View Full Version : S13 Sr20det in an S14 - Causes for no spark

06-20-2007, 06:50 AM
Just wanted for anyone to add to my list of possibilities of no spark so I know what to test/try replacing.. battery has sufficient voltage.

The engine cranks strong and I smell fuel. I know there is no spark because i tested a spark plug in the coilpack out of the cylinder.

1) All 4 coilpacks bad.
2) Ignitior Chip bad.
3) ECU bad.
4) Wiring
5) CAS bad <--------?? Possiblity ??

As for wiring, theres the Black/Red and Blue/Red from the F8 and F10 plugs going to the F3 plug on the s14. I really don't see how I could have screwed that up. Unwrapping/unlooming my wiring will be my last resort.

06-21-2007, 11:23 AM
if you say that you did the wiring right, take that off the list
also take bad coil packs off the list because the odd of all 4 going out at the same time, while a possibility, is highly unlikely.
Open the ecu cover and check for burn marks on the ecu, if everthing looks good then move to the ignitor chip and CAS
Check the ignitor chip for power on both ends and if its good then youve prolly got a bad CAS

06-21-2007, 11:33 AM
The coil pack harness grounded on the back of the block?
How do the plugs look?

06-21-2007, 11:34 AM
Checked Ecu, rang Code 11 - replaced CAS, fixed!

End of thread!