View Full Version : v-mount intercooler and radiator setup. NORCAL.

d r i f t swift
05-27-2007, 04:24 PM
gone.. msg length.

05-27-2007, 07:20 PM
I pmed you and emailed you

05-27-2007, 08:34 PM
comes w/ all mounting hardware?? Seems like a decent deal. Fabrication has been done even if it is a cheap core... what are the specs on the radiator??

d r i f t swift
05-28-2007, 01:27 AM
comes with a bracket to hold the intercooler up.. but thats about it.. and about the specs on the radiator. ill have to get back to you on that.

05-28-2007, 06:41 AM
So you don't have the rad support that's in the pic? Cause that upper rad support has been notched to fit the intercooler... I'd rock it, just remember to get some nice fans under there and a coolant reservoir.

d r i f t swift
05-28-2007, 01:11 PM
no thats how youre supposed to trim your support to fit it i guess.and i do have a coolant expansion tank/ air separation tank whatever you want to call it. off like a ford that looked like it would work. since i wont need it. i do have a T- fitting and adapters to make it work also.

d r i f t swift
05-29-2007, 06:48 PM
before i kinda might maybe throw this shit away.. one last bump?

05-29-2007, 07:32 PM
well hell don't throw it away hhaha... i'll pay shipping to me