07-11-2007, 07:03 PM
So I have decided that my car is in need of some desperate bodywork. I have a few bumps and dings and 1989 original maroon color. Which means she's totally dull and ugly. So I want my end result to be pretty simple. I plan on getting a kit and a new spray but can't do it all in one shot. My plan so far is to take my car to a bodyshop and have them fix all the dings and prime up the whole car. Then, when I get the cash I will get the kit that I have my eyes on. Finally, I will take the car to have the kit installed and sprayed. Now I know that some might sya it would be better to do this in one shot but like I said earlier funds are a little tight. I also would not mind running around with a fully primed car for a bit since at least it would look like progress in my eyes after the past 3 years of the same old color. Has anyone else done this in this order? Also, how much would you think it would run me to have my car sprayed in LP2 with a black top? (I have a s13)