View Full Version : Got a 240 but there's a problem

06-02-2007, 04:31 PM
Ok so I bought this 240 with the condition of "not running but should be simple".It is a 1990 automatic all stock,after going through all the simple stuff I figured out the timing had jumped so I replaced the timing chain and got it all back into time.Now I can get the car to start but when I step on the gas it hesitates and acts like it wants to stall,so if I slowly step on the gas I can get the RPMs all the way up but it backfires allot.I tried to back it up my driveway and when I went up a slight incline it stalled and then I had a hard time starting it back up.On idle it holds at about 700 RPMs.Please any thoughts would be appreciated.

06-02-2007, 05:07 PM
Sell it.

or Try checking your MAFS sensor

06-02-2007, 06:06 PM
well I had the same problem with my sr but all it was was the timing needed to be adjusted. it would backfire a ton at idle and when I would drive up a hill it would stall. I had the shop reset my timing and my car runs like a million bux now.

06-03-2007, 10:28 AM
Well I don't know if I have the spark plug wires plugged in the distributor correctly.I know the firing order is 1-3-4-2 but I don't know where the #1 wire should start on the dizzy.I have searched and seen many different ways,I saw wire 1 in the top left,I saw wire 1 in the bottom right and I even saw some with a firing order of 1-3-2-4.Can some one please tell me the way they should go.It is a stock ka24e,I don't know if it's different from the ka24de or not.

06-03-2007, 11:05 AM
distributor's probably off, take it out, rotate, then put back in in a slightly different angle, maybe it'll help but not sure.

06-03-2007, 11:47 AM
the ignition wiring should be labeled on the cap. each node should have a number on it. i've never seen a cap that didn't have those marks.

you got two other possibilities

#1 you may have gotten the cam timing wrong when you reinstalled the chain. i don't know anything about sohc's so i can't help you there.

#2 you may have gotten the distributor timing wrong when you reinstalled the distributor. align the has marks according to the FSM and reinstall with the engine set at TDC. the distributor on a dohc rotates when you put it in so its a little tricky. once again i have never worked on a sohc so i'm not positive that still applies.

if the car is idling by itself, i'd go ahead and try to time it with a gun. that should give you an idea of where the ignition timing is and clue you in as to how to proceed.

anyway you've come a long way if you did a full chain job. you just need to get the timing down. don't get discouraged! good luck.

06-03-2007, 12:19 PM
Yeah, i'd do the same as ^^^^ =). My car was doing something similar the other day. All I did was roll it over to TDC, checked where the rotor was pointing, I wasn't even 1/2 way to #1...missed it by 1 dizzy tooth :wtc: But I marked it, pulled it and reset it and everything was much more better. Good luck with this but yeah maybe your cam timing might be alittle off if you dizzy is firing where it should be.

06-03-2007, 12:22 PM
Well I just went and checked the timing again and it is all lined correctly.I did see a number one on the dizzy that you were talking about so at least I know where that is.I have a bad feeling it might be a bent valve so as soon as I get a chance I'll get a compression tester and see.Would I have these symptoms with a bent valve?One reason I am thinking bent valve is that when I turn the crank pulley it is very hard but then it goes real soft and is easy to turn and then it is hard to turn again.I don't know maybe I'm just paranoid.Thanks for the help.

06-03-2007, 03:24 PM
Ok so I did a compression test so here we go,#1-120,#2-135,#3-145,#4-145.I didn't get a chance to try and put oil in lower pressure ones because it was starting to rain so maybe after the rain ends I'll retest.Also I found a great deal of silverish-grayish looking stuff on spark plug one,and a small amount on the rest,it looks almost like gasket sealant but it's not firm it smeared on my fingers very easy.Is that normal?

06-11-2007, 12:52 PM
So I finally had a chance to work on the car and I pulled the oil pump,spindle,and dizzy and found that I was off by one tooth so I got that back in time and the car starts up beautifully.I can mash on the gas and it revs up with no hesitation or back firing,I can back up the driveway and drive it around some great.After the car warms up though it starts the ruff idle and hesitation and while driving it around it will stall.After it stalls it won't start running again until it cools.I know it could be many things but does anyone have any ideas where to start?

06-17-2007, 04:13 PM
Well I got it,it was the coolant temp sensor.Everything runs much better now.Now I can start focusing on all the other minor problems.Thanks to those that helped.

06-17-2007, 04:38 PM
congratulations man. :D