View Full Version : Cruise Control Help Please oh and horn

06-02-2007, 03:19 AM
When I bought my car it had a detachable steering wheel on it already. So now my horn and cruise control is worthless. I used a jumper wire and found which prongs my horn is on this hanging connector in column but when I turn the wheel it pulls out. What do I need to get that will allow me to get the horn back. I know there is this whole sliding flat metal thing. The same goes with cruise control minus it having to be part of steering wheel. I went to salvage yard and found the connector peice that goes on steering wheel but I'll put it anywhere that is convenient but the issue is how to find the wires for c.c.

06-02-2007, 09:34 AM
I'm not sure if any of the detachable hubs allow you to keep your horn...you'd need room in the hub for the continuous contact grounding ring for the horn wires, and the spring loaded contact points on the outer part of the hub. Easiest fix would be to use a coiled wire with a mommentary switch attached to one of your wheel spokes.the coils would allow you to turn your wheel without pulling the wires loose. As far as your cruise control, get ahold of a wiring diagram to determine what wires you need to start with from the colume. Sounds silly, but your local stereo shop prob has an installer that could wire up a toggle or 2 and the nessacary mommentary switches (all instaled in your dash) to have you CC fully functional.

06-02-2007, 10:13 AM
The cruise plug is in the column, you can run it elsewhere or extend the wiring and mount the switch somewhere under the dash or flush it in. For the horn, just mount a pushbutton on the front of the column cover, it's not to janky looking and still easy to access.

06-02-2007, 11:01 AM
they have that brass tab and metal ring and screw contacts and all that shit, but its too much work, just do with russ said.

06-02-2007, 11:14 AM
I'm not sure if any of the detachable hubs allow you to keep your horn
Circuit Sports does. That's the only one I'm sure about.

I *think* the NRG one does as well, but I'm not positive.

06-02-2007, 01:02 PM
I got rid of the detachable because it mad the wheel stick out too much and just got the ebay special. The cruise control button unit (I have) pluged into this connector that had 3 brass rings that where seperate and then them brass rings touched some more fixed on column. So basically I will need a wiring diagrahm to chase the three wires for cc.

06-02-2007, 01:42 PM
I got rid of the detachable because it mad the wheel stick out too much and just got the ebay special.
If you do want detachable at some point, go for Circuit Sports quick release, and grab a short boss (like Worksbell) which will keep it from sticking out too far.

06-04-2007, 07:26 PM
Yeah because before my wheel was basically in my lap. I had the seat as far back as possible and still be able to press clutch.

06-04-2007, 08:19 PM
check out: www.importnut.net
I got the NRG QR, and short hub. Horn does work, but you gotta wire up the brass strip to the cuise controll harness. I used my factory cruise control buttons and just mounted it to the side of the fasctory steering column. It looks ok, but I think I like the look of the three button set up on his website.

Oh yeah, I 'm pretty sure this has been covered before.

06-04-2007, 09:01 PM
Mine is an s13 my stuff looks way different than his.