View Full Version : 95 motor in 93 coupe problems

04-14-2007, 08:19 AM
ok so i swapped my 93 coupe motor for a 95 due to one of the rods broken by the previous owner.
now here is my problem; when i start the car it revs up really high like 4k rpms, then drops and the car dies. i changed the plugs and wires, i timed it but i think i did it wrong. also i removed my emissions. and when i unplug the other emissons it makes no difference.
so im asking what coud this be??

the terrible one
04-15-2007, 12:06 AM
how do you think you timed it wrong? was it set at 10 degrees BTDC? which emissions did you remove?? need more details.

04-15-2007, 06:09 PM
i removed all the emissons except the 2 on the bacl of the manifold.
it jumps to 20* then 15*

04-16-2007, 04:13 AM
Your descriptions of your problem are too vague. When you say you removed "emissions" what exactly are you referring too? Did you swap the distributor? Which ECU are you using? Be more specific. Help us to help you