View Full Version : Arizona- Man sentenced to 6,242 years in prison

06-26-2007, 10:56 AM
Former U.S. Customs Border Patrol Officer is sentenced to 6,242 years in prison... 317 charges of child molestation (his own daugher!!!) 174 consequetive 35 years to life terms.


this man doesnt deserve jail time.. he needs the chair.....

steve shadows
06-26-2007, 11:00 AM
huh? link to news story where the hell did this come from?

btw what pisses me off more than this is the story about those two border patrol agenst who are in jail for shooting a drug smuggler.


fucking retarded.

how do we expect them to protect us if they get thrown in jail for protecting themselves. :smash:

06-26-2007, 11:03 AM
wow wtf. that is a lot of years. yea, should just go straight to the chair

06-26-2007, 11:11 AM
huh? link to news story where the hell did this come from?

btw what pisses me off more than this is the story about those two border patrol agenst who are in jail for shooting a drug smuggler.


fucking retarded.

how do we expect them to protect us if they get thrown in jail for protecting themselves. :smash:

my bad... added it in now.

06-26-2007, 11:52 AM
how about.....life in prison? bit more realistic

06-26-2007, 11:58 AM
im kinda torn on the whole "chair" thing cuz i think its moraly wrong, but then i hate the idea of my tax dollars going to keep this fuck alive in jail for years to come. its not like i have a choice where my taxes are spent. my street needed fixxing since i moved their 15rs ago. i guess the need a shiney new bomb to drop in iraq

06-26-2007, 12:01 PM
put those bastard in jail just wasting our tax money. they got the best health benefit

06-26-2007, 12:15 PM
For the child molester, I think he should be in Jail. Mostly because a lot of people in jail have kids and will genuinely want to beat the shit out of him over and over again. Also, I did a project about the death penalty in high school, and it costs more to euthanize someone than to keep them alive for the rest of their life. This guy, probably won't last anyway with all the new friends he'll make.

The two border Patrol agents that got 11 and 12 years!!! Thats complete BS!!
Not only did the U.S. give full immunity to the drug smuggler, they paid his medical bills, and let him go. And the families of the agents are gettin threats!!

Where are we going?

06-26-2007, 12:39 PM
That's a long time.

I remember hearing about a man sentenced to over 10,000 years once (somewhere in europe I think). He got consecutive life sentences of 75+ years for something like 42 murders, and a bunch of other charges like manslaughter, assault, etc... don't know if it was true. But just think, if BOTH of these guys went to jail in the year 1 AD... they wouldn't be half done there sentences. :eek:

06-26-2007, 12:51 PM
6000+ years just sounds worse than life in prison!

06-26-2007, 01:03 PM
6242 years, that's one of the dumbest most bureaucratic sentences ever. What are they going to do when he dies, keep his corpse in prison until the sentence is up? I know they won't, so why not just call it a life sentence.

06-26-2007, 01:15 PM
6242 years, that's one of the dumbest most bureaucratic sentences ever. What are they going to do when he dies, keep his corpse in prison until the sentence is up? I know they won't, so why not just call it a life sentence.

The sentence is meant to show justice to each individual victim/charge. What makes a judge decide between consecutive sentences and sentences served at the same time, I don't know. It's kind of a way of saying "If this guy lived to be 5,000 years old, we would STILL have him in jail... that was the nature and amount of his crimes. He's scum."

06-26-2007, 02:19 PM
^That's 100% correct.

If someone raped and murdered your mother and did the same to 35 other people you would probably want your own life sentence justice for your mother's death, in addition to the rest of them. If he just got "life" you might not feel quite as satisfied.

06-26-2007, 02:23 PM
True, but the criminal can care less if he gets life or a several thousand years, to him it will be the same thing, maybe they should just give him a harsher punishment.

06-26-2007, 02:26 PM
I say let him live so that he can be someone's little bitch in jail and get his ass raped all day everyday. He doesn't deserve a quick death. None of those fuckers do.

C. Senor
06-26-2007, 04:04 PM
^that's exactly what i was going to say. he's going to be someone else's daddy's little girl.

06-26-2007, 07:06 PM
granite its just hearsay, but ive heard that being a child molester is about the worst thing you can be going into prison. i believe this dude will deffinately get the shit kicked out of him or possibly be killed by someone that is already in for life.

06-26-2007, 07:13 PM
granite its just hearsay, but ive heard that being a child molester is about the worst thing you can be going into prison. i believe this dude will deffinately get the shit kicked out of him or possibly be killed by someone that is already in for life.

ya totally, prisoners hate child molesters the most. im sure he himself will wish he got excecuted after his first few days in prison

06-27-2007, 01:33 AM
HAHAHA. He's going to get it in the butt.


06-27-2007, 11:05 AM
It would be awesome if car thieves got these kind of sentences.

06-27-2007, 12:46 PM
I say let him live so that he can be someone's little bitch in jail and get his ass raped all day everyday. He doesn't deserve a quick death. None of those fuckers do.

^that's exactly what i was going to say. he's going to be someone else's daddy's little girl.

HAHAHA. He's going to get it in the butt.



never heard of something like this before...and about the drug-smugler, didn't hear about that one either...but let me get this straight...Our boarder patrol officers are supposed to protect this country (even from drugs) and they shoot a man, but dont kill him..and they're the ones going to prison? WTH? I mean, its one thing to shoot someone for no reason, but someone who was about to break the laws in the U.S.

BTW-I dont know the story, but i gathered my opinions from what i have read in this topic...and remember people...opinions are just opinions...you dont have to agree with them....

06-27-2007, 02:37 PM

never heard of something like this before...and about the drug-smugler, didn't hear about that one either...but let me get this straight...Our boarder patrol officers are supposed to protect this country (even from drugs) and they shoot a man, but dont kill him..and they're the ones going to prison? WTH? I mean, its one thing to shoot someone for no reason, but someone who was about to break the laws in the U.S.

BTW-I dont know the story, but i gathered my opinions from what i have read in this topic...and remember people...opinions are just opinions...you dont have to agree with them....

The drug Smuggler already had 800 lbs of weed in his van.

steve shadows
06-27-2007, 04:53 PM
The drug Smuggler already had 800 lbs of weed in his van.

google around its a very big story the govt and US Justice Department is trying to shove under the carpet, a lot of people are relating it to the immigration debate.