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View Full Version : safc 2 setting for J30's n60 afms..........

07-02-2007, 02:02 AM
I got a 90 s13 with Sr20det, is there any change of setting to SAFC2 afer i swap to Infiniti J30's afms?
i had searched every post, and no one have the answer.

07-02-2007, 02:38 AM
That's cuz there is no set settings. Every car is different. You have to have it tuned. Take it to a shop that has a dyno. That's the right way to do it.

07-02-2007, 07:30 AM
I got a 90 s13 with Sr20det, is there any change of setting to SAFC2 afer i swap to Infiniti J30's afms?
i had searched every post, and no one have the answer.

J30 uses an N62 MAF, not an N60.

07-02-2007, 07:25 PM
well, i guess i have to sacrify 300 bucks for dyno turning, then.

thanx anyway

07-03-2007, 01:47 AM
-25 across.

You'll love it.


07-03-2007, 08:53 AM
That's cuz there is no set settings. Every car is different. You have to have it tuned. Take it to a shop that has a dyno. That's the right way to do it.

there IS a setting whoever told you that is a fuckin moron and you should NOT let them tune your car. i see people put a z32 maf on an rb25, and apexi's web site even lists what they're supposed to be, z32 is a hot wire 2 signal, rb25 is a hot wire 4 signal, therefore you'd set it to 2 in(maf = 2) 4 out (ecu = 4). so if you have 550's, bigger turbo, and you're wanting to drive your car to dyno it, don't put it on 4 in 5 out just because it idles/runs better at the time, and have that guy tune your car on 4 in 5 out, put that shit on 2 in 4 out, run rich the way there, don't boost it, and let the tuner tune your car on the setting's it's supposed to be.

i wanna say you should be 2 in 6 out on an s13 sr20, BUT, i was just looking on apexi's website and they took it off the sensor types for the safc2's, but if you look under safc2 neo they have em, BUT, it looks different to me, it could just be me but whatever. should be 2 in 6 out 1-1, double check with your manual

but beating on an untuned car is stupid too. even if your car does run fine cause all you've done is swapped maf's, waiting for the money to upgrade injectors/turbo, still get it tuned and it'll run much better. why mod your car if you're not gonna tune the car for the mods? good luck man

07-03-2007, 09:24 AM
Miss read his request. Thought he ment the maping. Not component selection. I'm used to seeing people ask for tunning specs on boosted maxima forum.

07-03-2007, 10:03 AM
ahhh, np np =]