View Full Version : Most Women Too Nervous to Get Naked, Study Shows

03-28-2007, 10:42 AM
What is the world coming to?

A third of women think they are too fat ever to appear naked in front of their partners, according to a survey.

Images of stick-thin models and digitally-slimmed celebrities are convincing a whole generation to keep their clothes on at all times.

Experts believe the compulsion to cover up is putting a serious strain on domestic relationships, with one woman in ten having to turn out the light before she can undress in front of her partner.

Some of the most awkward encounters happen in the bathroom - with nearly a quarter of females never entering with their other half.

Of those who do, around a third said they felt self-conscious about being seen in the nude. According to the survey of 3,500 women for a bathroom equipment company, one in ten is so body-shy she will even lock the bathroom door to avoid her partner bursting in.

Despite all this, almost all women interviewed agreed that it was vital that a couple felt comfortable naked together. Men seem largely immune to the insecurities afflicting their girlfriends and wives, and are happy spending almost double the amount of time being naked in an average day.

They are so fond of being naked that more than two-thirds said they regularly walk around the house with nothing on.

Even though 46 per cent of women confess they like to do the same, a third of these said they would never wander naked where their partner could see them.

It is the same in the gym, where 79 per cent admitted they had hang-ups showering and changing in front of other women.

Jill Parkinson, from www.shuc.com, the company which commissioned the research, said: "It's shocking how self-conscious people are about being naked in front of their partners - especially when it comes to the bathroom.

"This shows how seriously people think about their body image - yet being bare-skinned is such a natural thing."


03-28-2007, 11:17 AM
I am a firm believer that all women should be naked everyday. Well the hot skinny ones that is. OOps.

03-28-2007, 11:39 AM
^^ Agreed!!!

03-28-2007, 12:15 PM
My Wife doesn't have this problem thank god.

03-28-2007, 12:40 PM
I am a firm believer that all women should be naked everyday. Well the hot skinny ones that is. OOps.

lol... man how I wish for that day to come.

03-28-2007, 01:24 PM
I feel like going to all women and saying its ok. I still think your beautiful and would love to see you naked. Just to help there confidence.

03-28-2007, 01:25 PM
If i am declared president i will pass a law that makes young skinny hot women to be banned from ever wearing any kind of clothing!:bigok:

03-28-2007, 01:27 PM
lol... man how I wish for that day to come.

it has come and passed way before your time.. it was during the prehistoric times when men and women were nakid and did nothing but hunt, eat, fuck, and survive.. times were simpler back then.. lol

03-28-2007, 01:58 PM
it has come and passed way before your time.. it was during the prehistoric times when men and women were nakid and did nothing but hunt, eat, fuck, and survive.. times were simpler back then.. lol

Was that before Zilvia?

A Spec Products
03-28-2007, 02:15 PM
Put down the fried chicken fatty


03-28-2007, 02:32 PM
alot more fat bitches now, finna move to Europe

03-28-2007, 03:01 PM
alot more fat bitches now, finna move to Europe

I'll take alotta ass over armpit hair any day. ;)

03-28-2007, 03:06 PM
I am a firm believer that all women should be naked everyday. Well the hot skinny ones that is. OOps.

That's called Deja Vu Centerfolds.

03-28-2007, 03:07 PM
Here the thing I don't get.

If I go up to a girl who is clearly wearing a clothing top that compliments her cleavage and breast. And I say "Nice boobs" I will most likely get slapped across the face.

But if a random girl came up to me and said nice balls. My reaction would be "Why thank you, I like them too."

03-28-2007, 03:10 PM
Here the thing I don't get.

If I go up to a girl who is clearly wearing a clothing top that compliments her cleavage and breast. And I say "Nice boobs" I will most likely get slapped across the face.

But if a random girl came up to me and said nice balls. My reaction would be "Why thank you, I like them too."

You're just wording it wrong. Try using, "Nice milk cannons." next time.

03-28-2007, 03:15 PM
You're just wording it wrong. Try using, "Nice milk cannons." next time.

^^ next time fo sho I will say that. hehehehe.

I'm still in the search for beer flavor nipples, that's when I know I'm got the right girl.

03-28-2007, 03:19 PM
I'll take alotta ass over armpit hair any day. ;)
Yeah, but a razor can only fix one of those, unless you're Hannibal Lector.
I'm sorry, but I have a thing for euro women with accents.

03-28-2007, 03:21 PM
Seeing how this survey was most likely a survery of AMERICAN WOMEN, they should be self concious of being fat since most women in America are overweight. Even if the models in today's society were of a reasonable size, American women still couldn't live up to it and would still feel the same way since they are fatter than ever.

You can quote me on that BTW.

03-28-2007, 03:25 PM
It's from a site in the UK.

03-28-2007, 03:30 PM
My ex had this problem. No matter how many times I tried to put her at ease about it, she never did get the comfortable. It's like, wtf, I've already seen you. It's not like I'm suddenly going to get grossed out the next time I see you naked.

03-28-2007, 03:30 PM
Yeah, but a razor can only fix one of those, unless you're Hannibal Lector.
I'm sorry, but I have a thing for euro women with accents.

Yea, but they don't want a razor to fix it. :-/

03-28-2007, 04:15 PM
Yeah, but a razor can only fix one of those, unless you're Hannibal Lector.
I'm sorry, but I have a thing for euro women with accents.

euro women are great... until they get americanized. mine's from germany and has been here 7 years.

now she's just like every other lazy, whining american woman that no longer feels the need to perform oral sex.

fresh off the boat ftw.

03-28-2007, 04:32 PM
^^^ women who dislike performing oral suck, well not really actually. Screw Freud and his theory of oral fixation, if only evey women were like that.

03-28-2007, 04:40 PM
cut down on the pork rinds, mate!!

03-28-2007, 04:42 PM
^^^ I know your not suggesting I'm chubby Brian. It's just a little more loving to grab onto that's all.

03-28-2007, 04:48 PM
It's from a site in the UK.

AAHAHAHAH damn, there goes my point. In that case, they need to stop eating so many fish and chips.

03-28-2007, 04:51 PM
^^^ women who dislike performing oral suck, well not really actually. Screw Freud and his theory of oral fixation, if only evey women were like that.
THAT, gentlemen, is why you need at LEAST one big chick on the team.
Every once in a while, I like being able to place one phone call, go get sucked and be back home in time to watch the game without extraneous conversation and haggling.

03-28-2007, 04:52 PM
^^^ I know your not suggesting I'm chubby Brian. It's just a little more loving to grab onto that's all.

not you.

the womens eatin all the food!!!!

03-28-2007, 06:01 PM
^^^ whew, I thought you meant me. I mean it's not my fault when I step onto a scale it reads "FATASS"

03-28-2007, 07:51 PM
more then a third of the women in washington are fat so maybe its not sociallogical

03-28-2007, 07:56 PM
Yeah, but a razor can only fix one of those, unless you're Hannibal Lector.
I'm sorry, but I have a thing for euro women with accents.


hahahah euro women.....:love:

03-28-2007, 08:30 PM
What did I start with this thread? :)

Today was a good news day. Found another story about topless twins, but I decided to go with this story.

03-28-2007, 08:36 PM
Here the thing I don't get.

If I go up to a girl who is clearly wearing a clothing top that compliments her cleavage and breast. And I say "Nice boobs" I will most likely get slapped across the face.

But if a random girl came up to me and said nice balls. My reaction would be "Why thank you, I like them too."

Like this?


03-28-2007, 08:59 PM
you guys have this crazy image of european women, i lived in europe for 8 years and ive been to almost every european country, but ill tell you americas not that bad, yeah europes got some hotties, but so does everywhere else, ill tell you right now german women would out smoke/drink any of you anyday, there insane, and once they hit about 40, BAM they just fall apart

03-28-2007, 10:16 PM
I've only met a couple girls like that. thank god. Its the media thats making girls self conscious these days. and those fucking magazines girls are hooked on.

Just hook a clapper to your lights in your bedroom. Turn the lights off, start bumping uglies, then *CLAP CLAP* lights on, and scream like you won the lottery.

But fat hoes, do piss me off....only when i see them doing shit they arent supposed to be doing. Like, driving a small car, standing in line at McDonalds, or playing musical chairs. Crazy hoes.

03-28-2007, 10:42 PM
lol at that balls out vid!

03-28-2007, 10:56 PM
nismo-joe for prez!

03-28-2007, 11:22 PM
THAT, gentlemen, is why you need at LEAST one big chick on the team.
Every once in a while, I like being able to place one phone call, go get sucked and be back home in time to watch the game without extraneous conversation and haggling.

YEA haha i know where your coming from, at least someone actually admitted it.
+1 for you

03-28-2007, 11:32 PM
Here the thing I don't get.

If I go up to a girl who is clearly wearing a clothing top that compliments her cleavage and breast. And I say "Nice boobs" I will most likely get slapped across the face.

But if a random girl came up to me and said nice balls. My reaction would be "Why thank you, I like them too."

Think that depends on the girl and if there was booze involved. Because if that situtation was during mardi gras or new years she would then show you her prized little ones and ask for beads.

Anyways the article is interesting...I wear my birthday suit almost as soon as I'm home, its a stress relieving routine you know. Plus less clothes to clean and what not, and I sleep like that as well. But I do stress putting on clothes while cooking, including pants, I thought a top wo uld be enough stupid splatter.

03-28-2007, 11:32 PM
[QUOTE=S14Josh]I've only met a couple girls like that. thank god. Its the media thats making girls self conscious these days. and those fucking magazines girls are hooked on.


Thats true in some cases with certain Bishes, But hispanic girls are another story they aint shy 4 shit.

03-28-2007, 11:57 PM
I wear my birthday suit almost as soon as I'm home, its a stress relieving routine you know.
I forgot my hat at your place, I'll be over in a bit. No need to change. :wackit:


03-29-2007, 12:00 AM
Ok, so it's time for the woman's opinion.

Girls are so self-conscious because of all the crap that we have shoved in our faces on TV, on billboards, in our magazines, commercials, even by each other. Everywhere we turn, we see dudes all drooling over some skinny ho, and it makes us self conscious about ourselves, and we feel like we come up short. Me myself, I'm not a skinny girl, but I'm not fat either. I'm a curvy girl, and I have my problem areas, but I stopped looking at a lot of that bs because all it made me do was feel bad about myself. Even looking through car mags can be depressing, cuz you see all these girls that are size -55 and look like they're 12 years old wearing barely nothing and dudes are all on them like flies on s***. That can be really demoralizing.

Guys, if you have girlfriends, stare at them the same way you would stare at one of those hos. Think of it this way- she gives it to you, and any of those chicks you'd never in a million years have a chance with. And don't put fat girls down- it takes a lot more courage for them to step out into the world knowing they are fat, and still with more confidence than some of those insecure, anorexic tweaker ass girls do.

"Fat Bottomed Girls you make the rockin world go round"- Queen

03-29-2007, 12:27 AM
So much I want to write here... but its so unfocused that I'm going to avoid it for now.

I can't think of any surveying methods that would NOT bias these results.

Call random households? You'll talk to a lot of women that don't want to sound "slutty" so they won't admit to liking to be naked for their partner, then they will make any rationalization that sounds legit to back it up.

I wouldn't mind giving this survey at the beach though. "excuse me, Hi my name is Daniel and I'm doing a little survey. Could you spare some time? You'll receive this brand new necklace when we're done. Its really shiny! Ok question number one: Are you afraid to show your boobies? *errr I'll take that as a no. I think we're done here."

Think that depends on the girl and if there was booze involved. Because if that situtation was during mardi gras or new years she would then show you her prized little ones and ask for beads.

No pics = lies. And I cook without a shirt all the time. Bacon splatter kinda hurts my nipples, but oh well?

and for the girls here, Why do you ladies care so much about the thinnest women you see on magazine covers? What is the appeal to look like them? Do you hear ANY large portion of a desirable demographic say they think that is attractive? I just don't understand why women see a ridiculously skinny celebrity and think they need to look just like her? If these women spent 5 minutes a day HONESTLY thinking about what they would like to look like in a perfect world, and the rest of the day eating healthy and maybe spending some time in the gym then they WILL get the look they want.

03-29-2007, 12:58 AM
and for the girls here, Why do you ladies care so much about the thinnest women you see on magazine covers? What is the appeal to look like them? Do you hear ANY large portion of a desirable demographic say they think that is attractive? I just don't understand why women see a ridiculously skinny celebrity and think they need to look just like her? If these women spent 5 minutes a day HONESTLY thinking about what they would like to look like in a perfect world, and the rest of the day eating healthy and maybe spending some time in the gym then they WILL get the look they want.

Because that's ALL we see. Recently Dove (the soap people) launched this advertising campaign that shows women in different shapes, sizes, ages etc etc etc. That is what needs to happen, because we are constantly bombarded with all these skinny chicks, and the pressure that because guys look at them more than they look at normal chicks, then there's something wrong with us. Like I stated before, I stopped reading and looking at all that stuff, because all it did was make me feel bad about the way I looked. Media that caters to women is so harsh, they make you feel ugly, fat, inadequate, so they can sell you the idea that if you use their stuff you'll feel better about yourself.

Women do care a lot about their appearances, and while dudes will never understand the concept, they should at least acknowledge it. What's the harm in building up your girl to feel good, and not just by saying, "yea you look nice" but by saying something specific, so that at least she feels like you're paying attention. If every guy made that kind of effort, then all these campaigns geared towards making girls feel like crap wouldn't exist, because we'd never need them.

03-29-2007, 07:38 AM
Don't forget that males are advertised to as well. A day doesn't go by where I don't see some guy on tv attempting to show off his physique. Most males just don't buy into it.

And I cook without a shirt all the time. Bacon splatter kinda hurts my nipples, but oh well?

It puts hair on your chest!

... or sears it off? :bite:

03-29-2007, 09:44 AM
lol fuck thoes fat bitches in the dove ads


yeah fuck that shit. i probably weigh less than that. thoes thighs are no joke.

and shit like queen latifa "real woman" clothes modelling and that shit


nobody wants chicks to be anorexic

but like 5' 5" (pretty much average height for american female) healthy weight is like 120-140.

rosey odonell and other trash like that is trying to make it ok to be overweight b/c they are too lazy to go to a gym. its not healthy

03-29-2007, 09:58 AM
probably becuase they're not in shape.

03-29-2007, 12:23 PM
It's all cause of what the media puts out there... my ex was a size 0-2 (only weighed about 105-110 and she was 5"9) and she was taking diet pills for shits sake! :confused: and she was always talking about how she needed to slim down. She was self concious around just me wearing a ski suit, hood and hiking boots hiked up to her knees with a giant scarf:tweak: ....

She's an extreme case... but it's 90% the medias fault IMHO.

I'm not suprised by this news at all. :-/

03-29-2007, 12:58 PM
chmercer the girls you posted arent fat.

THAT, gentlemen, is why you need at LEAST one big chick on the team.
Every once in a while, I like being able to place one phone call, go get sucked and be back home in time to watch the game without extraneous conversation and haggling.

id cry myself to sleep if I had to call some chunky bitch to get me off

03-29-2007, 01:47 PM
chmercer the girls you posted arent fat.

Seriously. I'd rather date one of them over the mutant creatures that call themselves "import models."

But I find most import models disgusting, so I'm not sure how much credibility my statement holds.

03-29-2007, 01:49 PM
Seriously. I'd rather date one of them over the mutant creatures that call themselves "import models."

hahah seriously,

and thats mutant looking after Photochopping the picture...

gawd someof those import models are sooo torn up.

03-29-2007, 01:50 PM
no not fat. just worse?

03-29-2007, 01:53 PM
But overall reguarding the Topic,

Im glad Ive been blessed with girls who love nothing more than to lounge around nakieeee.


03-29-2007, 02:14 PM
fat girls give the best head....cuz they always hungry! :keke:

but seriously...i dont see why girls are shy to be naked around ppl they've had "relations" with

03-29-2007, 02:22 PM
fat girls give the best head....cuz they always hungry! :keke:

but seriously...i dont see why girls are shy to be naked around ppl they've had "relations" with

LAWL @ fat girls comment. posi!

03-29-2007, 04:00 PM
id cry myself to sleep if I had to call some chunky bitch to get me off
Perhaps you missed the business end of that comment you quoted.
Read it again and keep reading it until you get it.

... don't worry, we'll wait.

03-29-2007, 04:24 PM
If i am declared president i will pass a law that makes young skinny hot women to be banned from ever wearing any kind of clothing!:bigok:

Then winter would come and all our hott chicks would be dead then we would really be fucked.

03-29-2007, 04:48 PM
I'll agree with the fact that most men dont buy into the bullshit ads. My girl goes to the gym everyday and still has things about herself she doesnt like, shes not big AT ALL! The girls in that ad posted are not fat but they could run everyday and lose that little extra we all see. I make my girl feel like shes gorgeous, cuz she is. You know why? Cuz she gives it up and is awesome to chill with. I think people will never be happy with themselves no matter what. As for the overweight girls complaining about being that way, use my dick as a pacifier because I'll bet 85% of those women dont work out and dont eat very healthy to boot. Curvy women are wayyyy better than stick figures, those "americas top model" shows make me sick. As for the oral sex, there is no such thing as too much and everyone always wants more. Good day to you my fellow zilvians!

03-29-2007, 04:59 PM
chmercer the girls you posted arent fat.


and that one is like 20 ft tall lol. but thats unrelated to the topic.

yeah 5' 9" and 110 is underweight. 130 is more like healthy weight for woman of that height.

and yeah regarding import models you can be skinny and still be gross. im talking more from a health perspective than in terms of physical attraction. media influences people to look a certain way, but now there is all this shit going around saying its ok to be overweight and gross because "some shit using words like natural and curvy"

03-29-2007, 05:34 PM
The media does make women feel like they should all be size zero. But truth to be told, not all men are into skinny ass women who show their rib cage when their in a swimsuit. That's not attractive at all. Majority of the men are fine with women who are height and weight proportioned and if a little under or over then that's fine. Then again we don't want a girl that is way overweight because that's just unhealthy and un-attractive to us.

I've met alot of women in my lifetime and can only come to this conclusion. Yes us men like women with nice size breast, nice perky ass, long legs, and beautiful face. But in the end looks go and personality stays. A woman who is not a 10 rating can be sexy if she has confindence and is sure of herself and carrys herself in such a manner as not to display any thing but confidence. That's the truth that I see. I know there's guys out there that probably won't agree, but I'm sure some understand.

I love it when I go into McDonalds and there's some overweight person ordering everything off the menu, but opts for diet coke. I'm like dude it's not going to make much of a difference if your already ordering everything else.

Baka Sama
03-29-2007, 06:08 PM
Ok I've read just about enough of this BS and I've kept my mouth shut for a whole day which is a day too freaking long.. Time to put this shit to rest!

Ok, so it's time for the woman's opinion.

Girls are so self-conscious because of all the crap that we have shoved in our faces on TV, on billboards, in our magazines, commercials, even by each other. Everywhere we turn, we see dudes all drooling over some skinny ho, and it makes us self conscious about ourselves, and we feel like we come up short. Me myself, I'm not a skinny girl, but I'm not fat either. I'm a curvy girl, and I have my problem areas, but I stopped looking at a lot of that bs because all it made me do was feel bad about myself. Even looking through car mags can be depressing, cuz you see all these girls that are size -55 and look like they're 12 years old wearing barely nothing and dudes are all on them like flies on s***. That can be really demoralizing.

Guys, if you have girlfriends, stare at them the same way you would stare at one of those hos. Think of it this way- she gives it to you, and any of those chicks you'd never in a million years have a chance with. And don't put fat girls down- it takes a lot more courage for them to step out into the world knowing they are fat, and still with more confidence than some of those insecure, anorexic tweaker ass girls do.

"Fat Bottomed Girls you make the rockin world go round"- Queen

Please, dont even try to put this on guys. Its not that we like overly skinny girls, guys like Good looking girls! Who the fuck cares what other guys are looking at anyway, how bout you and the rest of the women start caring about what your own man is looking at! Being fat is a sign of laziness and gluttony, period! No one likes a fat girl cause its disgusting. Just like if you saw a bald guy with a beer belly out farther than his hands could reach. Would you say "ahhh... poor fat guy.. and hes balding too. Quick everyone be nice to him." No! You would be like "eww.. get away from me you fat slob!" and dont even give me that big-bone crap, Ive seen plenty of nice looking stocky women.

Its not guys telling you to be skinny, its your own damn selves who are saying it! Women are so evil that they put each other down for no reason. Just look at your own words. "Skinny ho this- Skinny ho that". Ask guys where the best looking women come from and I guarantee you in any country the majority will say Brazil. Are Brazilians skinny tooth pick girls? Hell no!

Ill tell you why women are so affraid of showing themselves.. Its because they are fucking psychotic!

Guys see fit dudes all the time. You think the fit guys look at fat ones and say "look at that fat bastard.." No we dont give a rats ass. Most diesel guys at the gym are more than happy to help out an over weight guy to get him in shape, not put him down and degrade him.

If your too afraid to show yourself to your mate during sex than 1) you obviously dont trust and respect them and 2) Do something about it! You think your fat than go to the gym! I do and Im not even close to being fat.

03-29-2007, 06:21 PM
lol yea i dont really see why women are into that bs magazine ish and are insecure, especially with their partners.

I'm sorry, but I have a thing for euro women with accents.
im sorry but i have a thing for asian women with japanese accents, lol zomg so hot.:naughty:

Curvy women are wayyyy better than stick figures
meh, i kinda like em skinny but with a cute face. of corse only asain. i couldnt ever see myself with someone caucasion.

03-29-2007, 06:23 PM
Perhaps you missed the business end of that comment you quoted.
Read it again and keep reading it until you get it.

... don't worry, we'll wait.

yeah dude I read it, who haggles with hot bitches? Women are addicted to penis, just lay the daddy dick and the panties drop at a snap of a finger

03-29-2007, 07:03 PM
yeah dude I read it, who haggles with hot bitches? Women are addicted to penis, just lay the daddy dick and the panties drop at a snap of a finger
Pussy that comes THAT easily is not worth having.
Perhaps you should try growing up a little?

03-29-2007, 07:06 PM
I want negative rep
sorry, but fixed. You don't want to mess with Phlip. He's like that guy in 300, except he doesn't die in the end.

03-29-2007, 08:30 PM
Baka, that isn't always true. There are some out there that truly can not help how they look. Some people are on meds that cause weight gain, some have had kids (which can totally fuck up a womans body and how she looks). Mind you, I am NOT making excuses, but there are some that just naturally are heavier, just like some women are naturally skinny. Like a girl that used to be in drifting pretty. She ate and ate, yet she was soooo thin! I go to the gym and work out, I don't eat horribly, and after having 2 kids it is hard to get my body back to they way it was before I had kids. It is just a fact of life.

03-29-2007, 08:43 PM
yeah fuck that shit. i probably weigh less than that. thoes thighs are no joke.

and shit like queen latifa "real woman" clothes modelling and that shit


nobody wants chicks to be anorexic

The thing really is NOT about weight...its about confidence.

There really should be better positive images, like better ads and healthier models. Designers make clothes for size o girls who don't eat and die (from a recent case), yet they don't blame themselves for it either.

yeah 5' 9" and 110 is underweight. 130 is more like healthy weight for woman of that height.

At 5'9 130 is not a healthy weight, its actually below the minimum, the minimum is 135 with a BMI of 20, so a little more like 145 well be a well "endowed" anything lower would be flat chested.

but like 5' 5" (pretty much average height for american female) healthy weight is like 120-140.

Damn I'm shorter than that and weigh right in the middle. I must be a heffer. I wake up early to exercise and workout at night as well...I don't eat fastfood (you guys wonder why I don't eat at the meets), I try to drink tea and water as much as I can, except when i want a dessert drink. Besides all that I have enough confidence to rock anyone's world. I think wearing a size 5 is a a good size I don't think I need to be a size freaking zero to be "healthy"

So really its all about confidence, if you think your sexy than your sexy to someone else too, just may not be the rest of the world...

Baka Sama
03-29-2007, 08:50 PM
Baka, that isn't always true. There are some out there that truly can not help how they look. Some people are on meds that cause weight gain, some have had kids (which can totally fuck up a womans body and how she looks). Mind you, I am NOT making excuses, but there are some that just naturally are heavier, just like some women are naturally skinny. Like a girl that used to be in drifting pretty. She ate and ate, yet she was soooo thin! I go to the gym and work out, I don't eat horribly, and after having 2 kids it is hard to get my body back to they way it was before I had kids. It is just a fact of life.

I dont like the tone in which you say my name.. :squint:

Well let me ask you this. You've had two kids and im sure your husband has seen you in every which way possible. Do you feel shy to be around him in the buff? And why in the world are you worrying about looking like you did before you had kids. Your a mom now not a MILF. Of course there are people who because of certain conditions gain weight but the majority are not.

03-29-2007, 09:12 PM
I dont like the tone in which you say my name.. :squint:

Well let me ask you this. You've had two kids and im sure your husband has seen you in every which way possible. Do you feel shy to be around him in the buff? And why in the world are you worrying about looking like you did before you had kids. Your a mom now not a MILF. Of course there are people who because of certain conditions gain weight but the majority are not.

Why shouldn't she want to be one though?? Like you wouldnt want to be hot again...just because you have kids doesn't mean you don't want to feel attractive. Sure you will always be attractive in the eyes of your family, husband, but why not to the rest of the world. I don't see a reason why she couldn't try to do that too.

03-29-2007, 09:12 PM
I think the key to all of this is finding a girl that isn't crazy..... They exist, rare yes, but they do exist. Its not hard to do something about being chunky, read a small book on nutrition and hit the gym 3-4 times a week and in no time, the same chunky decently overweight girl is going to look better. Hey it sounds easy but it takes dedication and laying off fatty foods, most chunky girls can't do that.

I dont care who you are duece-duece and a half is in no way sexy.

03-30-2007, 03:45 AM
Why do women CARE what the ad girls look like so much though? Have you ladies seen the guys we are put up against? 300 comes out and alll of a sudden you hear every girl talking about how much she looooves abs. But still, guys aren't going on whacky ass diet schemes.

You know why america can't lose weight? Most people go on a diet with a goal of "lose 10 pounds" and then they are done with it. Fuck that, if you want to be healthy its a life long choice. If you're not happy with the way you look, take a serious look at what you're eating, and then get in the gym and do full body workouts and hard cardio 3 times a week. The reason I look at the size zero girls in magazines and say "she's hot" is because they are genetically lucky and photoshopped, so they look HEALTHY when they are there. Fat women at McDonalds don't look healthy, 100% of women who are trying to starve themselves don't look healthy.

03-30-2007, 11:27 AM
At 5'9 130 is not a healthy weight, its actually below the minimum, the minimum is 135 with a BMI of 20, so a little more like 145 well be a well "endowed" anything lower would be flat chested.


etc etc etc.

Ok, so it's time for the woman's opinion.

Girls are so self-conscious because of all the crap that we have shoved in our faces on TV, on billboards, in our magazines, commercials, even by each other. Everywhere we turn, we see dudes all drooling over some skinny ho, and it makes us self conscious about ourselves, and we feel like we come up short. Me myself, I'm not a skinny girl, but I'm not fat either. I'm a curvy girl, and I have my problem areas, but I stopped looking at a lot of that bs because all it made me do was feel bad about myself. Even looking through car mags can be depressing, cuz you see all these girls that are size -55 and look like they're 12 years old wearing barely nothing and dudes are all on them like flies on s***. That can be really demoralizing.

thought about turning off the fucking tv?

theres that word curvy. love that word.

why is it that when i see some buff dude i think "lol get a load of this dickhead" but when girls see a hot chick they get all lesbian.

but yeah the reason i keep harping on this is that at my height and weight i am a healthy adult male and i wear s size shirts and 28 waist pants.
"Federal health surveys show that over the past four decades, the mean waist size for men has grown from 35 inches to 39 inches; for women, from 30 inches to 37 inches."
"Nearly 39 percent of men and 60 percent of women are carrying too much belly fat."

that shit is fucking pathetic. if you have a 37 inch waist you SHOULD feel like shit from looking at a skinny chick.
but yeah i could google statistics all day.

girls want guys to drool on them constantly but they bitch about the maintenance.

03-30-2007, 11:47 AM
Again, I'd take a girl with some hips and ass over a fuckin pole any day. I don't mind small girls, but Beyonce>Eva Longoria. IMO.

03-30-2007, 01:03 PM
meh, i kinda like em skinny but with a cute face. of corse only asain. i couldnt ever see myself with someone caucasion.

HAPA FTW. It's all about hybrid vigor.

And about the whole fat thing, all of us are insecure in some way. Guys are just better at playing it off. At the extremes, girls have anorexia and guys have the bodybuilder "biggorexia." It's funny, girls want to be smaller and guys want to get bigger. The grass is always greener on the other side.

I think most girls are insecure about their body in some way. All the girls I've dated have asked the inevitable "does my butt look big" question. Looking back, I had only one girlfriend who was secure wearing nothing but shoes or maybe a hat - and I was with her for six years. It took about 3 years for her to get to that level.

I'm sure the media plays some role, but there's more to it than what we see on tv and see in magazines. The girls I find attractive are appealing to me not because of what I see on tv, because the girls I like don't fit that mold. And beauty only goes so far. I'd rather date a girl who has more physical imperfections than character flaws.

And of course beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. The media doesn't represent reality. If no one liked fat chicks, they'd all die out. But they are reproducing in spite of what the media showcases. One of my friends (nicknamed "Beastmaster") only dates fat girls because they are the only ones that like him.

Too Short said it best: "get in where you fit in."

03-30-2007, 01:20 PM
beastmaster hahahahah

03-30-2007, 02:24 PM
beastmaster hahahahah

His fiancee looks like a brunette version of Dog the bounty hunter's wife Beth.

03-30-2007, 03:06 PM
Again, I'd take a girl with some hips and ass over a fuckin pole any day. I don't mind small girls, but Beyonce>Eva Longoria. IMO.

Women complain that we're "drooling" over the skinny poles on magazine covers, but ask us anytime. a LARGE majority of guys will say "give me some curves please." yet women will still pass the insecurity blame back onto us any time.

Give me a girl with some feminine muscle any day of the week though. Athletic girls are HOT. Jessica Biel anybody? I'd make love to her upper back any day of the week. Eva Longoria? Yes please. Beyonce? Sure thing. Most girls can pull off whatever body type god gave them as long as they put in some maintenance and drop the nitpickiness.

Some girls are just plain ugly though, in that case, sorry but the gym isn't going to do all that much for you.

And about the whole fat thing, all of us are insecure in some way. Guys are just better at playing it off. At the extremes, girls have anorexia and guys have the bodybuilder "biggorexia." It's funny, girls want to be smaller and guys want to get bigger. The grass is always greener on the other side.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to change aspects of your body. The problem comes in when people are doing unhealthy things to do it. Ladies are going to the gym, walking around, doing some bicep curls with 5 pound weights while reading the newest atkin's diet trends. Guys are in there drinking $5 protein shakes, doing the biggest bicep curls and bench presses they can do. And then they start doing creatine because they can't have a steady good diet.

The problem is that nobody will pay for my "miracle diet and exercise plan" because it sounds hard. To be healthy you either need to be lucky, or willing to work hard. Both qualities tend to be mutually exclusive of each other today.

03-30-2007, 03:24 PM
Yea I'd tap Eva too. But if I had to choose. Gimmie some of that chocolate....I'll stop there.

04-04-2007, 08:07 PM
Not to bring up an old topic, but eh I have to. LOL

The concept of what is "hot" is so across-the-board nowadays, every guy has their own preference of what is "hot". For a girl, it's hard to filter it out when you see dudes that are drooling over these skinny-as-a-pole girls in import mags and magazine ads. Myself, I'm 5'3'', but I weigh around 170lbs. I don't really look like it, but according to some standard that some random person made, I'm considered "overweight". (IF you're curious, PM me and I'll send you a pic of what I look like.) Yes, it is true that there are those same standards for guys, but it's not as beat into your skulls as it is for girls.

As far as that Dove ad, that's what really is normal. Women should have curves, and we come in all shapes and sizes, and that's what the ad is trying to express. As I stated before, I used to feel inferior, but I don't anymore, because I've come to realize that what's in the media is not real. The Dove campaign is trying to stress that.

Ultimately, in all those girls that said they were ashamed to be naked in front of their boyfriends, if your girl fits into that category, then do what you can to give her the reassurance she needs that you think she's beautiful no matter what- in the end, if she knows that, then she'll have all the confidence she'll ever need.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Baka Sama
04-04-2007, 08:22 PM
You still dont get it do you... And its a shame because most girls dont either. The girls in import mag's are fake! Fake breast, fake hair, fake nails, fake lips, air brushed skin, and photoshopped ass! They are created for guys to drool over! stop trying to be like them and be your damn self!!

AAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! :rant2:

04-04-2007, 08:27 PM
You still dont get it do you... And its a shame because most girls dont either. The girls in import mag's are fake! Fake breast, fake hair, fake nails, fake lips, air brushed skin, and photoshopped ass! They are created for guys to drool over! stop trying to be like them and be your damn self!!

AAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! :rant2:

You obviously missed a sentence in what I just said. Go back and read it again, and a lil more comprehensively.

Girls by nature are going to be extremely competitive when it comes to the exterior. If you don't know that, then you should. I challenge ANY girl when they say that they don't stare down a girl and rip her to shreds about the way she looks, be it good or bad. Whether she says anything out loud or not is not the issue, but it goes through any girl's mind. How do you think girls justify the money we spend to look good? We are in constant competition with other girls to look better.

Baka Sama
04-04-2007, 08:33 PM
I give up... Every girl is a fat whore.
Unless theyre into 240's, then theyre perfect.

bryce with a y
04-04-2007, 10:00 PM
yea to much pork in the diet causes bad breathe and fatness

04-04-2007, 11:34 PM
I give up... Every girl is a fat whore.

Unless theyre into 240's, then theyre perfect.

Since you brought up the darn import models...why do you guys drool over these FAKE WOMEN but tell the rest of us not to care about our own looks?? :blah:

Its an obvious contradiction. I still see it with my boyfriend because he still watches porn, like I do, and he likes variety he says, but he just likes the idea of whores and not to actually be with one.

So I guess guys like the idea of a perfect woman...but want their less-than-perfect-woman just to accept the way they are.

04-04-2007, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by: DRavenS13
Ultimately, in all those girls that said they were ashamed to be naked in front of their boyfriends, if your girl fits into that category, then do what you can to give her the reassurance she needs that you think she's beautiful no matter what- in the end, if she knows that, then she'll have all the confidence she'll ever need.

Woman generally find their confidence in their appeareance from what others (specifically a bf or husband) think of them, at least I find they do. But today so many guys' minds are all outta whack about what a woman should look like, and that's all they look for. So they fail to see past physical imperfections (which EVERYONE has obvioulsy) and find other things that are attractive about a woman besides her physical appeareance... which will only go downhill over time anyway. Happens to us all... man or woman.

04-05-2007, 12:29 AM
Thats kinda funny, because used to have confidence issues too.

My new way of thinking = If you don't have confidence in yourself, who the hell will? If you don't try shit out, who the hell will give you the time of day?

I'm not the best looking guy, or even half that, but again, its how you present yourself as a whole. Tiny things don't matter. I'm asian, i know this.

Who go the inuendo on that one?

Baka Sama
04-05-2007, 03:48 PM
Since you brought up the darn import models...why do you guys drool over these FAKE WOMEN but tell the rest of us not to care about our own looks?? :blah:

Its an obvious contradiction. I still see it with my boyfriend because he still watches porn, like I do, and he likes variety he says, but he just likes the idea of whores and not to actually be with one.

So I guess guys like the idea of a perfect woman...but want their less-than-perfect-woman just to accept the way they are.


Ok let me break this down for you one last time..
When your with her girlfriends at a slumber party in your g-strings and see through tops (Im just assuming to save this gay thread:) ) And someone whips out Aprils 2007 Playgirl and your drooling over some guys surgically enhanced 12in penis. Your boyfriend finds out and you say something to the effect of, "Yeah its nice but size doesnt matter, I love you for you." Its the same thing for guys. yeah 36 24 36 is nice but we didnt get with you to turn you into something else. We got with you hopefully for your inner beauty. And deep down just like you wish you had that fatty foot long laying with you in bed we really wish we had Francine Dee + a lil more ass.

On a side note- If your boyfriend looks at porn and says he "just likes the idea of whores." Hes cheating on you and/or visits strip clubs on a regular basis. Sorry bro, but she needs to know.

Another side note- If you are into 240's and say you like porn... PM me wickdmarz! I think Im in love :naughty::coolugh: hahaha

04-05-2007, 05:04 PM
Looks like you got another e-humper Marz, lol.

drift freaq
04-05-2007, 05:59 PM
wow the ideas flying in this thread. All I have to say is if your a guy your most likely going to get larger as you get older. That translates to work out or get a beer belly. For a women its much the same. You all have to realize something though. The current American diet is overly rich in carbs, carbs=fat in bodies that are getting older or metabolisms are slowing. Eat right cut back on carbs and work out man or women and you will be fine. Fact is if you work and your body is not perfect you will still feel good about yourself and have self confidence.
I have had size o girlfriends(Japanese women tend to be that way). I have also discovered two things. Girls look at hot guys and guys look at hot girls. Get the fuck over it, it happens. If your uncomfortable with your mate looking at other people you have issues because people are human and don't run around with their eyes covered. Does it mean they are going to run off with these people they see? Not if they are in love or really love they their mate. In the end , no matter how pretty or sexy or hot a womens body is, if their is nothing upstairs, it gets old in a heartbeat and becomes annoying.

The hottest women in my life have always turned me on with their minds.Sure they are usually attractive physically i.e. pretty and or hot body. Though I can tell rarely do you find a women or a man that is hot in all departments. I would just as soon take the pretty women that fucking makes my cock hard with her mind even though her body might not be perfect, over the women with the smoking body that does nothing for me upstairs.

04-05-2007, 06:03 PM
Dave, why are you always stating your opinion? You want another e-fight?!

:keke: I kid. ;)

As Dave said:
Girls look at hot guys and guys look at hot girls. Get the fuck over it, it happens. If your uncomfortable with your mate looking at other people you get issues because people are human and don't run around with their eyes covered.

04-05-2007, 06:04 PM
Hahaha great post drift_freaq... and so true

Baka Sama
04-05-2007, 06:30 PM
The hottest women in my life have always turned me on with their minds.

not to mention how much they can swallow :naughty:

Also Japanese women and "hot body" dont belong together. More along the lines of "cute body"


04-05-2007, 09:43 PM

Ok let me break this down for you one last time..
When your with her girlfriends at a slumber party in your g-strings and see through tops (Im just assuming to save this gay thread:) ) And someone whips out Aprils 2007 Playgirl and your drooling over some guys surgically enhanced 12in penis. Your boyfriend finds out and you say something to the effect of, "Yeah its nice but size doesnt matter, I love you for you." Its the same thing for guys. yeah 36 24 36 is nice but we didnt get with you to turn you into something else. We got with you hopefully for your inner beauty. And deep down just like you wish you had that fatty foot long laying with you in bed we really wish we had Francine Dee + a lil more ass.

On a side note- If your boyfriend looks at porn and says he "just likes the idea of whores." Hes cheating on you and/or visits strip clubs on a regular basis. Sorry bro, but she needs to know.

Another side note- If you are into 240's and say you like porn... PM me wickdmarz! I think Im in love :naughty::coolugh: hahaha

Ya If you knew about normal chick's pussy (not porn star pussy), you would know that a 12in would FREAKING HURT!! I'm sorry I don't think any girl wants to be rammed with a 12incher and then be left with saggy lips (on the face either).

Ya trust me the only thing my bf is cheating on me with is WOW, he rather spend time there on the game the waste money he doesn't have in any strip club. Plus we live together and carpool, I'm not worried.

04-05-2007, 09:55 PM
Ya If you knew about normal chick's pussy (not porn star pussy), you would know that a 12in would FREAKING HURT!! I'm sorry I don't think any girl wants to be rammed with a 12incher and then be left with saggy lips (on the face either).

What......... my virgin ears are hurting.........:angel:

Baka Sama
04-06-2007, 08:43 AM
Ya If you knew about normal chick's pussy (not porn star pussy), you would know that a 12in would FREAKING HURT!! I'm sorry I don't think any girl wants to be rammed with a 12incher and then be left with saggy lips (on the face either).

Thats not what yo mama said last night!:eek2:
Oh snaps!

04-06-2007, 09:09 AM
Thats not what yo mama said last night!:eek2:
Oh snaps!

Didn't you say you were asian though??? :aw: :keke: :keke:

Baka Sama
04-06-2007, 10:21 AM
Nope never did, any more racial stereotypes? :bow:

04-06-2007, 02:12 PM
Didn't you say you were asian though??? :aw: :keke: :keke:
I did.

I tell em "Don't worry, its not going to hurt. If anything, it'll tickle, and who doesn't like a little tickle every here and there?"

Then sneak out the following morning, Snake style.

On a sidenote, i've always wanted to make a MGS parody video on sex, or what happens after.

Editting the footage to add a health bar, having it restored after sex. Then Snake equipping his cigs, complete with the menu tiles and everything. Then him sneaking out of the house, with radar, and the '!' sound when detected. That'd be awesome.

04-06-2007, 03:27 PM
Don't be scared, not too big, not too small, I'll be gentle.

And then blam I rabbit em' like it's going out of style

04-07-2007, 12:27 AM
Nope never did, any more racial stereotypes? :bow:

My bad sorry Sochbat did... :duh:

04-07-2007, 12:43 AM

04-07-2007, 01:26 AM
Alright, so I'm gonna sum up this thread.

Chicks get naked, no matter how bad you feel about your body I'm SURE there is a guy out there that will appreciate your nudity.

04-07-2007, 01:30 AM
Alright, so I'm gonna sum up this thread.

Chicks get naked, no matter how bad you feel about your body I'm SURE there is a guy out there that will appreciate your nudity.

And with that... I vote this thread should end. :rofl:

04-07-2007, 09:55 AM
but it should be stickied too.

04-07-2007, 10:37 AM
Ghey for lock threads...not like any one got violent or anything...pfft!

04-07-2007, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by: theicecreamdan
but it should be stickied too.

I say it go to the Archives for future reference for noobs.

Originally posted by: wickdmarz
Ghey for lock threads...not like any one got violent or anything...pfft!

I just kinda thought the subject had been beaten to death is all. haha... meh.. and plus, twice now, I've opened this thread unaware someone was reading over my shoulder. lol

04-07-2007, 12:23 PM
One third of women thinks they are too fat, whereas actually two thirds are too fat (in the U.S.).

Whenever I go back home to Europe, there's no such thing as fat women. They're all about yogurt and walking, yet there's also no such thing as diet food products. Diet food is a product of American culture, and people buy into it so easily without ever even researching into it and finding out that diet food means cancer later down the road, and should only be consumed by people with diabetes. The main cause of U.S. obesity is the sedentary lifestyle, and the fact that instead of encouraging people to go out and walk, the money is put into nonsense diets and slimming products.

sorry, but fixed. You don't want to mess with Phlip. He's like that guy in 300, except he doesn't die in the end.
Spoiler. :(

04-07-2007, 12:37 PM
I'm 5'3'', but I weigh around 170lbs.

shit is straight up enormous. go throw up some more

Baka Sama
04-07-2007, 05:06 PM
shit is straight up enormous. go throw up some more

She actually doesnt look half bad, :hitit:

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd:

04-08-2007, 04:14 PM
Diet food is a product of American culture, and people buy into it so easily without ever even researching into it and finding out that diet food means cancer later down the road.

but then you get sick from the chemo and you lose even more weight.

so anyone who says diet pills don't work is fucking dumb.

lol 5.2 and 170. been eating lead or something?

04-08-2007, 05:45 PM
I am a firm believer that the true diet program relies upon the ideology of "The Survior" the show where they pretty much strave and have to do activities in order to win money. Except we throw a twist in it somewhere instead of the prize money. I mean all of the people on there after 30 days lose massive amouts of weight. Why not right.

04-08-2007, 09:04 PM
Don't hate if you haven't seen me. That's all.

04-09-2007, 12:04 AM
I am a firm believer that the true diet program relies upon the ideology of "The Survior" the show where they pretty much strave and have to do activities in order to win money. Except we throw a twist in it somewhere instead of the prize money. I mean all of the people on there after 30 days lose massive amouts of weight. Why not right.

I did that a while back.

jerky or a lunchable and coke for lunch nearly everyday for four months combined with lifting boxes at Target.

I lost like 10lbs a months not really trying.

it was ghetto as fuck, I wanted to chomp on a revolver afterwards. fuck that.

04-09-2007, 02:57 PM
Don't hate if you haven't seen me. That's all.

put up or shut up. my shits all over the internet and im not sweating

04-09-2007, 08:36 PM
she said earlier in the thread that anybody can PM for pics.

04-09-2007, 08:50 PM
put up or shut up. my shits all over the internet and im not sweating

Good for you. You wanna cookie?

All you have to do is ask for a picture. Others have, they've seen what I look like. I said I was not ashamed of myself anymore. Next time, you should try actually reading an entire post before talking crap. (I feel like I'm repeating myself now.)

04-09-2007, 08:59 PM
Yeah, now I'm positive that almost all women lie about their weight. I thought it was a myth. I check a lot of IDs where I work, so many girls will have something like 110-115 on their licenses. The only thing I can think of is that's how much they weighed when they were 16? Because there's some girls that will come in, looking THIN, and 130ish is how much they have on there.

04-09-2007, 09:09 PM
Yeah, now I'm positive that almost all women lie about their weight. I thought it was a myth. I check a lot of IDs where I work, so many girls will have something like 110-115 on their licenses. The only thing I can think of is that's how much they weighed when they were 16? Because there's some girls that will come in, looking THIN, and 130ish is how much they have on there.

Are you, sir, implying that I'm lying about my weight? :keke:

04-09-2007, 10:16 PM
hahah post pics!

04-09-2007, 10:53 PM
Are you, sir, implying that I'm lying about my weight? :keke:

Not a pound over 120

04-09-2007, 11:11 PM
haha... you're funny and flattering at the same time. I've had 2 children, one of which was 10lbs at birth. I am that weight, i'll take a picture on a scale to prove it.

04-10-2007, 12:36 AM
Want more kids ?

04-10-2007, 01:12 AM
All you have to do is ask for a picture. Others have, they've seen what I look like. I said I was not ashamed of myself anymore. Next time, you should try actually reading an entire post before talking crap. (I feel like I'm repeating myself now.)

put up or shut up. my shits all over the internet and im not sweating

12 characters

04-10-2007, 01:18 AM
Want more kids ?

Lol, Lisa getting the e-humping going on, hahaha.

04-10-2007, 01:18 AM
wooooooooooooo (http://a431.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/00383/03/49/383389430_l.jpg)?

04-10-2007, 01:20 AM
I am a firm believer that all women should be naked everyday. Well the hot skinny ones that is. OOps.

well there is BAD naked... anyone see that ep of seinfeld?

04-10-2007, 01:42 AM
lol eyeshadow

04-10-2007, 01:54 AM
No I don't need anymore kids, thank you. I'm not a damn baby factory. Besides, I don't think the world needs more "e-thugs". lol

04-10-2007, 05:36 AM
Lol, Lisa getting the e-humping going on, hahaha.

Her name is Lisa too??? :tweak:

04-10-2007, 09:19 AM
Remember the first time we talked? I confused you for her, hahaha.

04-10-2007, 10:36 AM
haha... you're funny and flattering at the same time. I've had 2 children, one of which was 10lbs at birth. I am that weight, i'll take a picture on a scale to prove it.

Jesus christ 10 lb baby.

That must've been fun.

I just read through that thread. I took breaks in between.

I can't really say anything that hasn't been said. I'm all for more naked women.

04-10-2007, 11:58 AM
get real with that rep lisa.

you know how when you buy an XL tshirt from the 70s and it fits like a medium? hrmmm i wonder why that is happening.

damn right everyone isn't like me. I stare at fat asses all day, i live in USA. 150-160 (my weight) is healthy for my height. by healthy i mean within the longest life expectancy percentile for american males. a girl that is 5' 2" (assuming that chick isn't like 50 years old) should weigh like 130 max. that is on the big end of the spectrum. 170 pounds is over 30% which is considered medically obese. not overweight, obese.

"If you measure your waist around the top of your hips you’ll find out your waist circumference. If this is over 32 inches/81 cms (for the average adult woman) you’re at a higher risk of health problems."

average american size for women is 37.

i can drag up shit like this ALL day. in fact i think i already did a page or 2 back in this thread

this is not "hating" or "e thugging", this is medical data. if you want to die 10 years earlier because you don't want to go to the gym and "people think you look good" and you are comfortable with that then i guess thats you're business. but then again you posted on a public forum, so, i guess not.

6' 2" models that weigh 95 pounds is not cool. neither is being 5' 2" and 170.

not like me typing this shit will do any good.

04-10-2007, 12:08 PM
Excuse me Sir, you can't park your minivan on the diving board.

oh wait, you're just a fat kid. hey, its just a fat kid.

04-10-2007, 12:12 PM
damn right everyone isn't like me. I stare at fat asses all day, i live in USA. 150-160 (my weight) is healthy for my height. by healthy i mean within the longest life expectancy percentile for american males.

150-160 is tiny, hit the gym and eat a steak girly man. How tall are you?
Anybody living their lives happy because "statistically they will live longer." Needs to get a life, or a job as an insurance adjuster; we need them too. (proper use of semi-colon I kick ass.)

Statistics are just that, statistics. "average" doesn't apply to everybody. Some people honestly are just built thicker. That doesn't necessarily mean they are unhealthy. The only person qualified to decide whether somebody's weight is healthy is a good physician. Anybody else is pure speculation, and just speculating off of numbers and not looking at how somebody is built, along with their history (like having kids) is poor speculation.

04-10-2007, 12:15 PM
yeah, yeah it is.


hey dont go editing on me now

im 6 ft tall

bmi like 20

im no health nut but i try to not eat 5 hamburgers in one day and shit

yeah of course if you have like 2 percent body fat and you are like 200 pounds then whatever but that is obviously not the case for that chick (assuming that is her picture) nor is it for the 300+ pound 18 year olds i see rolling around on a daily basis

im sure 1000 pound man was living his life based on how much he enjoys eating 30 waffles and 4 liters of pepsi for each meal, if he wants to tell me to get a life and live it up, then thats cool

04-10-2007, 12:15 PM


04-10-2007, 12:29 PM
My Wife doesn't have this problem thank god.

yeah, i know...

04-10-2007, 12:31 PM
150-160 is tiny, hit the gym and eat a steak girly man. How tall are you?
Anybody living their lives happy because "statistically they will live longer." Needs to get a life, or a job as an insurance adjuster; we need them too. (proper use of semi-colon I kick ass.)

Statistics are just that, statistics. "average" doesn't apply to everybody. Some people honestly are just built thicker. That doesn't necessarily mean they are unhealthy. The only person qualified to decide whether somebody's weight is healthy is a good physician. Anybody else is pure speculation, and just speculating off of numbers and not looking at how somebody is built, along with their history (like having kids) is poor speculation.

come on buddy, admit the truth. tell us the fucking truth.

you're a fat fuck, arent you?


04-10-2007, 12:44 PM

this is dan,

soorrry hes not fat enough yet.

Eat more fatty


04-10-2007, 01:04 PM
I'm 6'1" 220 when I've been drinking enough water. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. On days when I don't have classes I go twice sometimes. I dislike a lot of fat people too, but this thread was getting unnecessarily harsh on people.

The thing is, 90% of people that will talk shit about fat people are genetically skinny. How can you sit there and tell a fatty to go run a mile, while you sit at home with your KFC bucket and take your genetic luck for granted? Put the effort in, see what its like to make your skinny asses stronger and faster. See how hard it is to commit to a truly healthy life before you go on preaching about what fat people have to do.

04-10-2007, 01:15 PM
I'm 6'3" and weigh 130-something, maybe I'm dying, haha.

04-10-2007, 01:16 PM
hahaha ditto,

Im like 170, 6'5"

04-10-2007, 01:21 PM
Tell your mothers to feed you. Jeez.

04-10-2007, 01:29 PM
I'm 6'1" 220 when I've been drinking enough water. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. On days when I don't have classes I go twice sometimes. I dislike a lot of fat people too, but this thread was getting unnecessarily harsh on people.

The thing is, 90% of people that will talk shit about fat people are genetically skinny. How can you sit there and tell a fatty to go run a mile, while you sit at home with your KFC bucket and take your genetic luck for granted? Put the effort in, see what its like to make your skinny asses stronger and faster. See how hard it is to commit to a truly healthy life before you go on preaching about what fat people have to do.

you dont control the fatness....

...the fatness controls YOU.

04-10-2007, 01:39 PM
I eat because I'm fat, I'm fat because I eat.

04-10-2007, 01:43 PM
Guys, if you have girlfriends, stare at them the same way you would stare at one of those hos. Think of it this way- she gives it to you, and any of those chicks you'd never in a million years have a chance with. And don't put fat girls down- it takes a lot more courage for them to step out into the world knowing they are fat, and still with more confidence than some of those insecure, anorexic tweaker ass girls do.

Yah but shit.. I put in hella effort to make sure I stay in good shape, for myself and for my woman.

Its not so much to ask that she tries a little to be in good physical condition. I'm not saying she needs to be the -55 but be healthy.

Excersize is something the human body needs and a proper diet too.

Now, I agree that the media is fucked up. But I also agree that weight is a huge problem with people everywhere.

Confidence comes from feeling good about yourself and that includes how you look. You look good and feel good.

and I realize I just regurgitated most everything thats already been said here. haha

04-10-2007, 02:05 PM
The only overweight women who bother me are the ones in denial about their own weight, and the ones wobbling around Walmart in revealing elastic pants pushing grocery-packed shopping carts.

04-10-2007, 02:42 PM
I'm 6'1" 220 when I've been drinking enough water. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. On days when I don't have classes I go twice sometimes. I dislike a lot of fat people too, but this thread was getting unnecessarily harsh on people.

The thing is, 90% of people that will talk shit about fat people are genetically skinny. How can you sit there and tell a fatty to go run a mile, while you sit at home with your KFC bucket and take your genetic luck for granted? Put the effort in, see what its like to make your skinny asses stronger and faster. See how hard it is to commit to a truly healthy life before you go on preaching about what fat people have to do.

uhh, because i dont sit at home and eat kfc bucket. im in college so a lot of my food is microwave but its stuff like rice tunafish salad blah blah. its not that hard to not eat 5 bags of m&ms for lunch. i walk probably an hour a day to and from classes and lift weights. so im not a total hypocrite.

04-10-2007, 03:22 PM
get real with that rep lisa.

you know how when you buy an XL tshirt from the 70s and it fits like a medium? hrmmm i wonder why that is happening.

damn right everyone isn't like me. I stare at fat asses all day, i live in USA. 150-160 (my weight) is healthy for my height. by healthy i mean within the longest life expectancy percentile for american males. a girl that is 5' 2" (assuming that chick isn't like 50 years old) should weigh like 130 max. that is on the big end of the spectrum. 170 pounds is over 30% which is considered medically obese. not overweight, obese.

"If you measure your waist around the top of your hips you’ll find out your waist circumference. If this is over 32 inches/81 cms (for the average adult woman) you’re at a higher risk of health problems."

average american size for women is 37.

i can drag up shit like this ALL day. in fact i think i already did a page or 2 back in this thread

this is not "hating" or "e thugging", this is medical data. if you want to die 10 years earlier because you don't want to go to the gym and "people think you look good" and you are comfortable with that then i guess thats you're business. but then again you posted on a public forum, so, i guess not.

6' 2" models that weigh 95 pounds is not cool. neither is being 5' 2" and 170.

not like me typing this shit will do any good.

He's right, America is overweight. Don't blame genetics. Blame people's lack of self control.

Other countries have problems with Malnutrition and STARVATION.

Over here we have problems with self control and putting down the fucking fork.

If you look at the size of soda in 1950s and compare it to now, we drink almost twice as much in a single serving. Is that because companies want to make sure we get our moneys worth? No. It's because they know that fat America will bitch and complain and want MORE.

America's affluence and desire to consume to make themselves feel better is what drives people to become over weight.

I pick and choose what I eat not because I'm picky, but because I know what I want to put in my body.

I'm 6'1" and I weight about 165. I'm not all muscles I'm not all fat, I don't look like I'm an anorexic either.

Baka Sama
04-10-2007, 06:23 PM
I'm 6'1" 220 when I've been drinking enough water. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. On days when I don't have classes I go twice sometimes. I dislike a lot of fat people too, but this thread was getting unnecessarily harsh on people.

The thing is, 90% of people that will talk shit about fat people are genetically skinny. How can you sit there and tell a fatty to go run a mile, while you sit at home with your KFC bucket and take your genetic luck for granted? Put the effort in, see what its like to make your skinny asses stronger and faster. See how hard it is to commit to a truly healthy life before you go on preaching about what fat people have to do.

I talk shit about fat people becasue its fucking gross. I can say that cause Im the skinny guy like you say that DOES run the mile. Im 5'7 and I use to be like 125lbs seriously. I looked in the mirror one day years ago and just like fat people didnt like what I seeing. So instead of blaming it on genetics I took my skinny ass to the gym! Golds Gym 4 times a week, healthy living, and lots of determination and I gained 25lbs of muscle and a six pack! So I look at this worthless thread and say..

The Treadmill Isnt For Walking, Its For Running Fatty!!

04-10-2007, 06:47 PM
5'9" 135

I need to gain a little.

I'd be coo at 150.

BMI ~10%


04-10-2007, 08:02 PM
Women are built differently than men. Our bodies will naturally retain more fat than that of a man, because women need to. We are built to carry children, which is no easy deal. You wanna tell me you're fit and healthy? Let's see you carry a child inside your body for almost a year, feel that kid move and kick and sit in places that will make you almost pee on yourself, gain weight and retain water, then try to make your body go back to the way it was before. Celebrities that have kids seem to go back to normal, but believe me, they never do. They start exercising 2 weeks after the kid's born which is unbelievably bad for you. The woman's body expands and shrinks, not just from having kids, but just because of what happens to us every month.

I've had 2 children. I did used to go to the gym, but hey, I don't really have time to do it anymore. I have a job that I work for 6 days a week, kids to take care of, a bunch of other odd-and-end errands to do, plus I also fix the car when I have time in between. I would love to go to the gym, but I really don't have time- do I sacrifice time to sleep because some narrow-minded dude tells me that I must be fat for being 5'3" and 170? May I tell you that my measurements are 36-32-42? I have a small waist and wide-set hips. I don't eat fast food everyday of my life. I am Mexican-Peruvian, which in itself says that I don't come in a small size naturally. There are a lot of factors that go into determining someone's size, not just how much someone weighs against a "national average".

Yes, there is a problem with obesity in this country, I've never denied that. But the point of this topic is girls being embarrassed to be naked in front of their guys.

In the 1950s you never saw these waifs that you see now. Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. I'm a size 14. You mean to tell me that Marilyn is a "huge" woman because she didn't fit in the single digits? Bettie Page, Rita Hayworth, Ava Gardner- they were nowhere near the average that is set nowadays. People ate healthier because there wasn't really any food that was processed the way it is now. There wasn't any such thing as genetically-enhanced chickens and cows to be able to mass-produce the meats and poultry that we eat today. We also weren't as populated as we are now.

Don't judge purely on a weight scale. There are people that have seen my picture, there are people that have seen me in person (articdragon192) and they will tell you that I'm nowhere near obese.

So keep your narrow-minded ideas and your narrow-waisted girls. I'm happy just the way I am.

04-10-2007, 08:12 PM
36-32-42 I am Mexican-Peruvian

:naughty: :naughty: :naughty: pics?!:love: :naughty:

04-10-2007, 08:29 PM
PM Sent.


04-10-2007, 08:53 PM
5'2 115

5'4 120

5'6 125

5'8 130

but weights are arbitrary. Frames make a huge difference. if a girl is way wide (hips) she's going to weigh more because there's more meat in between those bones. Maybe 5-10 lbs tops though.

the way i see it, if bitch looks fat, then she's too fat...if she don't look fat, I don't care how much she weighs

04-10-2007, 08:58 PM
my last gf was...

sz 2-4
big butt


sz 4-6
slim, very athletic body (ran high level track throughout highschool)

04-10-2007, 09:09 PM

I still wanna know what is wrong here. Why, cuz they don't wear single digit sizes and eat 11 grapes in a whole day they're fat???


What is considered one man's trash is another man's treasure. The same way you guys come in all different shapes and sizes (and I do mean that in ALL areas) girls will still be with you no matter what when they truly love you. A girl will see you as the most perfect person in the world when they're in love- even if their friends tell them you're not.

Why is it so hard to give your girls the same attention and praise, no matter what she looks like?

04-10-2007, 09:17 PM
yeah...they're all fat

04-10-2007, 09:19 PM
EDITED so people don't flip out

I don't see why it's so hard to NOT fucking click the link if you're at work


what's so fucking cryptic about that shit?

aspeaka da english?

04-10-2007, 09:21 PM
Damn, then I guess I'm fat too. Lemme go now and OD on fat blockers and never eat and abandon everything in my life so I can live it in the gym, so I can get down to the size that seems to be "normal", like a size 2 or 3.

Oh yea, go tell your mom she's fat too, since I doubt she's a size 2 or 3. While you're at it, say it to your girlfriend, your female friends, your sisters, your cousins, your neighbors, because I highly doubt they are gym queens as well.

04-10-2007, 09:23 PM
Warn ppl about that picture- I just opened it and i had to close it quick since I'm AT WORK.

04-10-2007, 09:31 PM
it says NWS w/ ** around it...i'm pretty sure that's warning

my girlfriend is in great shape, and even though she works full time, goes to school full time, she still runs 5 miles 3 times a week and does cardio exercise and ab workouts too...

my sister, yeah she's fat, i told her so

my mom is 5'6 and a size 8, which is fucking good considering her age (55) but she knows she needs to work out more and probably will.

As for pretty much all of my female friends friends, actually they go to the gym on a regular basis (5 days a week minimum) and none of them are fat

04-10-2007, 09:47 PM
Then good for you. You've surrounded yourself with "perfect" people. Don't let my fat ass mess that up for you.

04-10-2007, 09:49 PM
well as far as i can tell, you're nowhere near me

i never said there's anything wrong with being fat...

I DO have a problem with people being unhealthily fat and OK with it like what mercer was saying

04-10-2007, 10:07 PM
But you're also saying that anything that's not within the "national average" is considered fat and unhealthy. I'm not within that average, so I guess I'm fat and unhealthy. Everyone around you seems to have the time to devote to the gym, and they're all your friends and family. You ridicule your sister for being fat. So, you DO have a problem with fat people. Not that there's anything wrong with that, hey to each their own. But you don't know people's lives or what led them to be "overweight". There are some people (though it's few and far between) that have glandular problems and can't lose weight to look like what is "average".

All I'm saying is don't think that just because you fit inside an average that it makes it okay to judge people that don't fit inside that same average.

Mercer had a whole different POV, and going by the retarded things he was saying, he had no valid point that he could reasonably defend without resorting to insults.

Those women in those Dove commercials are beautiful, even if only for one reason- they were not ashamed of their bodies and displayed them to the whole world, despite what the rest of the narrow-minded society thought of them. At the end of the day, Confidence is what's beautiful. And that's what should be instilled into women of today- be confident of who you are, no matter what you look like.

04-10-2007, 10:14 PM
Arguing on the Internet is like a little pudgy kid winning a video game-a-thon, even after he wins hes still fat.


04-10-2007, 10:16 PM
Argument entails hurling insults and acting stupid.

Debate is stating valid points to counter the responses of others.

I'm not arguing. I'm debating.

04-10-2007, 10:22 PM
ok, correctoins.

1. i don't ridicule my sister, i tell her she needs to lose some L-B's because she's gotten chunky. It's not glandular, it's french fry-ular

2. the national "average" is in fact ABOVE average...IE, generally America is overweight. I in fact am overweight, but I'm working on getting back to the right place again (6'1, 185...15 lbs heavier than you, and i'm an athletic male)

3. Confidence can be attractive, but fat titties, a small waist and a plump set of buttocks is what gets my dick hard, so no, it's not beautiful.

stop trying to DEBATE that it's OK to be fat when it's not. That's like debating that smoking is OK because it's glamourous and beautiful.

04-10-2007, 10:31 PM
it says NWS w/ ** around it...i'm pretty sure that's warning

Not work safe is not zilvia safe. You'll be better off if you edit that yourself before somebody has to edit it for you.

04-10-2007, 10:35 PM
I never said it was okay to be OBESE. I never said it was okay to eat fast food all the time. I never said it was okay to be unhealthy.

What I am saying is that not everyone is gonna fit into an average. I look fine, and I am the size that I am. If you think you're overweight, than hey that's on you. Am I overweight? No, at least I don't think so. I'm active and I don't eat crap.

The girls in that commercial are NOT FAT. They are just different sizes. They have places that carry more weight than others. Are they displaying obese 250lb+ women? Nope.

I've seen big girls come out of the club with more numbers and more guys than skinny girls that hide in the corner. Why? They're more self assured, and it shows. Confidence is key.

Never said it was okay to be unhealthy. It's not okay to think that everyone has to look like the Spartans from 300 to be considered healthy. It's not okay to have girls starve themselves to fit a standard that doesn't apply to everyone. It's not okay for a guy to hurt a girl's feelings because HE doesn't think she's thin enough, especially when the next guy might think she's beautiful.

04-10-2007, 10:37 PM
Damn, then I guess I'm fat too. Lemme go now and OD on fat blockers and never eat and abandon everything in my life so I can live it in the gym, so I can get down to the size that seems to be "normal", like a size 2 or 3.

Oh yea, go tell your mom she's fat too, since I doubt she's a size 2 or 3. While you're at it, say it to your girlfriend, your female friends, your sisters, your cousins, your neighbors, because I highly doubt they are gym queens as well.


You probably are fat. I never said you had to go OD on fat blockers. Here's a tip. Replace that "playing video games all day" with "play video games for 1 hour less a day and work out 1 hour a day" and maybe you won't be so fat

my friend's mom is 53, 5'1 130 lbs, a size 4. She's had 3 boys, the youngest one (now 21, my friend) weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs when he was born. She's TINY, and she still got her body straight. She does kick box aerobics, lifts weights and does pilates. She is extremely happy with her body, at 53 and can bench 110 lbs :bowrofl:

04-10-2007, 10:41 PM
Oh yea, go tell your mom she's fat too, since I doubt she's a size 2 or 3.

Well, thats relevent since I don't think my mom is hot.

also, fatty girl power thing was kinda gross.

you should stop posting and start putting the finger down your throat.

thats how I'm droppin jean sizes like babies.

04-10-2007, 10:50 PM

What I am saying is that not everyone is gonna fit into an average.

Sometimes I wonder if people even read anymore. Damn, I guess since people's comprehension levels are all different, it must mean that if you're not a literary genius, then you must be illiterate.

EDIT: By the way, I play video games all night because THAT'S WHERE I WORK.

04-10-2007, 10:56 PM
then get a job a gym

04-10-2007, 10:58 PM
Then while I'm at that, take a class in debate, learn to come up with some valid points, then come back and talk to me because I think you've run out of material and are resorting to stupid suggestions.

Come back when you're a little smarter to keep up a debate with me.

04-10-2007, 10:58 PM
or a toilet store

04-10-2007, 10:59 PM
come back when you're a little skinnier, then i might think about having sex with you

but i still wouldn't

04-10-2007, 11:03 PM
I've had 2 children. I did used to go to the gym, but hey, I don't really have time to do it anymore.

ok then, so shut the fuck up?

man my car dosent run, i dont have time to fix the motor though... i see all these cars driving around all the time.. pisses me off..

googled marilyn monroes weight, says 115-120, not 170. lol at chicks who wear double digit sizes. that shit is like wind sails on the goodwill rack. 10s fit me like mens 32s.

Why is it so hard to give your girls the same attention and praise, no matter what she looks like?

and would you give a 300 pound guy the "same attention and praise"? fuck no.

04-10-2007, 11:06 PM
lmao, double digit sizes

a sz 10 is like the equivalent of the men's 38

i sag my 34's around my ass like it's my job

04-10-2007, 11:12 PM
lmao, double digit sizes

a sz 10 is like the equivalent of the men's 38

i sag my 34's around my ass like it's my job

He wouldn't even let me walk by his car until I lost 10 pounds :spank: :spank: :spank:

I weigh 140 :faint:

04-10-2007, 11:13 PM
spend 1hr less a day on Zilvia trying to say 170 5.2 isn't fat.

spend 1hr more on a stair stepper.

bada boom.

04-10-2007, 11:14 PM
it's true, noftchx

or fatkens

04-10-2007, 11:16 PM
lmao, double digit sizes

a sz 10 is like the equivalent of the men's 38

i sag my 34's around my ass like it's my job


size 14s must be like 44s.

I don't think I could walk up stairs if I was rollin 44 waist.

04-10-2007, 11:31 PM
fat chicks make my penis droopy

04-11-2007, 01:07 AM
This thread is going no where FAST.

04-11-2007, 01:42 AM
Hamburgers! the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast

pulp fiction

04-11-2007, 04:59 AM
Wow, this thread has gone to complete shit. Mercer, Mainevent and McRussell....this is your warning to stop the insults and personal attacks on Draven. Myself included Mercer. It is one thing to state your opinion. It is another to tell a member to get off of the video games and go to the gym.

You have all FAILED at reading what she and a few others have posted. She said that not everyone fits into that norm and is still healthy. Japanese girls are below the national average for the US and yet most are fine for where they live at out here. Genetics has a HUGE impact on this. Nationality as well.

For me, at 5'2" the Navy says that I can weigh 120-167lbs and be within weight limits. If for whatever reason a member is out of limits, then they do a BMI. For women it goes up to 33% (36% if you score an outstanding on the physical assessment test) and for men it is 22%(25% for them if they get an outstanding). There is a reason that the military allows for a BMI. It is because not everyone fits in the averages (which are rather lenient for weight).

The plain and simple fact that not everyone will be in that average, and that while they may be over the national trend, does not make everyone fat. Trust me, women and men both know when they are fat. As for the women in the dove ad do you see flabby rolls on their stomachs? NO. They are all in fairly descent shape. Some of them look like they are fairly tall. But, they are by no stretch of the imagination "OBESE".

Now, keep the insults down and stop the public harassment of a member or you can leave.

04-11-2007, 10:13 AM
wow. i feel guilty for liking rail thin girls now.
5'10 175lbs
hope i am not considered obese.

04-11-2007, 10:34 AM
hahahahah this thing is still not locked

04-11-2007, 11:04 AM
Why lock it? As long as it stays civil...no need to stop it, unless it goes downhill from where it has been.

04-11-2007, 11:22 AM
if anyone can get this thread locked its the sharp wit of viceroy

04-11-2007, 11:30 AM
A girl will see you as the most perfect person in the world when they're in love- even if their friends tell them you're not.

Thats because if the man has stuck around long enough, he's had the pleasure of listening to her whiney bullshit for the past "X" amount of years.

Why is it so hard to give your girls the same attention and praise, no matter what she looks like?

Its called maintenance. There's no reason for someone to fall off the rocker. I dont mind some meat, and trust me.. I LOVE meat. But there's no way in hell its acceptable to turn yourself into a big fat fuck. People need to maintain a decent appearance. These words vary person to person, but there is a general "acceptable" level.

You talk about accepting someone for being fat, do women accept guys if we suddenly become poor and cant bring in money like we used to?

This all depends.. person has to be in a ride or die relationship with someone who's REALLY down for them.

04-11-2007, 11:33 AM
you should stop posting and start putting the finger down your throat.

you should try removing it from your ass first!

04-11-2007, 11:40 AM
Thats because if the man has stuck around long enough, he's had the pleasure of listening to her whiney bullshit for the past "X" amount of years.

Its called maintenance. There's no reason for someone to fall off the rocker. I dont mind some meat, and trust me.. I LOVE meat. But there's no way in hell its acceptable to turn yourself into a big fat fuck. People need to maintain a decent appearance. These words vary person to person, but there is a general "acceptable" level.

You talk about accepting someone for being fat, do women accept guys if we suddenly become poor and cant bring in money like we used to?

This all depends.. person has to be in a ride or die relationship with someone who's REALLY down for them.

Quoted For Truth

04-11-2007, 11:47 AM
What is funny? People repping for FATNESS. Check this out...

04-10-2007 12:45 PM All your comments in this thread are dumb and add nothing to this thread. Way to be a useless moron.
04-10-2007 12:54 PM No you don't you cock blocked loser.
04-10-2007 03:33 PM Maybe you should think before you post disrespectful things.

My comments arent dumb and useless, they are true. Fat people have a choice, simply spend more time taking care of yourself.

I know too many motherfuckers who just cant seem to WALK places. I walk everywhere I can fuckin walk. There's a shitload of people I know that dont do that. They drive everywhere, they eat garbage foods.. and they really dont know moderation.

Now one thing I am not knocking, are people that are fat due to a medical problem.. because shit.. thats no one's fault, thats just bad luck. Some people have conditions and being fat is more of a side-effect.. sucks bad.

But, for the majority of people.. you can say that laziness has a HUGE fucking role to play. All these fat kids sitting behind computers, eating spaghetti oh's and watching TV all day? Who's fault is that, MINE? Fuck that. Get your lazy ass up off your ass and go fucking work.

If you want an example, Ricki Lake. She once had some potential, a good amount of meat on her bones. But then, she turns into this underwater sea donkey and blows up like a balloon. Booo Ricki Lake.. booooooo!

04-11-2007, 11:48 AM
you should try removing it from your ass first!

Sorry dude, I ain't got a chicks fattie sausage finger in my ass, you can stop masturbating.

04-11-2007, 11:57 AM
I know too many motherfuckers who just cant seem to WALK places. I walk everywhere I can fuckin walk. There's a shitload of people I know that dont do that. They drive everywhere, they eat garbage foods.. and they really dont know moderation.

thats true about walking. i have friends who are soooo fucking lazy to walk an extra 10 car paking spots to get to a restaurant or mall.

04-11-2007, 11:59 AM
What is funny? People repping for FATNESS. Check this out...

[b]04-10-2007 12:45 PM All your comments in this thread are dumb and add nothing to this thread. Way to be a useless moron.

My comments arent dumb and useless, they are true. Fat people have a choice, simply spend more time taking care of yourself.

That one was from me.

I'm 5'7" and weigh 130 so I'm obviously not fat, neither is my wife. So I take no offense to it. You posts were just dumb. Period. You made like 3 posts saying the same fuckin thing.

Plus, I didn't appreciate your comment about my wife.

04-11-2007, 12:13 PM
they needed to do a study to figure this out :loco:

04-11-2007, 12:20 PM
That one was from me.
I'm 5'7" and weigh 130 so I'm obviously not fat, neither is my wife. So I take no offense to it. You posts were just dumb. Period. You made like 3 posts saying the same fuckin thing.
Plus, I didn't appreciate your comment about my wife.

Thats right, at 130lbs you're obviously not fat - you're a fuckin GIRL. Seriously, think about it...
- You're over-sensative and cant take a joke about your wife
- Rather than publicly post your response, you whisper your responses with the REP feature (as if anyone cares)
- and at 130lbs, you probably dont realize that you're a male lesbian.

04-11-2007, 12:23 PM
you should try removing it from your ass first!
Sorry dude, I ain't got a chicks fattie sausage finger in my ass, you can stop masturbating.

oh my bad, that wasnt a finger? has viceboytoy always openly accepted gay men into their crew? :-)

04-11-2007, 12:24 PM
Thats right, at 130lbs you're obviously not fat - you're a fuckin GIRL. Seriously, think about it...
- You're over-sensative and cant take a joke about your wife
- Rather than publicly post your response, you whisper your responses with the REP feature (as if anyone cares)
- and at 130lbs, you probably dont realize that you're a male lesbian.

Awesome reply.

You kids are so great at the internet.

Too bad that won't get you pussy or a job when you grow up. :ghey:

04-11-2007, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by: S13SilviaGirl

...no need to stop it, unless it goes downhill from where it has been.

I think its reached that point IMHO...

04-11-2007, 12:42 PM
lol at this thread. Fat people are nasty. "It's in my genetic makeup that I want to eat". So if it's in your genetic makeup to like 12yr olds, does that make it right?


Put down the sugar.

04-11-2007, 12:48 PM
lol at this thread. Fat people are nasty. "It's in my genetic makeup that I want to eat". So if it's in your genetic makeup to like 12yr olds, does that make it right?


Put down the sugar.

It's America's diet in general. Even people who are the right weight don't eat all that great.

I can't stand going to McDonald's, Burger King and other fast food places now, because, 1. the food is so damn bad for you, and 2. the meals are so damn big. I don't want to eat a burger with 5 patties, 6 peices of cheese, bacon, and a gallon of special sauce on it.

Calling people fat and thinking they are less then you (not you in particular Black Mel, just in general) isn't going to solve the problem. People need to be educated on how to eat healthy, and money needs to stop being pumped into the cooperations that make this terrible food.

But non of that is going to happen, so it's a waste of time.

04-11-2007, 12:56 PM
Even though I kinda think this thread should be closed... I will say that MOST people who are overweight only have themselves to blame. Some people do have medical conditions that cause it to be beyond there control. I personally know someone like this. They have to watch EVERYTHING they eat carefully. However in most cases it is within there control and it comes down to self-control and self-discipline. But fat or not... a person still has feelings and does not deserve to be insulted and degraded because of it. Most of the time that only makes the problem worse.

04-11-2007, 01:02 PM
I use to eat fast food every day. Then one day I just quit because that shit is nasty. So many other options of food out there. But most people in todays society want instant gratification. Not only that, but they want to save a buck. When you can choose between a small ass cup of fruit for like $3 or go to jack in the box and get two tacos for a dollar... Supply and demand. Like stated earlier. Quantity per dollar has changed since days of the past. When servings now are more than twice what they use to be. Some companies are now reducing quantity per package and keeping current price. So that when the local fatty gets hungry that individual has to buy more just for the same amount of satisfaction.

What should be done. Correct me if there is already a program that I don't know about...

But there should be a AA equivalent for people addicted to food. Since these such programs are SUPPOSED to be for helping keep society safe and healty.

04-11-2007, 01:12 PM
But fat or not... a person still has feelings and does not deserve to be insulted and degraded because of it. Most of the time that only makes the problem worse.

A lot of over weight people have serious mental issues and chemical imbalances that prevent them from doing something about it. Sort of like a drug addict or a alcoholic. It's not just cause they're hungry.

There's still a solution though and it involves a lot of hard work.

04-11-2007, 01:31 PM
Thats right, at 130lbs you're obviously not fat - you're a fuckin GIRL. Seriously, think about it...
- You're over-sensative and cant take a joke about your wife
- Rather than publicly post your response, you whisper your responses with the REP feature (as if anyone cares)
- and at 130lbs, you probably dont realize that you're a male lesbian.

He's a girl? and has a wife? hot

Look who's getting all sensative about who thinks they are fat and who actually cares. As long as Hometown buffet gets away with selling shitty food because you can eat as much as you want, there will be fat people. Don't get offended by their lifestyles. Sure it sucks to see some fat woman at wal-mart in her sweatsuit. But really, other than having something we don't really want to look at, just deal with it. Say to yourself "gee I'm glad I work out and stay healthy." If you're big accomplishments in life are "making fun of fat people on the internet" and "I have a naturally fast metabolism" you really don't have room to talk.

Being proud that you can park at the far end of the parking lot and walk the extra distance to a restaurant? If you're so naturally healthy why don't you park a mile away and run there in 6 minutes? Its hard? Oh, then don't talk about how fat people are lazy. There's more to it.

I'm not trying to defend "fat people" as much as it seems, but there's so much negative in this thread from people that don't have a good perspective on the dilemma. Sure it makes me sick everytime I make nachos with extra cheese, everytime a chubby kid asks for no ice in his soda, everytime some fat redneck wants a pitcher of budweiser for just himself. Whenever people tell me they love hometown buffet I laugh. Thats how America is right now, its absurd.

Getting stressed out about how other people live their lives is just going to raise your blood pressure and lead to early heart failure. There goes your "im skinny so I'm healthy" theory. You're getting butthurt about fat people eating.

04-11-2007, 02:21 PM
In that Dove ad, I love how they put the pasty-ass white girl next to the fairly dark black girl...she looks transparent.

04-11-2007, 02:25 PM
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04-11-2007, 02:26 PM
I think we all realize that Americans in general are overweight. Its pretty sad that this thread just degraded into personal insults, but then again, it is Zilvia.

04-11-2007, 02:35 PM
what do you mean sad?

if this thread didn't consist of fatties getting bent out of shape it would be gayer than the Ruca thread.

04-11-2007, 02:48 PM
So if it's in your genetic makeup to like 12yr olds, does that make it right?

uhh err er uhhh er uhhhhhhhhhhhh



04-11-2007, 02:49 PM
Ride the FBI dragon.

04-11-2007, 02:54 PM
dude there is no nudity its totally grey area safe

also everyone who was saying shit about medical issues or chemical imbalances or whatever else bullshit, i have no sympathy for that, at all. i talk shit on everones cars, what makes you think it is limited to that.

<3 chmercer ~~ ;-) hehehe

im gonna go look at autopsy photos or grandma on teens porn or whatever else a regular 20 year old does

04-11-2007, 02:58 PM
dude there is no nudity

Yeah... and thats a problem.

04-11-2007, 03:02 PM
also everyone who was saying shit about medical issues or chemical imbalances or whatever else bullshit, i have no sympathy for that, at all. i talk shit on everones cars, what makes you think it is limited to that.

That doesn't make you any less of a dickhead faggot.

Premie or not, seriously man, you are a real fuckin ass (which i guess makes you ultra cool). I'm glad I don't live in your uncompassionate, lonely world.

Even if you're joking, you're still an ass.

04-11-2007, 03:11 PM
bro. bro. that premie. that was a hookup. no dollars left my wallet. gotta make that clear

you are a real fuckin ass (which i guess makes you ultra cool).

yes. google viceroy 240sx. links to cincinnati street racing and kansas city drift association. what the fuck is that shit. i dont know anybody in cincinnati or kansas. MANIFEST DESTINY BABY

Yeah... and thats a problem.


04-11-2007, 03:45 PM