View Full Version : weird noise

07-18-2007, 01:46 PM
ill put the car in reverse and go to let out the clutch and give it gas, it starts making somewhat of a wining noise similar to not having p/s fluid and turning the wheel, the noise continues untill i let the clutch out all the way even if i put the car back in neutral. any idea? i know its a brief discription but only way i can explain it, does it sound familar to any problems you have had?

ill go ahead and state its a new clutch and throwout bearing just hit 1k miles on it. and it just started making the noise today, it doesnt make the noise changing gears or cruising in any gear.


07-18-2007, 11:52 PM
Does it make the noise in neutral when you release the clutch pedal? Because my car does that, and the only thing I can think it is that its the release bearing spinning on contact with the clutch. It doesnt make it idle funny or effect performance or anything, and my tranny is only 40xxx miles old, it just makes a buzzing, winding sound like you said.

07-23-2007, 08:32 AM
sounds like the same problem i had, it was just my rear driver side brake caliper locking up. but it only made that sounds while i was in reverse