View Full Version : Advice on dating outside country*

Baka Sama
03-29-2007, 07:46 PM
So I rarely ask for adivce here but I need outside opinions from my own group of friends...

Ive been talking to someone outside the country for a few months and it seems things are going pretty well. I've planned to meet her and her mom in 2 weeks in florida. It would be a nice vacation for us both and a chance to meet in person for the first time. The only thing is im afraid that things will go well and we become serious. Im not a fan of long distance relationships to begin with but this one is seriously long! She lives in Newquay town in europe. Trust me I wouldnt be going through all this trouble if I didnt think it was worth it. It just bothers me that if things do work out she would have to move to the US (which she wants to do anyway) and she wont be accustomed to life here. Things like driving on the right side, work, and im not sure if her college schooling would mean anything here.

Maybe Im thinking too far ahead but has anyone else dated outside the states, and to what result?

03-29-2007, 07:49 PM
This thread is worthless without pics.

03-29-2007, 07:55 PM
^^^ lol ditto!

Baka Sama
03-29-2007, 07:56 PM
Are pictures really needed for advice? :rolleyes:

03-29-2007, 07:59 PM
yes yes only after pics do we give advice...

Just think of it as this would it be worth you moving all the way out ther to neway or whatever to be with her?? I don't believe in long distance, you can always drop what you have to move.

03-29-2007, 08:02 PM
...and how did you meet this girl?

Baka Sama
03-29-2007, 08:10 PM
Some silly chat site. No its not some 40 year old prev and no im not gonna be on NBC's how to catch a predator :keke:

I didnt expect much at first just someone to chat with every now and then.. But it kinda went in another direction.
Deleted for now

03-29-2007, 08:19 PM
no im not gonna be on NBC's how to catch a predator :keke:

well, if you do end up there, don't forget to plug zilvia.

"please don't arrest me. can just i leave now? i have to go home to log on to www.zilvia.net." haha. :spank:

question: is she from britain?

advice: don't get ahead of yourself. take it step by step. and if it goes well, then it doesn't really matter where she's from, ya?

Baka Sama
03-29-2007, 08:39 PM
Its in the south west corner of England I believe.
Im not trying to rush into anything its just I always think of the worst and best case senarios in any situation.

03-29-2007, 08:46 PM
just dont give her access to your accounts and move out there to her.

03-29-2007, 09:23 PM
she is really good looking and if things go out well with the two of you than that's great. But you should really take Wickmarz's advice. ^^^

03-29-2007, 09:36 PM
You're putting too much on it. Don't think about what might happen, what might not happen, worst and best case scenarios. You are working your self up and putting up expectations. Im guessing you enjoy chatting with her right? Why not just take the next step and enjoy kicking it with her. Just go with it.


03-29-2007, 10:29 PM
^^^What he said...

I personally wouldn't rush into anything with someone who lives so far away... but hey, if she moves over here and it can all work out. :bigok:

Just take things as they come, see what happens when you meet her... and go from there. How about an update for us all when you meet her?

03-29-2007, 11:00 PM
take it day by day. dont rush into things. its different when you see each othere face to face. you can actually see each others emotion. keep us updated.

03-30-2007, 02:10 AM
I thought this was like the guy who offered N64 games to some bitch to fuck or something.

Then I realized this might not be a joke.

I respect that.

Just live.


Coexist with her and see how your internals react.

03-30-2007, 03:14 AM
Pink or Brown?

03-30-2007, 03:33 AM
Sorry but all of this advice is pretty much bullshit. Long-term relationships are bullshit. Its like you're too lazy to try to find a real girlfriend, so you settle for talking long long distance on the phone everyday to some girl in another country. If things go great between you two when you meet in Florida on your vacation then great. But unless you're willing to pack up and leave for Britain (which is a dumb idea when you hardly know her) or she's ready to move out here (on her own dime I hope for your sake) then there's really nothing more to it. You're meeting some random girl from another country that you met online, you probably don't need to worry about falling in love with her right away, unless you're very mistaken about love (or REALLY lucky)

03-30-2007, 03:44 AM
Some silly chat site. No its not some 40 year old prev and no im not gonna be on NBC's how to catch a predator :keke:

I didnt expect much at first just someone to chat with every now and then.. But it kinda went in another direction.

thas F'king halarious me n my girl was wathcing that catch a predator we were dying laughing cuz them old ass foos are married n have kids n shiet so anyways, but my advice would be go with the flow

03-30-2007, 09:43 AM
lol... is this a joke?
You're making serious life-altering plans with someone you've never met nor gotten it on with?
I think the long distance relationship is adding a sense of romance and allure that may not hold up to the actual meeting.
Meet her and date her and then make your decisions. Getting hang up over a woman an ocean away will just make you blind to the ones readily available here. My 2 cents, not hating on you just don't think it's a good idea.

Baka Sama
03-30-2007, 09:44 AM
just dont give her access to your accounts and move out there to her.

She will most definitely not have access to my bank accounts at all.

Sorry but all of this advice is pretty much bullshit. Long-term relationships are bullshit. Its like you're too lazy to try to find a real girlfriend, so you settle for talking long long distance on the phone everyday to some girl in another country. If things go great between you two when you meet in Florida on your vacation then great. But unless you're willing to pack up and leave for Britain (which is a dumb idea when you hardly know her) or she's ready to move out here (on her own dime I hope for your sake) then there's really nothing more to it. You're meeting some random girl from another country that you met online, you probably don't need to worry about falling in love with her right away, unless you're very mistaken about love (or REALLY lucky)

Nah Im not lazy, Ive dated all types of girls where I live. Like I said I was not expecting this at all but things just clicked and now im on the fence about what to do. Agreed, Im gonna take a step back and just see how things go in florida first. Long distance does have its draw backs like expensive phone cards and 5 hour time differences. But atleast I have a contact now over seas, maybe she can ship me car parts :naughty:

I'll give updates when I see her in 2 weeks..

03-30-2007, 09:47 AM
hey, I want some of those awsome British s-chassis parts for my S13 too....
seriously though, meet her and take it from there.

03-30-2007, 10:49 AM

nah j/p

just find someone closer to home

patience is the key :bigok:

03-30-2007, 11:56 AM
Long distance realationships are a pain in the ass. Why because after a while you run out of things to say or mainly you get to know each other so much that you would need something that happens to both of you at the same moment in order to keep the conversation going. I've had many long distance relationships in the past and it's really a hard thing to work out. But they do work out sometimes though, you just have to have alot of patience and trust in the other person.

Does these seem like a trap? Maybe a little bit. I would be worry the first moment she asks you for money. She's an attractive girl, so why wouldn't she just find someone at a library, bar, or even a club. Most of the time when people meet online, it's because either you or the other person is hiding something that perhaps meeting her in the real world would turn off certain people.

But I do wish you all the luck and that you may find happiness with her. Just take it one day at a time and don't dwell too much into it because in the end it might not work out. Sometimes having awesome phone conversations does not mean awesome conversations or good times in real life.

03-30-2007, 12:16 PM
I'd meet her first and go from there. The way you talk to someone online can be totally different from how you are with them in person. I wouldn't just pack up an leave right away either. Give us an update when you meet her! Good luck with it. :)

03-30-2007, 03:26 PM
The only way a long distance relationship can work is if there are solid plans to make it a close distance. Are you gonna long distance marry her if everything goes great?

No relationship is perfect, they can only work if they are working towards perfection. How can you accommodate each other's needs with the Atlantic ocean in your way?

Baka Sama
03-30-2007, 03:30 PM
^ Well in the end the reason peole date is to get married. If everything goes well Im just gonna continue to talk to her for a while and maybe travel to Europe for a few weeks.

03-30-2007, 04:26 PM
dude, you are an idiot.:keke:

Baka Sama
03-30-2007, 06:01 PM
dude, you are an idiot.:keke:

Thanks :)


03-30-2007, 06:15 PM
if you end up moving to europe, can i have your car??

p.s. just remember, since its a long distance relationship, you obviously cant keep an eye on her...
p.s.s. Tom Leykis, listen listen!! www.blowmeuptom.com ;-)

03-30-2007, 08:23 PM
damn dawg all that trouble over some bitch that aint even hot.

long distance relationships are painful and they get frustrating. Whats the point of being with someone if you cant even touch them.

just go out bro, pull some local women and you wont even remember this girl's name

03-30-2007, 08:45 PM
long distance relationships are painful and they get frustrating. Whats the point of being with someone if you cant even touch them.

he may have tons of neg. rep, but the mans got a point.

i just came out of one recently, and, boy, did that hurt. lesson learned.

03-30-2007, 08:52 PM
damn dawg all that trouble over some bitch that aint even hot.
Ouch... sad, but true. I didn't want to be the first to say it.

just go out bro, pull some local women and you wont even remember this girl's name
+1. There's PLENTY of women out there. Go to the bar, the club, hell, the library. :keke:

03-30-2007, 09:24 PM
+1. There's PLENTY of women out there. Go to the bar, the club, hell, the library. :keke:

or any high school :naughty: :keke:

Baka Sama
03-30-2007, 09:40 PM
Ouch... sad, but true. I didn't want to be the first to say it.

+1. There's PLENTY of women out there. Go to the bar, the club, hell, the library. :keke:

Heh, to each his own I guess. I think she is very attractive, maybe its just the picture. It does look kinda dark and gothic.

So any experiences here? Yeah its bad not to be able to physically be with someone in a long distance relationship but Ive learned through dating many of girls that there is a lot more to a relationship than the physical. I mean have you ever touched a girls breast... they feel like sand bags... and theyre all like "me so horny"

03-30-2007, 09:49 PM
or any high school :naughty: :keke:

seniors are legal

03-30-2007, 09:56 PM
I mean have you ever touched a girls breast... they feel like sand bags... and theyre all like "me so horny"

are you gay?

A relationship is 50% mental (talking, socializing etc etc) 50% physical. Being in a long distance relationship really sucks hard.

I dated some girl in sofla, went off to college in tally and stayed together, moved back to sofla after a bit and we broke up 6 months later.

Moral of the story is regular sex is an addiction, I could have been laying dick at college but instead I was on the phone saying how much I miss you

03-30-2007, 09:58 PM
in psyc class they claim the more sex you have the more you will want it.

Baka Sama
03-30-2007, 10:12 PM
are you gay?

No, I was just telling you about this girl I use to date. She was such a dirty dirty girl.. She wanted sex all the time. She would be like "f*ck me now.. me so horny"

04-01-2007, 06:42 PM
No, I was just telling you about this girl I use to date. She was such a dirty dirty girl.. She wanted sex all the time. She would be like "f*ck me now.. me so horny"
Lol 30 year old virgin! lolz that movie was funny as hell!

04-01-2007, 07:57 PM
There is a lot of pessimism about long distance relationships on here, and I agree with most of what everyone has said about them being difficult.

If it is the right girl then it is worth it. My fiance had to go back to Japan and we managed to keep it going. It takes lots of patience and good communication skills but if it is the right girl then it will be worth it. We are waiting on her fiance visa to get processed currently and are getting married as soon as that gets done (hopefully by the end of this year).

04-01-2007, 08:22 PM
e-girlfriends fail

the end

get a real girlfriend

04-02-2007, 03:47 AM
advice on dating outside country?

dont do it

advice on dating AT least inside country shit at LEAST inside the same COUNTY?


04-02-2007, 03:57 AM
There is a lot of pessimism about long distance relationships on here, and I agree with most of what everyone has said about them being difficult.

If it is the right girl then it is worth it. My fiance had to go back to Japan and we managed to keep it going. It takes lots of patience and good communication skills but if it is the right girl then it will be worth it. We are waiting on her fiance visa to get processed currently and are getting married as soon as that gets done (hopefully by the end of this year).

I imagine you already had somewhat of a relationship established prior to her moving to Japan, and that there were plans of being re-united in the future? His situation is different. Realize that you met her on the INTERNET. The place where you can portray yourself as whoever you want to be. So can everybody else.

The problem doesn't lie in the fact that you want to "date" a girl "seriously" that you really haven't met. I've come to realize that a cute girl that laughs at my jokes and says I'm cute does not mean the two of us are "made for each other."

04-02-2007, 10:08 AM
If I read the original post correctly... she is planning to move to the US. I still stand by what I said before in my previous post, if she moves over here and is at least somewhat close by to you, well that's great. :bigok: But I would wait until, and if, that happens to even think about starting a relationship. Just hang out with her when she comes to visit, and establish a friendship first, and go from there....

In any case, there is nothing wrong with a long distance friendship... I, and I'm sure most other people, have many of those. :)

04-02-2007, 03:19 PM
england...isnt that the place where the first zombies epidemic was encountered? you better save her before its too late!

nice hips, though. hit it then split it!

04-02-2007, 05:37 PM

Ok so yeah I have done this before... meet a girl online... talked to her for about 2-3 years before I said "shit why not for the hell of it"

she just happened to live in florida (fort myers) and she was cool and I liked her (yeah so what). So went out there for a vacation and I stayed with her... explored town, disneyworld, mall, movies, yeah all that shit and it was fun and all but she started getting clingy!!

wouldnt stop calling me and dam she talks a lot (one night was over 4 hours!!!) and its all about her!!!. told her we arent an item and never were and unless she wants me it needed to end.

then the whole "your my only true friend!" shit started and man i had to change my number for that to end!

burned all the pictures and the only thing I have left to remember her is the quicksilver wallet she bought me that i forgot she had gotten for me until recently.

either way watch out... she is the second girl I met offline... first one dont talk to much anymore but hooked me up at disneyland and half off at the marriott I stayed at and drove my ass around torrence since I was the tourist again.

third one txt's me and thats it, a phone call on my birthday/holidays and thats it.

premies if you want a picture to go with the story pm me... nothing to be crazy about honestly.

Baka Sama
04-19-2007, 06:27 PM
So.... Everything went great!!
Flew down to south beach for five days. Awesome wheather, lots of hot latin girls, expensive cars that will never be driven hard, and wonderful food! As far as the girl goes we hit it off great. Had a lot of fun at the beach and already making plans next summer to visit her in Europe for a few weeks (Her Idea). As far as relationship wise I decided that friends is the best thing for now. :)

"No need to rush, just keep it on the hush.."

Her running from the camera>

04-19-2007, 06:40 PM
Tell me you stuck it in her.

Wahl 136
04-19-2007, 06:46 PM
Tell me you stuck it in her.

What he said x2000, good luck with that. I hope it works out for you. She is a good lookin chick!

04-19-2007, 06:48 PM
She has an alright ass!


04-19-2007, 06:50 PM
She wants a citizenship.

Just playing, haha.


Ok so yeah I have done this before... meet a girl online... talked to her for about 2-3 years before I said "shit why not for the hell of it"

she just happened to live in florida (fort myers) and she was cool and I liked her (yeah so what). So went out there for a vacation and I stayed with her... explored town, disneyworld, mall, movies, yeah all that shit and it was fun and all but she started getting clingy!!

wouldnt stop calling me and dam she talks a lot (one night was over 4 hours!!!) and its all about her!!!. told her we arent an item and never were and unless she wants me it needed to end.

then the whole "your my only true friend!" shit started and man i had to change my number for that to end!

burned all the pictures and the only thing I have left to remember her is the quicksilver wallet she bought me that i forgot she had gotten for me until recently.

either way watch out... she is the second girl I met offline... first one dont talk to much anymore but hooked me up at disneyland and half off at the marriott I stayed at and drove my ass around torrence since I was the tourist again.

third one txt's me and thats it, a phone call on my birthday/holidays and thats it.

premies if you want a picture to go with the story pm me... nothing to be crazy about honestly.
Haha, what's with meeting girls in Florida, I had a similar experience. A girl from Florida started talking to me online, then she started calling nonstop, and after I started getting a feeling that she was kind of crazy, she started talking about buying a plane ticket, and then I started receiving nude pictures from her, which was cool I guess, haha, but at the same time it got kind of scary so I stopped talking to her.

Baka Sama
04-19-2007, 08:09 PM
Tell me you stuck it in her.

A gentleman never tells.. :boink:

What he said x2000, good luck with that. I hope it works out for you. She is a good lookin chick!
She is a good looking chick that just so happens to put J-lo to shame!

04-19-2007, 08:34 PM
awwwww right

did she eat the bacon?

04-19-2007, 10:18 PM
HaHa She played the friend card. :P

04-20-2007, 12:26 AM
Yeah, that's the only time a guy says "a gentleman never tells."

04-20-2007, 01:03 AM
Just see how it plays out, and dont move out there

04-20-2007, 01:21 AM
all very interesting...

04-20-2007, 01:41 AM
good luck on that man.. jus dont fall into the friend zone.. that royally sucks trust me..

instead, become an asshole, talk about how you punched a guy at work for looking at you funny, or you almost got caught for selling drugs, ran out on your babys momma and owe child support, or how you rebel against your pops. Trust me, urban women love this, i learned it from watching daytime talk shows and seeing all the females around me fall for these types =\

04-20-2007, 02:19 AM
A gentleman never tells.. :boink:

She is a good looking chick that just so happens to put J-lo to shame!

I wouldn't tell if I put it in that, good call.

04-20-2007, 03:56 AM

Don't ask, Don't Tell.

Wahl 136
04-20-2007, 07:05 AM
well dammit i wanna know!

Baka Sama
04-20-2007, 09:08 AM
HaHa He played the friend card. :P

Corrected for truthiness. Im not that lame. :nono:

04-20-2007, 04:31 PM

04-20-2007, 04:54 PM
Corrected for truthiness. Im not that lame. :nono:
no, that would be lame if you were that lame.

04-20-2007, 07:27 PM
good luck on that man.. jus dont fall into the friend zone.. that royally sucks trust me..

instead, become an asshole, talk about how you punched a guy at work for looking at you funny, or you almost got caught for selling drugs, ran out on your babys momma and owe child support, or how you rebel against your pops. Trust me, urban women love this, i learned it from watching daytime talk shows and seeing all the females around me fall for these types =\

god. how depressing is that

07-08-2007, 11:43 PM
where'd the pics go? Ive been trying to figure out all the tension between you an farzi...I want to see this girl...and want to know the true reason why farzi says she's decent...PICS plz

07-09-2007, 12:16 AM
damnit how come i always come in late....the pics are always gone before i get here...

07-09-2007, 12:18 AM
damnit how come i always come in late....the pics are always gone before i get here...

I want to see what all this fuss is over

07-09-2007, 01:00 AM



My wife is From Quebec. It was absolutely BONKERS trying to get her here. IT took us around 2 years to get things to where she could stay without going back 6 months out of the year. Get at me on aim or PM man, I can talk you through alot of this.

Baka Sama
07-09-2007, 01:09 AM
Its all old news now but thanks though. We're just friends. I'll post up a picture of her when I get home.

Baka Sama
07-09-2007, 12:15 PM

I want to see what all this fuss is over

There is no fuss.. Some people just like to hate.


<<< Oh and I still see Green over here.

07-09-2007, 06:24 PM
i remember seeing her in an older thread arguing over who's girls were hotter(u, mercer, and farzam i think) lol.

not my type, but good luck bro.

07-09-2007, 06:32 PM
girls butt is stacked:bigok: but other than that...meh

also Im way too lazy to read the whole thread but its obviously months old...so did you ever end up meeting her in FL? seems like you had some pretty big plans

Baka Sama
07-09-2007, 07:29 PM
Yeah I flew down to south beach and we chilled for a week. Shes a very nice woman but no big future plans. Just another friend in the book.

07-09-2007, 07:37 PM



My wife is From Quebec. It was absolutely BONKERS trying to get her here. IT took us around 2 years to get things to where she could stay without going back 6 months out of the year. Get at me on aim or PM man, I can talk you through alot of this.

LOLz T.J. you have a Canadian mail order bride? Awesome....

As for your girl and how that turned out sucks, but your cool with it so it's all good.

And DAMN she's got a ass. That's a ghetto booty right there. :wackit:

sorry had to get that out since that's what I thought of when I saw it.:o

07-09-2007, 08:00 PM
nice ass.....i'll give you that

07-09-2007, 08:55 PM
There is a lot of pessimism about long distance relationships on here, and I agree with most of what everyone has said about them being difficult.

If it is the right girl then it is worth it. My fiance had to go back to Japan and we managed to keep it going. It takes lots of patience and good communication skills but if it is the right girl then it will be worth it. We are waiting on her fiance visa to get processed currently and are getting married as soon as that gets done (hopefully by the end of this year).

old_s13 drops the knowledge bomb, as always.

first off, DONT take advice from the above girl. for one, shes a girl.. and she sees things from the wrong perspective - the FEMALE perspective. you want advice from men, assholes like you. women are too nice and are capable of dealing with drama - while most *real* men simply dont putup with bullshit.

second, the only thing bonding you two together is some basic similarities and the enticement that you're getting chatting with the opposite sex online. why? because in real life you guys are at the same place at the same time: bored and lonely. if either of you were fucking or even had a decent relationship, you wouldnt be wasting time with this online bullshit.

third, the psycho meter hasnt been tested.


i'll explain. i need to enter a few spaces here so you guys understand

that this shit is serious.


the psycho meter. see, every person you meet in life, needs to be filtered through the psycho meter. especially anyone you get intimate with. look at the reality, there's a SHITLOAD of people in this world that are fuckin crazy (me included). do you want this person knowing you, where you live? your phone numbers? your family?

fuck that. filter them first. whenever you meet someone you're interested, take your time and find out who they are. do they have a family? is their family fucked up and crazy? if the answer is yes, RUN. does she have children? does she even fucking KNOW shes had children? some bitches dont even know. they give birth and forget.. then some other person takes care of them.

what about her phone conversations? is she insane? is she the type of person that goes nuts if you dont call back? some people are fucked up, and cant be alone for more than a few minutes or hours. they go insane and leave endless amounts of voicemails and bullshit text messages.

why? does she want to be friends or does she want to have a relationship and fuck? real people have real relationships and actually have SEX. believe it or not, some girls dont understand this.. and think it starts off as friendship.


when you look at a person, the FIRST think that comes to eachothers minds is:


and you decide whether or not you can even CONSIDER yourself banging that person. if theres no physical attraction, forget it.. NEXT.

anyway.. i'm losing my point and dont care much to keep typing and making sense. Just take MY advice, and get the fuck out of this online chat bullshit. Go buy some real clothes, some nice shoes, and get the fuck out of your house. Maybe quit being such an asshole, girls will like you more. :-) Then you'll get yourself some nice LOCAL poonanny.


07-09-2007, 09:39 PM
yo im like 10 mins from south beach break me off a piece son, id obliterate that shit.
nice catch man

07-09-2007, 10:30 PM
who bumped this shit pile


'Maybe quit being such an asshole, girls will like you more. :-)'

is this sarcasm

07-09-2007, 10:42 PM
There is no fuss.. Some people just like to hate.


Steps to having that woman without dealing with immigration.

1)dump that one.
2)go to trailer park
3)flash 10 dollars and cracker jack ring
4)pick your poison


you'd save thousands in travel expenses, and you'd probably be paying for the crab shampoo anyway so that doesn't even count.

07-09-2007, 10:44 PM

07-09-2007, 11:13 PM
who bumped this shit pile

This would be me....I was trying to figure out why everyone was fighting, and what girl they were talking about

07-10-2007, 12:18 AM
Just say no...next thing you know, you'll get abducted in the middle of the night, get put in a fucking sack, thrown in a trunk of a car. Next thing you know youre in the Eastern Block of Europe blindfolded getting video taped, asking for ransom money.


07-10-2007, 01:42 AM
I'm from Europe and I don't get how you managed to find the one weird-faced girl that lives there.

07-10-2007, 03:00 AM
LOLz T.J. you have a Canadian mail order bride? Awesome....

You know whats funny.....when I tell people that they look at me with this "wtf you might be serious" look :rofl:

Koopa Troopa
07-10-2007, 04:02 AM
My advice... unless you're seeing each other on a regular occasion it's not going to work out due to the simple fact that you're not there and someone else is.

Baka Sama
07-10-2007, 07:25 AM
Yeah I flew down to south beach and we chilled for a week. Shes a very nice woman but no big future plans. Just another friend in the books.

Its all old news now but thanks though

I wasnt dating anyone and I had some free time so it was worth a shot.

07-10-2007, 08:38 AM
Just tap it anyways if you are gonna see her in FL...stay friends just dont get into a relationship with her unless she moves closer to you.

07-10-2007, 09:23 AM
Please, people, let this damned thread die, he met her and apparently they are not in a relationship.
This thread was only bumped because someone wanted to know what the big fucking deal was about whatever arguments were being perpetuated over whose women were better or some shit like that. It was all very childish and quite damned annoying, can we put this chapter in the past?

07-10-2007, 04:46 PM
ok phlip....sorry for bumping it...

deep in silvia
07-10-2007, 05:39 PM
dame im late........

girl got it going in tht back......but , i got to give her the every thing but her face ranking.....

good luck buddie..... take it day to day and keep her as a friend things always change with time.

07-10-2007, 05:41 PM
we bumpin we bumpin