she was pushing in a pram when she was set upon by Cazaly - was unhurt.

Son of a nurse at Broadmoor Thomas Palmer butchered two of his friends during a woodland walk after his mind was warped by smoking skunk - a particularly potent form of cannabis.

Then aged 18, he virtually beheaded 16-year-old Steven Bayliss and repeatedly stabbed Nuttawut Nadauld, 14, near their homes in Wokingham, Berkshire in September 2005.

Palmer had started using the drug at 14. He told doctors he had not been smoking on the day of the killings but admitted to using skunk regularly in the weeks before the brutal attack.

In March this year, he was given a minimum 20 years in prison for the double murder.



07-27-2007, 08:28 AM
I hate drugs

07-27-2007, 08:36 AM
Well that explains a lot...or does it? Maybe it does. But who knows. Do you know? I might know. But not sure. You just never know.

07-27-2007, 08:38 AM
Government-commissioned report

say it ain't so

07-27-2007, 08:38 AM
Drugs are bad mmmmmkay

turbo junkie
07-27-2007, 08:39 AM
thats the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. Yeah Im gonna smoke a joint and then go murder some one. More like Im gonna smoke a joint and then sit hear and order a pizza.

07-27-2007, 08:46 AM

I don't even smoke anymore, but this study is bullshit.

Drug-crazed drifter Richard Cazaly is believed to have stabbed pregnant Abigail Witchalls in Surrey, in April 2005.

07-27-2007, 08:47 AM
thats the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. Yeah Im gonna smoke a joint and then go murder some one. More like Im gonna smoke a joint and then sit hear and order a pizza.

Correction...contemplate the effects of ordering a pizza will have on the universe 10,000 years from now.

07-27-2007, 09:03 AM
I don't even smoke reefers and haven't in many many years, and I am calling bullshit on this one.

... no further comment necessary

07-27-2007, 09:20 AM
as far as i can tell, smoking just one cannabis joint raises the danger of listening to jam bands and belief in government conspiracy to harsh your good times by over 800%

07-27-2007, 09:32 AM
theirs no grounds for this one. many of their cases is on people with high drug backgrounds, their not stating that they were only on weed or that they took a shit load of other drugs at the time of the murders.

07-27-2007, 09:34 AM
omg everyone who smokes herb goes nuts and butchers people! And those who don't murder people go on to develop severe schizophrenia, hear voices and suffer paranoid disillusions! LOL what a crock of shit article, great find

07-27-2007, 09:42 AM
hahahaha. bullshit propaganda.

07-27-2007, 10:09 AM
Although individual lifetime risk of chronic psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, even in people who use cannabis regularly, is likely to be low - less than three per cent - cannabis use can be expected to have a substantial effect on psychotic disorders at a population level because exposure to this drug is so common.'

Cardiff University researcher Dr Stanley Zammit added: 'Even if cannabis does cause an increased risk of developing psychosis, most people who use cannabis will not develop such an illness.

Some of you need to read better I think. lol... I think the study is probably skewed as well... but I don't think it's entirely bullshit. Think about it, drugs alter your mental state, and brain chemistry. Anything that does that carries the risk of causing a mental disorder and/or injury. Even if it is small.

07-27-2007, 10:50 AM





07-27-2007, 11:34 AM
i <3 murders.... i mean marijuana.

07-27-2007, 11:37 AM
haha bullshit. im completely fine and used to smoke ass loads.

07-27-2007, 11:37 AM
I'm going to have to go with :bs:, on this one.

07-27-2007, 11:44 AM
Lmfao no shit it fucks up your mind. But honestly, people that do act crazy on pot are acting crazy by them selves. You ever give anyone oregano to smoke and say its weed, and watch them freak out and say they're "stoned?" Same thing.

But seriously, thats why they call pot a recreational drug. your not supposed to smoke it 3 times a day. Ive seen what that can do and its just as dangerous as alcohol. Of course some people will get addicted to it, but the majority of users do it and are able to control themselves.

And with everyone else, the use of marijuana may lead to watching Telletubbies, eating doritos and feeling "kinda like a fish".

07-27-2007, 11:49 AM
Alot of drugs are bad. But still I must reach into my wallet and pull out my....


07-27-2007, 11:49 AM
I'm so hungry right now.

07-27-2007, 11:57 AM
I think the only thing ppl are going to murder is the dollar menu.

07-27-2007, 12:05 PM

There is no harm to the brain what so ever, even for the tokers who toke multiple times a day everyday. Thats commonly accepted information to all sorts of nuero-scientists. Close minded and simple minded people just aren't willing to accept information and drop old incorrect facts.

Theres been recent studies where they are trying to find a relation between THC and killing cancer. Theres a connection between the groupd of tobacco smokers who dont have lung cancer. Many of them smoked marijuana frequently. THC has anti cancerous properties. THC target the blood supply of cancerous cells and kills them.



Its been known to kill brain tumors in rats since the 70s but the study was shut down cuz of Govt nonsense.

Marijuana is one of the least dangerous drugs (if you even want to call it that). If you look at any credible rating of drug hazards, you'll notice marijuana is pretty far down there. Whats on top of the list are ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, amphetamines, meth, coke, crack, heroine, etc. Im sure everyone notices more and more states allowing medical marijuana. The govt realize it dosn't harm anyone, but they just dont want to admit it quite yet after spending so much $$ on this "war on drugs". They would look like idiots.

It was made illegal in the first place because of politics.

The things we do and eat in our common day to day lives affect our physical and mental health negatively WAY more than some of these so called drugs.

07-27-2007, 12:05 PM
I think the only thing ppl are going to murder is the dollar menu.
LMFAO!!! thats funny because its true. I worked the night shift at McD's for a month when i was 16. Only a month because that job sucked. Every other person that would walk in would be so stoned, they would forget where they were. I'd fuck with them sometimes, by saying stuff like "Hey a cop!" or "Would you like fish heads with that?" or something.

I hated that job.

Did anyone else see that report was british? No wonder thats what they think.

07-27-2007, 12:07 PM
^^ Even if combusting it did cause cancer, all the more reason to use a vaporizer.

07-27-2007, 12:13 PM
Some of you need to read better I think. lol... I think the study is probably skewed as well... but I don't think it's entirely bullshit. Think about it, drugs alter your mental state, and brain chemistry. Anything that does that carries the risk of causing a mental disorder and/or injury. Even if it is small.

Usually in the morning i open the garage, start my car, but then all of a sudden i start smelling something.

I goto the back of my car and i can smell the nice clean exhaust fumes comming out the exhaust. O well i get in my car and leave..

I hope nothing is wrong with me now..i mean..i heard exhaust fumes can mess you up.

07-27-2007, 12:19 PM
Well that explains a lot...or does it? Maybe it does. But who knows. Do you know? I might know. But not sure. You just never know.


07-27-2007, 12:22 PM

OMG.... is that pic real? holy shit

07-27-2007, 12:36 PM
I'm freakin' out man!

07-27-2007, 12:49 PM
A single joint of cannabis raises the risk of schizophrenia by more than 40 per cent, a disturbing study warns.
'Although individual lifetime risk of chronic psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, even in people who use cannabis regularly, is likely to be low - less than three per cent ......

sooo, your chance of developing schezophrenia will go from less than 3%, to less than 4%? This is shocking!!

Three heavy drug users and their horrific killings: William Jaggs, a 23-year-old Oxford University student and prolific cannabis user, stabbed fashion designer Lucy Braham 66 times at her home near Harrow, the public school in North-West London.

The paranoid schizophrenic was found covered in blood beside Lucy's body, having plunged the knife into his own chest last September.

The former Harrow pupil, whose father is a teacher at the school, started using drugs when he was 14, moving on from cannabis to cocaine.

Yes, the cannabis was completely to blame. the cocaine had nothing to do with it :jerkit:

Drug-crazed drifter Richard Cazaly is believed to have stabbed pregnant Abigail Witchalls in Surrey, in April 2005.

Cazaly, 23, who killed himself five days after the stabbing, had a history of heavy drug use dating back at least four years.

His girlfriend, Vanessa MacKenzie, told police both she and Cazaly were regular cannabis users, smoking 'a couple of joints a day'.

Surrey police said Cazaly became psychotic and violent as a result of long-term abuse of drugs and the alcohol he had consumed on the day of the random stabbing.

Again, the long term abuse of alcohol and other drugs played no role whatsoever. It was the cannabis, dammit!

Son of a nurse at Broadmoor Thomas Palmer butchered two of his friends during a woodland walk after his mind was warped by smoking skunk - a particularly potent form of cannabis.

Obviously they know exactly what caused him to snap. There were no other factors.

Unfortunately, officials investigating these cases overlooked a serious commonality between all of these attackers. The real cause for their violence was the fact that they have all regularly eaten pasta their entire lives, 2 of them starting their pasta habit as early as one year old! "People need to be made aware of the serious ramifications of eating pasta" said researcher Marissa Jones. "Eating just 3 servings of pasta a week has been shown to increase the rate of schizophrenia by over 53%."

What a bs article. as someone already mentioned, they didn't specify if everyone in the studies did any other drugs that might influence the results.

haha bullshit. im completely fine and used to smoke ass loads.

Yes, at your advanced age, it is safe to say that you will never suffer any consequences ever in your life.


OMG.... is that pic real? holy shit

you're kidding, right?

07-27-2007, 02:17 PM
this is stupid, u only go to get mental illness if u smoke since u were like 14 and smoke 10 yrs straight, everydya of those 10 yrs, then later in life when u get older thats when u get stupid, say u 45 u mind is going to act liek a 16 yearold, im taking a drug class and thats what the said but if u smoke on a every other day kinda of thing u will be alright, dont get me wrong is still bad, but its good to smoke, i love it.

07-27-2007, 02:22 PM
I think the only thing ppl are going to murder is the dollar menu.

Ive been murdering $1 menues for years.I Really dont believe that
statement cuz I chill with some OLD smokers.Then again im no doc.

07-27-2007, 02:34 PM
pffft..... with THC in the bloodstream... id be toooooo lazy to make an effort to think about doing anything

07-27-2007, 02:48 PM
F*ck joint toke blunts/........

but seriously thats bs ....

steve shadows
07-27-2007, 02:58 PM
i <3 murders....

me too :axe:

this is stupid, u only go to get mental illness if u smoke since u were like 14 and smoke 10 yrs straight, everydya of those 10 yrs, then later in life when u get older thats when u get stupid, say u 45 u mind is going to act liek a 16 yearold

is that why my town is so f-dup?

07-27-2007, 03:18 PM
pass the blunt to the left hand side...


steve shadows
07-27-2007, 03:28 PM
if you know you know.

07-27-2007, 03:31 PM

07-27-2007, 03:38 PM
does weed really kill brain cells?

steve shadows
07-27-2007, 03:41 PM
does weed really kill brain cells?

everything enjoyable does

im sure ruff sex hurts you too.

lifes a bitch and then you fly

07-27-2007, 03:55 PM
that's bullshit. Of course if you smoke one joint, you're most likely going to try other drugs as well, so that 40% can be true, but weed alone couldnt be the cause. i can bet that 99% of the weed smokers that went crazy did a bunch of other drugs as well. The writers just forgot to include that little detail.

i've never smoked weed in my life and i still call bullshit

07-27-2007, 04:03 PM
Total BS - some of the smartest people I've known were/are pot smokers. But honestly, you can 'commission' a study to support whatever agenda you want.

Wahl 136
07-27-2007, 04:05 PM
It's true, it's true!! Look what marijuana did to this lady.
She only smoked it once. :cj:

Seriously though, I stopped reading after "goverment commissioned report. I don't buy that for a second.

07-27-2007, 05:59 PM
Son of a nurse at Broadmoor Thomas Palmer butchered two of his friends during a woodland walk after his mind was warped by smoking skunk - a particularly potent form of cannabis.

Then aged 18, he virtually beheaded 16-year-old Steven Bayliss and repeatedly stabbed Nuttawut Nadauld, 14, near their homes in Wokingham, Berkshire in September 2005.

Palmer had started using the drug at 14. He told doctors he had not been smoking on the day of the killings but admitted to using skunk regularly in the weeks before the brutal attack.

hahah...... thats a big stinky load of crap....."skunk cannabis" they should move here to cali and smoke some G.D.P. , but then again that might make them mass murderers.

Wahl 136
07-27-2007, 08:17 PM
Son of a nurse at Broadmoor Thomas Palmer butchered two of his friends during a woodland walk after his mind was warped by smoking skunk - a particularly potent form of cannabis.

Then aged 18, he virtually beheaded 16-year-old Steven Bayliss and repeatedly stabbed Nuttawut Nadauld, 14, near their homes in Wokingham, Berkshire in September 2005.

Palmer had started using the drug at 14. He told doctors he had not been smoking on the day of the killings but admitted to using skunk regularly in the weeks before the brutal attack.

hahah...... thats a big stinky load of crap....."skunk cannabis" they should move here to cali and smoke some G.D.P. , but then again that might make them mass murderers.

Gotta love scapegoats, reminds me of the Bevis and Butthead made me burn down my house, I stole care cuz Grand Theft Auto, and so on. It's all garbage at some point people need to stand up and be accountable for there actions instead of being p*ussies who want to do the crime but have no reprocussions for their actions.

07-27-2007, 11:53 PM
Folks, I'm with the government, and I just want to tell you that the information contained in this study is 100% true and accurate.

I'm with the government, trust me. Why would we lie to you? :Ownedd:

07-28-2007, 06:48 AM
Say No To Drugs!!!!!! D.a.r.e. To Be Different!!!! :)

and yeah to the guy up there posting a picture of that lady... that looks more like a "meth-victim." Definately not marijuana.

07-28-2007, 07:01 AM
Government propaganda sucks.

07-28-2007, 07:49 AM
say it ain't so

fo sho......i don't believe anything the government

Wahl 136
07-28-2007, 08:10 AM

Nope this is a product of marijuana, the government is set to release another report tomorrow. Possible adverse side effects include getting really old and pale, and quite possibly your hair changing colors. :loco:

07-28-2007, 11:55 AM
It's true, it's true!! Look what marijuana did to this lady.
She only smoked it once. :cj:

Wasnt she in the exorcist?

I'm sure taking any drug that fucks with the chemistry of your brain will make this or that a little more likely to happen but in this case i think the negative effects are zero-to-none. I really doubt this study will effect the amount of weed smoked one bit.

07-28-2007, 11:59 AM
Hahaha. My dad was a cop, and he handled the drug dogs. It might just be ironic I light up every now and then.

Of course I dont do that anymore, after watching Reefer Madness. I dont want to turn into a jazz music listening, crazy driving son of a....

Shit. too late. Time to go smoke.

07-28-2007, 03:22 PM
There's a bat
hanging on my neck

07-28-2007, 03:34 PM
So then people who have an Illness like depression and who go out and smoke alot of weed does something happen them? Does smoking cause the depression to become even worse?

07-28-2007, 03:46 PM
I have depression (runs in the family). Ironically, anger can be a form of depression?

It's like...have a shitty day at work...go to a friend's house...and 10 minutes later it's a good day.

Edit: Yes, some people get paranoid off weed. But most of those people are heroine addicts.

07-28-2007, 06:45 PM
VH1 just had a good 3 hour long showing of drugs and america... main highlights where the 50's,60's, and 70's and then lightly talked about before and what is happening now.

They made a great point about the '67 show dragnet... a load of BS.

Drunk driving kills more, 2nd hand smoke leaves more health issues, and you guessed it... war kills as well.

I just love propaganda... :cj:

07-28-2007, 09:08 PM
Smoking weed can mess with you just like eating to many donuts. Its gods way of punishing for abusing his gifts. You can smoke weed you just have to learn a little moderation. That pretty much goes for all things in life as well. Eating, drinking, porn, hell what ever your vise. If you take things in moderation then you wont develop a lot of problems. I would like to know if your financial situation in life would affect these statistics. I bet the uber rich don't have half the problems of the down trodden mass'.

07-29-2007, 01:14 PM
along this line of logic, shouldn't a large percentage of the population that were young and smoking in the sixties be murderous, raving lunatics? might just be me but i thought we ALREADY killed all the zombie reefers in the country. oops.

07-29-2007, 04:42 PM
:bs:they will say anything to stop people from doing it

20 til 3
07-29-2007, 06:19 PM
haha, i love shit like this, i mean seriously, first off that bitch didn't turn out like that from weed, thats meth for sure

and weed is an easy argument to most people... just say this

so your saying god fucked up... that on the 7th day he was sitting around and all the sudded realised... SHIT... i forgot to bring my pot back with me

its a natural plant... it helps more people than it hurts, i've never meet anyone who has done something bad other than steal some little debbie bars when high

07-29-2007, 07:04 PM
smoke weed.

msg. length

07-29-2007, 07:14 PM
I remember one day one of my really religious stoner friends said this to me.

"Maybe God did not intend on us smoking it, but he certainly put marijuana on this Earth for a reason. That's why I don't think it's a sin."

07-29-2007, 09:41 PM
You know, its funny how people can demonize things they dont understand or that are different than what they are used to. Anything taken to an excess can be bad. Too much oxygen will kill you, too much water can kill you, too many donuts can kill you. People in south america chew on Coca leaves to give them energy, kinda like a cup of coffee. But when people refine and abuse the chemicals in it, then it turns bad. Smoking a little every now and again is absolutely fine. Im sure when you die, and your talking to St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he's going to say to you "You thought smoking pot was BAD? Dude, the Big Man created it for a little entertainment. He loves watching stoners try to figure out the meaning of life...Heck we all do!" But remember, anything used irresponsibly can be bad. Just use your brain when you light up.

07-30-2007, 05:47 PM
goverment lies...........

weed dont


07-30-2007, 10:53 PM
I tend to ignore everything I read on these British news sites because I have no idea which ones are reputable (other than the obvious BBC stuff) and which ones are tabloid-style garbage. From the unsourced speculation and random anecdotes of violence perpetrated by 'marijuana fiends' who just happened to also be cracked out and drunk, this looks like the latter. Does seem like the kind of crap the government feeds the public on a regular basis, however.

I've been reading up on illegal drugs and half of the supposedly horrifying social menaces the government spends so much time fighting are less harmful and less addictive than tobacco and alcohol. Marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, mescaline (peyote) and a host of other illegal drugs may still have unknown long-term health effects with regular exposure, but any known effects pale in comparison with the short-term and long-term exposure to our two legal recreational drugs. The whole class of hallucinogens rank as some of the lowest-risk drugs with the least potential for addiction. Alcohol ranks up there with cocaine and amphetamines/heroin and other opiates as one of the most dangerous, addictive drugs with the most harmful effects on your health.

But hey, the government needs its scapegoats to blame the ills of society on, to scare the gullible populace and distract them from what's really going on. You see the same thing with the hype and focus on street racing enforcement when street racing deaths are a tiny fraction of overall traffic deaths each year.

07-30-2007, 11:22 PM
Acid shouldn't be legal.
That'd probably be a bad idea.

Post 1911 woohoo

07-31-2007, 12:20 AM
Eh, I've never screwed around with any illegal substances, so I wouldn't know from firsthand experience. I do know that the guy who formulated LSD and took a fair amount of it himself in early experiments is 101 years old, a lot older than most of us will live to be. Read up on it and decide for yourself how dangerous the stuff is- it's hard to tell when the research is seemingly split between government doom-and-gloom crap and equally questionable burnout hippie propaganda. Impartial, scientific studies are in the minority.

07-31-2007, 02:32 AM

The next mass murderers.

07-31-2007, 04:19 PM
norcal, bay area, whos down to match up?:naughty:

07-31-2007, 04:28 PM
right here tinman fire it up!

07-31-2007, 09:51 PM
i got some og master kusk, and some thunder down here in chino