View Full Version : Steering rack vibration

07-24-2007, 02:35 PM
Hey guys got a weird problem from my recently installed rack. I'm getting a weird shutter when I turn the wheels fast. I thought it might be air trapped inside so I bled it for a good while. It didn't shutter when the wheels were off the ground..only when the weight is on the tires. Also if I turn the wheels slowly it won't shutter.

I can't figure out if it's the rack that's bad, the fact that I'm using reg PS fluid, or maybe my pump is bad? And the reason I'm using PS fluid is because last year I replaced my rack w/ a refurbished one from Steeringrack.com. I installed it filled it up w/ Nissan ATF. One week later fluid poured from the rack. Elimated PS for the year.

This year I again ordered another rack but this time I asked them which fluid they recommend to use. They told me reg PS fluid..I confirmed no ATF. So I installed my new rack w/ PS fluid and so far no leaks. The only thing I'm worried about is will PS fluid affect anything else in the system? My pump sounds a lot louder then usual. And I'm getting a small leak by the
reservoir but that could just be the clamps from age. Any ideas?

07-24-2007, 02:50 PM
This may sound dumb...

Did you tighten the connection from the steering column -> rack properly?

07-24-2007, 03:07 PM
Yeah I tightened it..don't know if I did it to spec though.

07-24-2007, 03:16 PM
Are you sure your pump is still good? Because you say you "deleted PS" for a year; in the s13 world this usually means that you just ran around without PS fluid. This will destroy the pump in no time since you're running a pump with no fluid and no lubrication. IDK if it's the cause of your vibration problem but you might want to have your pump pressure checked and/or rebuilt by a local shop. I think it cost me $60 to have that service done locally [blew rack oil seal @ balcony & drove back to vegas with manual steering... smoked the pump]

Nissan suggests ATF - I don't know if they say that because of the rack/hoses/pump/temperatures/etc ... But if the rack you put in is a rebuild OEM rack, I'd go with ATF like Nissan says instead of PS fluid like the rack-seller says. Probably won't make one bit of difference though... GL!

Ps... If you decide to get your pump rebuilt... Bite the bullet and replace all your ps hoses at the same time :)

07-25-2007, 06:55 AM
I disconnected the belt to the pump and left some fluid in there but maybe not enough. Might be the pump.

As for ATF, I did that last year. It ate through the seals in the rack and leaked everywhere. Supposedly the seals they use in this rebuilt one are for PS fluid. Time will tell I guess..

07-25-2007, 07:13 AM
I know this sounds really simple, but we've had a few cars that have had similar problems that you're discribing, and we've discovereed that they were 100 percent bled out.

Will this seem overkill? Maybe but try this...it's worked for me when dealing with local guys who've deleted PS, removed ps, or other PS issues on s chassis cars....

-Jack car front up, put it on jackstands
-Fill resovoir to line
-Turn car on
-Turn the wheel smoothly (not slow, not fast, like a normal turn) from lock to lock like 50-100 times.
-Put car back on ground.

It will bleed itself out, and then work well :D When I mean 50 to 100, I mean it...not 15-20 and good. My car actually took 70 lock to lock turns to bleed all the way out (took off pump when doing engine, turnt wheel like a bobo in the garage, etc etc)

07-25-2007, 08:17 AM
Wow 100 times! I might have to give that a shot.