View Full Version : s13 ka24de front clip(BAY AREA LOCALS)

06-15-2007, 12:43 AM
I have a 1992 NISSAN 240SX CONVERTIBLE that i totalled about a month ago..and it has been sitting in my front driveway since then..it has a great running ka24de that was swapped out by the previous owner with a 5 speed swap...when i use to drive the car it ran like a champ. I am moving tomorrow night and the guy who was saposte to get it ended up not wanting it after all. Please someone get it. Im sorry if im not saposte to link you guys to a craigslist post but i dont have much time to read stuff or anything...please im gonna check my email [email protected] as much as i can on my phone and online so if you want it just leave me your contact info and bring a tow truck and money..Thankyou guys for checking out this post and to all the forum police....my bad.


i probably will not have a chance to check this thread by the time i move tomorrow so please reply to my email if you can..i will try to check it and this as much as possible..

06-15-2007, 09:21 AM
I'm intrested! But I'm guessing you cant wait untill this upcomming thursday?? I get paid then...let me know if you can work that out.