View Full Version : enkei 92 mesh on s13: what brakes do you guys run?

05-25-2007, 04:17 PM
i have been brain storming and driving myself crazy trying to figure this out.

background: s13 with 5 lug conversion and z32 brakes all around. i have never had this setup working yet because i dont have wheels that are compatible.

i have some 5 lug enkei 92 mesh. 16x7 +0 offset on all four. they dont really come close to clearing the front calipers.

anyway...has anyone successfully gotten these wheels to work with z32 brakes, grinding, fabbing, ANYTHING!!!!

and if not what brakes are you all running with these wheels?


PS...i would probably ditch the brakes before the wheels cuz they are sicky

05-25-2007, 04:20 PM
the disc on the 92's is not right at all.

The old SSR Reverse mesh, some were made with high caliper clearance, like most, sacrifices must be made... unless ssr, riken, or enkei started making mesh again.

steve shadows
05-25-2007, 05:06 PM
i have been brain storming and driving myself crazy trying to figure this out.

background: s13 with 5 lug conversion and z32 brakes all around. i have never had this setup working yet because i dont have wheels that are compatible.

i have some 5 lug enkei 92 mesh. 16x7 +0 offset on all four. they dont really come close to clearing the front calipers.

anyway...has anyone successfully gotten these wheels to work with z32 brakes, grinding, fabbing, ANYTHING!!!!

and if not what brakes are you all running with these wheels?


PS...i would probably ditch the brakes before the wheels cuz they are sicky

the jdm 180sx s13 calipers might be an option if you really want to get those wheels on there.

05-25-2007, 05:12 PM
q45 calipers should clear without any problems

05-25-2007, 05:22 PM
man that suks i would say run a bolt on spacer but the rims are allready 0 offset??....or just get diffrent rims id rather have brakes that some rims seriously.

05-25-2007, 05:26 PM
the jdm 180sx s13 calipers might be an option if you really want to get those wheels on there.

He is 5 lug, so no.

05-25-2007, 05:40 PM
PS...i would probably ditch the brakes before the wheels cuz they are sicky

I have a complete pair of front Q45 brakes if your interested in a trade with your z32's (I'll front up some moe cheddah of course).. eh?

05-25-2007, 06:58 PM
i might have to, but i am going to experiment with a few different options, i was just wondering if anyone else had these wheels and what they did. thanks for the suggestions guys

05-25-2007, 07:12 PM
He is 5 lug, so no.
Wouldn't really matter as long as he ran the proper rotors redrilled for 5lug. :)

05-25-2007, 07:17 PM
ehhh redrill.... the real question is...

"Son, how bad do you want that mesh?"


Or... lol totally forgot to plug. Porterfield Pads. Carbon/Kevlar composites, comparable braking to Z calipers (fade wise), with consiberally more "bite" than stock/autoparts store pads.

Evan, you toss them on your ride yet?

05-31-2007, 07:45 PM
adrians_s13 i am down to trade your q45 front brakes and some cash for my z32 front brakes. the rotors need to be turned cuz they are a little rusted, but they are cross drilled and slotted...i also have the rears available if you want those too. let me know if you still want to and we can set something up

06-01-2007, 04:47 PM
I p'med you :)