View Full Version : Idiots build home next to racetrack, complain about noise.

04-26-2007, 10:00 PM

The track has been there since 1966, these people built a home next to it in 2005, now complaining about noise.

04-26-2007, 10:21 PM
People are stupid and love to complain. What more can you say.

04-26-2007, 10:25 PM
I thought this was a thread for Altamont.

04-27-2007, 12:24 AM
this can be a thread on stupid people

i mean, some people buy houses near LIVE train tracks, they better know that they'll hear noise as trains passes by...

04-27-2007, 12:32 AM
yet they have a motocross track on their own property?

What kind of hypocritical greenie tree-huggin bullshit is that?

04-27-2007, 01:36 AM
Like people in San Diego complaining about noise from the airport.

"oh I didn't realize that planes were LOUD."

04-27-2007, 02:36 AM
Same thing happened at Laguna Seca with that rich bitch.

04-27-2007, 03:14 AM
I hate that beezy.

Ban drifting from Alamont, you'll get that influx of street drifting.

I'd plant mines in their motocross yard.

04-27-2007, 03:59 AM
:loco: stupid home owners. they should of did their research before they bought the house next to a track.

04-27-2007, 06:23 AM
im pretty sure she won.. of at least from what i heard? any info on that?

04-27-2007, 08:35 AM
Classic case of "man not gettin any butt until he backs his wife". He was probably all for livin next to the race track. I sure as hell would be. There're people near my home strip sayin the same thing. The town at the launching end of the track complained, so the track put up a wall to stop most of the sound goin at em, only now it echoes off the wall towards the town at the other end of the track. Now the track has been there long before the towns were even thought of because, WHO THE HELL BUILDS HOUSES NEAR A DAMN RACETRACK!?!?! Makes me sick. They want it closed down, but hopefully the pansies will just sell their houses real cheap. I'd like to live in ATCO.

04-27-2007, 08:48 AM

feel free to write and tell them they are a bunch of idiots.

04-27-2007, 12:29 PM
the track was there in 1966 and they moved in in 2005, why would they be complaing if the track was there 40 years befor them

EDIT: dosent a race track bring money into the town....isnt that a good thing

Baka Sama
04-27-2007, 01:14 PM
Classic case of "man not gettin any butt until he backs his wife". He was probably all for livin next to the race track.

Yep, sounds like somebodys doing a little too much eating and not enough poundin. I was gonna write to them an giv'em a piece of my mind but it really doesnt effect me so I'll let it be. I assume they have enough hate mail and from the site it looks like a few people are trying to burn down their house lol. Let 'em close it down and they will see what a bunch of "PO'd drifters" are really like.

04-27-2007, 01:28 PM
they shouldve checked their surroundings before they moved in.

04-27-2007, 01:28 PM
Anyone notice their last name IS Idiot?

Hahha Jk. But that would be funny. What a bunch of douche's.

04-27-2007, 02:17 PM
EDIT: dosent a race track bring money into the town....isnt that a good thing

+1 bingo.. litchfield county in connecticut would be way more desolate if limerock didnt bring in a few thousand people a year during vintage race weekends and stuff

04-27-2007, 02:26 PM
No non-nascar racing at Altamont --> Less people coming by--->Bad for local business --> bad for local property value

HOORAY ALTAMONT whiners! You fucked yourself.

04-27-2007, 02:29 PM
we can blame tokyo drift for this one.. ruining the general public's impression of the sport... horray

04-27-2007, 03:52 PM
eh fuck it wrote em a letter...other side of the country but i figured WTF might as well...heres what i put

to whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to let you know my complete and utter disapproval of what your organization is trying to accomplish. I am speaking of the closing of Altamont speedway or the ban of drifting events from this location. I find it completely ridiculous that your organization would seek to ban motor sports from a track that has not only been around since the 1960's but also given the people of the surrounding areas a place to race their cars safely and legally. The closing of such tracks will no doubt increase the amount of illegal activities, people with nowhere to go legally will start to race illegally. I also find it very hypocritical that Mark Rivard one of the founders of the group is the owner of a motorcross track in the same area as the race track. How can you advocate the removal of one motor sport and track but approve another motor sport and track? I think it is absurd that a track that has been in the area since the late 60's could potentially be shut down by a group that was established in 2005. I have read through your website and i think that there are other ways of achieving your goals with out shutting down the track. You say that your community sees no benefits from the track, I would then encourage members of the community to find ways to make it profitable, work out an agreement with the track or help members of the community to open small businesses that would cater to the wants and needs of car enthusiasts. The opportunities are there you just have to find them and capitalize on them. I would urge you, however, to rethink your position on such a matter and search for a diplomatic solution rather than an outright foreclosure, after all these race tracks are few and far between in this nation but have many supporters who will not go unheard on such matters, the majority of us are not punks or criminals but law abiding citizens who only want a place to go and watch and practice what we love, and we will try to hold onto as many of our safe havens as possible .

04-27-2007, 04:50 PM
i hate people like that. would be good ridance if someone put them out of their missery. you build a home by the track - you must really love racing cause that shit is loud hahah

04-27-2007, 04:59 PM
To Whom it may concern.

Regarding your bill passing to ban drifting and other motor sports from Altamont, I completely disagree in said movement. Altamont brings in tens of thousands of driving participants, from all parts of the state, myself included. Finding a great track that ALLOWS drifting in a safe controlled environment is already a hard ordeal. Closing one of the premier tracks would be devastating for Altamont as a community, and in various other business aspects. This all comes back to being safe. We are able to drive in a safe place, not in any parking lots, or on narrow streets, away from homes, children, and other things that might be put in danger.

Having events keeps people off the streets, period. I live in SoCal, and have opted more times to take driving to the track than streets. Why? I can push myself in a controlled environment. I can bring friends to watch, even when not driving, and enjoy the art of the motor sport. I have no fear of hitting any mailboxes, or parked cars, or light posts. CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT! Having piece of mind, it is Altamont Speedway. It's got roots in backwater racing, and roots in the community. To have to limit the potential of a great raceway would be moronic. On a monetary perspective, how many people go a week to participate in driving? Each event is already roughly 30+ people. People's cars to malfunction, and when that happens, they take it to a local mechanic. People get hungry, and when drivers eat, we eat in groups. We take it to a good restaurant to fill our needs. We don't like giving our communities a bad name or anything. We've got more sense that to thrash someone else's area. "Would you do the same if you lived here?" No.

While I do understand where you're coming from, how about a few alternatives?

How about having county installed high speed cameras? That would deter drivers of speeding, doing donuts, driving maliciously, and so forth. The camera would be able to capture the drivers' license plates, and automatically track, and send a violation ticket. That alone would easily 'break even' withing a year, and also deter stupid driving.
The noise factor can easily be addressed with a sound wall. Build high walls around Altamont, contain the sound, exactly as done for homes by local freeways.

To conclude, I ask you rethink your mission statement, and meet on equal grounds with Altamont and its owner.

Thank you for your time.
Socheat Men

04-27-2007, 06:59 PM
I just got done reading their site... wow

"this track was a small track, we like it that way"

"bunch of people who dont even live here come here"

things that i saw that I am unsure of how true they may be are alleged building without permits, "agricultural zoning", and some other crap.

the stories I read are either bias or leading me to believe this track may get shut down due to things not getting approved appropriately.

idk I dont like how this looks already :(

Jon Michael
04-27-2007, 07:32 PM
Have them close it, and then a few years later their kids or someone else's will be injured by stupid illegal street racers...karma.

04-27-2007, 08:02 PM
jon michael is that pic from your signature from dragon tiger gate? ahahhhaha

Jon Michael
04-27-2007, 08:20 PM
Indeed it is, Shawn Yue in a goofy silver wig, lol. I liked the movie, tho.

04-27-2007, 08:41 PM
thats a hard call. i cant be 100% for the race track on this one.

the original track was a small/abandoned track.
a housing community was build next to it for some reason.
AFTER the houses were build a group bought the track, renovated and started advertising. it then started drawling large ammounts of people, and racing was happening there every day now.

its still is dumb to buy a house next to a functioning track. and they deserve it.

04-27-2007, 10:47 PM
Why would anyone want foxes living next to their house?

04-27-2007, 11:41 PM
So if someone decides to build a house next to a seemingly quiet railroad track, and a sudden surge and urgency to use the railroad track came, then the railroad track already being there in teh first place has no justification of being used because people decided to move next to it?

04-27-2007, 11:51 PM
Why would anyone want foxes living next to their house?
how is noise going to have an impact on the enviroment, i asked my ecologly teacher about this today and he said that the people doin this are dumbasses, noise isnt gonna do anyhting to the animals

04-28-2007, 12:06 AM
This whole situation is fucked. +1 for Altamont. -32 for the dumb cunt. I hope her house grows mold. She has not a care in the world for the fucking animals she has pictures of up on the site. She has a grudge with the Track. Fuck her.

04-28-2007, 12:19 AM
i agree they are dopes for buying a place next to an active track.

the track is not zoned for that area. they have been using special permits to operate. that permit expired and they probably will not be able to get another one because that housing community is next to them.

it sux. i would be pissed if moroso closed.

04-28-2007, 12:41 AM
i asked my ecologly teacher about this today and he said that the people doin this are dumbasses, noise isnt gonna do anyhting to the animals

:keke: DId your teacher say those xact words? LOL

If he did he's right.. No way noise is gonna do anything..

20 til 3
04-28-2007, 01:21 AM
you guys dont get it... anything that is for kids is a bad thing because it opens them up to drugs and alcohol and people dont want that... so they keep them locked up inside so they dont get involved in anything bad... this makes the kid turn "emo"...which damages there life and makes them want to kill people, therefor shootings happen and more people die because when the kid was a 15 y/o he couldnt go drift his car at the track

life's life... do a huge burnout in her driveway... and leave a note saying that shit like this wouldnt happen if you would let us legally race on a race track

04-28-2007, 03:03 AM

The track has been there since 1966, these people built a home next to it in 2005, now complaining about noise.

wow if you think THAT is stupid.... my old high school is in a residential area. Get this, school has been there since 1924. New people move in to a house next door in 2002. The house is on the other side of the fence where the baseball field is (foul balls can go into their backyard on the 3rd base side). The people that moved in to that house in 2002 have a 2 year old kid or something like that. So, in 2003 they complain to the school that the foul balls are going in THEIR backyard and a foul ball might actually hit their kid in the head. Now for one, why do you buy a house next to a fking baseball field? And, more importantly, why the fuck don't you keep your kid inside the house during baseball practice/games????

People can be retards, a family of three chose to prevent the baseball team from having live batting practices. What pisses me off is that the school was even built before that house was built....... anyway yea people are dumb!

04-28-2007, 03:10 AM
So if someone decides to build a house next to a seemingly quiet railroad track, and a sudden surge and urgency to use the railroad track came, then the railroad track already being there in teh first place has no justification of being used because people decided to move next to it?
My family bought a house next to a big nice green field three years ago. According to the neighbors, companies have attempted to build businesses on this field in the past, but they have always been turned down, and it seemed that things have settled, it has been left alone and there has been no controversy about it in over a decade, and the field would always stay a field. This is actually one of the main reasons why my parents chose this house over many others, they wanted peace and quiet in a clean calm neighborhood.
A few months ago, construction has begun on a huge hospital being built in place of this field. No one here wanted this, and I think this is a very similar situation, except over here there is a neighborhood of a few thousand people being affected, instead of just two individuals. If a few thousand people couldn't do anything, how come two individuals have so much power? Sure, a hospital and a track are two different things, but this is the suburbs, there's an overabundance of hospitals already, there are already three different hospitals just in this area, I doubt this one was needed that badly, and if you look at it from a different perspective, a hospital and a track both serve the community. Life sucks, things happen, suck it up and move on, and if it really bothers you that bad, sell your house and move, like some people here did, don't be a selfish jerk and ruin things for others.

Jon Michael
04-28-2007, 03:22 AM
My family bought a house next to a big nice green field three years ago. According to the neighbors, companies have attempted to build businesses on this field in the past, but they have always been turned down, and it seemed that things have settled, it has been left alone and there has been no controversy about it in over a decade, and the field would always stay a field. This is actually one of the main reasons why my parents chose this house over many others, they wanted peace and quiet in a clean calm neighborhood.
A few months ago, construction has begun on a huge hospital being built in place of this field, no one here wanted this, and I think this is a similar situation, except over here there is a neighborhood of a few thousand people being affected, instead of just two. Life sucks, things happen, suck it up and move on, and if it really bothers you that bad, sell your house and move, like some people here did.

Well, the bright side is that if you ever get any appendages cut off or any other serious injuries the hospital is right there. All the sirens are gonna be annoying, tho. Unless, they make a wall. Another bright side is, hospitals will always have openings for different things. Whether it be answering phones at night, or just being a janitor, and they usually pay really well with amazing benefits. My ex worked at a hospital answering phones at night. She was able to get a deal since she worked there for a while, if she worked there as long as she was in school they would cover most of her expences. She WAS going to school for something in the medical field, tho. Living right there would make it a lot more convenient...

If I lived right next to a track, I'd be there everyday having fun and meeting new people. Nothing beats having a nice network of friends that have resources to help you out. I'm moving to Cocoa Beach this summer and this kid I know down there had his garage fully converted into a garage work stall by his father. Has a lift, and any kind of tool you could ever need to work on a car. He just picked up a 91 240sx hatchback, also. It'll be fun working on our cars this summer. :naughtyd:

04-29-2007, 02:04 AM
:keke: DId your teacher say those xact words? LOL

If he did he's right.. No way noise is gonna do anything..

all i can say is that my teacher is cool as hell

Vision Garage
04-29-2007, 02:17 AM
So whats the word on this. Any new info we should know about? Did the hearing take place yet?

04-29-2007, 06:46 PM
I like this:

Don't the new programs at AMP get the kids off the street and prevent street racing?

It gets the kids off everyone else's streets and puts it onto our streets. These kids have to have a way to get to the racetrack and since they don't have great amounts of money to fund racing rigs they have to drive to the track. Sometimes they drive to the track too fast, too recklessly and have been known to take out fences and damage people's property. Additionally, they are aware there is not as much law enforcement support in this area to maintain control and to stop illegal activities.

The first line is so SELFISH.

If she helped close down Laguna Seca, She is getting 13 emails a DAY from me. Laguna Is My favorite track in the US with Road ATL in close second.