View Full Version : identifying cam shafts?

04-19-2007, 08:18 AM
So I searched and really couldn't find a direct answer. I'm trying to figure out two things. 1) I bought a set of cam shafts from someone and they were from a 91 240sx. One has a casting of 1 and the other 3 (also one has a green paint mark on it and one has an orange paint mark on it) I need to know which one is exhaust and which one is intake. 2) On a ka24de head I have I am not sure what year it came off of and the only the intake cam is left on it. It has a casting number of 1 on it but has a different color paint mark than the set of 91 cams I just recieved. Can anyone make heads or tails about what cams I have or how I can better identify which one is which? :sadwavey: :sadwavey: :sadwavey:


04-19-2007, 08:39 AM
green - intake, ortange - exhaust

04-19-2007, 08:48 AM
green - intake, ortange - exhaust

Logically I came to the same conclusion but the head I have now has orange or red on the intake. I don't think it was a 248 / 248 cam swap because it has the number 1 cast on it with the orange paint and the 91 cams I have has green paint on the cam with number 1 cast on it.

04-19-2007, 08:52 AM
S14 intake (232) - orange stripe, first lobe is aligned with the alignment pin
S14 exhaust (232) - green stripe, first lobe is about 4 teeth clockwise from the pin
S13 intake (240) - green stripe, first lobe is aligned with the pin
S13 exhaust (248) - orange stripe, first lobe is 4 teeth clockwise from the pin

04-19-2007, 09:45 AM
S14 intake (232) - orange stripe, first lobe is aligned with the alignment pin
S14 exhaust (232) - green stripe, first lobe is about 4 teeth clockwise from the pin
S13 intake (240) - green stripe, first lobe is aligned with the pin
S13 exhaust (248) - orange stripe, first lobe is 4 teeth clockwise from the pin

Now was this information stickied somewhere and I missed it? :rofl:

Thanks alot!