05-23-2007, 02:25 PM
:confused: I have a 93' S13 and it wont start!!! I've had this car for bout 3 years and haven't ever had this problem. When I try and start the car the Fuel Pump fuse blows!! I have replaced the fuel pump and got it to start, but then the next time I tried it just blew the fuse again and again and now it just blows fuses and wont start...
Oh, and one more thing. I don't know if this matters but the fuel pump that is in there now is actually from a 1996 S14.
Any suggestions or information regarding this issue and or any electrical related issues would be much appreciated
Thanks again
[email protected]@$!+e
Oh, and one more thing. I don't know if this matters but the fuel pump that is in there now is actually from a 1996 S14.
Any suggestions or information regarding this issue and or any electrical related issues would be much appreciated
Thanks again
[email protected]@$!+e