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View Full Version : Finishing up ka replacement, few questions

07-08-2007, 11:44 AM
Im in the process of replacing a blown ka in my s14. I have the newer motor in but i have a few sensor plugs that I cant figure out where they attach to.

I have been using an fsm and my s13 as a guide, but im stuck. The motor is running, so i figure they are just emmisions related. This is the first engine swap ive ever attempted and im doing it by myself, so any help would be appreciated.


same plug but without my hand in the way.

Thanks again for any help,

07-08-2007, 02:33 PM
check to see if you have any plugs on the engine that don't have anything hooked up yet but i'm sure u already knew that. The picture of the first one... what is it conneted to? the harness? tps? ect ect it looks like it maybe isn't gonna plug to anything but i could be wrong

The second picture i looks like a plug for the alternator but i can't really tell cause u can see the wiring color behind it nor could u see the gauage of the wire behind the plug.

Third pic i have no clue on.

How's the car running? good? ok? and does it have a check engine light on?

07-08-2007, 02:47 PM
1st pic is TPS, there's two plugs on it depending on the model (manual/auto).

2nd pic is the alternator charging plug.

07-08-2007, 03:08 PM
geez, now i feel dumb. I swear i checked the alt for a plug at least a dozen times. I just went outside and checked again, sure enough.... there it is. I have an auto (for now), does that mean the 2nd tps wont be used?

The car runs pretty well actually. Im not sure how long the motor sat, so ive only been running it for about a minute at a time so i can check for leaks/ top off fluids. also, i dont have a C.E.L. lit either.

Thanks again guys,