View Full Version : planning on buying and completely rebuilding a CA18DET

Snapcake D
06-07-2007, 09:05 AM
so i was planning on buying a CA18DET. im wondering, whats the word on flashoptions.com? it's cheap so i guess im wondering if it's really just that big of a steal or its a load of crap? as stated above, i'm planning on fully rebiulding the motor. if flashoptions doesn't work, i suppose i'll just hone up and buy one from jazzproparts.com, unless you guys have a better idea as of where to get the motorset. all suggestions welcome.

06-07-2007, 09:26 AM

Everyone on the forums says flashoptions is the worst place to buy engines. Read the thread down toward the bottom. I just placed a order with jrautoparts for a blacktop sr20. I havent recieved the engine yet buy have heard pretty good stuff about them. The person i spoke to seemed really knowledgeable and seems to sell quality engines. Oh and price is good too. 1000 shipped for a black top sr20 long block.

06-07-2007, 10:14 AM
I say NO

Buy from a reputable company and install and drive

rebuilds really do suck imo

too much work

blah im lazy

Snapcake D
06-07-2007, 10:33 AM
bah humbug i need something to occupy my time with lol...oh and that site jrautoparts.com seems to only sell the sr20 and rb motors...i need to find a ca18

06-07-2007, 11:13 AM
if you want something to occupy your time, buy an engine from flashoptions and wait for it to show up. it'll keep you on the edge of your seat for years.

translation: egay would be a safer bet. that's sad.

06-07-2007, 11:37 AM
rebuilds suck.

Ca suck.

spend your money wisely. you are about to make worst investment in per dollar/ hp/ time value measurement. seriously, i dont want to do any more rebuilds. fuck that.

06-07-2007, 06:07 PM
Contact Jhot Imports. They charge about $1250 for CA's and they come with intercooler, downpipe, fuel pump, etc. Very complete and very reputable. They work on a container-by-container basis, though, so they may or may not have one available at the time.

06-07-2007, 09:08 PM
If you are going to do a complete rebuild, then who cares if its even running or not. Go find the cheapest CA you can find and rebuild it.

06-07-2007, 09:36 PM
The problem with just buying it from the cheapest possible place is you could end up with something like this, like a certain nameless member of another forum:



Broken timing belt, bent valves, siezed, blown turbo, etc. Rebuilds are already a pain, why make it any harder on yourself? :-/ I would bet that that motor came with a cut harness and other not-easily-fixable parts as well. You'd go far beyond what you would do on a 'normal' rebuild, especially if it has spun bearings...

06-07-2007, 09:39 PM
i heard good things about jarco...check them out, they have SRs and RBs in their inventory but id say contact them and see if they can get you a CA

06-07-2007, 09:48 PM
You should just do an NA build of a single cam KA.

06-07-2007, 09:51 PM
You should just do an NA build of a single cam KA.

why not duel? Buy a KA24DE and build that on the side. then swap it in when you are ready.

Snapcake D
06-08-2007, 07:42 AM
wow...the picture of that motor...its like a horror story...scary.

as for hp/per dollar. i'm not that intrested in how much hp i can make as i am in being able to take my car out abuse it and have it still love me enough to not break. lol

06-08-2007, 09:42 AM
wow that engine looks like t rex ass

steve shadows
06-08-2007, 11:36 AM
Most of the Junkyards in Irwindale CA, should have CA for very cheap. CA's come extremely cheap and if your trying to build a drift bucket for temp purps i see the point.

Pesonally it just doesnt move enough air for my liking (direct action on valves is great for high revs) I guess I would run one if it was bored out a little and stroked. 2.1 liter CA? that would be awesome.

Snapcake D
06-09-2007, 11:18 AM
yeah my problem is i live in Wisconsin...and the whole "i wanna be a cool ricer and own a 240...then i can do all those things like in Fast and the Furious" hasn't quite hit us as bad as it probably has CA. lol thus it would be a rare find to see a 240 in the junkyard, and especially one with a CA18DET since the SR20 seems to be all the rage lol

06-09-2007, 11:39 AM
^SR's may be all the rage, but if you take your time and do the swap yourself, you won't care what everyone else thinks. Such was the case with my build.

The fact that you did it yourself is enough to set you apart from most of the bandwagon jumpers if that's your only worry.

06-09-2007, 11:48 AM
wow, that picture of that engine up there is all F'd up. makes me want to make sure i take care of my engine.

06-09-2007, 03:30 PM
hit up sean (needcafors13) he knows his shit wit ca's if u insist goin that way

Snapcake D
06-09-2007, 04:27 PM
in all actuallity, its not the fact that everyone is hoping on the SR bandwagon...its more the fact that i want a quality motor that's factory turbo'd and i want to be able to replace parts instantly if something were to break...

06-09-2007, 04:39 PM
in all actuallity, its not the fact that everyone is hoping on the SR bandwagon...its more the fact that i want a quality motor that's a factory turbo'd and i want to be able to replace parts instantly if something were to break...

+1 to what the russian said
so your gonna stockpile ca parts you have to order off the internet?? you know the ka runs fine at 8psi, or build it and the skys the limit, with allll the parts at vatozone.
but, i do like the notion to build anymotor right! the ca wont really be the "best" base, but when you raise the rev limit it can be a pretty nice motor.

06-09-2007, 09:10 PM
so your gonna stockpile ca parts you have to order off the internet??The CA18DE was sold here in the late-80s in the Pulsar NX SE. As such, almost all of the routine maintenance items (timing belt, thermostat, water pump, oil filter, etc.) are interchangeable with the CA18DET and can be had at any auto parts store. It's not that CA parts are hard to find, it's that you just have to know where to look. ;)

I myself am rebuilding a CA18DET right now. They're easy to work on, cheap, factory turbo'd, and use parts found at Autozone.

Snapcake D
06-12-2007, 08:55 PM
my point exactly