View Full Version : engine and tranny mounts

05-30-2007, 01:29 AM
what do you guys recommend on an s13? ive heard some people goin for cheap ones that they buy from a hardware dept. and is very solid but wasnt sure if it was safe. any input lmk, thanks!!

05-30-2007, 01:43 AM
Yeah people just fill up the stock mounts with 3m window weld, I actually bought some cement polyurethane cause I wanted them to be really stiff. Nismo is cheap and not too stiff. Depends on how stiff you want them, you can even get solid aluminum. Search around.

05-30-2007, 01:45 AM
well i just want um better than now. but if its hella stiff then i wont mind, as long as its safe. i had polyurthane on a car i had and had a lot of vibration already. so it doesnt matter to me if it vibrates, as long as its safe cause i drive my car everyday..

05-30-2007, 02:00 AM
hockey pucks
ive seen it done

i used aluminium engine mounts......it was bad assssss.......but annoying, so i sold my car lol

05-30-2007, 02:02 AM
hockey pucks
ive seen it done

i used aluminium engine mounts......it was bad assssss.......but annoying, so i sold my car lol

where did you pick those up??

05-30-2007, 02:21 AM
Why wouldnt it be safe? You are just using the stock mount and filling up empty space with stiff stuff.

If it bothers you just buy aftermarket stuff. Just search there are tons of options and filling mounts has been discussed to death.

05-30-2007, 02:38 AM
im gonna go with the projectnissan.com Nismo Transmission mount & ProjectSilvia Engine Mount 3pc. for $150. thanks!

05-30-2007, 08:02 AM
I had that package deal from projectnissan
Waaaay too much vibration for me.... sold the engine mounts after a week
Maybe I'm getting old

05-30-2007, 08:07 AM
I'm using Cusco that I bought from Enjuku. They transfer a lot of vibration so the cabin makes a lot of noise. I've recently found everything that was vibrating and tightened it down so it's not so bad now. I would go with Nismo, I've heard nothing but good things.

The Cusco are nicely built though, if you don't mind the vibration or can tighten everything down.

05-30-2007, 11:06 AM
my buddies and i just eurethane ours with the 3m window weld. works wonders and its you can save that hundred bucks and buy something else or gas.

drift freaq
05-30-2007, 11:16 AM
I sell custom Poly urethane mounts that are ten times cleaner than that Home depot junk. They work, they are stiffer than the Nismo. I.E. your engine will not move and they do not vibrate the shit out of your chassis like the project Nissan and Cusco mounts do.

05-30-2007, 02:10 PM
I run the Kazama eng mounts with the peak-performance race tanny mount... it will rattle the fillings out of your teeth and I wouldn't have it any other way!

05-30-2007, 05:56 PM
i have nismos on my car.. i guess theres a bit more vibration...

05-30-2007, 06:25 PM
Im using the mounts from drift freaq no complaints. makes the car feel solid.

05-30-2007, 06:33 PM
I've had the NISMO mounts and don't have any complaints with vibration. Like a lot of people have said in other threads, they do make the engine sit a little higher, which can be a PITA at times.

05-30-2007, 06:39 PM
yeah, iw as gonna order the DF ones, but i got the aluminum for free.....it was instant returns, but a huge comfort sacrifice

05-30-2007, 07:32 PM
Im about to put in some JGS turbo motor mounts, with a NIsmo tranny mount... go with nismo, jgs, drift freak ^^, cusco, or kazama... nismo if your shits weak and cant handle the vibration ;)

05-30-2007, 07:56 PM
Opinions on the Peak Perfomance mounts? I think they are calling my name..

05-30-2007, 08:00 PM
drift freaq more info on mounts? what motor mounts do you make...prices etc

05-30-2007, 08:20 PM
my buddies and i just eurethane ours with the 3m window weld. works wonders and its you can save that hundred bucks and buy something else or gas.

can you explain on how u did it?? pics if possible. would love to save money rite now. would i be able to do it with the trans??

05-30-2007, 08:42 PM
JGS definitely. Get the rubber ones for DD'in.

05-30-2007, 08:49 PM
I have a set of Drift freaq's motor mounts. They were good for a while now they are not(the motor moves quite a bit and have under 6k on the mounts). They are being takin out and putting in JGS Heavy Duty mounts that should show up any day.

05-30-2007, 09:37 PM
me and my friend are getting ready to make some custom one's we'll make a write up on how to do it. =] shouldn't cost you more than 50$. solid Polyurethane mounts that will never fall apart.

05-30-2007, 10:25 PM
me and my friend are getting ready to make some custom one's we'll make a write up on how to do it. =] shouldn't cost you more than 50$. solid Polyurethane mounts that will never fall apart.

lmk know when you have a write up

drift freaq
05-30-2007, 10:31 PM
I have a set of Drift freaq's motor mounts. They were good for a while now they are not(the motor moves quite a bit and have under 6k on the mounts). They are being takin out and putting in JGS Heavy Duty mounts that should show up any day.

hmm thats interesting your the first person I have heard of that had any issues with the mounts. They are used on race cars as well. Plus I personally ran a set on my coupe and put over 6k on it before selling it and never had any problems!
What transmission mount are you using? They have are made of a solid very high durometer urethane and somehow I think your not telling us everything. With so many in use out there and your the only one with an issue we need to know more before you just go dismissing it.

05-30-2007, 10:43 PM
So what is a good stiff engine tranny mount setup? I was thinking of going with the full nismo set up.

05-30-2007, 10:47 PM
...read the thread you just posted in

05-31-2007, 12:42 AM
I've filled engine and transmission mounts with Urethane from http://www.mcmaster.com/ before, holds up great. Durometer 78A IIRC.

05-31-2007, 01:02 AM
I run the xcessive motorsports solid motor and tranny mount. Wow. They are awesome. I put milimeter rubber washers at the top and bolted them down. What a difference. everything feels so much more solid. I am happy....

05-31-2007, 09:19 PM
hmm thats interesting your the first person I have heard of that had any issues with the mounts. They are used on race cars as well. Plus I personally ran a set on my coupe and put over 6k on it before selling it and never had any problems!
What transmission mount are you using? They have are made of a solid very high durometer urethane and somehow I think your not telling us everything. With so many in use out there and your the only one with an issue we need to know more before you just go dismissing it.

I have the motor and tranny mounts i bought from you in the GB like 2 years ago. The tranny mount is a nismo(99% sure) or which everone you supplied at the time. The drivers side mount fits and looks just fine in there. The passanger side does not sit quite exactly in the center of the bracket. The material looks bowed(sp). I have tried repositioning, moving, fliping the mount no differance. The way it is in is the most centered it can get. It almost seams like the bolt should have been offcentered like another 3/8 of and inch. I am in the 400whp area and the car gets driven to the max. I am more then willing to take some pics of them for you next time I have it on the hoist.

When I first put them in and drove/started it up the motor was SOLID, i drover for like 100miles with no hood and the motor did not move. Now the motor shakes terribly when you start it. my turbo put a dent in my hood and there was 1/4 inch of clearance between the turbo and the hood. It has slowly been getting worse, I have gone though and touble checked all the mounts on my entire chassis and drive train. I am not saying they are falling apart or anything like that, the drives side looks just fine, on the passanger it looks like the urathane squish out and "reshape"

Any other questions I did not answer let me know. i guess I didn't like the way it fit at first(I am extremely picky), but figured with the amount of people that have them and nobody said anything with problems I figured there would be no issues.

05-31-2007, 10:07 PM
just wanted to add my .02....i managed to rip apart the drivers side oem mount at the track, so i limped the car home and started in on the research on what mounts to get and ran into this same dilema^^ do this, do that, use these, use those...well worked called and called me in early, so i hurriedly yanked out the stock mount, ziz-wheeled of the studs, and drilled a hole through the entire mount, then stuck it back on the car with one long grade 8 bolt. (can get messy! there fluid in there! ) (i did have to drill out the steel mount that bolts to the motor, but not the hole on the crossmember iirc.. at first i had it tourqed down WAY too tight and had the whole car vibrating horriby, so i backed the nut off and retightned it just a hair over snug...now i have very minimal vibration (if any, i cant tell the difference from before) and my motor does not move at all..(have since done the same with the passenger side mount) cheap trick (price of the bolts) vibration free, and very durable (lots of track time) and you retain the oem engine postion.

Just food for thought for those in the market for a stronger mount on the cheap.

06-01-2007, 02:12 AM
just wanted to add my .02....i managed to rip apart the drivers side oem mount at the track, so i limped the car home and started in on the research on what mounts to get and ran into this same dilema^^ do this, do that, use these, use those...well worked called and called me in early, so i hurriedly yanked out the stock mount, ziz-wheeled of the studs, and drilled a hole through the entire mount, then stuck it back on the car with one long grade 8 bolt. (can get messy! there fluid in there! ) (i did have to drill out the steel mount that bolts to the motor, but not the hole on the crossmember iirc.. at first i had it tourqed down WAY too tight and had the whole car vibrating horriby, so i backed the nut off and retightned it just a hair over snug...now i have very minimal vibration (if any, i cant tell the difference from before) and my motor does not move at all..(have since done the same with the passenger side mount) cheap trick (price of the bolts) vibration free, and very durable (lots of track time) and you retain the oem engine postion.

Just food for thought for those in the market for a stronger mount on the cheap.

im interested in trying this can u get pics if possible??

06-01-2007, 04:11 PM
^not sure what good pics will do, all you'd see is a bolt head on one side and a nut on the other...

06-01-2007, 05:32 PM
i have project nissan mounts vibrations arnt that bad but im the type of person if it rattles ill either tighten it down or remove if its not nessary. and my car is gutted. the engine does not move at all and i can deffinatly feel a diffrence from the sloppy oem mounts...next upgrade is a new clutch and i shoud be able to chirp 1st,2nd, and 3rd with my na ka...