View Full Version : Another stolen, then recovered 240SX in GA

06-30-2007, 08:56 AM
A friend of mine who lives up in Gwinnett County had his 98 SE 5speed stolen last week from his office parking lot while at work, near Pleasant Hill Road. It was found yesterday a mile away in an apartment complex, wheels, suspension, stereo, and a few random pieces missing. Not an hour after it was picked up and taken to a towing yard another car, a 92 hatch, was stolen from the same parking lot his was.
There is obviously a group locally doing this since there's been at least six others stolen close by that I know of so anyone in the Gwinnett area be on the lookout. They're getting pretty bold to hit the same lots again and it's obvious they have 240s themselves with the parts they're taking.
Also be on the lookout for a set of Z33 Performance model wheels, KYB AGXs with ST springs, Tein upper mounts, Q45 front brakes (painted red), and a shitload of MBQuart, JL, and Xtant audio equipment to hit the used market.

06-30-2007, 10:30 AM
im gonna hurt them all

06-30-2007, 10:50 AM
I'll be on the lookout since I'm a classifieds whore lol. Sorry to hear about the loss. I can't imagine what I'd do if my car was stolen and all my parts were taken off. I hope you guys find out who did it.

06-30-2007, 02:34 PM
same as a rear pair of megan coilovers
and a pair of front Footwerks coilovers.

megans are silver on the rear..
footwerks are blue, neon blue in the front.

as well as the kouki version s14 seats.. checkered darker seats!

$200 reward moniess to whoever finds these parts and a nice big hug. lol.

yes.. the theives are VERY bold to steal so many 240sx in so short time..
Just letting you know though, my car was spotted near the exist 106 area on i85 in a hispanic residential area with a hispanic driver in the car.

unfortunately, i couldnt get to the car in time and i lost track of the car.

my car was also found near the tucker area in a warehouse. sitting on blocks with my suspension off.

06-30-2007, 02:40 PM
you should set up a sting. Or do what Jodie Foster is doing in the soon to release movie "The Brave One (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0476964/)". Basicly she and her husband get mugged. Her husband get killed by the muggers. Then she goes on trains alone to get mugged just so she can shoot muggers.

06-30-2007, 05:20 PM
Yikes i live near there too.

06-30-2007, 09:14 PM
If they keep looking for the parts they will turn up. Its kinda funny but the 240 community is pretty tight in a paranoid kinda way. The shitty part is there aren't to many ballers with 240's, most of us work hard for our parts and save and then some bitch comes a long and steals it. I hope they get everything that's coming to them.

07-01-2007, 12:23 AM
Russ, DD sent me an IM last night that he got his car back, I will watch the marketplace for people selling shit similar to what was removed from his car.

07-01-2007, 01:03 AM
My car was found near "Best friend Park" Off jimmy carter and Buford HWY in gwinett.

Its deff still the same group of people stealing these cars. Fuckin cops are morons. They dont even care, or understand that there is a theft ring.

Also, im sure they wont turn up. But If anyone see's my gold volk GT-C's. lemme know :(

Russ, was this the white Kouki that was at your place by chance? If so. deff sorry to hear

07-01-2007, 06:11 AM
My car was found near "Best friend Park" Off jimmy carter and Buford HWY in gwinett.

Its deff still the same group of people stealing these cars. Fuckin cops are morons. They dont even care, or understand that there is a theft ring.

Also, im sure they wont turn up. But If anyone see's my gold volk GT-C's. lemme know :(

Russ, was this the white Kouki that was at your place by chance? If so. deff sorry to hear

Black kouki, another guy I've known for a long time. The guy with the white one though is panicked as hell now though and wants to buy another car to keep from having his stolen.

07-01-2007, 08:15 AM
Thats crazy, so many stolen cars in one area. I hope they get a ass kicking in the enar future.

My friends shop got broken into and a bunch of turbo parts were stolen, then theres someone selling all the exact parts locally a few days later. I hope the theives are as stupid as these. Good luck man.

07-01-2007, 09:04 AM
i can relate, in fact, too well. nuthin' like wakin' up and findin' your car missin'. days later, you find it gutted and rollin' on steelies a few miles away. makes you wanna break the guy(s) face...

07-01-2007, 09:58 AM
Someone should take a 240 to that same lot and just have the cops look out and wait for someone to come. I am sure they are stupid enough to do that.

07-01-2007, 10:22 AM
Only problem is cops don't care to spend the time waiting. An individual could do it and track them, and then report it, but who wants to sit in a hot car all day hoping another car will get taken?

07-01-2007, 11:49 AM
Wow, this is horrible. People stealing 240s makes me upset.

07-01-2007, 02:34 PM
this is when im glad i live in a small town, and out in the country...anyone tries to steal my things will have to be sneaky...my dogs are my alarm...and a shot-gun and british 303 are my weapons...lol..(although im not kidding)

But that sucks...ill keep an eye out

07-01-2007, 11:39 PM
Damn, I moved away from ATL at the right time. This is some brazen shit. Hopefully, they'll make a big enough mistake that lazyass GA cops catch them.

07-02-2007, 12:00 AM
I'm on the lookout if they come north.

I'm about to post a link of this thread on bigboosting.com

07-02-2007, 03:51 AM
This makes me sick that someone can keep doing this and keep getting away with it

07-02-2007, 05:37 AM
i have a friend who had his type R stolen recently too.... for the second time. if its related, hes got lojack, maybe it will help catch the theives. kinda glad my cars just a shell in a locked lot.

07-02-2007, 07:26 AM
LoJack only works if:

a) You report it stolen before they're out of range or have already found the unit and removed it.

b) The cops give enough of a flying fuck to track it after you report it.

So if it's stolen at night or while you're at work all day then you've just wasted more money on a useless device.

07-02-2007, 07:28 AM
fucking thieves, I'm taking a baseball bat to anyone I catch touching my car.

07-02-2007, 07:32 AM
fucking thieves, I'm taking a baseball bat to anyone I catch touching my car.

Baseball bat ain't shit.

Pack heat.

07-02-2007, 09:59 AM
OMG.... I live around pleasant hill rd too. Hope I won't be an target

07-02-2007, 10:18 AM
Out of pure curiosity, did any of these 240s have alarm systems?

I'm in Florida for the summer, and am getting a little ansty about owning one of these things down here.

Baseball bat ain't shit.

Pack heat.

Some guy in Florida who had a Maxima was walking out of a restraunt and saw someone going after his locks with a slim-jim. He dropped knee and shot the guy in the leg with a glock, went to court, and won for self defence. LoL.

07-02-2007, 01:38 PM
scary! :ugh:

07-02-2007, 01:51 PM
It should be a legal right to arm your vehicle. It would be interesting for a car thief to get a few squirts of LSD.

07-02-2007, 01:54 PM
hope the guys steeling catch an std from a hooker then get colon cancer than get caught steeling by some crazy fool and beat them with a bat then as he drives off loses a wheel on the freeway and ends up down a ditch where he suffers till some one pulls them out and as the medics haul him away they accidentally forget to close the doors all the way and he falls out ...... then someone with a 240 pulls over, stops, gets out the car points, laughs, and gets back in and drives away...

crooked fools dont know the impact it does to us enthusiest who are majority on a budget.. who can't wait untill paid to get that next thing for their cars.... that feeling sucks when look for your car and you dont see it.. and know exactly what happend.. sorry ATL GUYS they'll slip and hopefully soon!

07-02-2007, 02:27 PM
hope the guys steeling catch an std from a hooker then get colon cancer than get caught steeling by some crazy fool and beat them with a bat then as he drives off loses a wheel on the freeway and ends up down a ditch where he suffers till some one pulls them out and as the medics haul him away they accidentally forget to close the doors all the way and he falls out ...... then someone with a 240 pulls over, stops, gets out the car points, laughs, and gets back in and drives away...

crooked fools dont know the impact it does to us enthusiest who are majority on a budget.. who can't wait untill paid to get that next thing for their cars.... that feeling sucks when look for your car and you dont see it.. and know exactly what happend.. sorry ATL GUYS they'll slip and hopefully soon!


07-02-2007, 02:28 PM
It should be a legal right to arm your vehicle. It would be interesting for a car thief to get a few squirts of LSD.

hahaha... make a sprayer device that shoots 20 hits of liquid acid into their mouth, and then drop a bunch of strobe lights. ultimate anti-theft device ftw. :bigok:

07-02-2007, 02:33 PM
hope the guys steeling catch an std from a hooker then get colon cancer than get caught steeling by some crazy fool and beat them with a bat then as he drives off loses a wheel on the freeway and ends up down a ditch where he suffers till some one pulls them out and as the medics haul him away they accidentally forget to close the doors all the way and he falls out ...... then someone with a 240 pulls over, stops, gets out the car points, laughs, and gets back in and drives away...

crooked fools dont know the impact it does to us enthusiest who are majority on a budget.. who can't wait untill paid to get that next thing for their cars.... that feeling sucks when look for your car and you dont see it.. and know exactly what happend.. sorry ATL GUYS they'll slip and hopefully soon!

So the guy that beats up the thief gets all that done to him? While the thief just gets beat up,a STD,and colon cancer?

07-02-2007, 03:06 PM
sorry to hear about the car.My car been stolen 3 times already in past 6 years.I know the feel.Good thing is that after the second time it got stolen i installed cameras, they caught 2 guys.Good thing all out of it is they are paying me restitution for the damage the first guy did.

07-02-2007, 03:08 PM
So the guy that beats up the thief gets all that done to him? While the thief just gets beat up,a STD,and colon cancer?
haha.. run on.... all the bad stuff for the theives

07-02-2007, 05:21 PM
If you guys want I'll take a weekend off this summer, leave my car in the parking lot you are talking about with the windows open and all.. and wait for the scum bags. Seriously though. Ill have an aluminum baseball bat waiting.


All I ask for in return if this helps catch these fucks is a room to stay in over night or two, some food, and the first to cut them up.