View Full Version : Buffing a CF Hood

05-26-2007, 01:11 PM
My CF hood is starting to get a little oxidized, or so it seams. Is it possible to wax it and buff it out without damaging it? What cleaning products do you recomend? Thanks in advance.

JDS Performance
05-26-2007, 01:34 PM
My CF hood is starting to get a little oxidized, or so it seams. Is it possible to wax it and buff it out without damaging it? What cleaning products do you recomend? Thanks in advance.

thats very normal for cheap CF layed hoods - they are not true CF

the CF is layed on a fiberglass hood usually - over time the heat from engine make the epoxy on top the CF layer start to "oxidize" look - I would recommend painting it - CF hoods is old school look anyways - Paint it IMO!

05-26-2007, 01:36 PM
i did it to my cf hood before. i wetsanded, then used rubbing compound and polish and wax, looked nice till the wax wore off. i should've spent more time on it. i used a sander/buffer take it on the slow setting though or you'll burn it. now that you mention it, i should do it again.

05-26-2007, 01:52 PM
Ya I know I have a cheep-o hood and I was thinking of painting it. I probably will. :-/

05-26-2007, 02:56 PM
my buddy was saying something about a boat polish? his hood looks like dog shit.. cheap seibon quality haha. maybe u could try respraying clear coat? or use lots of waxxxxx...


05-26-2007, 02:59 PM
Don't laugh but I could have sworn I saw on some forum whether it was nissan or honda...use peanut butter. Forgot the directions.

Think it was carbon fiber hood they used it on. Try looking into that

05-26-2007, 03:00 PM
Ya this Cali sun/heat is no joke. I will look into something like that.

05-26-2007, 03:07 PM


However on the 3rd page of the 2nd link guy explains a body shop friend of his told him the peanut butter is a temp fix. Also too that if you ever want to get the hood gel coated, the oils from the peanut butter will cause side effects or something.

Might want to check into the 3m product the person in the 1st link mentions

05-26-2007, 06:29 PM
Wet sand it and take it to a cheap paint shop and have them lay a couple of layers of clear coat. Most carbon fiber hoods have a couple of layers of clear coat on top. It will look brand new. If you paint do it yourself but if you have never done it before just take it to a professional.

05-26-2007, 07:12 PM
Very simple. go to a honda motorcycle dealership. get some honda brand wax its in a little white squeeze bottle with a pop top. use a mini buffer and a standard foam polishing pad. buff the hood fast and wet wiping with a micro fiber cloth before the wax dries. buff the hood front to back in a straight motion not in a circular pattern. It may take up to 5 full buffing sessions before it looks proper, but this is a safe way to avoid buring the clear. otherwise. wet sand 1000 grit and re-clear. post pics