View Full Version : Linkin Park: Minutes to Midnight

05-15-2007, 01:12 PM
Today (May 15), Linkin Park's third album hits the shelves. Lucky I managed to get a free copy from Best Buy (100% legit). :)

Just listened to the whole album once, so I can't give a depth review...but I must say its quite tame compared to the previous two albums. There are more mellow tone tracks with more vocals than guitar (or electronic beats). I like anything Linkin Park...so I like this album...but I don't expect it to get me amped like previous albums.

Anyone else plan to buy it or has listened to it?

05-15-2007, 01:21 PM
Why get it when you can expect to hear it in every other car video on Youtube.

Baka Sama
05-15-2007, 01:21 PM
Just bought it a few hours ago. Cost me 9.89.

Another brick in the wall.

05-15-2007, 01:22 PM
I like the whole cd. I dont mind the new sound at all. However, I do miss the old Linkin Park.

05-15-2007, 01:32 PM
I agree with you guys, I do not dislike it, but I sincerely kinda miss the high-energy guitars and Chester's screaming. It was also QUITE odd to hear them cursing on this album too, something that was definitely not on Hybrid Theory or Meteora, and was edited out of Reanimation
I have been listening to it for about a week or so now, I will buy it when I get paid this week...

05-15-2007, 01:34 PM
it's about time for rap rock/top 40 rock to go away. just saying.

05-15-2007, 01:42 PM
I like the old Linkin Park better!

05-15-2007, 01:55 PM
it's about time for rap rock/top 40 rock to go away. just saying.


05-15-2007, 02:15 PM
Don't get what people see in this band. Lame 'Hip Hop' beats, sprinkle a few soft angst-ridden verses and throw in a 'screamo' hook. Rinse and repeat.

05-15-2007, 02:30 PM
Don't get what people see in this band. Lame 'Hip Hop' beats, sprinkle a few soft angst-ridden verses and throw in a 'screamo' hook. Rinse and repeat.

thats the epitome of linkin park.

05-15-2007, 02:36 PM
I took a sweaty dump after a bunch of tequila last saturday, I'd say it was better than anything LP has to offer.

Just saying.

05-15-2007, 02:41 PM
So much hate. I personally like em. I have seen them twice in concert. But I have yet to hear there newest album. I like the new single though. IDK.

05-15-2007, 02:51 PM
So much hate. I personally like em. I have seen them twice in concert. But I have yet to hear there newest album. I like the new single though. IDK.
They are awesome in concert. The new tour I believe starts in July...

05-15-2007, 02:55 PM
^^i agree they're awesome in concert...i just downloaded a couple of the tracks from the new album...got some "fake tracks" by other bands so i bought 2 off iTunes (since i have a $15 iTunes card i got for xmas)...not bad...think i might have to stop by Target after work and pick it up

05-15-2007, 03:04 PM
LOL.. LP is a midwest thing

05-15-2007, 03:08 PM
I took a sweaty dump after a bunch of tequila last saturday, I'd say it was better than anything LP has to offer.

Just saying.


05-15-2007, 03:28 PM

05-15-2007, 04:11 PM
the cursing got me also. dont like their new sound much

steve shadows
05-15-2007, 04:20 PM
lol, pulls beneath the surface.

or for constipation...

I tryed so hard and got so far

referring to the fact youll have to take a shit again tomarrow

or next week if your constipated

i never really though LP was "EMO" however.

05-15-2007, 04:38 PM
Can we agree to fucking disagree and concede differences in motherfucking opinion without resorting to childish bullshit scatological insults for ONE week at least, guys?

05-15-2007, 04:58 PM
i cant believe that it took them 14 months to make the album, and have 12 songs. i do like their old shit better. i rather listen to fort minor.

05-15-2007, 05:04 PM
I've only heard the single, and I didn't mind it. I Like the new sound... something different and unexpected I guess. I may pick it up.

05-15-2007, 05:08 PM
i think it sucks
its SSOOOOO out of their normal shit

05-15-2007, 05:11 PM
i think it sucks
its SSOOOOO out of their normal shit

yea bro its like the found religion or something. dunno how to describe it lol. there was one song that stood out but if i were to listen to it without knowing who it was from i would have never guessed linkin park

Cam B
05-15-2007, 05:14 PM
For a linkin park cd.. i thought it was bad. but still worth a listen IMO

05-15-2007, 05:36 PM
Can we agree to fucking disagree and concede differences in motherfucking opinion without resorting to childish bullshit scatological insults for ONE week at least, guys?




05-15-2007, 05:45 PM
I think it's alright, it kinda sounds like their old shit.

I'm like whatever with it. It's okay.

05-15-2007, 06:27 PM
i cant believe that it took them 14 months to make the album, and have 12 songs. i do like their old shit better. i rather listen to fort minor.
They actually recoreded the album and kept writing great songs so they decided to stay in the studio. I guess they did like 40 songs...

Jon Michael
05-15-2007, 09:28 PM
Linkin Park...I remember when I was 16...

I'll listen to it. Although, I really don't expect much. Out of their cd's I only like about 3-4 songs anyways. And, when their second cd was just a remix cd...that kinda irked me and put them on my bad side.

05-16-2007, 07:51 AM
And, when their second cd was just a remix cd...that kinda irked me and put them on my bad side.

How does a remix CD put them on your bad side?

Jon Michael
05-16-2007, 08:39 AM
Because, I was expecting an actual new cd...not a bunch of remixes. Remixes are fine, when it is other artists who do them (there are exceptions I know).

But, personally, having their SECOND cd be the same songs disappointed me. Personal opinion, tho, if you liked it that's great. I just know I was put off by it. I was never a huge Linkin Park fan, stuff like that just served to further it.

Baka Sama
05-16-2007, 02:22 PM
This CD is definitely for the grown and sexy! :cool:

And there is no "average linkin park fan". Have you ever been to a Linkin park concert? Every race and every style of people are there. From hip hoppers to *gasp* Emo punks. I enjoyed the new CD, song #3 (forgot the name) and #11 (pieces) are my fav's so far. Chester is getting older and he has like what, 4 kids now? You cant scream forever lol. What makes a great band to me will always be the vocals and voice of the lead singer. Chester and Mike have a very unique voice, not to mention a fresh sound you wouldnt hear on any other bands CD. Love the new CD, cant wait to see them in July, and look forward to hearing new material in the future.

Atleast they dont sound like Nickelback which is like 75% of the bands out there lol.

05-16-2007, 02:30 PM
I've always been a big fan, they are great in concert, but this album was disappointing. I guess I was expecting the high energy of the earlier albums, a year and a half in studio with "over 100 rough tracks" and these were the best? Don't get me wrong, it's good in it's own way, but it's very different and not what I was expecting from them.

05-16-2007, 02:39 PM
Tried listening to it just 'cause it was free... heheheh... nope, they still suck.
I want my bandwith back.

05-16-2007, 03:05 PM
i cant believe that it took them 14 months to make the album, and have 12 songs. i do like their old shit better. i rather listen to fort minor.

WERD! mike shinoda in Fort Minor is good listening but im also a fan of the the new LP album. track 7 is my favorite right now :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

Baka Sama
05-16-2007, 03:11 PM
^^ Mike Shinoda in Fort Minor is a disgrace to hip hop. But still owns 70% of rap music.

05-16-2007, 03:11 PM
I've always been a big fan, they are great in concert, but this album was disappointing. I guess I was expecting the high energy of the earlier albums, a year and a half in studio with "over 100 rough tracks" and these were the best? Don't get me wrong, it's good in it's own way, but it's very different and not what I was expecting from them.

i agree, its hard to believe that these 12 tracks were the "cream of the crop" from 100 or so songs. LP is trying a different approach with this album, or thats how i feel. take for instance the band Coldplay (arguably one great band) but i thought all of their albums sounded too...similar. Good music but every album has been made with the same recipe:hs:

:bigok: so i embrace Minutes to Midnight

05-16-2007, 03:16 PM
Chester has four kids? haha...I dunno why that is funny (properly thinking of screaming kids) but damn..how old is he?

If they made countless tracks....maybe that can give way to yet another album? something like "LP: Delivered Uncut".

Baka Sama
05-16-2007, 03:46 PM
Chester Bennington is 30, and with a 2nd wife like that i'd pump out a few kids too!

Also if your a Chester fan he has 2 other bands he's working with right now. Which probably explains why this album took so long to create. Snow White Tan is his solo project that is gonna be released sometime this year. Also check out his other band Julien-K which has Ryan Shuck and Amir Derakh from Orgy in it.

And for real Linkin park fans, you can check out his old stuff he did back in the 90's with his first band Grey Daze.
Rockin dreads!

05-16-2007, 04:01 PM
take for instance the band Coldplay (arguably one great band) but i thought all of their albums sounded too...similar. Good music but every album has been made with the same recipe:hs:

Exactly the reason I love the Deftones. Fucking every album is an entirely different experience, but still the same essence.

05-16-2007, 04:19 PM
^^^ hell yeah man Deftones rock!

and so does Chester's hot wife :)

05-16-2007, 06:23 PM
I do like their old sound better. They were like "rock and rap has been done before" and I was like "Yeah by you guys."

05-16-2007, 08:36 PM
I personally didnt like 90% of the new album, but there are 2 songs that were pretty good. The old stuff i could listen to every song and not want to change the track.. but now..

05-16-2007, 09:26 PM

05-16-2007, 10:16 PM
I bought the album, the minute circuit city opened. and Iove the whole thing. (well I guess im obsessed with LInkin park) but whatever! =]

05-17-2007, 01:42 PM
it sucks...theres only 2 semi decent songs...otherwise it blows...

steve shadows
05-17-2007, 01:47 PM
I've always been a big fan, they are great in concert, but this album was disappointing. I guess I was expecting the high energy of the earlier albums, a year and a half in studio with "over 100 rough tracks" and these were the best? Don't get me wrong, it's good in it's own way, but it's very different and not what I was expecting from them.

rick rubin rapes

steve shadows
05-17-2007, 01:48 PM
How does a remix CD put them on your bad side?

the jay z thing finished up and sealed my hate for tehm

05-17-2007, 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleS14 View Post
How does a remix CD put them on your bad side?
the jay z thing finished up and sealed my hate for tehm

Could've been worse. They could have collabed with Puffy.

05-18-2007, 07:26 PM
^^^Haha... yeah that Jay-Z collab album wasn't the best.

I picked up the new CD yesterday... it was only $10 at Wal-Mart. I like it personally. It is different, but I think it shows they're maturing a bit more as a band and expanding into new things for themselves, change things up a bit. I like there new style and old equally.

05-18-2007, 07:34 PM
^^^Haha... yeah that Jay-Z collab album wasn't the best.

I picked up the new CD yesterday... it was only $10 at Wal-Mart. I like it personally. It is different, but I think it shows they're maturing a bit more as a band and expanding into new things for themselves, change things up a bit. I like there new style and old equally.

I bought it today, $8.99 at Circuit City, but my opinion of it was already solidified before doing so.
I liked the old style for what it was just fine. Now it seems as if they're reaching for something different, almost because the old way became wildly popular. I would imagine it as if Pauly Shore or Tom Green, or someone of that ilk decided all of a sudden that they were tired of being fucking clownshoes and that it was time to be in Francis Ford Coppola's next film.
... keep in mind that my mind easily falls off into exaggeration, so it wasn't QUITE that, but you see where I am going.
Again, I do not dislike it, it is just something needing to be looked at and liked on a different level compared to everything they'd done before it.

05-18-2007, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by: PHLIP
I bought it today, $8.99 at Circuit City, but my opinion of it was already solidified before doing so.
I liked the old style for what it was just fine. Now it seems as if they're reaching for something different, almost because the old way became wildly popular. I would imagine it as if Pauly Shore or Tom Green, or someone of that ilk decided all of a sudden that they were tired of being fucking clownshoes and that it was time to be in Francis Ford Coppola's next film.
... keep in mind that my mind easily falls off into exaggeration, so it wasn't QUITE that, but you see where I am going.
Again, I do not dislike it, it is just something needing to be looked at and liked on a different level compared to everything they'd done before it.

There's no Circuit City where I live. haha... $10 at Wal-Mart was the best I could do.

I completely agree with what you're saying. I think that the style they put out before became so popular, so fast and the fact that they were being copied (or attempted copying) by other bands, made them want to change things up. So as not to be stereotyped as a one style band if you get what I mean? There are "leftovers" of the old style in the CD and that's what makes me like it. Almost like they just took the old style and mixed it up even more, and put out something, not neccessairly new, but unexpected I guess. Kind of like this: Pauly Shore plays a part in Francis Ford Coppola's next film... and shocks the shit out of everyone when he actually does a decent job. lol

05-18-2007, 08:03 PM
this is why I think deftones are still one of the best. LP just sold out like paul oakenfold.... trying to sell or go a different route just doesnt work all the time.

I wonder which one of them was so creative to suggest this complete change,,,

05-18-2007, 10:08 PM
[QUOTE=mRclARK1;1381499]I think that the style they put out before became so popular, so fast and the fact that they were being copied (or attempted copying) by other bands, made them want to change things up./QUOTE]

I hear what you're saying but to me they're just a follower of Korn, Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach, Cypress Hill, RATM... Hip Hop elements and hard rock were already played out when Linkin Park blew up. Just my .02 and reason why I sort of - hating would mean I cared - dislike them.

05-18-2007, 10:33 PM
I love the new album.

Granted not all songs are good, but 10/12 is not bad.
Shadow of the day + Given up + What I've done are the best track, IMO.

Seeing them tomorrow for the first time, heard they're not bad live.
With all that screaming shit too.

PS: CKAMC - Paul Oakenfold sucks soo bad.
I've seen him train wreck so many times that I'll never go to any of his show.

Oh wait . . I'm seeing him again at the end of June.

05-18-2007, 10:47 PM
+1 for deftones. wat about system of a down?

05-19-2007, 01:07 AM
Helghast - dont... stick to corsten, he is the new master!

WILDACEX187 - system was really into their stuff so much they made rob and white zob's look like pussies.

RATM - Best... to bad they had issues with a certian weirdo in the end

cypress - for life

limp... just did that... they died out and so did their discovery (staind)

someone stopped on the roaches finally

korn... still a fan but its been a while.

05-19-2007, 03:57 AM
i still prefer the older albums

but hey this is coming from a hardcore alexisonfire fan...

05-19-2007, 09:58 PM
Oh man, I love their new album. I never really was a Linkin Park fan, but I love this album of theirs though. Especially "Hands Held High". Love that track!

05-19-2007, 10:02 PM
My Opinion


05-20-2007, 09:53 AM
they played the whole album on the radio like last week and it sounded pretty good... not gona waste my $10 on it tho... limewireftw

05-20-2007, 05:27 PM
Oh man, I love their new album. I never really was a Linkin Park fan, but I love this album of theirs though. Especially "Hands Held High". Love that track!

hell yeah thats a good track, im listening to "Valentines Day" right now and wondering why they wrote this song, lol.

and it was stuck in my head all day. my friends hate me for screaming "on a VALENTINES DAAAAAY!!!!" in their ears holes!!:aw: :aw: :aw:

05-20-2007, 08:45 PM
It's a good album. I like a few songs and I'm not too fond of some others.

I'm gonna pick it up whenever I go out to some electronics store to buy Forza 2.

05-20-2007, 10:13 PM
Linkin Park is the new U2, haa.

I saw their new music video on TV, and it was another one of those cheap played out political videos with random scenes from the world chopped and mixed together to play on people's emotions, oh noooo, Nickelback is coming!

05-21-2007, 12:39 AM
I saw em this past saturday.
KROQ's Weenie Roast.

Let me tell you, Chester fucking tore that place down.
Hitting all those screaming points for a good hour?

I lost my voice, it was that good.

They played ALL the classics + 4 New Songs.
Given Up, Bleed it out, What I've done, and uh..that track with "..sorrow"

05-21-2007, 12:58 AM
I just listened to the album and i prefer their old style as well. Although the band never seemed really talented with their instruments, there was something about their older albums that made me listen to them repeatedly. A lot of the stuff they play is simple, but they sound good.

I liked the first couple songs on this album and thats about it. Too many slow songs for my taste.

I firmly believe that Mike Shinoda should never sing on any further linkin park, fort minor or any other project he is a part of. I can't listen to the entire song, "In Between" cuz his singing was awful. I think Chester could have made this song a lot better.

05-21-2007, 01:11 AM
I think their new album sucks the llamas dick. They remind me of Nickelback pretty much recycling their songs.

05-21-2007, 05:32 AM
took long enough for it to come out :) havent heard it but probably will pick it up