View Full Version : 2 Question for SR owners ( greddy Catch Can and..)

05-13-2007, 11:15 AM
Ok I recently purchase a s14 with a Blacktop from a buddy of mine that was neglecting the car.

it has a s13 Blacktop SR.

1st question ,

I was wondering if anyone makes a intake pipe instead of the rubber peice from the MAF - Turbo inlet ?
And if anyone has any pics you could post ? Also would it be wise to get that cause im planning to swap a t28 ? or should I upgrade with a t28 and a new manifold than the OEM stock mani ?

2nd question ,

I was trying to figure this out all day yesterday and totally forgot about this site.

I was wondering if anyone has pictures post of their Greddy Oil Catch Can and also where does the other hose go too ?? One comes off the valve cover on the exhuast side right ? and into the can ?

Thanks in advance for your help !


05-13-2007, 12:14 PM
Ok all of your questions could be answered by searching but it's mother's day so.
1.pipingpro.com makes cheap pipes. I have had 3 of them and they are great. You dont need a new manifold to run a t28.
Search for pics of catchcan setups, there is a million

midnight zenki
05-13-2007, 12:26 PM
For the catch can actually, you should be leading of off the PCV valve that recirculates into the intake manifold and routing that line through the catch can. This is the best way to prevent oil residue from being deposited into the intake tract. This was covered recently and I don't recall the authors name, I know he is a premie though, so credit due to the unnamed author.

05-13-2007, 01:52 PM
Ok all of your questions could be answered by searching but it's mother's day so.
1.pipingpro.com makes cheap pipes. I have had 3 of them and they are great. You dont need a new manifold to run a t28.
Search for pics of catchcan setups, there is a million

Thank but I tried the search , the only thing that shows up on the search is a bunch of For Sale threads ...

Google shows 1 thread thats about a CA18DET setup and its a photoshop of a picture.

Im still working my way around this site and I came out empty handed with oil catch can images and installs.

Thanks tho for question # 1

05-13-2007, 02:20 PM
this will yield you about 20 catch can threads...

05-13-2007, 06:07 PM
this will yield you about 20 catch can threads...

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

^^ its there something wrong with my search ?

05-15-2007, 12:31 AM
Help ? Someone ?

05-15-2007, 02:03 AM
Ok when you search do an advanced search. Use catch can and highlight the tech forum. That will weed out the unwanted threads. If you want is even more narrow then click the box that says search in title. Good Luck

05-15-2007, 02:22 AM

05-15-2007, 02:31 AM
^^^^its The Truth!!!^^^^

05-15-2007, 05:17 AM
im in a sharing mood today....

look at the pics and the answers are in there.




05-15-2007, 12:01 PM
im in a sharing mood today....

look at the pics and the answers are in there.




is the hose on the right of the catch can routes back into the intake pipe ??
For some reason It doesnt seem like I have that much room.

Thanks that help tho with the visual. I have my mounts besides the powersteering but its pretty cramped.

05-15-2007, 12:20 PM
yeah it goes back into the intake... the catch can can be mounted anywhere.

05-15-2007, 01:20 PM
Damn Mats didn't know you were so baller running ARC air diversion plate.

You engibe bay looks clean.

05-15-2007, 01:54 PM
greedy hard pipe kit fits t25/t28

05-15-2007, 02:19 PM
Valve cover has a T so the part going forward goes to catch can then back into intake and part going back goes back into block on lower bottom corner. Thats what I have come to learn anyways.

05-15-2007, 04:51 PM
Well, the catch can question should be answered... Anyway, if you upgrade to a T28, I wouldn't buy a new manifold for it. The only time I have noticed the need to get a different manifold is when I put in a 42r on a S13, and went topmount. It's your money, but I say save it.

05-15-2007, 09:06 PM
awesome guys , thanks for the feedback , I really appericated it ...

From your personal experience , What are some #'s most of you guys are laying down with a t28 upgrade on a Blacktop ?

I dyno the t25 and push it @15psi and it made 255 whp.
Blitz I/C Blitz Bov , 3 inch downpipe hks exhuast. and safc II
This is how the car was put toghter when I took the car over.
I heard 15psi is pushing the t25.
I would like to try and get 350whp? could a t28 yeild that much or would I need to get a set of cams and maybe Greddy intake manifold ??

05-15-2007, 10:17 PM
just get a s15 turbo, i have seen 336 the the wheels on one. nice set up pretty easy install.

im currently running a HKS gt2835r and im making 396 to the rear wheels on 17.4 psi

05-15-2007, 11:42 PM
just get a s15 turbo, i have seen 336 the the wheels on one. nice set up pretty easy install.

im currently running a HKS gt2835r and im making 396 to the rear wheels on 17.4 psi

Damn nice #s any other mods besides the turbo?

I assume the Gt2835r is a Ballbearing ?

05-20-2007, 12:29 PM
clean engine bay

05-20-2007, 01:39 PM
yeah it is a ball bearing.. ill post a dyno sheet later today