View Full Version : sr20det vaccum line help AGAIN

04-08-2007, 11:28 AM
just did a swap but im having problems getting any power while in boost. i can drive around ok under 4k just not in boost. i know i am boosting because the bov is going off. however while boosting i hear the bov hissing so i think im leaking boost. i swapped bov's but that did nothing. i checked my vaccum lines and they are fine.

i have a greddy intake manifold and a stock throttle body. i did some searching and people have said the bov vaccum line should go to the top left nipple on the throttle body but i do not have any nipples above my throttle body. WHY!? instead i ran the vaccum line to the nipple on the bottom. from there it runs accross the motor and i have a T with one line to the wastegate actuator and one to the bov. i tryed running the vaccum line to one of the three nipples underneath the intake manifold but that didnt do anything for me either.

can anybody help?! i want power!

04-08-2007, 11:36 AM
Never T your line to the BOV. Are you sure there are NO vacuum nipples on the top portion of your TB? There should be a larger one (run that one to your BOV) and there should be at least one more that attachs to the FPR.

04-08-2007, 03:18 PM
i am positive that there are no nipples above my throttle body. i think that those went away with the stock intake manifold as i have a greddy replica manifold now.

ok so i understand now that i shouldnt T the bov and wastegate. can i run seperate lines for each of them onto the bottom nipples of the intake manifold?

04-09-2007, 10:31 AM
thoughts anybody?

04-09-2007, 10:47 AM
post pics of your TB so we can see what ur talking about

04-09-2007, 10:52 AM
What I said before is a little misleading... there are no vacuum nipples on the top portion of the TB, they're dircetly above it on the intake manifold.

On the Greddy manifold there should be 2or3 threaded holes IIRC, above where the throttle body mounts, for attaching vacuum nipples to it. I'm just going from memory though, I don't have one myself.

04-10-2007, 01:44 PM
ok so i see those nipples under the greddy manifold. i hooked the bov to one. and for the wastegate do i HAVE to run a line to the intercooler piping or can that go to another one of my vaccum line nipples on the manifold?

04-10-2007, 03:15 PM
Run it to the IC piping. Do you have a boost controller? If so, run the vac line from the wastegate to the boost control solenoid (assuming it's an EBC) and then from the solenoid to the IC piping.

04-10-2007, 03:54 PM
Yea that nipple below the TB that your talking about is before the butterfly in the TB which is definately not what u want.

The stock manifold has 2 nipples after the TB buttefly. You should have a hose running from one of these nipples to your FPR, this is also where i would recommend you T in your bov. Run a 2nd hose from the other nipple to your wastegate, you want to leave this as undisturbed as possible (as little Ts as possible) so you get better acuator response.

So find 2 nipples on the greddy (freddy? :naughty: ) manifold that you can use to copy that setup

Cap off that nipple thats below the TB, dont need it.

And you should be good

04-10-2007, 08:46 PM
mrclark1 says run the wastegate to the ic piping

crono562 says run the wastegate off a nipple on the manifold which is after the butterfly

so who is right or are both of you right? does it matter? is the a difference between the two sources?


04-10-2007, 09:11 PM
On the stock setup, the big nipple on the TB goes straight to the BOV/CBV. No T. The wastegate goes to the coldpipe.


The vacuum lines are simple: 3 lines start at the throttle body. The bottom one goes to the canister, block it off unless you are using the canister. The larger one on top runs to the bypass valve (BOV), there should be no tee's or branches - go directly to the BOV. The smaller top line splits to the fuel pressure regulator, and runs across the front of the engine to your boost gauge and/or the boost pressure port on your boost controller.

The wastegate gets its signal from the nipple on the intercooler piping. The Apexi boost controller stepping motors go in between the IC piping and the wastegate actuator.

04-11-2007, 12:06 PM
i have a greddy fmic and hot pipe and it does not have a nipple to hook the wastegate up to. so i tryed hooking it up to a vaccum line on the manifold but that doesnt seem to work. so i guess ill tap into the ic piping. should have going to the manifold work as well as to the ic piping or could i have something else going on thats wrong?

04-11-2007, 12:08 PM
the car idles ok but when i step on it and try to boost the bov will just go off numerous times, buck, bog, and hesitate

04-11-2007, 12:14 PM
If you are sure there is nowhere to attach a vac line on your IC piping. Just drill a small hole in either your hotpipe or coldpipe and weld a small vac nipple for your wastegate, and you should be set.

EDIT: Start checking for boost leaks as well... especially around your BOV.

04-13-2007, 12:13 PM
Can you connect the line from the wastegate into the turbo intake pipe or does it have to be the cold or hot pipe? I have a fmic and there is no hook up for the wastegate hose. Where is the ideal location for the wastegate hose to be connected to the system?

04-13-2007, 02:11 PM
I just run my wastegate line to my hotpipe, it's the closest and easiest place to connect it too. Any intercooler kits I've ever used do not come with a place to specifically connect the wastegate. You just gotta make a place to connect it yourself.

Really anywhere on the IC piping will work.

04-13-2007, 03:11 PM
So i guess my set up is incorrect too.

These are the two nipples i found on top of the throttle body.
http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/5941/vacumlines001qx7.th.jpg (http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vacumlines001qx7.jpg)

This is the only one i found on the bottom
http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/9561/vacumlines002fh2.th.jpg (http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vacumlines002fh2.jpg)

I used a T to connect the actuator from the BOV line
http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2616/vacumlines003pn8.th.jpg (http://img402.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vacumlines003pn8.jpg)

Right now my car drives really good. I havent had any problems.

So, is connecting the actuator with the bov bad?

04-13-2007, 09:36 PM
What is the acuator?

04-13-2007, 09:40 PM

For the ones who dont know, actuator senses boost pressure. Once boost is to actuator limit and shaft is pushed and opens the wastegate.

04-13-2007, 10:03 PM
um.. i know ya'll guys are talking about vacuum lines and all. but i had a similar problem with my sr when it was off timing. when i would try to boost the motor would "sputter" and the BOV would go off like crazy.

mrclark1: why never run a T to teh BOV?

04-14-2007, 09:37 AM
um.. i know ya'll guys are talking about vacuum lines and all. but i had a similar problem with my sr when it was off timing. when i would try to boost the motor would "sputter" and the BOV would go off like crazy.

mrclark1: why never run a T to teh BOV?

How did you fix your problem, im having a similar problem, and i was running the WG off the bottom vacuum source in the TB. When I get on it it sounds like a boost leak and I loose power and the BOV sounds off a little, I check timing and it sometimes seems right and other times it is way off.

04-14-2007, 09:50 AM
How did you fix your problem, im having a similar problem, and i was running the WG off the bottom vacuum source in the TB. When I get on it it sounds like a boost leak and I loose power and the BOV sounds off a little, I check timing and it sometimes seems right and other times it is way off.

well.. i had a friend look at it for me and he set the timing to 15 degrees BTDC(second mark from the right) and i have a vac line from the top left vac source "T'd" to the BOV and wastegate.

04-14-2007, 12:48 PM
This isn't to hard really. lol

Just run your BOV to the large nipple above the TB on the intake manifold, and run the wastegate, or actuator, to the intercooler piping. That's the stock setup, go with what you know works, and if you have problems it's NOT your vacuum line routing.

04-14-2007, 01:12 PM
The most ideal situation is to have No T's. The most important place not to have t fittings is the line for the wastegate actuator.

This line you want to keep less than 6 inches, do not t, and pick up pressure on the compressor housing, or right off the charge pipe, to attain accurate boost control.

Connecting the line on the plenumb side of the throttle body is asking for trouble.

As for the bov and FPR. Those need to be hooked up on the plunumb side of the thrortle body, if you would like the bov to release air, and fpr not to push too much fuel at low boost.

04-16-2007, 12:26 PM
well i got a thing from atpturbo.com called quick tap and tapped into the hot pipe and hooked up the wastegate. then i ran an individual line to my bov from a vaccum source.

as i was doing all that i noticed i didnt even have a line going to the vaccum nipple on my FPR...hmm THAT COULD BE A PROBLEM! so i hooked that up and now the car is just slow but not jerky...time to try adjusting the timing i guess...i hope all goes well

thanks everybody for your help