View Full Version : SR Lower harness problem?

06-29-2007, 08:44 AM
I searched with no luck but if there is a thread I missed just point me in the right direction. When I turn my key to the first position all gauges come on bright and everything is fine. Second click sucks. My fuel pump tries to come on (walbro) and everything goes dim and the gauge cluster temp gauge jumps untill the pump stops trying then gauges come back on. If I turn everything on my headlights are dim and stuff is slow (won't start because no fuel). Sounds like a dead battery or alternator right? Both are good. Here is what I don't get. If I'm in neutral after the fuel pump stops grunting the gauges and everything will be normal. Click it into first and the gauges flicker....same for all the gears. If I click it into reverse the gauges go out just like the fuel pump cuts them out untill I pop it back into neutral. :loco: What is going on with my car? I live at an apartment complex that doesn't like people working on their cars so I would like to know exactly what to look for when I'm under the car. Thanks.

06-29-2007, 09:31 AM
The reverse switch is powered by the same circuit as the gauges, unplug it and see what happens. Though it doesn't sound likely, the switch could be shorting to ground and backfeeding through the ignition.

06-29-2007, 10:07 PM
what should I be looking to unplug and where is it located? I have my gauges spliced into my CD player power and ground. When they turn off (in reverse) the stock temp gauge jumps up....the temp gauge jumps when any load is applied...ex. fuel pump turning on, hazard lights, head lights on. Honestly I don't know what to look for or where. This is my second alternator on my swap (first one died exactly one week after I started it)....could this problem be the reason my alternator went out? Maybe causing the need for more voltage with a loose ground?

06-30-2007, 08:41 AM
Unplug the reverse switch, I thought that was pretty clear.

Why are the gauges connected to the radio circuit? Sounds like you've got way more shit wrong than you even know about.

06-30-2007, 05:19 PM
just checked in better light and everything is really dim not just gauges. I'm going to check all main grounds for the 20th time and jump around till I find the right one. As for the couple of gauges...the cd deck power supply was the closest to them : ) . It it harmful to have them there?