View Full Version : Re: THE SEATS

06-03-2007, 06:35 AM
There was a large mixup with the seats,
Althou there was no issues in the long run, they had to be sent out personally by myself on the 1st of june 2007.

Everyone will recieve there seats, I wont have anymore as the seller from yahoo auctions can't do them at such a cheap price anymore. I am just keeping the last pair for myself.

Thank you, appologiez

06-03-2007, 08:39 AM
you may wanna email or pm EACH BUYER individually with any tracking information you can give them as I have seen several people worried about their Brides.

06-03-2007, 08:51 AM
you may wanna email or pm EACH BUYER individually with any tracking information you can give them as I have seen several people worried about their Brides.

That was already done champ.
Scanned copy's actually, with tracking and all stamps and signatures to have no issues going past customs.

This was just a thread to clear things up for all other people in the states, and makes the place allot safer to trade seeing as thou everyone can view the status.

Thank you for your time, lots of appologies.

06-03-2007, 10:57 AM
I am only leaving this open for comments from the users in question, no one else bother commenting, please

06-03-2007, 11:49 AM
well i just want to clear up that i DID Finally received a scanned picture of the shipping invoice which was in deed shipped june 1st..... but i was told quite often that they had been shipped out in hte past.... so i wont be able to be happy until i finally receive my seat..... i really hope i can beleive him with the shipping invoice and his story this time. ill keep you guys updated as i learn more. BTW it was supposedly air shipped June 1st. any idea how long til it is in NY?

06-03-2007, 11:53 AM
Id say ~10th

06-04-2007, 05:52 PM
The tracking number you gave me, doesn't work. It does not exist in the Australian EMS database. Any explanation why?

06-04-2007, 05:57 PM
well i got a tracking number and the actually picture of the shipping bill with the correct shipping address and the tracking somewhat works i think. it comes up but doesnt have any info in there though.

btw here is my tracking number...... use http://ice.auspost.com.au/



now you guys be the judge.... does it actually work? its been like this since june 1st.

06-04-2007, 07:36 PM
Well, I checked your tracking number on Australia's EMS website, and no record of it either. Let's see how Alex, explains this one.

06-04-2007, 07:46 PM
Same goes for my friend and I.

06-04-2007, 10:44 PM
You most likely need to wait, theres no explaninig. Let it scan, go on your countrys local postal service company's website and it should be there today/tomorrow.

06-04-2007, 11:14 PM
Mr.240sx, your seats arrived in L.A. at 8 something this morning. My seats arrived, at 130 something pm. Gotta check here: http://www.usps.com/shipping/trackandconfirm.htm

Maybe, there is hope after all.

06-05-2007, 12:27 AM
Awesome, so did mine. OK, everything is turning around now.

06-05-2007, 03:39 AM

Trust me, you will get what you have paid for. I will not use others to send out my things again. it's best to do things alone - This proves it :-/

06-05-2007, 07:34 AM
wow this is great news!!!! ill be releived once i actually receive the seat though. but things are looking good!

06-06-2007, 02:20 AM
Anyone recieve something yet?

06-06-2007, 09:55 AM
If they were in LA Saturday, I'm expecting them this week. :D

06-07-2007, 12:14 PM
Anyone get something, it has on record

That item was recieved safely.

06-07-2007, 01:21 PM
^ yeah thats my tracking number....i got an e-mail saying it was received....but i wont actually go and get it til next week..... anyone in socal receive theirs?

06-07-2007, 09:56 PM
^ yeah thats my tracking number....i got an e-mail saying it was received....but i wont actually go and get it til next week..... anyone in socal receive theirs?


I thought they deliver it to your doorstep?

06-07-2007, 10:32 PM

I thought they deliver it to your doorstep?

oftentimes when people live close to the USA/Canada border it is much cheaper for them to get a mailing address across in the states and having things shipped there. Shipping through Canadian Customs fuckin SUCKS

06-08-2007, 02:35 AM
oftentimes when people live close to the USA/Canada border it is much cheaper for them to get a mailing address across in the states and having things shipped there. Shipping through Canadian Customs fuckin SUCKS
That sucks then man i paid for doorstep delivery LOL!

oh well, all good. atleast its under control now

thanks guys

06-08-2007, 09:13 AM
well it goes to a door step where i get it shipped to lol.

but i cant wait to go pick it up.....

btw has anyone else received their seats?:ugh:

06-08-2007, 07:03 PM
I received my seats today. I wasn't able to inspect them, to make sure they were genuine. Seats arrived, when I was about to drive to work. What surprised me, is how they were packaged. In a box? Nope. Surrounded by bubble wrap? Negative. They came in garbage bags, wrapped by clear mailing tape. I know how shipping is, and I wouldn't be surprised, if my seats were tossed around, like yesterday's garbage. I would have thought, that they would have been better protected. I'm gonna go home tonight, and inspect the seats. Can anyone verify this: Real bride seats, have an expiration date? Any other way of verifying that they are real?

06-08-2007, 08:07 PM
I received my seats today. I wasn't able to inspect them, to make sure they were genuine. Seats arrived, when I was about to drive to work. What surprised me, is how they were packaged. In a box? Nope. Surrounded by bubble wrap? Negative. They came in garbage bags, wrapped by clear mailing tape. I know how shipping is, and I wouldn't be surprised, if my seats were tossed around, like yesterday's garbage. I would have thought, that they would have been better protected. I'm gonna go home tonight, and inspect the seats. Can anyone verify this: Real bride seats, have an expiration date? Any other way of verifying that they are real?

That's sort of disconcerting. I hope my package arrives in better shape.

06-08-2007, 09:05 PM
I received my seats today. I wasn't able to inspect them, to make sure they were genuine. Seats arrived, when I was about to drive to work. What surprised me, is how they were packaged. In a box? Nope. Surrounded by bubble wrap? Negative. They came in garbage bags, wrapped by clear mailing tape. I know how shipping is, and I wouldn't be surprised, if my seats were tossed around, like yesterday's garbage. I would have thought, that they would have been better protected. I'm gonna go home tonight, and inspect the seats. Can anyone verify this: Real bride seats, have an expiration date? Any other way of verifying that they are real?

fairly sure it depends on which model of seat you got. If they are reclineable then they are NOT certified race seats and therefore would NOT have an expiration date, but real race seats will have an expiration date on the tag much like harnesses, the tag will have many dates on it and the date that has a hole put through it is your expiration.

06-08-2007, 09:06 PM
I received my seats today. I wasn't able to inspect them, to make sure they were genuine. Seats arrived, when I was about to drive to work. What surprised me, is how they were packaged. In a box? Nope. Surrounded by bubble wrap? Negative. They came in garbage bags, wrapped by clear mailing tape. I know how shipping is, and I wouldn't be surprised, if my seats were tossed around, like yesterday's garbage. I would have thought, that they would have been better protected. I'm gonna go home tonight, and inspect the seats. Can anyone verify this: Real bride seats, have an expiration date? Any other way of verifying that they are real?

All FIA approved seats have expiration dates. After 2 years, a seat expires. Due to stresses on the seat from the forces of you while turning and etc. it wears down the seat. Same expiration ideas go for helmets, harnesses and so on. As long as it says Bride on the seat, and has an actual FIA rating it's probably legit. I can't imagine the lawsuits of bsing an FIA approved tag.

06-08-2007, 11:18 PM
Zeta and Gardis are the only FIA seats, genuine bride ergo's can be distinguished quite easily, the fake brides dont even have bride turning knuckles!! pathetic

You are getting what you paid for :D

06-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Zeta and Gardis are the only FIA seats, genuine bride ergo's can be distinguished quite easily, the fake brides dont even have bride turning knuckles!! pathetic

You are getting what you paid for :D

some here in the states do actually

06-09-2007, 02:05 AM
Doubt they are copies, Yahoo auctions ftw

06-09-2007, 03:54 AM
Well, I checked out 1 seat. Thank god, it wasn't destroyed, packed the way it was. Seat looks clean, except on the bottom, where there was all this white flaky crap. One question, to those who actually OWN authentic brides. Do yours have zipties, on the bottom of the seats? That's what I discovered on mines, and it struck me as strange. It's like the zipties, are stretching/holding the fabric.

06-09-2007, 08:31 AM
Nice to see you got the seats! Hope you like them man!

Cable ties holding the fabric? Where is this? Please show me im pretty keen myself as i never checked the bottoms out as they where left in some wrapping for you from the very start.


06-09-2007, 01:41 PM
Nice to see you got the seats! Hope you like them man!

Cable ties holding the fabric? Where is this? Please show me im pretty keen myself as i never checked the bottoms out as they where left in some wrapping for you from the very start.



06-10-2007, 02:13 AM
Wow, i'm surprised no one has replied to this thread. Does anyone else, find it strange, that my seats have zip ties, on the bottom?

06-10-2007, 05:56 AM
Wow, i'm surprised no one has replied to this thread. Does anyone else, find it strange, that my seats have zip ties, on the bottom?

Well judging the place i purchesed the seats from i would put my entire life as a bet that they are genuine.. Doubt you could possibly buy "copies" in japan - Actually the seller would probably end up in jail ( Bride distributor)

06-10-2007, 06:51 AM
I don't know what "model" your Bride is, but I just installed a Genuine BRIDE Brix in my car and there were not any zip-ties on it.

Teambadrun, if you think there aren't any knock-offs in Japan, you are either naive or stupid.

I am not claiming that your seats are knock-offs, I am merely stating that the seat I own, that is indeed genuine BRIDE, is not held together with zip-ties. It is, instead, held together with quality hognose rings.

06-10-2007, 07:29 AM
Just for reference...


So which ones did you buy? Why doesn't the center panel, the signature gradiant BRIDE material, look the same on these seats? Did I miss a reclining seat model? These were the only ones I found on http://www.aspecproducts.com/ and they are an AUTHORIZED DEALER.

**Pictures courtesy of Aspec

**EDIT: I found the original post that says these are ERGO 2 (ERGO II) seats. But they look different from these http://www.tees-usa.com/ergo2.html on BRIDES own homepage. Hmmm,I wonder if they use zip-ties?

06-10-2007, 07:42 AM
Just for reference...


So which ones did you buy? Why doesn't the center panel, the signature gradiant BRIDE material, look the same on these seats? Did I miss a reclining seat model? These were the only ones I found on http://www.aspecproducts.com/ and they are an AUTHORIZED DEALER.

**Pictures courtesy of Aspec
Definately is a Ergo II :)

06-10-2007, 07:48 AM
Definitely not. Look again.

The center panel doesn't even match up. The pics on BRIDES homepage show "BRIDE" twice in each color.

The seats you are selling look like a knock-off of the Ergo I being passed off as ERGO II in my opinion.

06-10-2007, 07:59 AM
Definitely not. Look again.

The center panel doesn't even match up. The pics on BRIDES homepage show "BRIDE" twice in each color.

The seats you are selling look like a knock-off of the Ergo I being passed off as ERGO II in my opinion.
Interesting, They are definately Genuine Ergo 2's. My import S13 has the same pair of seats in it ( about 2 years old by the looks of the condition) and they are the same?

Im interested to see why these Geniune seats sold by previous owners on this forum look exactly the same as the ones i bought off yahoo and sold to speedgod^s13





I realy honestly, DOUBT that you can buy a copy seat .. Off a bride distributor in japan via yahoo auctions.

Im not argueing, just letting out my research for everyone to see to make the forum a safer and better place

06-10-2007, 08:12 AM
See the seam that goes through the middle of the gradiant panel?
The same seam is shown here. So that appears to be a genuine seat.

This is the picture that speedgod posted of the seat he received from you.
I don't see the seam. That's part of what makes me think it isn't genuine. My main factor is still the zip-ties though. I have a used BRIDE BRIX that has no zip-ties, only professional upholstery hognose rings. If someone can provide me pictures of a GENUINE Bride seat held together with zip-ties, like Logan from Aspec, then I will believe yours are real.

06-10-2007, 08:15 AM
Hey mate,

I understand what you mean now ( sorta ) but it could mean anything.

In the meantime I would like to hear from the other 2 if they have recieved there seats as i dont want to lose the seats in freight - That would suck.

EDIT: If you see. most seats will vary - even the leather ergo is slightly differnt. ?

Cheers for the help, We will wait till we hear from the owners.


06-10-2007, 08:42 AM
This thread has only remained open for the people to air out whether or not they receive their seats.
When everyone confirms delivery, I will close this one, the users will be able to post their own review threads, in it they may discuss whether or not the seats are genuine

06-10-2007, 03:07 PM
See the seam that goes through the middle of the gradiant panel?
The same seam is shown here. So that appears to be a genuine seat.

This is the picture that speedgod posted of the seat he received from you.
I don't see the seam. That's part of what makes me think it isn't genuine. My main factor is still the zip-ties though. I have a used BRIDE BRIX that has no zip-ties, only professional upholstery hognose rings. If someone can provide me pictures of a GENUINE Bride seat held together with zip-ties, like Logan from Aspec, then I will believe yours are real.

To be fair, it's my picture doesn't do the seat justice. After reading this post, I checked the seat, and there was in fact 2 seams, going through the gradation. Man this is confusing.

06-10-2007, 03:17 PM
I recommend contacting Tees-usa then if there is to be conclusion to these questions.


They should be able to tell you from the pictures if the seats are genuine or not.
Good luck.

This thread is for delivery only though. If the seats do in-fact prove to be knock-offs, please make a new review thread to voice any complaints. :bow:

06-10-2007, 03:28 PM
I recommend contacting Tees-usa then if there is to be conclusion to these questions.


They should be able to tell you from the pictures if the seats are genuine or not.
Good luck.

This thread is for delivery only though. If the seats do in-fact prove to be knock-offs, please make a new review thread to voice any complaints. :bow:

Ok, will do.

06-10-2007, 04:07 PM
is it possible that they are authentic but have just been re-wrapped in new fabric?

06-10-2007, 11:47 PM
is it possible that they are authentic but have just been re-wrapped in new fabric?

They are genuine, i didnt pay someone in japan 70,000yen a seat for nothing.

06-11-2007, 12:50 AM
Shit is sketchy,

i wouldnt say its real just becouse you paid a whole bunch for it,

take a good look at your reclining assembly and plastic knobs, sometimes you will get clues there.

06-11-2007, 01:33 AM
When i first saw them i was stoked. They are exactly like the ones in my car from japan.. They MUST be genuine. I dont see why they would be a copy.

Everything looks A ok to me !

06-11-2007, 07:05 AM
The fabric on the seat received by speed is not the fabric I had on my Brix II.

06-11-2007, 07:39 AM
The fabric on the seat received by speed is not the fabric I had on my Brix II.

Ergo2...:D .. Speedgod is happy with what he recieved. It is all settled.

A Spec Products
06-11-2007, 04:31 PM
Ergo2...:D .. Speedgod is happy with what he recieved. It is all settled.

Not really.

Just cause you spent a lot of money on a seat doesn't make it authentic.

If the seats were indeed not authentic Bride, then there is a issue.

Either way, I've NEVER seen a Bride seat EVER with zipties holding the bottom of the seat.

On a fake Bride seat I saw, the easiest way is to take out the cushions and you can tell because the foam is low quality, super uneven, etc. From 5 feet the seat looks ok but up close its bad.

The bottom of that seat worries me. I don't have an Ergo II here at the shop, so maybe if someone has an authentic Ergo they could take a picture and compare. At first glance that seat shown in the pics looks more like the fakes I saw rather than an authentic Bride seat I've seen.

If the seats are indeed legit then the seller shouldn't have an issue with investigating the seats.

06-12-2007, 01:13 PM
Well, I lifted the original paypal claim, which was for not receiving item. I'm gonna take a barrage of pictures today, since i'm gonna install the passenger seat. ( I have no room, to keep these in the house.)
I'll post these up, in my new buyer's review thread.

06-12-2007, 01:17 PM
if all goes according to plan im going to pick up my bride seat tonight so ill let you guys know if i actually did receive a bride seat. anbd tehn well transfer to the new review thread for authenthicity.

06-12-2007, 04:08 PM
alright guys i went to pick it up today and the seat is brand new and in great condition..... no zipties, theres actually some sort of spring with hooks at both ends holding the cover onto the shell. this seat is definately light! there was 1 little defect over the "BRIDE" logo facing the rear, theres a small little cut but you cant notice it unless your really looking for it.

06-12-2007, 11:04 PM
alright guys i went to pick it up today and the seat is brand new and in great condition..... no zipties, theres actually some sort of spring with hooks at both ends holding the cover onto the shell. this seat is definately light! there was 1 little defect over the "BRIDE" logo facing the rear, theres a small little cut but you cant notice it unless your really looking for it.

Nice to know you got your seat!

06-12-2007, 11:15 PM
btw on the vios3 is there supposed to be a sticker on the actual seat that says manufacture date or something like that?

06-14-2007, 05:03 PM
alright guys i got the seat and im happy with it.... even though it took almost 2 months to receive it from the day i paid him.










and heres the only defect from the seat.... its on the headrest facing the rear of the car so i can live with that.


06-14-2007, 11:32 PM
alright guys i got the seat and im happy with it.... even though it took almost 2 months to receive it from the day i paid him.










and heres the only defect from the seat.... its on the headrest facing the rear of the car so i can live with that.

Fantastic , Sorry to hear about the tear in the seat.. Can't see it :P


06-21-2007, 07:34 AM
Okay, while I normally do not allow anyone being reviewed to even comment in their own thread, let alone start it, this one remained as it was necessary to the completion of a potentially ugly situation...
Now that teambadrun seems to have made well with all those who were missing seats, in such clearing his name, I am going to close this one.
Anyone feeling compelled to speak to their own experience as to how their dealings went can feel free to start their own "reviewed" thread and all of the normal rules will apply with no gray area as it relates to the rules.
This chapter is behind us and I am closing the thread now.