View Full Version : If zombies took over...

07-26-2007, 02:18 AM
...what would your weapon of choice be against them? Me personally, I'd have Michael Jackson.

He'd make them dance.


In all seriousness, I'd have this:

Katana sword

I'm bored, and I saw this thread on another forum, so I decided to make one here. Sue me.

A Spec Products
07-26-2007, 02:20 AM
Oh god

Way to remake the thread

Did you get this from Hondatech?

My coworker asked me this question earlier today

I told him a bow staff with a knife on the end

Then I'd wave it around like the fat star wars kid

07-26-2007, 02:23 AM

All you need to know. Someone at work lent me this, and I scared myself silly.

07-26-2007, 03:09 AM
dood....the thought I have actually given this *smacks forehead* I think I actually made a post here about it. Its only a matter of time before shit goes down man.

Primary would be M4 carbine w/ M203 attachment. Makes very good holes and the M203 would take out a fairly large group.


secondary - Brugger & thomett MP9. Clips hold 30 rounds of pretty much any and every 9mm you can think of *158 subsonic comes to mind* Lightweight as fuck, the full mag of 30 rounds weighs more than the gun


disposable - ordinary metal baseball bat. They cant exactly bite you if they dont have any teeth :rofl:

07-26-2007, 03:10 AM
i like kwkoukis first choice. that gun looks so badassssss

i always wonder what the world would be like if zombies were real.
i just had a dream about zombies this morning too. sweeeeeeeeeeeet

07-26-2007, 03:25 AM
its a reoccuring dream I have. Dood I am so ready for this shit. I figure when it really happens I have about 20 minutes of running around flailing my arms like a little girl then its on like donkey kong. I already have access to both of those guns :)

07-26-2007, 03:36 AM
id use a train

07-26-2007, 03:43 AM

All you need to know. Someone at work lent me this, and I scared myself silly.

I found that to be very dry. This was better.

(Open with WinRAR for a surprise).

My weapon of choice would probably be an AR variant fitted with a suppressor with 2 suppressed MP5s as backups.

My melee weapon would be a cricket bat (:keke:).
Or a Louisville Slugger.

For my fortress, I'd HAVE to have at LEAST 2 M2 .50cal machine guns, maybe some M240G's, a minigun if I can find one...
Definitely some .50cal rifles for long-distance plinking.

Gotta get some napalm too, because cleanup after an attack won't be any fun without it.

07-26-2007, 04:07 AM
lol. we should make a fortress zilvia

i get a triple deck wing and do doughnuts and chop their heads off

07-26-2007, 04:41 AM
What kind of zombies would be dealing with?
The slow Dawn of the Dead zombies (80s) or the 2004 remake "fast" super human zombies?

07-26-2007, 04:47 AM
id grab the closest and easiest thing to grab which is my slugger.

07-26-2007, 05:07 AM
If you have this, you have nothing to worry about.

07-26-2007, 05:56 AM
Fuck using that kit. I'd like to kill as many of them as I can with my sword. Nothing like good old-fashioned slicin' and dicin'.

By the way, we're talking about the "28 Weeks Later" type, this is the 21st century. Keep up with the times. It would be pretty boring if they were slow and easy to kill. I like a challenge.

Along with my sword, I'd have some sort of pistol as my secondary weapon, none of that BS rifle/machine gun shit. Too easy to be using that. Blood, chopped off heads and limbs, and chaos for total Schwarzenegger bad-assery!
I'm awaiting white Mel's (exitspeed) reply to this thread. Afterall, he's Zilvia's resident zombie expert. ;)

07-26-2007, 07:11 AM
You guys are thinking too small. Lets say that you have a city over run by Zombies. My first choice if I could have anything possible would be this:

Jehuty From "zone of Enders"

Wing Zero

Imagine how much fun it would be just squashing them link ants. LoL
Not to mention that you can always just take out your swords and still cut them up.

07-26-2007, 07:17 AM
A sword? you need to have mad skillz dawg. If we are talking about the 28Days Zombies, they would attack you in large packs and destroy. You would need to be ill with the kitana. You could serenade them with your smoov R&B tho hehehe j/p.

The best zombies are the ones from the "Return of the Living Dead" films. They talk, they smell brains, and they are funky.

07-26-2007, 07:35 AM
Katana for sure. Have one next to my bed.

We also have a perfect space above my dinning room to stay it. The ONLY way into it is a folding staircase in the garage.

I'm not joking at all. We have discussed this thoroughly.

07-26-2007, 07:41 AM
Big guns

baseball bat

07-26-2007, 07:45 AM
I forgot to add the "BFG" for personal close combat defence, well that and a light saber!


07-26-2007, 07:50 AM
Fuck using that kit. I'd like to kill as many of them as I can with my sword. Nothing like good old-fashioned slicin' and dicin'.

By the way, we're talking about the "28 Weeks Later" type, this is the 21st century. Keep up with the times. It would be pretty boring if they were slow and easy to kill. I like a challenge.

Along with my sword, I'd have some sort of pistol as my secondary weapon, none of that BS rifle/machine gun shit. Too easy to be using that. Blood, chopped off heads and limbs, and chaos for total Schwarzenegger bad-assery!
I'm awaiting white Mel's (exitspeed) reply to this thread. Afterall, he's Zilvia's resident zombie expert. ;)

See, I don't prescribe to that notion of 'hey it's a zombie holocaust, I'll be a badass!' I'm all about "Stay on your toes and always be ready for a HOLY FUCK ZOMBIE RUSH! *BLAMBLAMBLAM* See I survived that, 'cause I was ready."

I'm all about having way more firepower than I need and keeping as far away from the undead as possible.

07-26-2007, 10:13 AM
well, since we're talking zombies anyway...

M41A pulse rifle

2x Glock 18 (the automatic one)

more important than weapons, though, would be some sort of chainmail, and a mask of some sort. my biggest fear in a zombie attack would be getting blood in my mouth or eyes, which is why a chainsaw is certainly out of the question. zombie virus is like HIV, you don't want that shit anywhere near a mucous membrane. i'd at LEAST have a box of those disposable mouth filters they wear in asia, and probably a pair of Oakley m-frames. ugly, but they'd allow for wide viewing angle, thanks to their frameless design. goggles could work but i'd be afraid of losing my peripheral vision.. people always get nailed from the side in zombie movies. and a ton of latex gloves would be a must, so that you could just rip off a pair and put on another as they get messy. wouldn't it suck if everything was cool, but you had some blood on your hand, wiped your mouth, and then licked your lip or something, and THAT was how you got zombie'd?

of course, if we're going on they have to bite you, and blood in your mouth/eyes doesn't matter, then scratch everything i've posted, and i'd just have a chainsaw, and a tank of gas strapped to my back.

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
07-26-2007, 10:36 AM
You guys are thinking too small. Lets say that you have a city over run by Zombies. My first choice if I could have anything possible would be this:

Jehuty From "zone of Enders"

Wing Zero

Imagine how much fun it would be just squashing them link ants. LoL
Not to mention that you can always just take out your swords and still cut them up.

Well if we're thinking big...

I'll take this guy.

07-26-2007, 11:01 AM
I'd be like Chris Redfield and just punch them zombies in the mouth!


Maybe not..but it looked cool when he did it.

Dirty Habit
07-26-2007, 11:02 AM

07-26-2007, 11:29 AM
Can Zombies climb? Well, even if they can... sit up on a billboard with a metal base and chuck molotov cocktails down their way. Long gun would be a semi-auto Berretta 12Ga. Sidearm, some variation of a 1911.

07-26-2007, 11:34 AM
Katana = lose

It's already hard enough to cut through bone and cartilage with a knife, a katana won't be THAT much better. You'll get so tired after killing 2 zombies. Anime romaticizes the katana too much; having one doens't make you an instant samurai


Barret rifle FTW

07-26-2007, 11:37 AM
If I could use anything, I'd use Strike Freedom


07-26-2007, 11:40 AM
I found that to be very dry. This was better.

I read that too, book was awsome. All you need is something that can go through their head... not blow it to pieces. Over kill is what got the military owned. armored vehicles vs zombies... zombies always win too many of them

07-26-2007, 11:46 AM
I read both books, that's why I chose the Barret Rifle.

I like The Zombie Survival Guide more.

I can't wait until the World War Z movie comes out

07-26-2007, 11:53 AM
I can't wait until the World War Z movie comes out

Any info on this?

07-26-2007, 12:07 PM
i would neg rep them till they kill them selfs.

07-26-2007, 12:45 PM
crossbow and a battle axe

07-26-2007, 12:55 PM
Go ahead make my day


07-26-2007, 12:56 PM
Speaking of Zombies.. RE:5:


07-26-2007, 01:29 PM
You guys are weak. Bringing up mech/robot weapons? I'm talking things that are real/tangible.

As for the type of zombies, I'm thinking more like Resident Evil setting.

Mel, you got a zombie shelter too? lol

i would neg rep them till they kill them selfs.Looks like you'd be dead in a heartbeat.

07-26-2007, 01:36 PM
hell yeah wrestle them to death lucha libre!!!!! or just get machetes and slice and dice

07-26-2007, 01:37 PM
I have a castle,

So no zombie attack for me.

07-26-2007, 01:40 PM
Robby, you're not safe, you're not safe.

07-26-2007, 01:41 PM
i got bars on my windows and metal doors. i think i'd be pretty safe stabbing heads through the bars. i just dont know what i'd do about the body build up. maybe later i can make a wall with them and push them down on the next zombie wave.

07-26-2007, 01:52 PM
a train is tangible. id still use a train.

07-26-2007, 01:57 PM
Remember 28 Weeks Later? Train = no good. Well, it wasn't running anyways. hahaha

07-26-2007, 02:01 PM
damn newbs. First off lets talk about protective gear. Its a proven fact that the human jaw cannot bite thru leather. So yeah gear up in some kind of gear just in case you get into a moshpit you wont have have to worry about infection from lacerations. that way as they bite you instead of gettin pwned you can fight your way out. Most small arms are limited to the amount of ammo you can carry, if you need to clear a path from a safe zone id recommend some sort of pyro awesome type weapon. If your bunkering up remember to set up multiple layers of defense, in case of an over run make sure you have a trap set up. (propane tanks wired to explode along with fuel cells to keep the area burning) Remember be ready so you dont have to get ready. And yes chainsaws are great in moments of desperation. But remember its all in the armor protection that can increase your chance of survival and rescue.

07-26-2007, 02:08 PM
I'd like me a flamethrower. :naughty:

07-26-2007, 02:11 PM

I originally just meant to post a pic of a lightsaber, but when i saw this cool pic of vader i just had to.

panama DRIFT
07-26-2007, 03:13 PM
thick leather (like the sport biker get-up) armor, 38' w/ hollow tip rounds(and lots of them), electric chainsaw (rechargable) 20 gauge shot gun with plenty of rounds, a AR-15 (full automatic) lots of rounds for that, and a shelter type area with electric fences and automated howitzer 155. s lined up (incoming large groups of zombies)
just my 2 cents

07-26-2007, 06:37 PM
Berretta Xtrema Shotgun 2



...and I'd hire Chuck Norris.

07-26-2007, 08:06 PM
Carbon fiber space suit with leather protectant layering and a good a/c unit with a bunch of batteries.

A shitload of nosecandy and some assault rifles and swords and shit.

Spike strips. Lots of them. They can't go through my suit so i'll just set em out.

Then i'll have a bunch of boulders. Roll em around and shit.

Then zombies get caught with spikes through their feet and they'll get crushed.

Then I can shoot/chop up whatever's left.

07-26-2007, 08:10 PM
The gear/armor point is probably something most often missed and important.

And, if the shotgun doesnt cut it and it comes down to it, i'd take a katana. A half dozen years of kendo should give me some chance of surviving a small group of zombies.

And, when it comes to Zombie literature there is no equal to I am Legend by Richard Matheson. It is THE granddaddy of the modern zombie genre.
Go read it if you haven't already.

07-26-2007, 08:10 PM
leather??!? seriously?

but what happens when you fight against these guys!


im gonna have to rethink my train idea..

07-26-2007, 08:14 PM
I would just join in and start grubbin brains......BRAINS!!!

07-26-2007, 08:19 PM
Brainsssss!!! I want brains!!


07-26-2007, 08:32 PM
Looks like we've already lost a few...

07-26-2007, 08:39 PM
Brainsssss!!! I want brains!!


07-26-2007, 08:56 PM
thick leather (like the sport biker get-up) armor, 38' w/ hollow tip rounds(and lots of them), electric chainsaw (rechargable) 20 gauge shot gun with plenty of rounds, a AR-15 (full automatic) lots of rounds for that, and a shelter type area with electric fences and automated howitzer 155. s lined up (incoming large groups of zombies)
just my 2 cents

the chainsaw might make a decent last defense, but if we're using electric tools, i'd go with a sawzall with one of the longer concrete cutting blades. less splash, and probably slower energy consumption. but regardless, electric anything is going to be junk once the grid goes down, unless you have a 12v converter and time to spend outside amongst cars.

and leather armor is a pretty good idea, that'd be way lighter than any chainmail or kevlar. not to mention it'd be easy to find- just hit up any bike shop. although, you'd wind up looking like arnold in t2. not that that's a bad thing, necessarily.

"give me your clothes, your brains, and your motorcycle"

07-26-2007, 09:05 PM
Looks like we've already lost a few...
Hahaha. +rep for you.

07-26-2007, 09:52 PM
And, when it comes to Zombie literature there is no equal to I am Legend by Richard Matheson. It is THE granddaddy of the modern zombie genre.
Go read it if you haven't already.



07-26-2007, 10:01 PM
all you people screaming "katana katana katana" have you any idea how eay they are to bend or break without knowing how to use one? they werent meant for cleaving through bone they were meant to cut through flesh. You would ding it and be finished it in a heartbeat then you would be fucked. If you felt cool and rambo enough to use a close range weapon like that it better be thick heavy and meant to handle blunt objects. like a broadsword *think braveheart* or a regular fucking machete.

Think realisticaly people, THIS SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWN! and I want people that know how to pick off head shots for long periods of time on my side.

As for bunkers. I would want something with a balcony/rooftop with a .50 cal leaning off the side. I wouldnt want to be boxed in with no way out in case they manage to breakthrough your boarded up doors and windows. Some way to travel underground. I have never tried it but im sure a getaway car is usesless with about 100 bodies all pushing weight in the other way of forward motion. And yes, bring george romeros dawn of the dead zombies and the ones from 28 days later. The slow ones you could walk past all day and not have to use any force.

07-26-2007, 10:18 PM

All I need... cause I'm that tough!

07-26-2007, 10:38 PM
all you people screaming "katana katana katana" have you any idea how eay they are to bend or break without knowing how to use one? they werent meant for cleaving through bone they were meant to cut through flesh. You would ding it and be finished it in a heartbeat then you would be fucked. If you felt cool and rambo enough to use a close range weapon like that it better be thick heavy and meant to handle blunt objects. like a broadsword *think braveheart* or a regular fucking machete.

Think realisticaly people, THIS SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWN! and I want people that know how to pick off head shots for long periods of time on my side.

As for bunkers. I would want something with a balcony/rooftop with a .50 cal leaning off the side. I wouldnt want to be boxed in with no way out in case they manage to breakthrough your boarded up doors and windows. Some way to travel underground. I have never tried it but im sure a getaway car is usesless with about 100 bodies all pushing weight in the other way of forward motion. And yes, bring george romeros dawn of the dead zombies and the ones from 28 days later. The slow ones you could walk past all day and not have to use any force.

here's the thing. we're talking about zombies. that's why i can sport an m41a pulse rifle, and somebody else can swing a lightsaber, and somebody else can be backed by michael jackson doing thriller on permanent loop. presumably, if you're going to be fighting off a world's worth of undead with a katana, you've got the skill to use it, and chop dudes in half diagonally like bamboo (sidenote: chopping bamboo diagonally was something i did a lot when i was a kid, as my parents' back yard is full of it, and i had a pretty sweet machete).

07-26-2007, 10:58 PM
The best READILY AVAILABLE melee weapon is a sharpened shovel.

Just get a regular shovel, sharpen the end, and you can use it as a pseudo-axe or pike.

I'll say it again, anyone who says "zomg i'll pwn all zombies with a katana!!!111one" has watched too much anime.

You want a gun that has long range, lightweight, reliable, and readily available ammo. My choice of the Barrett M82 isn't the best.
Armor would be good, but it might be heavy and slow you down.

This is a pretty ok zombie flash game:

Hints, Highlight to read:
Search for people the first 2 rounds, it will help a LOT
Keep searching for a weapon after the last weapon....

07-26-2007, 11:00 PM
that bear gear seems a little too much. i'd probly spend a week just trying to get out of a zombie moshpit. but at least its for sure 100% protected. unless they learn how to take it off

07-26-2007, 11:02 PM
here's a far superior zombie game. fuck 'em up smash tv style.


07-26-2007, 11:23 PM
LMFAO dude when I saw Dawn of the Dead in theaters, the only thing I could think of driving home was "what would I do?"

Well, I live on an Army post. I think weapons are covered. A few M-4's, some 45 Autos, maybe an MP-5 for shits and grins. Grab an APC with a few budddies, man the .50 and head to walmart to pick up some ice cold Bud Lites... and some food I suppose. Head to Lake of the Ozarks, get a boat, find an island, and sit it out. Zombies are dead, so they'll decay or something in a while. Especially in this Missouri Humidity.

After that, the survivors around here will start to rebuild... But no more god damn welfare checks. Those poor people will have to work.

07-26-2007, 11:31 PM
LMFAO dude when I saw Dawn of the Dead in theaters, the only thing I could think of driving home was "what would I do?"

Well, I live on an Army post. I think weapons are covered. A few M-4's, some 45 Autos, maybe an MP-5 for shits and grins. Grab an APC with a few budddies, man the .50 and head to walmart to pick up some ice cold Bud Lites... and some food I suppose. Head to Lake of the Ozarks, get a boat, find an island, and sit it out. Zombies are dead, so they'll decay or something in a while. Especially in this Missouri Humidity.

After that, the survivors around here will start to rebuild... But no more god damn welfare checks. Those poor people will have to work.

dude, army zombies are the worst. they're ZOMBIES with GUNS. an army base would be the last place i'd want to be... although access to APC's would be hot. one problem you'd have with hanging out on an island (if there are any in the ozarks) would be... well, zombies don't have to breathe. water isn't going to stop them. check out land of the dead if you don't believe me :D

07-26-2007, 11:34 PM
SHIT! your right. What was i thinking. And yeah there are islands in the ozarks, but theyre smallish. More like 2 rivers going next to eachother and connecting at 2 points.

Way to shit on my parade... I guess I could hold up around here. There are quite a few VERY secure areas around this place. Or I could head up to whiteman 2 hours away and hold up in the old missle control bunker turned museum Oscar 1... I doubt the zombies could get past the 10 ton blast doors.

07-26-2007, 11:41 PM
SHIT! your right. What was i thinking. And yeah there are islands in the ozarks, but theyre smallish. More like 2 rivers going next to eachother and connecting at 2 points.

Way to shit on my parade... I guess I could hold up around here. There are quite a few VERY secure areas around this place. Or I could head up to whiteman 2 hours away and hold up in the old missle control bunker turned museum Oscar 1... I doubt the zombies could get past the 10 ton blast doors.

but wouldnt it be boring there? i'd like to be in a pretty good place. like walmart or somthing and just barricade every entrance/exit hardcore to the floor. have fun with some bb guns and whatever. ride bikes, watch dvd.s, xbox, ps3, wii.
yeah that would be the life:goyou:

07-26-2007, 11:46 PM
eh your right. But a walmart or something like that would be tooo open and to hard to secure. This is a hard one. Where to hide if zombies attacked. I guess I could load up the APC, head to a hotel, and barracade that. I mean, a hotel has only like 2 or 3 openings, and the bottom floor windows could be barrackaded with beds, or the doors welded shut ( a few of the hotels around here have all metal doors and what not)

Of course all this AFTER hitting up walmart for the needed supplies (PS3, tons of games, tons of food, tons of other fun shit, you know)

07-26-2007, 11:55 PM
Of course all this AFTER hitting up walmart for the needed supplies (PS3, tons of games, tons of food, tons of other fun shit, you know)

yeah if anything just stop by my fortress, i'll give you a good deal:bigok:

a lot of the hotels in my place have the whole bottom floor open for beaches and pools. i'd be stuck in the rooms forever just watching zombies from the balcony.

yeah i guess walmart is pretty hard. i just remembered that theres usually 4 or 5 biiig openings and i dont think theres enough shit to block that

so anyone else have a better place thats liveable once this shit goes down?:fruit:

07-27-2007, 12:03 AM
Lets say all the zombie movies are right, and all the steriotypical zombie traits are present. Might as well name them, so we can work around them.
1: They can make you a zombie with a scratch, bite (All zombie movies)
2: They are stronger than a normal person (ripping arms off, biting through thick clothes, etc) (all zombie movies)
3: They can learn ( Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead)
4: They look for living people, and try to get at them (All zombie movies)
5: You can only kill them by severe trauma to the brain (All zombie movies)
6: They can walk under water (Land of the Dead... And Pirates of the Carribbean i suppose)
I think that about covers it. Now that we know what we're dealing with, lets think about what kind of shelter would be best. Islands are out of the question. So is Wal-Mart and anything like that.

I suppose our best chance would be to hi-tail it to the country side far far away from anyone esle, and fortify that position, raiding local towns to get supplies.

07-27-2007, 12:08 AM
It would be kind of dumb to use guns when you're trying to run away from a zombie invasion, because every time you use them, you'd make a lot of noise and give away your position. Using swords and knives would be the best thing. Zombies wouldn't be able to use guns since it requires more thinking than they are able to do. The only part of their brain that's functional is the part that utilizes their motor skills. You have to remember that they ARE dead- they can't learn anything because everything in their brain is dead, and motor skills are sequences of electrical impulses which give them enough to move.
Don't think about using a car either- what do you do if you run out of gas in the middle of nowhere? Cars make a lot of noise too- especially some of y'all that run fart cans on your cars that make enough noise to wake up more zombies.
At the end of the day, you'd literally have to find an island in the middle of nowhere to get away.

07-27-2007, 12:20 AM

07-27-2007, 12:21 AM
Swords and knives? Dude, I dont want to go against a brain hungry killing machine that doesnt feel pain with a sword lol. I guarantee if you were against an army of flesh eating zombies, and you had a choice between an AK-47 and a katana, you'd get the gun. If not, you can fight the zombies with your swords and knives. I'll use my loud as hell m-4 and clear a path with it to my loud as hell car to get the hell out of there!

Also, if you've seen Day of the Dead, or Land of the Dead, zombies figured out how to use guns in those movies. They were able to learn. And a car is the best way to get away from a place fast. Although, I live in bum-fuck missouri. Every other gas station is in a town of 40 people.

07-27-2007, 12:24 AM
I'd find a hill, set up windmills and solar panels to get renewable free electricity

build a deep moat around the lowland area beneath me
fill moat with sharks

Why? Zombie falls in. Zombie's can't swim, but they won't drown. Not a problem, since my sharks will eat 'em and turn 'em into shark crap. Best part, no downside if shark gets scratched, cuz I figure...I'm fucked if i run into a shark OR a zombie shark, right?

Hopefully i'd have a garden set up inside my castle on the hill to grow vegetables and crap. Be nice to have a lab so I could make chemical shit.

Dig down until i hit an underground stream, set up my water system.

Satellite uplink to my orbitally stationed rail guns

For close in weapons, I think I'd want blunt instruments like a titanium golf club. I'd probably kill myself with a sharp weapon, or at least lose a finger. Like someone else said, its too hard to chop through limbs.

Leather armor, nonrestrictive headgear so i always have vision

multiple walls inside so i can fall back multiple times

Maybe to get around, I'd use balloons or some sort of blimp, since they're quiet and don't need much refueling

07-27-2007, 12:38 AM
just go canada where they'll freeze. lol

07-27-2007, 01:13 AM
But what will you do when you get zombiesharks that evolve from the human zombies then you'll have some human-shark zombie hybrid. I hear those are really hard to kill.

The best READILY AVAILABLE melee weapon is a sharpened shovel.

Just get a regular shovel, sharpen the end, and you can use it as a pseudo-axe or pike.

I'll say it again, anyone who says "zomg i'll pwn all zombies with a katana!!!111one" has watched too much anime.

You want a gun that has long range, lightweight, reliable, and readily available ammo. My choice of the Barrett M82 isn't the best.
Armor would be good, but it might be heavy and slow you down.

This is a pretty ok zombie flash game:

Hints, Highlight to read:
Search for people the first 2 rounds, it will help a LOT
Keep searching for a weapon after the last weapon....

Thank you for your input Mr. Killjoy.

07-27-2007, 01:14 AM
Weapons are a bit of a secondary thing. Swords? Please, slice all you want, you're gonna get bit. The first thing you need to think of is shelter. Ideally a building that's raised and the 1st floor is a parking lot. This leaves 2-3 entrances that can easily be barricaded at ground and first floor levels. Since it's raised the chances of a zombie through a window are minimized. This also provides an advantage as any necessary outings can be done more safely, since you'll be able to see all nearby zombies from ground floor from the second you clear the door. If there's a canal near by, or even better adjacent, nasty canal fish and buckets on a rope will be the order of the day until the zombies stop(only if they're natural zombies. if they're supernatural zombies then you're just postponing death), be sure to catch the occasional bird for fat content . If the shelter is near, then that's where you're going, do not pass go, pack weapons, radio some food,water,fishing pole and net and GO. If there is some distance between you and your shelter, or you don't have a shelter in mind, or you feel your shelter will be hot when you arrive, then some pit stops may be in order.

1) Gun Shop/Police Station or Car/Military Surplus
Approach with caution and be sure to yell "I am not a zombie". Ideally a gun shop is staffed and you have an instant small army. Otherwise good luck getting in... An abandoned police car may have guns or a dead(check first) officer from which you can get a gun and ammo. Military Surplus may be even more desirable. You want shotguns with plenty of ammo, get large shot and slug rounds. A good assault rifle is a secondary objective, use this for clearing potential raiding targets from a distance. A military store will also have a shortwave radio...

2) Bike shop
You need to get bike leathers and a helmet. You may get caught or bit by surprise. They're zombies, and usually it's easy to shake loose. However once you're bit, it's over. Biker gear can save your life even in the face of near hopeless odds. This step is highly recommended, because once you get to your shelter you'll need to clear it....

3) Walmart
Just kidding. If you go to Walmart or any large store you are just asking for it. This is where every lemming will go and bring their bitten stupid asses with them. Food stores of any kind are NOT a good idea, too many places to hide and very insecure.

4) Loved one.
*IF* they can handle themselves, otherwise, do it after the shelter is secured. If you love someone enough, then you'll never be at peace if you didn't attempt a rescue. So all you soft bastards(myself included) will need to hit up your loved one after you are prepared. Prepared to potentially shoot them in the head.

Once you are at your shelter, the only thing left to do is wait until they are no longer animated. Zombies will eventually dry up after all food is gone, their muscles will stop working and they'll just be corpses. If they're hellspawn then as i mentioned you're just fucked. Fish, catch some birds, leave your other food supplies in reserve until there is nothing to catch. When food is about to run low, make a raid while you are still fed, healthy and clear headed. Avoid stores that have already been broken into if possible. If you have enough gas then your target is homestead. Pick fruit and any sizable insects and head back before the sun sets.

07-27-2007, 04:20 AM
I'll say it again, anyone who says "zomg i'll pwn all zombies with a katana!!!111one" has watched too much anime.Sorry, I'm just that badass. :naughty: :fawkd:

I had a zombie immunity shot when I was a kid.

07-27-2007, 05:14 AM
who the hell has time to build ANYTHING?

just get in my train

07-27-2007, 08:20 AM
I posted the full RE5 trailer earlier but guess no one clicked on it..


Haitian voodoo zombies own you all

07-27-2007, 08:39 AM
That trailer is awesome! I can't wait til 08.



That is gonna be a awesome movie. More about vampires though then zombies. Actually they are like zombie vampires which means we'd all be double fucked.

07-27-2007, 09:28 AM
i think walmart wouldn't be a terrible idea. you'd just have to get there quick, lock up behind yourself, grab everything you need, and get up on the roof. grab a few tents from sporting goods and set up shop up there.. there's no way the zombies could get to you. and if you ever needed more supplies.. well, you're on top of a walmart.

07-27-2007, 09:51 AM
I'm gonna take a pic on my Zombie bunker.

07-27-2007, 09:56 AM
Hell, I'd want a Mk19 for my fortress defense along with the .50 cal. 40mm grenades shot at a rate of 70 per minute? Yes, that will be my fortress defense.

As for personal defense, I'd have to go for either the before mentioned M4, or an HK MP5, except the .45 version. Fuck 9mm.

07-27-2007, 10:12 AM
Heres my personal plan for a fortress, me and a few buddies storm a home depot or lowers. Get some quick crete and seal up the entrances except for one or two, which is to be fenced off to allow random entry of a zombie and quick melee death for research purposes(Day of the dead style). Follow it up with roof access and chill up there with a decent rifle. Luckily the walmart is down the street, get the big lowes truck that carries shit, ram it thorugh, load it up with food and entertainment devices, and im set for lasting zombie apocolypse.

07-27-2007, 10:15 AM
LIke i said in the last zombie thread. Id fuckin jack Princess cruise lines rescue the playmates and convince them its our job to repopulate the world

07-27-2007, 10:20 AM

07-27-2007, 10:48 AM
Now i'll probably just hit up one of y'all and see if I can chill.

07-27-2007, 10:55 AM
Damn with the gas im droppin at work i bet i can clear a path. HAHA crop dustin the cubicles.

the bee guy
07-27-2007, 11:03 AM
Bart: Use your brain to think of something!
Homer: Yesss, your delicious brainnnn

Anyways, id have something that wasnt limited to the amount of ammo you have like a Machette and layers and layers of that chain mael shit they use for shark suits. And a speed boat. Only stop at docks that are wide open with no obstructions where zombies can pop out of. Load up on food and fuel. drive the boat out a little into the ocean, and watch the zombies kill everyone else. I doubt the living dead can think of hopping in another boat and chasing you... and even then it shouldnt be hard to get away/kill them.

(ill be adding more to this once i get it figured out)

Oh, and if its the 28 days/weeks later type zombies, I'll just sit there and cry.

07-27-2007, 11:13 AM
Carbon fiber space suit with leather protectant layering and a good a/c unit with a bunch of batteries.

A shitload of nosecandy and some assault rifles and swords and shit.

Spike strips. Lots of them. They can't go through my suit so i'll just set em out.

Then i'll have a bunch of boulders. Roll em around and shit.

Then zombies get caught with spikes through their feet and they'll get crushed.

Then I can shoot/chop up whatever's left.

Version 2 of VDP (vombie defense protocol)

Grab every vital thing in my house. Charger, batteries lighters, binculars, clothes, water, etc. and a biggg backpack. Grab all my leather gear.

Run over to my old workplace. Grab a bunch of medication/first aid/painkillers:fruit: , a couple cartons of cigarettes, the gin in the back room, and other random things. Go into the supermarket and get food, firelogs, etc.

Anything I can't fit in the backpack will most likely not be taken with.

Run by the hood and pick up some shit while i'm at it stop at the gun store.

Find one of my baller friends with money and a fast car/lifted truck/fast wagon and get a LOT of gas...pack up all our shit and make sure we have everything we need...maybe make sure our loved ones are safe.

Take all the back roads all the way to an undisclosed location where I will barricade everything and get on the top floor. It's a level surface where i'll be able to see for a mile. I will use the bulldozers there to build ditches as best as I can in the time frame, and then set some backup devices set up. I'll set up the generators and get all the batteries I can set up. I'll also set spike strips...cause zombiefeet would probably get caught up in em and ish.

I will wait it out and then post on zilvia.

07-27-2007, 11:40 AM
First thing I'd do in case of Zombie infestation.

For this I'd use my Duster.
It has many things going for it.
*It's fast.
*It's built like a tank.
*Everything on it is over simplified compared to modern cars.
*It runs on crappy low octane gas.
*EVERY car parts store carries every part imaginable for it in stock.
*It has 5x114.3 bolt pattern, so I could grab spares off almost anything if it came down to it.
*It has a pass through to the trunk that is only unlockable from inside the trunk.
*The trunk is also big enough to sleep in.
*Decent ground clearance.

I would just grab some extra fuel from the garage, and some food, heavy cloths (including all my leather jackets, leather gloves, and helmet), a golf club, a huge breaker bar, and try to make it as far north as possible.
Zombies are thwarted by cold temperatures according to the Zombie Survival handbook.

As for weapons, I'd only carry long swingable blunt objects, at least until I found a rifle or a compound bow. (I would prefer the bow, so that when I get to my destination, I can just reuse the arrows when hunting for food..)
This would cut down on the risk of infection due to blood spread by sharp objects.
Killing the zombie would not be a requirement for me, just incapacitating it long enough for me to escape.

I would try to make it to the Pacific northwest, away from Seattle.
*wooded areas have more animals and vegitation that is edible.
*I know how to hunt and prepare meat.
*more rain = easier to find drinkable water.
*more rain = softer ground= easier to see footprints= advanced Zombie warning.
*lots of trees means more materials for shelter/fuel for fire.
*Ground cover means you can hear approaching animals/zombies in advance.

The best shelter to make in this situation is a platform up in a tree, since zombies are not too adept at climbing.
This would also protect you from a lot of non-zombie predators.

When winter came, the zombies would be immobilized in this area, so the biggest problem you'd face would be freezing to death.
Using the car as shelter would be a good idea during this time, as it would offer enough protection against most animals, and mask your scent.
Once winter passed you'd have to worry about zombies thawing out or migrating north, so back to the tree house.

I'd do this as long as I could survive.

07-27-2007, 12:02 PM
Mmmm... If it wasnt for the fact I cant stand cold, that might be a plan. I watch survivorman, I would know what to do lmfao. Seriously though, to survive a zombie appocalypse, i think any kind of modern conveniences would be useless (as in the power would go out eventually). Go to canada way up north, and start building a log cabin. Learn to icefish. The following summer, stock up on fruits and meat. Maybe try to get some kind of grain. Wait a year or so, then head back to civilization. You'd think the zombies would be er... deader... after that much time. Hook up with some other survivors, and start a commune or something. Go back to "everyone works and everyone eats", like we've been doing for millions of years.

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
07-27-2007, 12:09 PM
Good points covered. Zombie outbreak = get out of populated areas immediately.

What ever you find as shelter whether it be an island or some sort of building, a defense mechanism is a must! If your shelter is compromised you'll have warning and it'll slow down the zombies to get you some critical extra time to get out.

Resourcefulness and improvisation is key! Nails, shotgun shells, propane tanks, a lighter and hairspray whatever you can rig up is key. Barricade and booby trap all your standard entrance points (doors, windows) and don't use them!

Do have an escape plan. And a ladder to the roof that you can retract should be your method in entry/exit.

07-27-2007, 12:13 PM
Hey Yuri. If it ever happens. Meet me at my wifes grandma's house. That's our plan B. She lives in Harshaw, WI ON THE LAKE, ON A PENINSULA! We only need to block off the driveway area and we're straight.

07-27-2007, 12:21 PM
Hey Yuri. If it ever happens. Meet me at my wifes grandma's house. That's our plan B. She lives in Harshaw, WI ON THE LAKE, ON A PENINSULA! We only need to block off the driveway area and we're straight.

My neighbors a Gulfstream pilot.
I'll tell him "you provide the ride, I'll give you the destination for the safe house."
Meet you at the nearest airstrip.

07-27-2007, 12:55 PM
My neighbors a Gulfstream pilot.
I'll tell him "you provide the ride, I'll give you the destination for the safe house."
Meet you at the nearest airstrip.

Land right on Hwy 51 near Hwy K. Look it up. Know it. Be ready.

07-27-2007, 01:15 PM
I need to get a titanium crowbar as a melee weapon

Light and strong so it's easy to carry.
Strong enough to kill zombies, but useful for breaking into things to save my life, and as a lever.

steve shadows
07-27-2007, 03:20 PM
Id just grab a samuri sword and slash till i got bit, then plug myself in the head with a .357, way more fun.

07-27-2007, 03:57 PM
Can a zombie remember something that he or she might have read in a thread about killing zombies, before they were a zombie? Cause there go all our master plans.:wtf: I mean, if I were a zombie, first thing I'd do is get a kevlar helmet and something to protect my neck.

What if the zombie was just really upset about all his kind being portrayed as viscious, flesh eating, un-dead monsters? Maybe they just want to talk. And here you guys go and all you want to do is kill them. THE NERVE!!1ONE

But really, there are some ideas here good enough to work, lol. Now, where do we get Zombies? Is everybody ready yet, or do we need more time?:hyper:

07-27-2007, 04:02 PM
I didn't expect this thread to get this far, but keep em' coming!


07-27-2007, 04:58 PM

Yup, zombies are pretty much fucked.

07-27-2007, 05:02 PM
Not if they bite the bears, then the bears will turn on us. Then we're fucked.

07-27-2007, 05:23 PM
Weapon of choice??


07-27-2007, 05:51 PM
i would go with a good ol' LuieVille Slugger.

aluminum tho.

head bashing time.

07-27-2007, 05:53 PM

Who would you guys have on your "squad?" Zilvia members only.

1)AkademikONE (because I want to stay alive)
2)ThatGuy (cause he's that guy!)
3)PHLIP (think of a dread-lock shakin' Rambo)
4)exitspeed (zombie knowledge)
5)JohnnyFraz (he doesn't need "guns," he'll just use his hands to kill them)
6)LB Motoring (for bait) hahahaha j/k Robby

07-27-2007, 06:00 PM
Who would you guys have on your "squad?" Zilvia members only.

The Viceroy crew, because they could blend in with the walking dead

07-27-2007, 06:03 PM
The Viceroy crew, because they could blend in with the walking deadYou mean to tell me the walking dead are a bunch of 100lb girls? In that case, all I need to fight them off is a lollipop.

07-27-2007, 06:36 PM

Damn, thats SEXY

What size ya suppose that is? I'd say its bigger than a 10GA.

07-27-2007, 07:26 PM

Dick Cheney with a shotgun. If you have him with you, your guaranteed to live. Besides, if he's bitten its no big deal. He is a machine afterall.

07-27-2007, 07:34 PM
^^ hahahahahhaha i love it

07-27-2007, 07:36 PM
I cant belive you Akademik, you didn't include me.. You're not invited in my train.

07-27-2007, 08:18 PM
For this I'd use my Duster.

I'd do this as long as I could survive.

I dunno why, but I can genuinely see your Duster as the hero's car in a post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland film.


Who would you guys have on your "squad?" Zilvia members only.

1)AkademikONE (because I want to stay alive)
2)ThatGuy (cause he's that guy!)
3)PHLIP (think of a dread-lock shakin' Rambo)
4)exitspeed (zombie knowledge)
5)JohnnyFraz (he doesn't need "guns," he'll just use his hands to kill them)
6)LB Motoring (for bait) hahahaha j/k Robby

Wow. I guess my zombie survivalist and weapons expertise isn't desired.

However it goes down, Barry and I would meet up somewhere and start teaching our girls how to defend themselves.

The Viceroy crew, because they could blend in with the walking dead


Pasty skin, sunken eyeballs from excessive internet use, emaciated torsos from being emo-thin, disheveled hair, stunted walk due to overly-tight jeans...

I dunno about you, but I'd have a hard time telling them apart at 500 yards.

07-27-2007, 09:07 PM
I cant belive you Akademik, you didn't include me.. You're not invited in my train.

yeah akademik, you didnt include me too and i was gonna give you good deals at my walmart

07-27-2007, 10:29 PM
yeah akademik, you didnt include me too and i was gonna give you good deals at my walmart

Man dont worry. On my cross country tour, "Zomb-ex 2008" Ill pick you up in one of my heavily armored APC's, give you a gun, and we can chill out at walmart until us survivors decide to load up and go to the coast and head to Hawaii on our "borrowed" 747 we pick up at the nearest airport. Dont worry I know pilots. Then, supposing Hawaii is Zombie free due to its island nature and it being far, far away, we can live our lives out in Tropical Paradise.

And If hawaii is zombified, there are plenty of islands used by the govt for training with full airports that are probably uninhabited, if not, very sparcly. Grab a globe, we'll find somewhere.

Oh yeah Ill pick you up too, mrmephistopheles.

07-27-2007, 11:39 PM
1)AkademikONE (because I want to stay alive)
2)ThatGuy (cause he's that guy!)
3)PHLIP (think of a dread-lock shakin' Rambo)
4)exitspeed (zombie knowledge)
5)JohnnyFraz (he doesn't need "guns," he'll just use his hands to kill them)
6)LB Motoring (for bait) hahahaha j/k Robby
7)mrmephistopheles (his zombie knowledge/weapons specialist/he might ban me :keke: )
8)Kn1ves (cause of his ZOMG!!11ONE-1337 train)

07-28-2007, 03:12 PM
1) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
2) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
3) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
4) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
5) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
6) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
7) Farzam (he's a fucking man's man)
8) Kn1ves (so I can ride the train instead of walking everywhere)

07-28-2007, 04:15 PM

07-28-2007, 04:34 PM
Machete: All the "fun" of a katana, but much more durable and more suitably for slicing bone/cartilage.

07-28-2007, 05:08 PM
best thread eVA!!!!! i already started practicing zombie resistence with the flash games...ahhhaha the resident evil 5 is sick!!!!!

07-28-2007, 07:17 PM
You guys are thinking short-term. What are you gonna do once you're situated at your shelters? Just sit there for the rest of your lives? That would suck. Get out there and take the world back!!!

We should build cities around racetracks. Fortify them and make sure NOTHING can get in, but have procedures in place in case of infiltration. Make the compound HUGE, with separate zones for separate purposes (agriculture, housing, schooling, etc.). Grow corn all day, and use it to make ethanol. This would be the fuel used for the track cars. Transportation within the city would rely on electric mass-transit and electric cars/bikes. At ALL times, the track cars MUST be running. Also, the electric plants should throw out as much pollution as possible. If multiple cities did this, we could speed up global warming, which would result in another ice age, freezing all the zombies. These cities should also be built inland so that the brutal coastal storms and hurricanes don't get to them.

I just bs'ed this whole thing, but whaddaya think? :naughty:

07-28-2007, 07:21 PM
1)AkademikONE (because I want to stay alive)
2)ThatGuy (cause he's that guy!)
3)PHLIP (think of a dread-lock shakin' Rambo)
4)exitspeed (zombie knowledge)
5)JohnnyFraz (he doesn't need "guns," he'll just use his hands to kill them)
6)LB Motoring (for bait) hahahaha j/k Robby
7)mrmephistopheles (his zombie knowledge/weapons specialist/he might ban me :keke: )
8)Kn1ves (cause of his ZOMG!!11ONE-1337 train)

Only because zombie women love me.

yah I said (http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e255/Steph545/Celebs/Women/BielZombie.jpg)it.


07-28-2007, 07:48 PM

message length

07-28-2007, 11:13 PM
Lmfaoo zilf for life

07-29-2007, 12:39 PM
build a mech.

07-29-2007, 01:13 PM

Watch this.



07-29-2007, 02:36 PM
^Motherfuckers got some tyt3 bungee cords.

07-29-2007, 03:29 PM

Make it look more badass, with sharp edges and shit, and maybe.

The only suit i'd need.

Or this one.


07-29-2007, 04:02 PM
Me and Robbie would just walk around with these and kill everyone.
Why everyone? I would be to scared that you will trick me and then kill me so I would kill you even tho you have not converted into a Zombie.

And our complete team will be
http://www.suaturma.com/secao/..%5Cimagens%5Ccinema%5Cjeanclaudevan%5Cjeanclaude van_foto01g.jpg
and my fucking hero

Together we would own the whole world.

07-29-2007, 04:31 PM
hahahahaha ^^^^ classic

07-29-2007, 06:34 PM
Me and Robbie would just walk around with these and kill everyone.
Together we would own the whole world.

Interesting sidenote: on the set of Terminator 2, Arnold was the only person on the set who could hand-carry the minigun by himself.
For the shots where he's swinging it around one-handed, it's actually on a steadicam rig attached to his torso.

07-29-2007, 06:59 PM
Ah the benifits of living on an army post. If you can get past the undead soldiers, (see plan below) then you can get to some serious firepower.

On second thought, you wouldnt be able to tell zombie soldiers and REAL army soldiers apart, based on their average intelligence... I'll have to figure that one out.

But here's my plan, if zombies attack. They cannot help but to brake into choreographed dancing whenever they hear 80's pop. That will distract them long enough to get out of any sticky undead situation.

And if anyone here is in the army, think about it. You've all met private trainees. They're not the brightest group of people lol. Im kidding im kidding god im going to get neg repped to death. Join the Air Force.

07-29-2007, 07:17 PM
Interesting sidenote: on the set of Terminator 2, Arnold was the only person on the set who could hand-carry the minigun by himself.
For the shots where he's swinging it around one-handed, it's actually on a steadicam rig attached to his torso.

Wonder how much that shit weights

07-29-2007, 07:28 PM
Dillion Aero M-134D Minigun Weighs around 60 lbs with no ammo or batteries.
At 3,000 7.62mm rounds per minute though, it will feel much heavier with a recoil force of 150 to 300 lbs.

07-29-2007, 10:17 PM
holy fuck

i wonder if anyone is the world could shoot 2 at the same time and actually hit something

07-29-2007, 10:23 PM
Chuck Norris could.

I could probably shoot one, because im a big burly mountain man, but not two. To be honest, there would be no point to carrying one around. Mount it on the back of a pickup, thats the way to do it. Go Land of the Dead with it.

07-29-2007, 10:24 PM
I have.


07-29-2007, 10:44 PM
Dillion Aero M-134D Minigun Weighs around 60 lbs with no ammo or batteries.
At 3,000 7.62mm rounds per minute though, it will feel much heavier with a recoil force of 150 to 300 lbs.

5 rounds per second is pretty nice.

thats like 2.5 zombies per second.

07-29-2007, 11:31 PM
How would you repopulate the world with that team after the outbreak?

Me and Robbie would just walk around with these and kill everyone.
Why everyone? I would be to scared that you will trick me and then kill me so I would kill you even tho you have not converted into a Zombie.

And our complete team will be
http://www.suaturma.com/secao/..%5Cimagens%5Ccinema%5Cjeanclaudevan%5Cjeanclaude van_foto01g.jpg
and my fucking hero

Together we would own the whole world.

07-29-2007, 11:33 PM
what do you think we have charlie's and my name in the bunch.


Butt sexgz, Butt babies. Duh.

07-29-2007, 11:42 PM
My team would be me (of course) +
Primary assault team
http://members.aol.com/meleniumshane90/images/goku%20ss1,%20goku%20ss2,%20vegita,gojetass2,%20ol der%20trunks,%20younge%20trunks%20ss1,%20goten%20&%20gotenks%20ss1.jpg
Personal protection
The granddaddy of all undead for X factor
L as the team's decision maker
Repopulation team

I don't think I can lose with this team

07-29-2007, 11:52 PM
All of those girls are ugly.


07-29-2007, 11:54 PM
All of those girls are ugly.


haha yea, I was thinking of upgrading, if the chance comes up.

07-30-2007, 12:00 AM

Ugliest Hooters girls ever.

07-30-2007, 12:10 AM
Are those hooter girls from North Carolina?

I'd pay em to leave.

07-30-2007, 12:27 AM
^^Whoa whoa whoa.

That was below the belt.

07-30-2007, 10:12 AM
I'm just gonna vegitate infront of my xbox 360 and play dead rising and take in some killin tips

07-30-2007, 10:51 AM
bwhahahahhahahaha feed those girls to the zombies

07-30-2007, 11:00 AM
Here's my Anti-zombie survival team.
You know it's totally badassed.

07-30-2007, 12:21 PM
LMFAO Fred Fredburger... I love it... Well, here would be My ultimate zombie survival team...
AND to repopulate the world.

I almost forgot the most important person...

07-30-2007, 12:53 PM






and then for me personally:


Yea, I'd preeeety much be set.

07-30-2007, 01:14 PM
You guys are thinking too small. Lets say that you have a city over run by Zombies. My first choice if I could have anything possible would be this:

Jehuty From "zone of Enders"

Wing Zero

Imagine how much fun it would be just squashing them link ants. LoL
Not to mention that you can always just take out your swords and still cut them up.

+1 for Jehuty...fuck wing zero, Deathsythe is the man.

07-30-2007, 04:10 PM
I'd just call up everyone from Boston Beatdown...


And that's just some weaksauce.

07-30-2007, 05:00 PM
Here's my Anti-zombie survival team.
You know it's totally badassed.

I don't think Mel & Mandy would get along so well... Maybe just when Mel's drunk...

Sidenote: didja know that Mandy Patinkin was Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride?

07-30-2007, 05:02 PM
"Ello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father, PREPARE TO DIE AGAIN ZOMBIE 6 FINGERED MAN!!"

07-30-2007, 05:05 PM
My name is Inigo Montoya.

I have the greatest acting resume ever.

Prepare to die.

Special thanks to the Gerbil for this one.

Oh. And if you didn't notice, the pic was of Mad Max not Mel Gibson. ;)

07-30-2007, 05:38 PM
My name is Inigo Montoya.
I have the greatest acting resume ever.

Oh. And if you didn't notice, the pic was of Mad Max not Mel Gibson. ;)

HAhah Huxley. I've seen him in that role so many times. Thanks a ton, Emma.

So by your reasoning you were wanting Rube and not Mandy, Mad Max and not Mel.

How exactly is Rube the reaper going to help against the undead?


I'm just a purist I guess.

By the way, for those of you who already own these films, here's a link to 35 horror/zombie films, already digitally encoded to save you the time.

It's 25GB all told, but only if you own ALL the movies.

07-31-2007, 04:15 PM
So by your reasoning you were wanting Rube and not Mandy, Mad Max and not Mel.

How exactly is Rube the reaper going to help against the undead?

:shrug: George does a really good job against Gravelings, and they're undead.
And what good would a team of actors do for me?
For that matter, what good would Fred Fredburger and Helmetburger be to my group?
Not much besides making the zombies heads explode trying to figure it out.

08-05-2007, 02:44 AM
How did I miss this thread? lol

I'm a HUGE Indiana Jones fan... so I'm gonna have to tag along with Yuri's team. haha

08-05-2007, 11:49 AM
Leon Kennedy and Jill Valentine ftw. a "rocket launcher" wouldn't hurt either...

08-05-2007, 11:52 AM
if its sean of the dead zombies its all good shit would be fun

now if its dawn of the dead run really fast scary as fuck zombies then im out

08-05-2007, 02:22 PM
How would you repopulate the world with that team after the outbreak?

To be quiet honest with you, I would throw T1000 into a lava pit, Blade well I would basically fuck his ass up and tie him up till he starved to death, the rest of the dudes I would put on a rocket ship and send them off to Mars to die.

I would stay on Earth alone with my gun, and loot all the abandoness. Kinda like that one guy from Katrina and the beer.

08-05-2007, 02:43 PM

Incredibly useful, durable, reusable, up close & personal.

08-08-2007, 12:09 AM
Incredibly useful, durable, reusable, up close & personal.

Unless you're planning to give that to the zombie to help him pick the pieces of your brain left in his teeth, then I don't think it's gonna be that effective. LOL

08-08-2007, 01:59 AM
Bush takes on Zombies!!!!!!!!!!!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-08-2007, 04:02 AM
now if its dawn of the dead run really fast scary as fuck zombies then im out

You should say 2004 Dawn of the Dead.
The original had slow dumb zombies.