View Full Version : Failed Inspection, 3 engine codes.

06-14-2007, 05:25 AM
I have a 98 240SX OBDII. I was dumb enough to go to a state inspection station in New Jersey... Came out of there with a piece of paper with the words FAILED highlighted.

My car's throwing 3 codes: P0400, P0325, and P1446. I need help with the EVAP vent control valve, the knock sensor, and the EGR system. I know the EGR is ridiculously complicated, with all sorts of valves and sensors involved. Any and all help is needed. Thanks.

Vision Garage
06-14-2007, 11:52 AM
Make sure all your vacuums are plugged in. To to autozone to get OBD reader and check your codes again. YOu can erase the codes then start your car again. If codes come back you might have to change some emission parts.

06-14-2007, 12:37 PM
Wow GG.... that sucks... Go to a mechanic. They will also know better how to fix it. You can clean the EGR system and the other stuff you can replace. My suggestion is do it one at a time because one thing can affect the other stuff as well.