View Full Version : Global Warming....Really?

07-10-2007, 07:57 PM

07-10-2007, 08:02 PM
Global shift in weather pattern...that should be what they preach to the world. Northern Hemisphere will get hotter and southern will get colder...

07-10-2007, 09:14 PM
The Poles are going to shift. The world is coming to an end!

07-10-2007, 09:25 PM
what about inverted vageen?

07-10-2007, 09:45 PM
omg, its been happening for millions of years. plus i don't believe i will be alive to witness it so meh

if they are talking about emissions in any way, most of us aren't helping the matter on hand

07-11-2007, 08:10 AM
Global Warming....Really?

No.. not really.

07-11-2007, 08:12 AM
while we should work on curbing our emissions a bit, there's no direct link to "global warming". it's sensationalist bullshit.

midnight zenki
07-11-2007, 10:20 AM
Global warming is the hot label for the issue and thus the most easily recognizable label that everyone latches on to. The real issue is climate change. The change in weather can be directly related to the excess green house gasses trapping heat and causing polar melting, the polar ice caps being melted at an alarming rate is irrefutable.

Having said that, the effects of "global warming" (heres that catch phrase again) can not only be heat as the label implies, but also extreme's of other varying degree's in many facets of our weather. As the temperatures of the ocean's change and the jet stream and concurrent oceanic streams shift adverse effects are sure to follow such as those outlined in the article about Chile or the extreme drought that much of Europe has been recently experiencing. Despite the name that we all call it,the root issue remains one based in proveble science.

07-11-2007, 05:18 PM
Its funny that global warming has become a religion.

Scientists in the 70s were going apeshit over "global cooling". It was even on the cover of Time magazine. They were so convinced that it was happening. Just like the morons today.

No one talks about how 07 has been the coldest winter on record for many american cities.

We should TRY to reduce emmissions to help the smog problem. Thats it.

steve shadows
07-11-2007, 05:21 PM
Its funny that global warming has become a religion.

Scientists in the 70s were going apeshit over "global cooling". It was even on the cover of Time magazine. They were so convinced that it was happening. Just like the morons today.

No one talks about how 07 has been the coldest winter on record for many american cities.

We should TRY to reduce emmissions to help the smog problem. Thats it.

also been one of the coolest summers ever haha

07-11-2007, 05:32 PM
No one talks about how 07 has been the coldest winter on record for many american cities.

Well, to be fair, global warming is a misnomer. I believe the haute trend is to use the term global climate change.

Not that it matters. Despite what many people are saying there are people in the scientific community that challenge the link between CO2 emissions and temperature.

In fact there's a great documentary floating around on the web that purports that CO2 levels rise in connection with temperature. That is to say, as it gets warmer more CO2 is released into the atmosphere, not the other way around.

I'll see if I can find the link.

But just give it another 5 years. Then Global Dimming will be all the rage.

By the way, whatever happened to the Ozone Hole and Acid Rain. I'm pretty sure a 20 years ago people were predicting humanity's demise because of these two phenomena. :rolleyes:

07-11-2007, 05:44 PM
it funny that some people think global warming is just simply get warm. without knowing all the unusual weather changing in the world.


07-11-2007, 05:56 PM
it funny that some people think global warming is just simply get warm. without knowing all the unusual weather changing in the world.


at least we can speak proper english. but that's alright, why don't you go buy a hybrid and watch The Day After Tomorrow on your in-dash dvd player.

07-11-2007, 05:59 PM
^^ lol thank you....global warming doesnt mean that the world is just getting warmer, people see snow and sound like retards by saying oh see no global warming cause its cold out. The truth is that there is evidence of the polar ice caps melting and in fact many parts of the arctic that were covered with ice for centuries are now exposed ground. This melting of the polar ice caps will cause a rise in sea levels and a change in ocean temperatures that believe it or not contol our entire global climate system. Yes global warming is real, is it going to be like the movies and kill us all next week with horrific weather? Probably not, but there has been a significant decrease in moderate weather all around the globe and an increase in extreme weather. Now there is no question as to weather or not earth has been shifting climates since the beginning...which it of course has, the question is do we really want to ignore the problem and witness the outcome. I dont believe we should go build an arch and get ready for the flood, but I think to ignore obvious evidence and not have our scientists do research where it is needed is dumb as well. We should study this to prepare for possible world climate change; changes in storm cycles that could destroy homes and climate change that could affect crops. After all humans believe we are much more significant than we are and if any thing the earth will just shake us off and just keep spinning, but the dismissive attitude of theres no such thing cause I can see my breath outside is ignorant

07-11-2007, 07:52 PM
^^ lol thank you....global warming doesnt mean that the world is just getting warmer, people see snow and sound like retards by saying oh see no global warming cause its cold out. The truth is that there is evidence of the polar ice caps melting and in fact many parts of the arctic that were covered with ice for centuries are now exposed ground. This melting of the polar ice caps will cause a rise in sea levels and a change in ocean temperatures that believe it or not contol our entire global climate system. Yes global warming is real, is it going to be like the movies and kill us all next week with horrific weather? Probably not, but there has been a significant decrease in moderate weather all around the globe and an increase in extreme weather. Now there is no question as to weather or not earth has been shifting climates since the beginning...which it of course has, the question is do we really want to ignore the problem and witness the outcome. I dont believe we should go build an arch and get ready for the flood, but I think to ignore obvious evidence and not have our scientists do research where it is needed is dumb as well. We should study this to prepare for possible world climate change; changes in storm cycles that could destroy homes and climate change that could affect crops. After all humans believe we are much more significant than we are and if any thing the earth will just shake us off and just keep spinning, but the dismissive attitude of theres no such thing cause I can see my breath outside is ignorant

I see a lot of opinions going around without any sound reasoning or basis.

Global warming, a BIG problem or not, depicts a dangerous, waste producing trend in the world today. LIVE FOR TODAY...

sure I will probably never see the lethal effects of global warming, but it will definately be uncomfortable by the time we're called old man river.

07-11-2007, 08:17 PM
EVERYONE must watch the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" it will scare the shit out of you...
during this film gore's not preaching about global warming hes simply stating facts.. and were all going to die..

"An Inconvenient Truth" RENT IT, DOWNLOAD IT ... torrent's whateverr... just watch it... best thing u will ever do.

07-11-2007, 08:20 PM
Its very easy to lie with statistics...

07-11-2007, 08:29 PM
haha.. yeah lie... lol sure.. "look that mountain of ice is melting" hows that for statistics.

watch and learn

07-11-2007, 08:33 PM
Ive seen the movie and have done a full semester's worth of presentations on it.

Im just saying be careful of what kind of information you let influence your opinion.

either way, Im sure al gore, and any other person trying to build a case for ANYTHING, has read a book called How To Lie With Statistics

check it out... torrent, download, whatever

07-11-2007, 08:44 PM
Ive seen the movie and have done a full semester's worth of presentations on it.

Im just saying be careful of what kind of information you let influence your opinion.

either way, Im sure al gore, and any other person trying to build a case for ANYTHING, has read a book called How To Lie With Statistics

check it out... torrent, download, whatever


just ordered a used copy for 6 bucks shipped, looks interesting enough.

07-11-2007, 08:58 PM
You watched a movie and now you're some kind of fucking climatologist?

Give me a fucking break.

Here, go watch this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=220010842208417568&q=Great+Global+Warming+Swindle&total=147&start=10&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4

Oh My God! It's a movie opposing the global warming theory. It's a movie, so it must be true!