View Full Version : Windows Vista sucks.. how do i take it off?

04-22-2007, 12:26 AM
i have windows vista right now preinstalled on my new laptop. HOW THE HECK do i take it off without losing my quickbooks, and other important installed programs?

- Can i just downgrade?
- Can i try to run two os's?

haha help?

04-22-2007, 12:42 AM
you can use partition magic and partition the HD into 2 sections. Then i guess u can install windows xp and run a dual boot if you want. Or if you want ghost it to another hard drive then format the current one and hooking it up as a secondary drive and pull data off that.

04-22-2007, 12:45 AM
Did this Laptop come with Vista?
If not, do you still have your XP disc/key somewhere around?

04-22-2007, 12:54 AM
Run the dual boot. That will be the easiest way. If you have the xp cd. But when you add more ram, vista isnt so bad.

04-22-2007, 02:08 AM
explain exact why you think it sucks?

no youy cant exact downgrade, you can go buy windows xp, but you need to install onto the windows directory and not reformat the disk.

or dual boot.

what version of vista do you have? usually most people get the bare minimum ram... upgrading does the trick for the most part along with being ontop of the updates.

your going to end up on vista someday... cant run away from it or the next os forever... just like ll those people who stay with windows 98 after xp came out.

04-22-2007, 02:11 AM
Run the dual boot. That will be the easiest way. If you have the xp cd. But when you add more ram, vista isnt so bad.


dual boot until you upgrade your ram.

04-22-2007, 02:31 AM
reason why I say it sucks is because, many programs I use do no work for it.

Anyways, If i do a dual boot, the one with windows xp that i install, wont be able to run program files like quickbooks that i have on the vista hard drive. IS THAT CORRECT?

thanks for the help guys, its hard too cause...

I HAVE THE MOTOROLA Q, and I can g online with it if i had VISTA, but since I dont, I cant.

04-22-2007, 07:24 AM
man is it that bad?

i currently upgraded from xp to server2003 and i love it

04-22-2007, 08:33 AM
your going to end up on vista someday... cant run away from it or the next os forever... just like ll those people who stay with windows 98 after xp came out.

or in my case I ended up on OSX and didn't need vista :bigok:

screw preinstall systems.. they should just sell you the box with no OS on it.

04-22-2007, 10:14 AM
reason why I say it sucks is because, many programs I use do no work for it.

Anyways, If i do a dual boot, the one with windows xp that i install, wont be able to run program files like quickbooks that i have on the vista hard drive. IS THAT CORRECT?

thanks for the help guys, its hard too cause...

I HAVE THE MOTOROLA Q, and I can g online with it if i had VISTA, but since I dont, I cant.

quickbook wont work unless you install it on the xp side. either buy or find the cd or pirate quickbook.

check with the forums for many of the programs, a lot of programs now are either in a beta stage (which for many is just as good as a stable version) for Vista or some have a Vista walkthru to allow it to run "stabler"

lol or you can get a mac :keke:

04-22-2007, 10:19 AM
i bought a new laptop a couple weeks ago that has vist home premium on it. I hated it at first, it felt slow and sluggish-and its a dual core with a gig of ram. I was able to turn off like 35 startup BS programs that were running and iit made a big differance.

I thought vista was compat with ALL xp programs, kinda how 98 would run all 95 programs.

Its still new so there are going to be patches and updates coming im sure. probably a second edition as well.

lol or you can get a mac :keke:

haha, yeah, the only Mac id buy comes with cheese

04-22-2007, 11:07 AM
How did I know that this thread would go there, I am breaking out old weapons

04-22-2007, 11:16 AM
haha phil FTW.

04-22-2007, 11:23 AM
lol @ phlip
that link is hilarious

Jon Michael
04-22-2007, 12:02 PM
Lol, love the link.

04-22-2007, 12:09 PM
Some old programs may not work with Vista, but there will be new versions of those programs soon. I actually want to switch to Vista.

04-22-2007, 12:25 PM
I don't know... I think if I were to buy another laptop right now, i'd buy a Mac. Run windows, MacOS, and Linux. yeah, that'd be tight.

I love widgets :o

04-22-2007, 12:33 PM
if you change to vista make sure your comp can handle it, i wouldnt go with less than a gig of ram.

Linux is nice, doesnt need much resources to run- I have it on my xbox

04-22-2007, 12:48 PM
You can always sell that laptop and buy my friend's...since it has XP and she wants to sell it (I'm too broke to buy it).

Another have answered your questions already, and I think you should just dual boot (if you have a XP CD).

04-22-2007, 02:47 PM
if you change to vista make sure your comp can handle it, i wouldnt go with less than a gig of ram.

Linux is nice, doesnt need much resources to run- I have it on my xbox
No worries, I have 3 gigs of ram at the moment. :)

Linux on an XBox, that's hot, props to you.

04-22-2007, 06:32 PM
Ya thats true, Ill wait it out for 1 year, im sure I can get some updates on the programs im using. Another thing that bugd me is how i cant play.. COMMAND AND CONQUER 3 - Tiberian Wars!

It gives me the memory DUMP blue screen, to protect my computer from crashing vista says...

Any ideas on how to fix that guys?


04-22-2007, 06:45 PM
Post complete system spec's and go into event viewer in your admin tools (hahahah i dont have vista but I hope they have that still) and check the system section and then look at the error messages.


have you even checked with CC3's forum about getting it to run on vista? I know a buddy who has it running on his vista machine with no problem

this honestly sounds like a cheap laptop

04-22-2007, 08:24 PM
1,216,609 Mac fans switched back over to Windows, even though Windows is just as shitty.

04-22-2007, 11:51 PM
your going to end up on vista someday... cant run away from it or the next os forever... just like ll those people who stay with windows 98 after xp came out.

windows2000 over here, for the mothafuckin WIN

i havent gone to XP and still dont plan to.

actually, that doesnt mean I didnt TRY XP. I did, but I didnt like it.. and eventually reverted back to 2000.

04-23-2007, 12:00 AM
OS X FTW!!!!!!!!!! But seriously dual boot or go buy xp and just wipe the hdd clean, and you can save your favorites to a CD. As far as other programs you should have the disks for them.

04-23-2007, 12:03 AM
funny thing about "XP" or "vista" or about "mac vs pc" debates...

is that when it comes down to it, its a fucking OPERATING system. build your own machine, chose whatever OS you think is suitable. afterall, your computer is only as good as the applications you run. many of the applications being sold nowadays are complete bloated piles of shit.

example? windows media player, biggest resource hog that can eat my dong. real? quicktime? i-tunes? all useless.

video = media player classic, plays porn, dvds, and everything else.. perfectly.
audio = winamp 2.x, handles my 50,000 mp3 collection, perfectly.

besides interesting security features, i cannot see a NEED for vista. should we eventually upgrade? all depends.


anyway, to answer the question - backup your quickbooks and other important shit. burn it. then re-format the system and install <os of choice>

04-23-2007, 12:37 AM
i do agree, just select whatever operating system you feel most comfortable with.

OS X being BSD based its more secure but if you run third party
apps. you can still get random crashes or maybe a kernal panic. Still very user friendly,most peoples think other wise though, most of those never even using it.

Windows - not a fan but due to its wide use you have to know it and use it. IF microsoft would just get away from the win32 arch. and not try to make everything since 95 backwards compatible then they could make a decent OS.

Linux- You better know your shit if you plan on using it.

Neither OS is perfect and every OS will have weaknesses.

04-23-2007, 12:45 AM
naw its not a cheap-o-laptop ahah, the way acer made changes to how vista runs or whatever i guess tries to prevent my laptop from crashing...

ill call microsoft, since EA Games says nothing to help me

04-23-2007, 07:40 PM
get ready for technical support, or shall i say a phonecall to india.

nowadays, if you dont know how to be aggressive and smart, let alone smart enough to fix your own shit - expect to be on the phone for 3-4 years talking to an indian dude reading support scripts.

fuck that shit. in the old days, it was format c: /u/q/s

nowadays, my best recommendation is to bust a quick format and install XP, then disable 1/2 of the useless features that auto-start with the OS.

04-23-2007, 08:50 PM
stick another piece of ram in that bitch.......

04-23-2007, 09:01 PM

example? windows media player, biggest resource hog that can eat my dong. real? quicktime? i-tunes? all useless.

video = media player classic, plays porn, dvds, and everything else.. perfectly.
audio = winamp 2.x, handles my 50,000 mp3 collection, perfectly.


for media you should also check out-the core media player & VLC media player
VLC uses almost nothing for resources

04-25-2007, 11:08 AM
burn it..............

04-25-2007, 05:29 PM
I agree with mike on video, use media player classic with coreavc codec package (the media player is currently down for revisions)

for audio I have to disagree and say mediamonkey, or for the low resources foobar is the best.

and yeah VLC FTW if video doesn't like you and low resources.

So you couldn't find anything on EA games forums nor a phone call with them didn't help?

Search for Services with vista for a good rundown on stuff you need and don't need running... might help you.

yeah all that preloaded acer crap will bogg it down... its what I hate about laptops, have to build your own machine in order for the machines to run without any safeties.

or do a complete reformat (not a quick) and re install Vista or go grab xp. a completely clean slate usually fixes the problem. However.... what are your system spec's? :D

04-26-2007, 11:29 AM
If your a gamer I suggest you stick with winxp. Vista takes up way too much memory to run, plus everything you do that stupid window pops up to ask for your permission if you want to run a program. I ran 3dmark05 on vista and got 3800fps on my laptop, now that i installed winxp i have scored 4400fps.

04-26-2007, 02:24 PM
that protection issue has been addressed and now there is a setting that allows you to turn it off.

direct x 10 is still in its infancy but in the long run will out perform. most of the games have been developed and are used by xp users, thus is why the scores are better, I predict this fall after SP1 that may change (along with new hardware releases)

im still on Xp until SP1 of Vista comes out, by then I should be ready hardware wise as well.

04-26-2007, 02:38 PM
I run Vista with 2 GB of ram, and fucking love it. Sure, I can't play some old ass random games, and I'm still working on getting my old version of Avid Liquid running on it, but I would never go back. It's a fucking slick interface and is lightning fast if you have the RAM to support it.

When XP came out , people were freaking out about resources and ram and HD space and compatibility. Funny you're all sitting there worried about resources and ram and HD space and compatibility, yet look how great XP was.

In summation

Vista = Not for everyone yet.
XP = Just fine for now if you need to.
Mac = If you edit video on Final Cut Pro or are tired of worrying about the whole compatibility / ram / building your own PC thing and just want to browse the internet. Those are the ONLY reasons I can see using Mac. Serious, I use that OS at work, it sucks.