View Full Version : Master Brake Cylinder Question

jsuh s14
04-18-2007, 11:53 PM
what are the symptoms of a busted master brake cylinder? ive heard of some people who have had leaks through their firewalls into where the pedal meets the firewall. Has anyone ever experienced otherwise? Also. what do the brakes feel like wiht a busted MBC. i have bled my brakes properly 7+ times, and i still cant seem to get it to work. thanks for the help guys

04-19-2007, 12:00 AM
You can sometimes tell you have a busted master brake cylinder when you step on the brake and it goes all the way down to the floor and the car is only slowly slowing down or not slowing down at all.

04-19-2007, 12:00 AM
Usually you will see fluid leak on the firewall under the BMC and near the brake pedal.

Your brake pedal will feel a little spongy.

What do you mean by "cant seem to get it to work"? Is it not engaging? Is the pedal spongy? What's going on?

04-19-2007, 12:59 AM
You can do a vacuum tes of the master cylinder. A mechanic can do it for you easily. Simplest way to do is to see if the hose from the master cyclinder is holding vacuum using a vacuum tester that you can rent from somewhere.