View Full Version : Dealing with a douche bag roomie

Wahl 136
03-28-2007, 02:51 PM
My roommate just informed me that he is moving out on the 30th (2 days from today) 4 months earlier than our lease is up. I know the legal implications that he faces with our landlord. But has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this?

I honestly don't want him walking around my apartment with keys to come and go as he feels but as far as I know I'm powerless here. Also do I have any legal ability to take him to small claims court over the utlities he would have been responsible for? I haven't consulted a lawyer and I prefer to spend my money else where if all possible since this whole ordeal is over $1200 (Which wouldn't cover lawyer fees)

Any past experience or advise would greatly be appeciated.

03-28-2007, 03:29 PM
Good luck, try and find someone else who wouldn't mind moving in with you to help you pay the rent. Taking him to small claims is possible. I'm not too sure about the whole renters agreement issue. But if his name is on the lease also then he is liable to pay the rent even if he's not there. But if you landlord let him out and he's got a letter saying so then it's another whole situation.

03-28-2007, 03:34 PM
If he signed the lease as well he is responsible for rent. If both of you are on the utilities then he would be responsible for those too.

You should talk toy your landlord and let him know that if he lets him out of his lease early he is not going to get the full rent because you were not prepared and you can not afford it. He wants his money. He will be on your side.

I'd contact a lawyer.

03-28-2007, 04:18 PM
yeah it basically comes down to who's on the lease.

if he's not on it do you have at least some agreement between the two of you in writing?

if not, then you're super-boned.

call a lawyer, call your landlord, and prepare for a trip to small claims.

03-28-2007, 04:29 PM
I had some sloppy ass roommates (a guy and girl couple) that didn't want to clean after themselves. I called them on it a few times and had some sit-down conversations with them. The girl decided it would be easier to move back to her dad's house so she wouldn't have to pick up after herself. About a month later, the guy decided he would move in with her... Luckily they were both on the lease, so I forced them to either pay me rent for the last 3 months (even though they weren't living there) or move back in. They felt it would be easier to pay rent at two places rather than clean up after themselves. Fools.... I spent the last three months of the lease in an empty house hahaha.

Tell your landlord what's going on, and just continue paying your share of the rent. My landlord called them individually and told them he wouldn't stand for what they were trying to pull. But then again he was a really cool guy, ymmv.

Good luck, roommates suck. Stack your paper and buy a house!

Wahl 136
03-28-2007, 05:42 PM
I had some sloppy ass roommates (a guy and girl couple) that didn't want to clean after themselves. I called them on it a few times and had some sit-down conversations with them. The girl decided it would be easier to move back to her dad's house so she wouldn't have to pick up after herself. About a month later, the guy decided he would move in with her... Luckily they were both on the lease, so I forced them to either pay me rent for the last 3 months (even though they weren't living there) or move back in. They felt it would be easier to pay rent at two places rather than clean up after themselves. Fools.... I spent the last three months of the lease in an empty house hahaha.

Tell your landlord what's going on, and just continue paying your share of the rent. My landlord called them individually and told them he wouldn't stand for what they were trying to pull. But then again he was a really cool guy, ymmv.

Good luck, roommates suck. Stack your paper and buy a house!

Sounds eerly simular to my situation. The kid is a slob, alcoholic, peice of garbage.

unwed_transient- We have an agreement on the bills, he lives with my g/f, our son and me. so he only pays a quarter of the rent and we pay the rest. My g/f isn't home from work yet and since she writes all the checks i'll have to ask her. I'm pretty sure everyone signed an agreement though.

I had to call my landlord who is on vacation in Myrtle Beach and tell them what's up and they threatened to take him to court haha. I don't know what's going to happen but it looks like trouble for him. I guess time will tell how it will work out. All I know is that I have a full month to find someone else to split bills with because he already paid for April and the check cleared. I appeicate the response guys! :bow:

03-28-2007, 11:39 PM
you do have SOME power as far as rent is concerned. Utilities , depend on your agreements with the providers, but really you shouldn't have to worry about those. If he isn't using them then its only fair that you pay for what you use. Choose your battles wisely, utilities isn't really a strongpoint in your case against him, so I would just consider those cost of doing business with a bad partner.

He does owe for rent as long as he has signed on the lease for, to an extent. You'd have to check on your states laws, but I'm pretty sure you have to put a reasonable effort into finding somebody to replace the rent he has to pay. But with only a few months left on the lease then you shouldn't have any trouble getting him for the rest of what he owes. If you do find a roommate to replace him then you can't charge him for what the new roommate does pay.

and yes, talk to your landlord first. A lot of them are cool and it IS in their best interest to help you out.

Wahl 136
03-29-2007, 06:47 AM
you do have SOME power as far as rent is concerned. Utilities , depend on your agreements with the providers, but really you shouldn't have to worry about those. If he isn't using them then its only fair that you pay for what you use. Choose your battles wisely, utilities isn't really a strongpoint in your case against him, so I would just consider those cost of doing business with a bad partner.

He does owe for rent as long as he has signed on the lease for, to an extent. You'd have to check on your states laws, but I'm pretty sure you have to put a reasonable effort into finding somebody to replace the rent he has to pay. But with only a few months left on the lease then you shouldn't have any trouble getting him for the rest of what he owes. If you do find a roommate to replace him then you can't charge him for what the new roommate does pay.

and yes, talk to your landlord first. A lot of them are cool and it IS in their best interest to help you out.

Thanks for the response, I talked to my landlord lastnight and they basically told him that they would sue him if he broke the lease. So they are making him pay his share of the rent even though he wont be living here. They also suggested finding a trustworthy individual and renting out his room. I just so happen to have a friend in need that is willing to pay utilities only. So I get to kill two birds with one stone. Appears to be conflict solved, thanks for everyones help! :bigok:

03-29-2007, 09:59 AM
in small claims you would get the money...

as long as your lease and how much is owed in the signed agreement.

Wahl 136
03-29-2007, 10:53 AM
in small claims you would get the money...

as long as your lease and how much is owed in the signed agreement.

Sure is/was, he's paying. He signed another agreement today stating that if he failed to pay his portion at the end of every month that he loses his security deposit as well.

03-29-2007, 11:04 AM
GL with this.

his ass is dumb. breaking the lease and still having to pay! lol.

Wahl 136
03-29-2007, 12:20 PM
GL with this.

his ass is dumb. breaking the lease and still having to pay! lol.

Thanks for the gl, he is dumb he was bitching about paying 1/4 of the rent which was $265. Now he has to pay 265 and part of his new place which is $365. You can see the mentality of this special person. Whatever atleast now he is someone elses headache!