View Full Version : CHP Gets $4 Million for crackdowns

06-22-2007, 11:58 PM
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Every weekend, hundreds of California kids rev up their engines full throttle to race in the streets. People have been killed during the races, and the illegally altered engines spew out about 25 times the normal emissions.

"It can accelerate much faster, but it can't stop or steer any better than it ever could," Dick Sullivan of the Bureau of Automotive Repair said. "Making it virtually a lethal weapon."

But the California Highway Patrol is cracking down on illegal street races. The CHP is getting a large share of a $4million grant to train officers and crack down on illegal street racing.

In a ride-along with the CHP on Friday, Officer Kerry Comphel spotted a parked vehicle with telltale racing stickers, a supercharged tail pipe and a missing cover on the adjustable timing gear.

"The cover's broken," Comphel said. "You know it's illegal to have the cover broken; It's illegal. You know why? Because you can adjust the timing now. "

But since the car was parked, there was no moving violation, and therefore no citation could be issued.

About five months ago, a popular school teacher was killed in Folsom by street racers. She was one of 100 people who die every year in California from illegal street racing.

"We know if our kids have an inherent need for speed," Chris Murphy of the Office of Traffic Safety said. "And if they have received speeding tickets, we as parents need to restrict their driving."

The new CHP training program will help officers spot tricked-out vehicles that have been altered for speed, performance and power.

In California, there's been a dramatic jump in the number of citations given for illegal vehicle alterations, from hundreds of cases just a few years ago to more than 7,000 last year.

Found this on NBC 11 news

06-23-2007, 12:06 AM
who cares


Jonnie Fraz
06-23-2007, 12:17 AM
Ok first off I do not condone street racing, But lets put things into perspective. Street racing kills approx 100 people per year, per the article. Drunk driving kills approx 43,000 per year. As someone else here has stated falling coconuts kill approx 150 people a year.
If they want to make a difference start crushing the cars of people who were convicted of drunk driving.
Just my two cents

06-23-2007, 12:54 AM
I want a supercharged tail pipe.

06-23-2007, 01:01 AM
I heard A Spec is selling them supercharged tailpipes. Only $9999. Get em while theyre hot and Logan will throw in some telltale racing stickers!!!

C. Senor
06-23-2007, 01:04 AM
wow i should take off the sticker that says "i'm a street racer" and the other one that says "the speed limit is when my car tops out"...lol california sucks

06-23-2007, 01:15 AM
My girlfriend is from San Jose and she's there right now for a month. She texted me an hour ago saying that she was with her friends (all her friends drive modded cars), and that they all got pulled over tonight for their cars and the officers had guns aimed at them yelling, I don't know if her friends were doing anything illegal, but I felt sorry for her, it seems that this profiling in Cali is getting too real.

06-23-2007, 01:24 AM
Street racing is gay, and I don't condone it, but that was the most retarded, poorly written article I have seen in a long time. If they really want to fight street racing (which, for the record, isn't currently anywhere near as big a problem as it was three years ago), they should at least use reporters that have some sort of intelligence.

Supercharged tailpipe... Broken timing cover that allows timing adjustment (which isn't illegal) on a car that doesn't have adjustable cam gears... What a load of shit.

06-23-2007, 01:35 AM
supercharged tailpipe... wow

at least that got your attention...

06-23-2007, 01:51 AM
i don't get this .........

"In a ride-along with the CHP on Friday, Officer Kerry Comphel spotted a parked vehicle with telltale racing stickers, a supercharged tail pipe and a missing cover on the adjustable timing gear.

"The cover's broken," Comphel said. "You know it's illegal to have the cover broken; It's illegal. You know why? Because you can adjust the timing now. "

But since the car was parked, there was no moving violation, and therefore no citation could be issued. "

he went up to a parked car and open the hood? yea reporters exaggerate and become sarcastic just to exploit a small problem to a big problem.

06-23-2007, 01:53 AM
will i get pulled over cuz there is a speedlounge sticker on a mpv hehe :rawk:

06-23-2007, 02:00 AM
want some french cries with your waaahmburger?

06-23-2007, 02:26 AM
can i get some freedom fries lol

06-23-2007, 02:43 AM
good to see my tax dollars at good work......

now we have to all resort to modded camrys or taurus.... hey what about a minivan?

06-23-2007, 02:46 AM
MPV- my nephew's [m]ini [p]imp [v]an

06-23-2007, 03:24 AM
eh whatever. nothing is illegal in my car anymore. as long as you drive like a normal person and don't drive in areas where modified cars tend to be, you shouldn't be worried.

06-23-2007, 03:50 AM
I love Cali, but for this reason I am glad I live in Texas, no harrassment here for modified cars. I dont even get harrassed for not having a front license plate. Makes me feel like the police are actually dedicating their time to more important issues. Cracking down on street racing is one thing, but randomly pulling over modified cars because they think they street race is atrocious.

Jonnie Fraz
06-23-2007, 10:12 AM
Here you go "street racing" is the problem...This guy killed three people in one swoop, oh and he works in the Goveners office. Maybe they should crackdown on drunk driving.http://www.kcra.com/news/13351419/detail.html

06-23-2007, 10:24 AM
I was put in hospital for two days by a drunk driver who smashed into the back of the taxi whilst I was exiting at my final destination ... ironic that I was doing the responsible thing by taking a cab home after drinking and ended up being victim to a drunken motorist.
It's almost insulting that they are willing to spend $4million to crack down on street racing when drinking and driving is far more a serious issue. What a joke.

06-23-2007, 11:19 AM
there were 1,719 alcohol-related automotive fatalities in california in 2005. i'd say they have bigger things to worry about than 50 idiots dying from zipping around in ricemobiles. but, i guess california just likes passing insane legislation.

06-23-2007, 11:49 AM
Dude seriously this nation needs to spend the movie on better things. Like border control, national security, educating our kids, and the overall welfare of this nation. Not spending money to teach a bunch of cops how to tell the difference between a ram intake and a cold air intake. Who fucking cares. Sometimes the politicians in the country has their heads way up their ass.

Jonnie Fraz
06-23-2007, 12:45 PM
Hey guys I found a pic of that "supercharged tailpipe" and some of those racing stickers.
I am shure that these are the guys they are looking for.(note: sarcastic tone!)

06-23-2007, 01:14 PM
w/e I say let them kill themselves street racing

its called natural selection folks, its the bottom of the barrel

06-23-2007, 01:18 PM
The problem is not with them killing themselves. The problem is in them killing other people. That is the basis for the crackdowns. Well, that, and money.

06-23-2007, 01:27 PM
Hey guys I found a pic of that "supercharged tailpipe" and some of those racing stickers.
I am shure that these are the guys they are looking for.(note: sarcastic tone!)

that car came from the factory like that. it's legal.

06-23-2007, 02:02 PM
good to see my tax dollars at good work......

now we have to all resort to modded camrys or taurus.... hey what about a minivan?

Hey now... What's wrong with modified Camrys?? :D

(I drive one. Its fast, loud, extremely illegal, and Ive never been harassed by a cop once with it.)

06-23-2007, 02:08 PM
"It can accelerate much faster, but it can't stop or steer any better than it ever could," Dick Sullivan of the Bureau of Automotive Repair said. "Making it virtually a lethal weapon."
Haha at that statement, what a dick...Sullivan.

06-23-2007, 04:42 PM
"It's illegal. You know why? Because you can adjust the timing now."

this has gotta be one of the dumbest things ive read in a while. wait till they figure out that turning the distributor will change the timing. then only dis ignitons will be legal......

they put the spotlight on this type of shit so the important shit can occur, like people driving drunk and killing each other. it gets rid of the people that the cops/gov dont like, ones that dont pay taxes/contribute to society.. the u.s. governments way of doing things is just soo fucking as backwards its not funny.

06-23-2007, 05:10 PM
Its hard to crack down on somthing most people in office that pass the bills regularly do on a weekly basis (Drunk Driving).

06-23-2007, 05:44 PM
This kind of shit pisses me off so much. Our legislation is so misguided...

They wave the banner of public safety in an attempt to make people forget that it's always about the money.

I guess this makes two + points to living out here. 93 octane and less than brutal regulations.

06-23-2007, 05:53 PM
wow all this complaining, why dont u guys put some of that rage into more then just your opinion on a forum.

06-23-2007, 05:53 PM
damn it sucks they aren't even cracking down on racing. they're cracking down on just seeing a car they think is modified. They're basically ratcheting up their intakes of $10 fix it tickets that quickly add up if you miss the due date. They will get their $4 million back pretty quick.

Fuck and they give us NO legal place to drift in the bay area. They took them all away. AND they get all our Social Security taxes, too! FUCK! We get penalized just for being born after 1970.

06-23-2007, 05:54 PM
How about they spend that money stopping drunk drivers?

Nah..that'd be way to helpfull to our society...

Side note/rant- the other week i was driving home at 9 pm with somewhat heavy traffic. Driver in front was obviously impaired, swirving in and out of lane, rapid changes, etc. I called 911 to report it. Long story short, i couldn't get through for 4 or 5 minutes, and just hung up. I can't even imagine how frustrating that would be had there been a more urgent emergency.

06-23-2007, 06:22 PM
The problem is not with them killing themselves. The problem is in them killing other people. That is the basis for the crackdowns. Well, that, and money.

No, the basis is that its the single most easiest thing to look for on the streets. Planning drug stings, undercover work, researching, ect takes alot of time. They are pushing this issue because its such an easy operation.

Mind you I have seen 1st offense DUIs sit in jail approximately one month and they wait till the 3rd DUI to revoke a license. Thats alot of opportunity to "kill other people" behind a motor vehicle.

Most jail offer a "drug intervention" program to repeat drug offenders that will shorten the length of their sentence......meaning they get out earlier to sell more drugs to people. They get caught, back to the program, released early, back on the street selling drugs to kids and anything that breathes (rinse and repeat)

06-23-2007, 06:35 PM
^your forgetting that alot of those programs are created bc jails/prisons are overcrowded

06-23-2007, 07:17 PM
Moving this to SW States.

keep in mind, all you complainers, that NOTHING will happen because you complained about it on a forum. You need to put in legwork and spend some time contacting your state and local representatives. It's their JOB to listen to what the people have to say, and decide if they should do something about it. These fucked up funding bills are passing because they have a bleeding heart at their base, like an incident where someone good and innocent was killed violently in a horrific streetracing crash. They use such incidences as tinder to build a fire against streetracing (which is a good plan), but their best idea is to ruin the lives of car enthusiasts in general, regardless of their involvement in illegal activities.
The points of view of LEGAL drivers of modified cars aren't represented, and thereby are assumed to be similar to those of street racers. THIS is what's screwing us over.

20 til 3
06-23-2007, 07:32 PM
haha... seriously who cares, bitching on the internet doesnt solve anything

the way people see it as, is that if you have a fast car and you street race, you do drugs and you are a bad person. I'd love to drive around in cali with my car just to get pulled over every 5 minutes just so i can tell the cop to fuck off because i'm outta state. Street racing is dumb... but everyone has done it from time to time because its an addrenalin rush, but i've never done it with more than 3 cars around... idk why people are lining up in the middle of town, find an old back road or something.

i find it odd that in cali... its illegal to do all of this crap... but cali has the highest number of modded cars and it is 10x easier to get parts compaired to other states.

fuck the police... fuck the law...

06-23-2007, 08:03 PM
Instead of spending the 4 million toward cracking down. why not spend it on a racing facility. A cure to the problem if there is even one.

06-23-2007, 08:30 PM
people like them need to die

06-23-2007, 08:49 PM
Side note/rant- the other week i was driving home at 9 pm with somewhat heavy traffic. Driver in front was obviously impaired, swirving in and out of lane, rapid changes, etc. I called 911 to report it. Long story short, i couldn't get through for 4 or 5 minutes, and just hung up. I can't even imagine how frustrating that would be had there been a more urgent emergency.

Heh I know what you mean, I got rear ended on the freeway by a retard in her Civic... My car was fine, I pulled off to the side and called 911 to report it because her car was stuck in the middle of the freeway pouring out coolant... Long story short, I called 5 or 6 times, adding up to about 10 minutes or so of calling... Sucks because I feel just as gotta240 does, what if something more urgent did happen... Just food for thought...

Oh and back on topic, although it doesn't help as people have said already (complaining on an internet forum), I lost my grandpa to a drunk driver, go spend that $4 million on that so they can stop harassing me, my car isn't even modded (being dark skinned sucks, if you're wondering ask)...

Jonnie Fraz
06-24-2007, 08:17 AM
that car came from the factory like that. it's legal.

My point was, in the article it sounds like they are targeting the imports. Roush and Saleen were based on racing, yet the article did not mention the domestic cars that I see acting the fool all the time.

06-24-2007, 09:51 AM
can i get some freedom fries lol

I'll have a bodonkadonk but with a side of thunder thighs please.

Well, make that a BODONKADONK butt instead.

06-24-2007, 10:25 AM
I have been trying to get a hold of some of those telltale racing stickers for some time now. I am getting frustrated :bash: :bash:

06-24-2007, 10:32 AM
This concerns me because of the random pull-overs, but really doesn't because the entire time I drove my old hatch, I never got pulled over in it.

The exhaust was loud, the car was low, and it had the typical illegal bolt ons.

Why didn't I get pulled over?

Because I didn't drive like an ass.

Always kept at the speed limit, always signaled, never tailgated, and always ignored the stupid fucking hondas that wanted to race.

This Civic got pulled over once right next to me. The cop saw him pull up next to me fast and just rev at me. I laughed at the guy and minded my own business. Cop pulled him over for it.

My point is, if you drive a modified car, don't drive like an ass.


06-24-2007, 01:50 PM
I saw this Fing moron the other day in a honda, he was waiting for the light to make a U turn, when it turned green he reved up the car and tried to actualy drift a 180 degree turn and came inches away from clipping a parked car.

I see stupid honda kids all the time speeding recklessly on the freeway. Always the honda kids. :duh:

06-25-2007, 02:53 PM
This concerns me because of the random pull-overs, but really doesn't because the entire time I drove my old hatch, I never got pulled over in it.

The exhaust was loud, the car was low, and it had the typical illegal bolt ons.

Why didn't I get pulled over?

Because I didn't drive like an ass.

Always kept at the speed limit, always signaled, never tailgated, and always ignored the stupid fucking hondas that wanted to race.

This Civic got pulled over once right next to me. The cop saw him pull up next to me fast and just rev at me. I laughed at the guy and minded my own business. Cop pulled him over for it.

My point is, if you drive a modified car, don't drive like an ass.


Not true. I got pulled over in my old S13 for just cruising at the speed limit. Reason? I looked modified. I flashed him my old ref ticket though and he let me go on my way. Key things he was looking for was if I had a front plate. He was going to pop my hood, but like I said, I showed him my ref ticket and went on my merry way. I was pulled over a total of 7 times in the last 6 months of owning my car. It had been running as low as I was and as loud as I was for over a year. So something as of late has gotten these cops a bit more sensitive to imports.

Reason to why I got a Z32 after I crashed my car. Cops dont know wtf is under the hood, lol.

06-25-2007, 09:52 PM
^^^ haha good thinking edgar.

Hey. can I have your old ref ticket? lol Not sure if it would work for me, but yeah.

And this is also another reason why i'm planning to be NA and build up the motor first for a while. Until I get to become a LEO, no turbo..maybe... =x

06-25-2007, 11:12 PM
supercharged tailpipe (im trying to imagine what does it look like).....stickers.... parked vehicle with with broken timing gear....they spent 4 millions on portable x-ray machine???

he he he...this shit is making me laugh....i wonder who wrote this
but on the other side, if u drive normally and ur record is clean, u dont need to worry too much even ur car is modded.

06-26-2007, 12:29 AM
Not true. I got pulled over in my old S13 for just cruising at the speed limit. Reason? I looked modified. I flashed him my old ref ticket though and he let me go on my way. Key things he was looking for was if I had a front plate. He was going to pop my hood, but like I said, I showed him my ref ticket and went on my merry way. I was pulled over a total of 7 times in the last 6 months of owning my car. It had been running as low as I was and as loud as I was for over a year. So something as of late has gotten these cops a bit more sensitive to imports.

Reason to why I got a Z32 after I crashed my car. Cops dont know wtf is under the hood, lol.

Well, I guess it depends in what area you live in.

In my area, there's a TON of ricer Honda's. Those are always getting pulled over.

Usually, when cops start to look at me(as I drive by them or vice versa), I smile, nod, and sometimes wave. I always get the same response back, which then leads to basically nothing.

They don't see me as just another Honda fag i'm guessing.

But, yeah.

I thought about picking up a Z32, but it's just a pain to work with the damn engine. It's waaay to cramped in there.


06-26-2007, 01:21 AM
Well, I guess it depends in what area you live in.

In my area, there's a TON of ricer Honda's. Those are always getting pulled over.

Usually, when cops start to look at me(as I drive by them or vice versa), I smile, nod, and sometimes wave. I always get the same response back, which then leads to basically nothing.

They don't see me as just another Honda fag i'm guessing.

But, yeah.

I thought about picking up a Z32, but it's just a pain to work with the damn engine. It's waaay to cramped in there.


This is both in Irvine and in West Covina. And I smile and wave too. Wtf? The Z motor isn't too bad. The car itself is pretty pimp though. All my girly friends love my Z over the S13, lol.

06-26-2007, 01:23 AM
all th emore reason im getting my truck fixed and a trailer
f all this
and i miss AC on the cars

steve shadows
06-26-2007, 11:27 AM
"It can accelerate much faster, but it can't stop or steer any better than it ever could," Dick Sullivan of the Bureau of Automotive Repair said. "Making it virtually a lethal weapon."

well that shows you how much of a fucking moron he is.

its called a basic fucking brake upgrade, they steer and handle better than the crown vics.

maybe he only means "Low-Income" street racers lol

I dont street race at all anymore but sunday drives are still a love of mine.

I feel bad for kids who just started getting their jolly's off in the police state of affairs regarding street racing now.

When i used to mess around it was much more lax and I was still jealous of kids in the 60s who had cops shutting down roads to watch people race in the industrial areas.

07-02-2007, 11:58 PM
i don't get this .........

"In a ride-along with the CHP on Friday, Officer Kerry Comphel spotted a parked vehicle with telltale racing stickers, a supercharged tail pipe and a missing cover on the adjustable timing gear.

"The cover's broken," Comphel said. "You know it's illegal to have the cover broken; It's illegal. You know why? Because you can adjust the timing now. "

But since the car was parked, there was no moving violation, and therefore no citation could be issued. "

he went up to a parked car and open the hood? yea reporters exaggerate and become sarcastic just to exploit a small problem to a big problem.
and, um, a broken cover doesnt change shit. i love it when reporters and general public talks about shit they know nothing about

07-03-2007, 12:48 AM
So you need to have the timing belt cover removed to adjust timing huh?

07-29-2007, 03:07 PM
Heh I know what you mean, I got rear ended on the freeway by a retard in her Civic... My car was fine, I pulled off to the side and called 911 to report it because her car was stuck in the middle of the freeway pouring out coolant... Long story short, I called 5 or 6 times, adding up to about 10 minutes or so of calling... Sucks because I feel just as gotta240 does, what if something more urgent did happen... Just food for thought...

Oh and back on topic, although it doesn't help as people have said already (complaining on an internet forum), I lost my grandpa to a drunk driver, go spend that $4 million on that so they can stop harassing me, my car isn't even modded (being dark skinned sucks, if you're wondering ask)...

maybe you guys know already, but when you call 911 on your cell phone, it goes straight to the highway patrol, try finding the number for the police department of your city, like for long beach its 562-435-6711, its longer than 911, but directly takes you to the police, the time saved may be crutial in some events.

Long Beach (562) 435-6711
Los Angeles (213) 928-8223
West Covina/Irvine (949)724-7000
San Diego (619) 531-2000

This is just what i have, maybe you should check it for sure, but those are the numbers i recieved from school a few years ago.