View Full Version : Considering buyinh kouki skirts for s14

04-06-2007, 03:34 PM
Just like the title says, but before/ if I do, I have some questions.

How do they install. I looked under my car for holes that screws or clips might insert into, to hold the skirts, but I see none. My s14 is basemodel, so is there anything special I would need to do to make them work? End caps too? I'm thinking it can't be something to difficult, cause people do kouki conversions all the time, but the fact I see no holes or anything had my worried.

BTW I searched and all I found was for sale posts, and the one post I found with my same question did not answer specifically my questions.

Thanks in advance for help

04-06-2007, 05:11 PM
you need to drill new holes.
there's a how-to on nicoclub but it's done with just 3m double sided tape.
I drilled holes at the OEM location as if it was a Kouki.
I taped up 8 pieces of paper, end to end. Had one side tape facing the car, and the other tape holding onto the skirts. I had pre marked holes on the paper; Lined it up against the car and just tape it against the car and pulled off the skirt. So the piece of paper was like a stencile for the holes. Drilled 1/8 holes to use the oem lips. The clips when on easily, then use the plastic clip on the bottom side. The back side where the end cap goes wont have a spot for the clip. I just use a drill and revet it onto the skirt. You'll understand when you do it.

double side tape install: http://www.nicoclub.com/articles.php?id=210463

04-06-2007, 05:15 PM
Gonna check that nico one out, thanks for the quick reply. So from the looks of that how too, you just drill the holes to match the the ones on the tab, and then secure it with self-tapping and washers bigger than the holes?

You end up drilling where, near the jack points? From the looks of his pictures it seems to be.

Thanks again for help!

20 til 3
04-06-2007, 06:37 PM

sorry, but wow you killed the title

04-06-2007, 06:50 PM
Wow way to be choad! Next time "20 til 3" be a little more mature if you got some issues use the "PM" system not on the main forum, when you don't as you did in this case, you look like an ass instead of a smartass which is what I'm assuming you were trying to do. Plus I do believe he was looking for help with his car not a grammar review from you... So how about we ease up on people's threads huh?

04-06-2007, 10:01 PM

sorry, but wow you killed the title

It's called a mistake. People make them all the time. Also I'll spell better when you can spell the word "spell". Last time I checked, there was only 2 L's in the word. Your one too many.

Next time how about you get a life, keep your mouth shut :fawk2:

Even though there's a thing called freedom of speech, it's not always wise to use it.


04-07-2007, 12:34 AM
You end up drilling where, near the jack points? From the looks of his pictures it seems to be.

the skirts have holes in them for factory mounting hardware.
put the skirt against the car, fitting as desired.
use the holes in the skirts as a guide for where to drill the holes.
once drilled, thread in some self tapping screws with a washer to secure.

add tape or some kind of glueish stuff (like rtv) to secure as necessary, wherever necessary.

04-07-2007, 06:52 AM
Alright cool thanks...not that it helps in my situation, but when s13 owners run oem sideskirts, do they have to go through all of this? ORdo all s13's come from factory with holes drilled and so on.

04-07-2007, 04:21 PM
there are holes on the backside of the skirts and on the underside. The holes for the undersides are both zenki and kouki. But the backside holes are not on the zenki. You can either drill and use oem clips or use double 3m tape as that link says.

"20 til 3" if you dont have anything useful to say, please dont post.