View Full Version : Who else also lives in Japan?

04-27-2007, 05:11 AM
I'm in the Kanagawa Prefecture. :wavey:

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04-27-2007, 05:39 AM
Hi! I'm in Gunma ヾ(^∇^)ノ Welcome :hug:

04-27-2007, 08:11 AM
Okinawa...4 yr vacation tour. Do I really need to go to Hawaii for my honeymoon?\

Anyways how much did yall get your car for? Cars out here are shittier than the mainland and more expensive....

04-27-2007, 09:00 AM
im in kanagawa... nice kookie

04-27-2007, 09:55 AM
Okinawa...4 yr vacation tour. Do I really need to go to Hawaii for my honeymoon?\

Anyways how much did yall get your car for? Cars out here are shittier than the mainland and more expensive....

not in japan anymore, just wanted to say okinawa sucks glad in was in mainland..lol..in oki you are always wet either cuz it is raining or cuz you are sweating :eek:

04-27-2007, 12:01 PM
^^^ True that. I used to hate it when I was there, but now that I've been gone for almost 3 years I miss it sometimes. The beach mainly. But I also stayed in Mainland for a year and it's cool.

04-27-2007, 06:55 PM
I'm in the Kanagawa Prefecture. :wavey:

Oops! Please move this to the Off Topic Secion. Sorry about that...

Haha, nice. I recognize your car. I see it parked by the golf course usually.
What's your name?
I have the very ugly white & red sileighty (formerly all red 180).

04-27-2007, 10:51 PM
how is it living over there? Do u guys get homesick? Tell us more...it doesn't have to be about cars

04-28-2007, 06:21 AM
I miss....eating out and not spending atleast $30-40 for 2 people.

I miss In & Out already, and a carne asada burrito...OOoOOOoh decent guacamole that i wont have to pay $3 for and SOUR CREAM!!! Japanese hate sour cream so its impossible to find off-base.

04-28-2007, 06:34 AM
I miss....eating out and not spending atleast $30-40 for 2 people.

Where the fuck are you eating?
Go find a Saizeriya, a CoCo's Curry House, MOS Burger, Jolly Pasta, etc etc.
They're all cheap and good.
We had Saizeriya today, ordered way too much for ourselves and Emma, and only spent 2600yen.

04-28-2007, 06:53 AM
Where the fuck are you eating?
Go find a Saizeriya, a CoCo's Curry House, MOS Burger, Jolly Pasta, etc etc.
They're all cheap and good.
We had Saizeriya today, ordered way too much for ourselves and Emma, and only spent 2600yen.

I went to some chinese restaurant, ordered 2 sides and a cup of soap with water. Shiet came up to Y3600. I dont even wanna go anywhere near the american village...

04-28-2007, 07:25 AM
Cup of soap with water? Explain.

Y3600 is ~$30USD, correct?

04-28-2007, 10:04 AM
I'm in the Kanagawa Prefecture. :wavey:

Oops! Please move this to the Off Topic Secion. Sorry about that...

I think you were in my algebra class last term right?

04-28-2007, 06:43 PM
how is it living over there? Do u guys get homesick? Tell us more...it doesn't have to be about cars

I'm not home sick, but then again I've livd here for a quarter of my life so it feels like home. When I moved to VA for "work" I was home sick though haha.

I DO MISS CARNE ASADA though haha.

Unholy S14
04-28-2007, 08:26 PM
japan ftw...

04-29-2007, 02:01 AM
im not in japan, but my whole family lives in chiba so im there a lot. anybody else live around there?

04-29-2007, 03:38 AM
i live in FUssa/tachikawa/akiruno
they are all right next to each other, the base is in two of the above and my new house is in akiruno..

like 2 hours from chiba

Unholy S14
04-29-2007, 07:40 AM
can one of you guys get me a japanese license ?

ill pay for everything of course.

04-29-2007, 08:34 PM
can one of you guys get me a japanese license ?

ill pay for everything of course.

Hard to do, they typically are turned in when a vehicle is junked.

Unholy S14
04-30-2007, 07:56 AM
oh damn.........

05-01-2007, 08:03 PM
I got a question, what's the main differences between living in japan and living in the U.S., besdies everthing being in japanese. Stuff like how the people act, the geography, difference in cities, police,etc.

Unholy S14
05-01-2007, 08:23 PM
are you serious ?

05-01-2007, 10:46 PM
Im in the Shizuoka prefecture alot, my family stays there as well. Most of you other guys are based in Oki? PRETTY HOT THERE! ! ! Lucky to be driving around with "Y" plates ey?

05-02-2007, 02:40 AM
I got a question, what's the main differences between living in japan and living in the U.S., besides everything being in Japanese. Stuff like how the people act, the geography, difference in cities, police,etc.

Hotter, Humid as hell ( I am from Cali so this kills me), Crowded, expensive, busy, some parts smell bad, the pizzas here are like $40 and have some nasty shit on them...squid octopus and clams. EWW.

We have strict laws for car reg but after that is over and after auto safety week we can pretty much do whatever we want to our cars. It rocks. Police are cool here. Laid back, don't harass anyone. They stick to themselves.

As far as the people, not all, but a good portion are openly discriminatory to Americans...white/black/Mexican...doesn't matter. You are American and they want nothing to do with you...others are the most awesome people ever and love Americans. Just depends.

05-02-2007, 02:47 AM
I found that 35 was the cut off age on whether they are more or less likely to like you. You can't judge it cause the meanest looking old lady will be an angel to you and the teenage store clerk will be a total dick when you expect the opposite.

American Sushi takes like crap now :(

05-02-2007, 02:49 AM
no taco bell?

05-02-2007, 09:16 AM
no taco bell?

a few of the bases (if not all) have taco bell... i miss real carne though

05-02-2007, 09:58 AM
a few of the bases (if not all) have taco bell... i miss real carne though

Quoted for truth!

05-02-2007, 12:07 PM
heard engine swaps are hella more expensive out there then here...

but on to more interesting things.. how do the ladies treat americans..?
whats the club scene like..?
girls girls girls !

05-03-2007, 12:36 AM
ive been to japan, only in the airport haha!

good thread. but anyway, for the people who live in japan, what do you guys work as and how do you support yourselves? anything besides military?

05-03-2007, 12:46 AM
so all you guys are living in japan... mainly military people? or just moved from usa? tell us more... you found work there?

05-03-2007, 01:31 AM
I live here...military, but there are a lot of ways to get jobs out here. IF you have what they are wanting.

05-03-2007, 06:22 AM
I am in the military as well. For the "IT" community its pretty easy to walk into a decent paying job over here as a gov't contractor when you get out/retire from the military (better to be a "stateside hire" than a "local hire" though because the benefits/perks are better). As far as working off base alot of people come over and teach english, or do study abroad and find a job through that/internships.

05-03-2007, 06:36 AM
I find it that generally 95% of the foreigner demographic that live in Japan fall into the following catagories:
1) Military
2) IT
3) Education
4) Adult Entertainment (if you know what I mean ;)
(5 Business salarymen/women)

It's pretty seldom to find a foreigner that doesn't fall into one of these catagories. Although from time to time do find people who are employed by Japanese businesses as salarymen :(

05-03-2007, 06:53 AM
heard engine swaps are hella more expensive out there then here

As far as car labor, I'd say it depends. There are a few shops trying to make a name for themselves so they'll charge a really low price for labor. For example, here was the price range for my sr swap into the cefiro: 80,000Y-870,000Y. So at a 1$ to 1 Y rate (and its way better than that... this is just for comparison), It went from $800 to $8700 dollars. Needless to say you can guess which one i chose haha. But the cheap shop is a great shop and i've seen there work so i trust them... but then it makes me think about the other shops. While some of them are famous (Weld is one of them), why the hell the price jump. One shop wanted 300,000Y labor only... that wasn't even including parts. I was providing all the parts. CRAZY. If i had time to do the swap myself i would, but i don't.

05-04-2007, 03:52 AM
mrmephistopheles.. What up man, yup unfortunately I work at the golf course haha... It sucks... Stop by sometime, Btw my name is Kyle.

S13SilviaGirl.. What up, yeah I was in that class. Mr. Beckham right? Yeah, I sat in the back of the class.. Weren't you driving the red sileighty?

Damn, didn't realize there were Atsugi people in here... What UP Atsugi!

05-04-2007, 03:57 AM
yay...japan ftmfw!

05-04-2007, 09:35 AM
Lets see....I just went and saw spiderman at minahama. Shiet costed me Y4000 for me and the wifey. Y-plate is not great, its like a bulls-eye in the back of your car. If I get into an accident, im liable whether I caused it or not. Also, all it takes is somebody to report in my plates and I can loose my license for 6 months. Found a decent Mexican place...$2.50 extra for guacamole and guess what...japanese dont like sour cream so they got NONE!!! What kind of mexican restaurant doesnt have sour cream??? Its muggy as heck, doesnt matter its 7 in the morning, or 12 in the afternoon, you will feel sticky.

But other than that, works great. I look out the window and I can see the flightline on one side and the ocean right behind it. My bldg sits on one of the highest point on base...

05-04-2007, 09:42 AM
quit bitching

ger out there buy my coilovers and go to the touge

05-04-2007, 09:45 AM
quit bitching

ger out there buy my coilovers and go to the touge

Haha...dont worry, im trying to get my "loose my license" car...:fawkd:
No it wont be the wifes skyline...:mrmeph:

05-04-2007, 03:51 PM
On another note,

thru some of the research I have gone thru one that wants to become a citizen must first give up there current citizenship.

after that you have to contribute to get in... like you donate so much time to the jp ymca or you wrote up some crazy good article at the local uni and got an award for it. From what I read its rather difficult unless your Japaneses (background search of your family tree) or marry in (which is called a marriage visa).

As stated above... IT is the easiest way in. One school I read about wouldn't hire a brunette for their English teacher, they wanted a blond hair blue eyed person instead. I myself am going to try and work my way in via Honeywell/Garrett (my current employer).

05-04-2007, 06:13 PM
so long as you don't mind the xenophobia, Japan is a cool place. However one can only take so much (>_<)

05-04-2007, 07:15 PM
mrmephistopheles.. What up man, yup unfortunately I work at the golf course haha... It sucks... Stop by sometime, Btw my name is Kyle.

S13SilviaGirl.. What up, yeah I was in that class. Mr. Beckham right? Yeah, I sat in the back of the class.. Weren't you driving the red sileighty?

Damn, didn't realize there were Atsugi people in here... What UP Atsugi!

Hahah, yeah a few atsugi.

mrmeph is my hubby. So you may see him driving the crapmobile! haha.

05-04-2007, 08:54 PM
have any of yall talked suggestively when someone is xenophobia to yall? or just asking for too much trouble? lol

Yeah I hear the same thing a lot... some are a bit unsure of foreigners (first time experience :keke: ) while others in inherit their parents' hate.... and then you got super stars like tarzan who look at you like... "wtf another motthafucka trying to beat me at this game" :keke: :keke: :keke:

05-04-2007, 09:20 PM
Japanese people/society for the most part I've found to be passive agressive. They generally won't come right out and be forward, but rather covertly treat you in an unequal manner. I'm not saying everyone is like this, but it does happen from time to time.

05-04-2007, 11:38 PM
Ive got a rip, I might be heading over there...

05-05-2007, 08:42 AM
Ive got a rip, I might be heading over there...

Oki or mainland?

05-06-2007, 02:50 AM
this is a good thread. my friend keeps telling me not to go there because its expensive. yet i hear its only expensive if you try to have an american life style. true?

05-06-2007, 04:16 AM
Oki or mainland?

It was for misawa

05-06-2007, 05:13 AM
booo for that country ass place
but htey have a new track up there

i make 1000 every two weeks, and i live just fine

05-06-2007, 07:00 AM
this is a good thread. my friend keeps telling me not to go there because its expensive. yet i hear its only expensive if you try to have an american life style. true?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you're going to be in Japan for a couple of years of your life, I think its a good idea to live as Japanese as possible. It's a great way to experience the culture and you will have an entirely different outlook about things when you return to America. Enjoy the experience :)

05-06-2007, 08:48 AM
this is a good thread. my friend keeps telling me not to go there because its expensive. yet i hear its only expensive if you try to have an american life style. true?

Housing is expensive. It is really expensive if you are not military and don't have a housing allowance and a move-in allowance. It is expensive in town for heat/ac/electricity. Gas is insane...about $4.50 a gallon if you go out in town for gas. Food prices vary, depends on what you like. It all depends on if you are military/contractor or if you are like Noah on here and have to do it they way most other people do that come to the country to live/work.

05-06-2007, 08:03 PM
I live in Gotemba and the people here dont seem to mind me so much. maybe is cuz i have chinky eyes like them they dont know the difference. damn gaijins.

im surprised at how many chicks know english. most the japanese around here know english but say they dont. its strange that they do that. but im really enjoying myself out here. tokyo is the shit, roppongi is fun but i have yet to check out the other districts but im hoping to go to shibuya here soon.

the skyline effect wears off quickly since theyre fucking everywhere. its cool to see caddy's on gold 15' spokes. haha....

05-06-2007, 08:34 PM
Are you at camp fuji? Orrrr somewhere else?

05-06-2007, 10:34 PM
yes, good ol' camp fuji...

05-06-2007, 10:41 PM
i spent 1 month in kitakyushu and 1 month in hachiouji and the only stares i ever got were from really old people or curious little kids. hahaha having a tattoo and being a foreigner at the bath house was an interesting experience...as well as the hilarious fact that store workers will welcome you if you come in silent or speaking japanese, but wont even glance at you if you walk in speaking english.

05-06-2007, 10:47 PM
I am just bummed about not being able to take my car. Sure there are great cars there but if yours is already built then it sucks.

05-07-2007, 01:12 AM
I'm middle eastern.
How do you think they'd react to me?

05-07-2007, 06:10 AM
there are a lot of brazilians and africans here. not here in my area but fucking all over tokyo... ive seen some indians too. everything here...

05-07-2007, 07:00 AM
Speaking of indian, we went to an indian restaurant out here in oki. They had 2 prices for the dishes. So I figured, the more expensive will be more food right? So we get some prawn curry and chicken curry...wow was i surprised. $12 roughly per dish...i get 3 prawns and 4 pieces of chicken breast on mine and I dont mean the whole breast... I swear im loosing weight in this country, forced diet with not enough food to eat.

05-07-2007, 10:05 AM
Hotter, Humid as hell ( I am from Cali so this kills me), Crowded, expensive, busy, some parts smell bad, the pizzas here are like $40 and have some nasty shit on them...squid octopus and clams. EWW.

I'm from South Louisiana so I'd probly just at home

heard engine swaps are hella more expensive out there then here...

but on to more interesting things.. how do the ladies treat americans..?
whats the club scene like..?
girls girls girls !

Yeah what about the GIRLS!!

Did mostof y'all learn japanese before you got there or did you learn from living in japan, also what's a "Y" plate, is that the plate beginner drivers?

05-07-2007, 10:08 AM
i have heard many stories saying if you live in japan its best to be in tokyo since its the most laxed with gaiji...

just stories.

05-07-2007, 11:34 AM
I see there are a lot of Okinawa haters here. All I can say Oki rocks!!!!
I liked it better than mainland. Mainland gets too damn cold and not enough day light for me. Oki is hot and humid, but I'd rather have that then cold weather. I lived in Oki for 5 years; only been in the US for 6 months now and I'm looking into getting a job there soon. I'll be out of the military by Sep, so I hope I can find something before then, a GS contracting job btw.

ahhhh, I miss 4 season.

05-07-2007, 11:38 AM
I'm from South Louisiana so I'd probly just at home

Yeah what about the GIRLS!!

Did mostof y'all learn japanese before you got there or did you learn from living in japan, also what's a "Y" plate, is that the plate beginner drivers?

I went to college to learn japanese and also worked with local nationals, so I picked it up real good. It really helps a lot and it makes your experience totally different. I mean totally!

Y plate is for the americans only. We are consider professional drivers there, so no beginner bs for us. if they hit you or if you hit them, it will be your fault 99% of the time. That sucks!!!

05-07-2007, 05:03 PM
I'm from South Louisiana so I'd probly just at home

Yeah what about the GIRLS!!

Did mostof y'all learn japanese before you got there or did you learn from living in japan, also what's a "Y" plate, is that the plate beginner drivers?

the japanese chicks are pretty cool. nice enough if they dont shy away. dentist must be expensive as hell over here cuz damn....

like the other guy said, "Y" yankee plate is for us gaijin drivers... its kinda like condemning the vehicle cuz youll never sell it back to the japanese so you gotta sell it to another yankee...

05-07-2007, 05:15 PM
the japanese chicks are pretty cool. nice enough if they dont shy away. dentist must be expensive as hell over here cuz damn....

like the other guy said, "Y" yankee plate is for us gaijin drivers... its kinda like condemning the vehicle cuz youll never sell it back to the japanese so you gotta sell it to another yankee...

You are right man, chicks in Japan or japanese folks for that matter think that having theet like a vampire is cute. I'm not saying it beacuse I think so, this is something a japanese friend told me, a chick friend. You'll be lucky to kiss a jp chick with straight clean grill. but who cares about that, right??

05-07-2007, 05:23 PM
the japanese chicks are pretty cool. nice enough if they dont shy away. dentist must be expensive as hell over here cuz damn....

like the other guy said, "Y" yankee plate is for us gaijin drivers... its kinda like condemning the vehicle cuz youll never sell it back to the japanese so you gotta sell it to another yankee...
dont ever post again you idiot

05-07-2007, 07:18 PM
Whats wrong with what he said? Aint that pretty much true? Easiest way to figure out if a japanese girl is from a rich family or poor family...look at her teeth. If they're straight that means she got braces growing up and her family's hooked up.

As far as the Y plate, aint it a pain in the ass to bring back to kanji plates? Plus they know that most americans drive their car to last 2-3 yrs.

05-07-2007, 07:22 PM
Hi! I'm in Gunma ヾ(^∇^)ノ Welcome :hug:
hey I was thinking of moving to Gunma, or Osaka Japan, and I was wondering how you guys like it over there.. I live in California right now and I was wondering if it would be worth it to move. I know It is expensive over there... sorrry its off topic.

05-07-2007, 07:26 PM
Japanese people have to pay the back taxes on the car. For example, the road tax we pay is WAAY cheaper than what a japanese person would pay for the same car. So you figure, they have to pay the back taxes from the date the car became a Yankee plate. Also, most of our cars are not shaken ready, because we have hobby shops to make them shaken ready our selves, and then we take our OWN car to LTO. Japanese people, pay someone else to get there car shaken ready. Then pay MORE for the actualy shaken/jci/registraton renewal).

So its possible.. a buddy of mine just did it last week. Its just a PITA for the japanese person. Your average beat up ass Skyline wont sell. A tuned car probably will.

05-07-2007, 07:32 PM
Can I ask why gunma?? You just have to try to find a job before you get here, and do the math. Like Lisa said earlier if you live a little cheaper its very doable and not a HUGE income. I am spoiled. If I can't find a job that's going to let me live the way I am living now in the military. I'm gonna have to leave (I also have a family and a car/part whore habit).

05-07-2007, 07:40 PM
If your looking for a japanes girls gf, there's only 2 prerequisite. 1 She must speak English. 2 She must pass the Apple Test. Lisa knows what the apple test is...

05-07-2007, 07:46 PM
lmao at the apple test

I always prefer'd chicks that didn't speak english. Helped me learn japanese haha. Then there's the pillow talk issue....

05-07-2007, 08:06 PM
dont ever post again you idiot

sorry. your too cool. i am just baka gaijin.

05-08-2007, 02:26 AM
If your looking for a japanes girls gf, there's only 2 prerequisite. 1 She must speak English. 2 She must pass the Apple Test. Lisa knows what the apple test is...

Yep, the apple test ROCKS. HAhaha.

For those that are talking out of their ass and don't REALLY know, stop mis-informing the rest of the ppl.

05-08-2007, 03:33 AM
yes you are apparently
a y plate isnt the demise of a vehicle
it just has to be deregistered, then reregistered and shakken for a Kanji plate.
sorry. your too cool. i am just baka gaijin.

05-08-2007, 03:34 AM
lmao at the apple test

I always prefer'd chicks that didn't speak english. Helped me learn japanese haha. Then there's the pillow talk issue....

nahhhh its muffled with their face in it

no problem

05-08-2007, 04:47 AM
Lmfao @ apple test. What size apple should you use though? I always go w/ Macintosh.

And I heard most guys there are really shy...so it's incredibly easy to pick up a ladyfolk.

I want to go to Japan now. Zilvia Japan meet?

05-08-2007, 04:57 AM
im waiting for you farzo

05-08-2007, 05:13 AM
I actually was thinking about doing it next summer.

This summer I'm going to LA/Vegas/Panama City/Atlanta/NYC...and probably Canada.

And then probably going on tour.

I enjoy traveling.

05-08-2007, 07:12 AM
hey I was thinking of moving to Gunma, or Osaka Japan, and I was wondering how you guys like it over there.. I live in California right now and I was wondering if it would be worth it to move. I know It is expensive over there... sorrry its off topic.

Can I ask why gunma?? You just have to try to find a job before you get here, and do the math. Like Lisa said earlier if you live a little cheaper its very doable and not a HUGE income. I am spoiled. If I can't find a job that's going to let me live the way I am living now in the military. I'm gonna have to leave (I also have a family and a car/part whore habit).

I love Gunma, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in Japan. Personaly I like the country a lot better than the city, a lot more space, cheaper (My rent is only 5000 yen a month, BUT I live on top of a mountain in the middle of the woods, if I want to go to the store its a 25 minute drive. It's more or less a shack in the mountain, so its a trade off).

The pros about living out in the country is that its more "Japanese" than the city. Tokyo is a very international city, you can get by with limited to no Japanese and it feels like any other megatropolis. However, the city does have things like night clubs, stores, young people, etc.. so if you like that kinda stuff then that's the way to go.

However the living in the country you do build relationships with your neighbors, community and experience a "Japan" than no Tokyo-iets could ever experience. Depends on what your personality is, and where you think you would "fit in" more.
Of course, Gunma ,IMO, has the best driving roads in all of Japan (^_^)
(I'm a civilian btw)

05-08-2007, 06:56 PM
i thought the country folk didnt like foreigners much...? can anyone verify this?

05-08-2007, 08:38 PM
In my experience, the country folks like Americans better than the ones near Tokyo/Yokohama...why? Less military idiots influencing their opinion.

05-09-2007, 01:18 AM
In my experience, the country folks like Americans better than the ones near Tokyo/Yokohama...why? Less military idiots influencing their opinion.

I totally agree with SilviaGirl, country folk are REALLY friendly, some of them have probably never seen a foreigner before and would like to meet you. Just from a casual conversation at the store or out about town I've made lots of nice friends. I feel that you can really connect with the people and have nice deep conversations here.

Personally I don't like Tokyo at all, everywhere I go in Tokyo i'm treated like a tourist or someone who doesn't know anything about Japan. Its a little bit frustrating, its just been my experience that the countryside is a bit more respectful and hospitable and makes me feel a lot more "equal" than I would in the city. That's just my experience, i'm sure its not that way for everybody.

One more thing about the country is that if you really want to get the most out of it, you really HAVE to know (at least some) Japanese and Japanese culture/etiquette. People I know that live here and don't practice thouse two, really feel that this place is boring and they want to go to Tokyo night clubs and just party.
As I posted earlier that's just a person with a "city club partier" personality, probably better suited off in a big city. However if you really love nature, Japanese culture and the language, the country is great. So long as you are willing to assimilate into the community, its a very rewarding experience.

05-09-2007, 01:59 AM
You are right man, chicks in Japan or japanese folks for that matter think that having theet like a vampire is cute. I'm not saying it beacuse I think so, this is something a japanese friend told me, a chick friend. You'll be lucky to kiss a jp chick with straight clean grill. but who cares about that, right??

Who the hell told you that??? I have plenty of japanese friends/family and they don't like japanese girls/guys w/ jacked up teeth as much as we don't. Never heard of it being cute. You think they planned on they're teeth being jacked up so that they could pick up guys/gals??

As far as the country I think it rocks out there. My In-laws live in the country and I make it a point to go spend a weekend at their place before and/or after I go on a deployment. I LOVE it out there. The downfall is they get alot of snow and the access to where they live (on a mountain) is limited. Mother-in-law had to get rid of her 270R because she felt an awd vehicle was a must:eek3: :(

05-09-2007, 01:39 PM
If your looking for a japanes girls gf, there's only 2 prerequisite. 1 She must speak English. 2 She must pass the Apple Test. Lisa knows what the apple test is...

Somebody mind telling me what the apple test is? I have a feeling it's pretty funny.

05-09-2007, 01:53 PM
more country areas are a lot cooler imo, i loved the time i spent with my friends family in kitakyushu. more spread out and not so super crazy like tokyo is. I went to a few trails and mountains and those were probably the funnest times i had over there.

05-10-2007, 07:14 AM
Somebody mind telling me what the apple test is? I have a feeling it's pretty funny.

It is a joke, and ONLY A JOKE amongst the guys in the military out here...

"Tell the girl to smile. Throw apple at her face. If it sticks she is a NO-GO. If it falls away from her face, then take her ass home".

Not my saying, but funny as hell.

05-10-2007, 11:10 AM
Who the hell told you that??? I have plenty of japanese friends/family and they don't like japanese girls/guys w/ jacked up teeth as much as we don't. Never heard of it being cute. You think they planned on they're teeth being jacked up so that they could pick up guys/gals??

I think I wrote it in my previous post. Remember, culture varies from town to town. I'm talking about Okinawan chicks. I don't know, it may be a psychological thing. I honestly don't give a shit though. whatever rocks their boat.

05-10-2007, 01:17 PM
Man, this is an awesome thread. I've been the to the country side and also to tokyo and they both are great. I am going there again at the end of the year to see my gf's parents, so that will be fun. But yup, gone there twice in the last two years and can't get enough of it.

Living is the ridiculous parts, but eating, man I gotta tell you its cheap and really its hard to find a bad tasting restaurant in Japan. As a Californian going to Japan, you will love it for sure. Absolutely no downers at all. But just be observant about traditional customs and etiquette as no matter how it is, we are guests.

Maybe end of the year, I'll post and see if we can all hang out!

05-10-2007, 06:15 PM
Remember, culture varies from town to town. I'm talking about Okinawan chicks.

Well you do have a point there. There's a noticable(is that a word) difference between the culture of OKI, Southern, Tokyo, and Northern Japan.

05-10-2007, 08:16 PM
what is north japan all about? I RARELY hear anything about it even with my countless hours of otaku related things...

05-19-2007, 05:55 AM
Well figured Ill share this here...told Lisa about this.

But who else are ADDICTED TO THESE?!?!

05-19-2007, 06:17 AM
I LOVE THAT STUFF HAHA i call it "coffe alot" hahaha cold hot dont matter...
love it... it keeps me sane when im on the ship haha...epecially since my space is cold enough to make your member shrink and shrivel up like u just got in the pool haha

05-19-2007, 06:31 AM
Hey Kevin we gonna shoot your car before you go floating away?

05-19-2007, 07:15 AM
Hey Kevin we gonna shoot your car before you go floating away?

If he gets it back from the shop soon enough...:w00t:

05-19-2007, 07:41 AM
Hey Kevin we gonna shoot your car before you go floating away?

naw man i dropped the car off be4 i left on emergency leave, and when i get back from leave on the 2nd, the car wont be done (well the shop said the didnt wanna make any promises) so i doubt it... and it still looks like ass haha (body wise).

if the motor work is done maybed i'll do a quick rattle can job on all the aero since im gettin new aero and we can do a shooot haha

05-19-2007, 08:00 AM
whatever dude. I just want to shoot it before it's smashed up!

05-19-2007, 08:38 AM
hahahaha yea i do need some nice pics while its in one piece haha, fuji and mobara have claimed a few of my friends cars be4 they could get any glamour shots done haha

05-19-2007, 09:43 AM
i used to live in kanagawa-ken yokohama-shi. i miss it and cant wait for next summer :) i will be taking a vacation/honeymoon.

we will be touring some parts of japan. mainly tokyo, chiba, hakone, kamakura, etc. i just love that area. and i also plan on spending a lot of time at wild blue in yokohama. i love that place!!! indoor body surfing for the win!!!!! by the way is it still open?

we will also be going to vietnam. my wife is 100% vietnamese and lived there most her life so we will be going back to visit a lot of her family.

05-19-2007, 12:16 PM
It is a joke, and ONLY A JOKE amongst the guys in the military out here...

"Tell the girl to smile. Throw apple at her face. If it sticks she is a NO-GO. If it falls away from her face, then take her ass home".

Not my saying, but funny as hell.

We might have to change the Apple test cuz I remembered looking at one in teh commisary and that shiet is expeeeeeeeeeeeeeensive!!! No need to waste an apple if your not gonna eat it...:Owned: Then again, everything is pretty expensive in the commish and the selection of stuff are pretty limited.