View Full Version : SR Swap won't start please help!!!!

04-17-2007, 05:14 PM
i swapped a Blacktop SR into my '89 coupe.
car used to be an automatic, swapped in a 5spd
car started, but ran like crap, replaced coolant sensor, o2 sensor, still ran really rich & backfired around 3k.
no boost leak, MAF is okay
took car around the block, turning back onto my street I lost all power and car died.
now car wont start. not getting power to the fuel pump, fuse and relay are both good, if we jump the relay the fuel pump will prime. still wont start.
Not getting spark so we found a broken wire on my CAS, so soldered on a new plug. not getting power to CAS, no spark, no power to FP unless jumped


04-17-2007, 05:19 PM
is you ecu getting power? what ecu do you have. also Check the plugs by the battery are they all hooked up. you might have just fired you ecu do to bad wiring. who did your wiring?

04-17-2007, 05:27 PM
+1 george,

check lights on ecu.

04-18-2007, 09:07 AM
Where is your ECU at? is it bolted to sideways to the frame or laying on the floor? My buddies GTI-R had a similar prob when we reinstalled his SR untill we turned it a certain way then later bolting it in place. I think the ECU will shut off if the car ever get fliped over.So try laying the ECU in certian positions and cranking it.

04-18-2007, 02:13 PM
Where is your ECU at? is it bolted to sideways to the frame or laying on the floor? My buddies GTI-R had a similar prob when we reinstalled his SR untill we turned it a certain way then later bolting it in place. I think the ECU will shut off if the car ever get fliped over.So try laying the ECU in certian positions and cranking it.

This could be true, another thought is that if the ECu was lying flat and the board or chip touched the metal outer cover you could have fried it too. Of, course that usually only happens to modded ECU's but who knows. Just check the ECU