View Full Version : Strauss + Autbacs = Victory?

03-27-2007, 08:32 PM
Check this out ....
http://www.gtchannel.com/AutoNews/index.php?title=autobacs_coming_to_a_city_near_you _well_&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1

It seems that Strauss has filed Chapter 11 and Autobacs jumped on their distribution centers and its 90 + stores in the East coast! Finally maybe we are going to be almost as cool as the west coast guys! :cool:

PS- Yea I fail at spelling :| the o button on my keyboard and spacebar refused to work. Now I gotta revert to an old generic keyboard.

03-28-2007, 12:14 AM
Thats cool. I use to go that autobacs all the time in stanton. Good for watching bmi videos. Also theres a red robins by there which is always good. I guess if theres a friendlys near there for you it would be the same type of thing. Are there friendlys in nj. anyways congrats on getting autobacs.

03-28-2007, 12:55 AM

Nothing like seeing a bunch of douche bags window shopping.
"Ooo I want that"
"Yea! Totally get it!"
"I wish I could afford a car and buy all these cheap rice items for it because I can't afford the real performance Item"
"Yea, I want LED liscence plate frame too."

03-28-2007, 03:20 PM
I know strauss in general is kind of bad... but I thought the prospect of it being bought out by a company that alot of East coast guys wish they had like Autobacs would be cool. If anything it would make for a good place to pick up some parts you need quick at whatever cost.

03-28-2007, 03:25 PM
In Okinawa if I was ever emo. I go straight to the local Autobacs to cheer myself up. The smell of the tires, the air freshners, and the goodies. The I see the prices for parts and instantly feel more emo because I can't afford to buy them for my car. **sigh**