View Full Version : can a bad injector can effect a compression test?

05-08-2007, 09:53 AM
So I was at the D1gp event this saturday in englishtown and on the way back the car started stuttering and was only running on 3 cylinders, i narrowed it down to cylinder 1 and checked the spark plug and distributor connection to find no problem, then it evened itself out like it never happened and there was no problem for the rest of the ride home.

fast forward 2 days later and the problem came back, so perplexed i switched out the wires and the spark plug to no avail. I took it to my local shop and we ran a compression test on that cylinder to find it only had 80 compression. I left the car there and figured it was bad news IE valve or piston rings. It turned out to be a bad injector.

so my question is, how does an injector effect a compression test or is my compression really that bad?

05-08-2007, 09:56 AM
just guessing
injector washed down the cylinder with gas
gas diluted oil around the piston = low compression

05-09-2007, 08:44 AM
The injector is completely isolated from the combustion chamber so that is not an issue, but like aznpoopy said the injector could have dumped fuel into the cylinder washing down the walls leaving no oil and thus wearing down the rings quickly.
Do another compression test with a bit of oil in the cylinder, if it jumps up a lot then your rings are bad. If no big change then look into a leak test to see if a valve is leaking.

05-09-2007, 03:14 PM
no - msg length

05-09-2007, 07:05 PM
No what?......The correct answer was already given regarding what an injector can do to cylinder compression. Change your oil before you drive