View Full Version : Fighting for a change of import laws.

04-15-2007, 07:30 PM


As alot of you know, I'm a dual citizen between here and Canada. I have a cousin rolling around in a JDM All-trac around Toronto and an uncle waiting to get a turbo diesel Nissan Patrol. Here in the US... Well, we can almost import AE86s and vehicles from 1983... I honestly don't know of any other vehicle from 1983 that even remotely interests me.

Canada is currently fighting to avoid getting our 25 year law for imports which would be extremely bad, but what do we do here in the US? Import cars as "kit cars" through Florida? Pay an extravagant amount of money to get a nearly stock Skyline in the country even though the owner of the company was frauding the government?

I'm getting really tired of all this crap. Yeah, we have cars availiable here that are "similar", but that's not the car I dream about. The US is well known for its history with the automobile with Henry Ford and the Model T, the rat rods of the 40's and 50's, beating Ferrari at Le Mans, muscle cars, Detroit "Motor City", and the list goes on. As an auto enthusiast, I keep on giving and losing. Legendary cars like the Camaro and Firebird gone, RWD platforms being ditched for more "fuel friendly" FF platforms. I'm tired of giving and I'm tired of losing. Driving a Nissan with an RB swap and different front end or a Honda with a JDM spec engine in it isn't good enough for me. I want to drive on the right side, see a GT-R or Chaser badge on the back of the car as I walk away, catch glances from onlookers for having something unique.

Paying a Registered Importer $20k to make a $10k car legal for use on US streets in ludicrous. Understandable for a Ferrari, but not for a Nissan, Toyota, or Honda. These are "everyman" vehicles.

As shown on the IVOAC webpage, it's not difficult to have a safe grey market import car in the North American continent. Aligning headlights and cautious driving are about all that is required. It's not like they will flood the marketplace as you can't just go to Napa and get parts for an RB26DETT. People that consider these cars know what they are getting themselves into.

When I get funds and someone that knows how to set up a website and forum, this movement will really start. If you're an import (Euro or Asian) person, you understand what I'm talking about. If you're a domestic person, think of it as a way to have an actual challenge at the track.

Cross post this to as many forums as you can. If you would like to donate to the cause or help out in anyway, email me at [email protected] for details.

If you have nothing positive to add to the topic, don't say anything at all. I will answer questions you post.

04-15-2007, 07:35 PM
It won't happen.

04-15-2007, 07:37 PM
Something you'll have to overcome is that a large portion of the country are all about fuel efficiency, and hate the general stigma of enthusists; unless those enthusists are enthusiastic about American cars. How do you plan on making this different than every other fight import enthusists have tried to fight? You're trying to cater to a market that is bias towards American cars, hates the whole fast and the furious reputation. This is the same system that got pissed off when Toyota wanted to compete in NASCAR.

So to restate my question, how do you plan to take this somewhere and overcome those challenges?

04-15-2007, 08:04 PM
I'm not talking to the common people, they can't do anything other than say they agree or dont. I'm going to talk to congressmen and go to events like car shows, get signatures, etc. I plan on getting news involved as with this kind of thing media exposure is key. America is used to people like environmentalists standing around holding signs, we can do that too. A news station would eat that kind of thing up. Alot of people have talked the talk, but I'm hoping to "walk the walk".

BTW, sorry Cali. but it probably won't change anything for you. California is half the fight itself.

04-15-2007, 08:13 PM
If you want it, you gotta be able to pay for it.

If you can't pay for it, you must not want it enough.

04-15-2007, 08:14 PM

04-15-2007, 08:18 PM
it sucks that we don't have the 15 year old law like canada, but i've learned to accept the 25 year law. I agree with farzam 100%.

04-15-2007, 08:19 PM
Well, I know people want S15's so tell me when you get all the testing done (Well over $100k as several cars have to be crashed... and that's only if you get everything right the first time.) and have a FEDERALLY legal S15.

04-15-2007, 08:25 PM
who cares man

swap the vin and dodge the crusher

04-15-2007, 08:31 PM
Um. I didn't read any of the bs that you posted.

But while you're at it, put legal prostitution up there. Also make sure sex with people 18 is legal also.

Gotta keep my bases covered.

04-15-2007, 08:33 PM
Hahaha.. Oh man.

I wish. I'd like to see something legal. Paying 25-30k for an S15, Skyline, or older Evo that isn't even really legal just doesn't appeal to me.

This is the problem right here, everyone just wants to do their own thing. They don't care or whatever. I think some people are scared their swapped car might not be worth as much. If everyone was together on the subject, it wouldn't be hard at all.

drift freaq
04-15-2007, 08:51 PM
I really wonder how old you are? I don't even know where to begin. Should I say your clueless? Should I say your a hopeless dreamer? Should I say your a whiner?
Fact is this, There was a time back in the mid 80's when damn near every new car that came out sucked, hell it was not much better in the 90's. Believe it or not there are some new cars on the market in the U.S. today that Rock! Yes they are Imports and yes some are Turbocharged and yes Some are RWD and some are AWD.
Fact is driving a RHD car on LHD designed roads while can be done is not ideal.
Funny you bring this up when there is a thread about RHD coversions going on at the same time and I should say they are stupid.
If you dream about cars that are not here then go to where they are and drive them there.
I think you have a case of I want to be different and better. Maybe not but your whole idea would never work.
You sound like a dreamer, fine go out make a bunch of money get what you want pay to bring it in. Stop whining on the internet though about something thats A: never going to happen and B: is supported by such a small minority of the populance it will never happen. I just love how people piss and moan and whine on here about how we don't get the the good cars. Man you guys would look a gift horse in the mouth given the chance.
Everytime we get some nice cars someone whines about its not what its like in Europe or Japan. Get the fuck off it!! Modify it. America has always been about hotrods. I.E. taking the stock car and modding it. Problem with kids today is they are fucking spoonfed. They can't make a car what they want they want to cry like you about how they want the car how its supposed to be or the car that did not come here.
Fucking we did not do that shit when we were kids. We hotrodded the car to make it badass. I suggest you learn to do the same thing and stop chasing windmills Don Quixote.

04-15-2007, 09:26 PM
Well, I'm probably fucking older than you are. Build something? MAKE SOMETHING AVAILABLE WORTH BUILDING YOU WORTHLESS STUPID FUCK. You're old and no one gives a fuck about you anymore, get the fuck out of the way and let this country be run by people that can do something other than make unions, bitch, and run it into the ground.

You wanna fucking complain about kids these days? It's your fucking fault old man! Maybe if your generation wouldn't have tried to be so fucking considerate, heartfelt, and all out fucking pussy bullshit we wouldn't have that problem. You want to talk shit, this E-3 has a boot with your fucking name on it.

The fact that this is supported by a minority is the reason it would work. That's why Canada wants to switch to a 25 year rule because everyone is importing a vehicle that's as nice as new for next to nothing. I've driven RHD on roads made for LHD before. My first car was a mail Legacy that was pieced back together and in about 5 different colors. It will make a new driver be cautious, that's for sure.

I'm not whining or bitching about anything. I'm doing something about it and I'm rallying the troops. I can't make a difference, but a group of us can.

04-15-2007, 09:31 PM
dude, you come on a Nissan forum with Vtak in your name, and expect to be taken seriously?

04-15-2007, 09:34 PM
I've been everywhere. Mazda, Nissan, Dodge, etc. I had to give the Honda thing a try.

04-15-2007, 09:38 PM
yeah, taht right there tells us everything we need to know.

if you were that much older than people, youd be making your way UP
not down in quality.

04-15-2007, 09:39 PM
Ay man.

Hurry up on my prostitution. I want to start a GB selling my women here on zilvia.

04-15-2007, 09:47 PM
Actually my favorite was Mazda, I just didn't like blowing motors. And a T2 and RX-3 do nothing for your driving record. The Honda almost reaches highway speeds.

Working on it. What's the buy in on that? And how many redheads are avalible?

04-15-2007, 10:18 PM
: /

wow! ..............

04-15-2007, 10:31 PM
And a T2 and RX-3

What does that mean?

04-15-2007, 10:39 PM
Like everyone else is saying, nobody cares.

If you honestly care enough about this do what other people do, get into politics and make a bunch of under the table deals with the hopes of getting what you want...even then it still won't happen. So take the easy way out and move.


04-16-2007, 12:41 AM
JDM Lobbyist, go find him

04-16-2007, 01:20 AM
dont want to burst your bubble, but its been done b4, but none succeed.
just like the troops in Iraq, its not like that we dont want them back, but the one who's IN CHARGED dont. u can see how many ppl had march for them, protest for them, why the fuck they still in Iraq? you get my point?
good luck with your protest, maybe one day, an import freak had become our president then we might stand a chance, have faith.