View Full Version : Sr20det oil problem to the turbo??

05-27-2007, 09:31 PM
Wat could be wrong with my engine if i notice that the turbo isn't getting enough oil?? Whats the cause of that? Thick oil? cause i know these engine runs on synthetic only. Say the engine isn't picking up enough oil?? How can i flush it out? JUst buy some sea foam and throw it in the engine oil let that shit run for couple of minutes?

Wat other cause do you guys have in mind that could have cause this?

Could the sump be the problem too?

05-27-2007, 09:36 PM
Clogged Oil Line.

Got a JDM motor with a clogged line, it was no fun.

How do you know it is not getting enough oil?

05-27-2007, 11:47 PM
cause i checked the oil return line, and hardly any oil is returning to the pan/block.

How do I fix this problem?? Its not the oil line cause i just installed brand new taka lines.

this is thrusts14 at my friends house