View Full Version : Super AVC-R Green LED (original) Help

03-29-2007, 03:02 PM
I bought an original AVC-R off of Ebay with no insturctions. I have managed to find the instructions on the internet. Install is not a problem; my problem is this: There is a wiring harness that has a 6 prong plug that connects from the AVC-R that runs to the solenoids with a 3 prong plug and a 2 prong plug. I do not have this wiring harness. I dont have the set up sitting in front of me at the moment, but I assume that I could find suitable plugs and make a harness. I need to know what colored wires run to each plug. If anyone has one of these and could check where the colors run, I would greatly appreciate it.

p.s. Yes, I have checked Apexi website and done multiple searches but cant find it anywhere, its also not in the instructions.

04-02-2007, 06:20 AM
Anyone help me out here? Its not that hard to check. I know some of you have this boost controller.