View Full Version : What do you guys think of Apple Computers?

03-20-2007, 03:42 PM
For those of you who have one, how do you like it?

I'm looking at getting a laptop and cant decide If I should get an apple macbook or not.

As far as running programs and the internet is it basically the same as a windows based application?

any info or input would be greatly appreciated


The Riot Hero
03-20-2007, 03:44 PM
awesome. that is all that needs to be said.

03-20-2007, 03:48 PM

lots of opinions in there. i'm too lazy to type.

Baka Sama
03-20-2007, 03:49 PM
I believe there was a thread about this not to long ago but Im also kinda interested cause Im looking at the new 24'in IMac for a new desktop. Dont mean to jack your thread but Im looking a desktop with great resolution, big screen, and some eye candy is always nice. Im gonna use it for web browsing/email/photos/video/ and the occasional game here and there. The only thing Im on the wall about is the weak graphics card and my unfamiliararity with Leopard.

03-20-2007, 03:52 PM
sorry guys i totally missed that other thread, thanks taniguchi

03-20-2007, 04:31 PM
this may help ya to decide


jaja this guy is awsome ^_^

03-20-2007, 05:02 PM
I will never EVER get rid of my PC. It's cheaper, you can do anything on it and it works.

I use a Mac G5 and the new Mac Pro at work, they're cool for editing video, but I would never do much else with them.

Photoshop is easier to use on a PC (more shortcuts), CGI is easier to run (more stable, my Mac dies constantly with Maya, my PC never crashes until years of abuse kill a hard drive or something), there's NO games. None. Nothing when compared to PC. Even browsing the internet feels better on my home PC. (and my home PC is about 1/3rd as powerful as these Macs.)

Plus, like that awesome Maddox article states, Mac's have a certain, fucking asshole element to them. I fucking hate Mac owners and all the bullshit they throw around. I use both, and seriously, fuck Macs. The only reason to use Mac is Final Cut Pro, iMovie and Garage Band. For the other BAZILLION things you can do with a personal computer, PC.

03-20-2007, 05:12 PM
^lol... funny s**t. I like both but I'm also tired of Mac purists that think their s**t walks on water. They both work well, they both have their share of problems and they both aren't idiot proof. Pick the one all your friends tell you to. Gotta say the new iRaq (http://www.broadcaster.com/video/player.php?clip=12684) looks tight and I can't wait for iRan.

03-20-2007, 06:01 PM
I love my macs, I have two.

03-20-2007, 06:41 PM
I just bought my dad a new MacPro tower and it is quite amazing - so sleek and powerful. I have a shell of an old G5 but don't have any time to do anything with it.

03-20-2007, 07:49 PM
I wouldnt trade my macbook for any other laptop Except a macbook pro haha.

Coming from me, ive built countless pc's that have run on windows,linux,etc.
i ENJOY using os X the most out of any other operating systems out there. Is it perfect at every thing? NO, but in my opinion it will run better than most windows machines.

Also since your asking about buying a laptop and not a desktop. You will be hardpressed to find a laptop with better build qualitiy than a mac. Just look at the resale value of them.

03-20-2007, 10:36 PM
black macbook so sexy and mac osx OMG! cant wait for leoperd
seriously if you know about comps and how to use em, not just for myspace, zilvia, or mspaint/photoshop but actual coding get a mac. and if you still miss ur windows button then just get bootcamp and dual boot for games or other noob windows stuff, besides even windows runs better on a mac

03-20-2007, 11:46 PM
it's great, easy to use

03-20-2007, 11:59 PM
Macs are badass for multimedia.

So i guess it all depends on what you are going to be using it for.

I have a desktop pc, and a Powerbook G4. Powerbook is where i edit footage, PC is where i do other stuff.

03-21-2007, 12:46 AM
this pretty much says it all.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JixbzFjv_cU&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ethebestpageintheuniverse%2 Enet%2Fc%2Ecgi%3Fu%3Dmacs%5Fcant

03-21-2007, 02:12 AM
this may help ya to decide


jaja this guy is awsome ^_^
Haha, I was planning on posting that as soon as I saw the thread name, but you beat me to it. :)

03-21-2007, 02:15 AM
+1 for Squidd.

I have owned a Mac and I love the uniqueness but it took me 10x as long to learn it as a PC does.

03-21-2007, 04:16 AM
Gaming = PC
everything else = Mac

I own 3 macs, wont buy a PC ever again in my life

03-21-2007, 06:02 AM
there's NO games. None. Nothing when compared to PC.

wtf are you talking about??? diablo2 is awesome!!!!!!!!!

yeah macs suck for games and I like have two mouse buttons, but macs imo seem to have less errors and no blue screen of death. to me, the mac seems to actually be plug-and-play a lot more than pc, but obviously that depends on the hardware/software and your system config a lot.

mac owners do seem to have that "holier than thou" attitude, much like bmw owners. actually more euro car owners seem to have that attitude...even guys driving shitty mid 90s a4s and 318s or even funnier, guys driving fucking vws thinking they are the shit.

03-21-2007, 06:47 AM
I'm on one right now.

Shit's BRAND NEW and it blows.

Safari sucks dick at letting me access gmail.

It's slower than my $300 PC. Literally. A $300 computer w/monitor/printer/scanner/keyboard/mouse/all that is superior to a $2200 Mac.

Go read the latest Maddox blog...


I'd get the link but it takes too long on a mac.

03-21-2007, 10:21 AM
What model do you have?
IF its a core2duo machine i find it very hard to believe that your 300 dollar pc is gonna be faster. Considering i just built a pc and my core2duo proc was $300 alone.My mac book has a core2duo, and is just as fast as my new desktop, so yeah.

03-21-2007, 10:53 AM
did someone actually say BSOD in this thread? i haven't bluescreened since i used win98. i've had to restart a couple times on XP, but guess what? macs crash too. all computers do.
as far as viruses on a windows pc... if you run an antivirus on your pc (pretty much any, really, but i recommend AVG), run an adware program once a week, have your firewall set up properly, and have common sense, you'll be fine. these are steps ANY computer owner should take. is it any surprise that there are so few viruses aimed for the mac? macs make up THREE PERCENT of the total market share. if it seems any larger than that, it's because mac owners are so outspoken about how great their easily scratched white lucite devices are.

drift freaq
03-21-2007, 11:08 AM
I use Mac's. I like Mac's I have used PC's. What I do prefer? Whatever the hell works. Put me in front of a computer if it works I use it! Given that my Mac's have proved pretty damn reliable. Yes I use a Core2duo. I write and produce music. Not Garageband lol. Logic and Pro Tools! There are some bad ass programs for the PC though too. In the end you need to find out what suits you.
Squidd works on MAC's at work and prefers PC's at home thats what works for him. It might not work for you. If you like gaming? Get a PC .
If your into audio and digital video and whatnot then a MAC may work for you.
What it all comes down to is what operating system you like, at this point in time the machines are fast on either side of the fence. Its really the operating system as a fast Mac is very afforadable these days.
I happen to Like OSX you may like Windows. Pick what works for you. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one. lol

03-21-2007, 11:12 AM
If I ever buy a computer I'll get a mac.

I'm stuck with lame PC's at work....

03-21-2007, 12:21 PM
Im happy with my PC. I can easily upgrade my cpu or video card if I want to, on a mac you gotta dish out a crap load of money to purchase a whole new computer. Stylish, yes. Overpriced, you bet. The whole basis of apple is too sell style within a product.

My brother owns a iPod that always dies on him and only plays like 2 hours of video. I have a cheaper creative zen vision m that plays video for up to 5 hours and hasnt died on me yet. iTunes fails, its like diabetes for your PC.

03-21-2007, 12:35 PM
1. I haven't had a BSOD since Windows ME.
2. I haven't had a crash on my Windows box (which runs 24/7 and does everything from CGI to video editing to gaming) for years.
3. I've had 2 "BSOD"'s on my Mac at work in the past year. We've had to completely wipe clean, format and reinstall everything 3 times in that year of use. And ALL THIS COMPUTER DOES IS MAYA AND FINAL CUT PRO.

Don't believe the hype.

03-21-2007, 10:09 PM
If you were getting a desktop this would be a tad more debatable, however you say you are getting a laptop, so you can safely ignore most of the garbage in this thread.

When buying a laptop, it needs to be reliable and built tough. Someone in this thread mentioned resale values, and those are very good indicator of how reliable a brand is, especially in electronics, a market whose goods are considered almost disposable. There are about 2 brands of laptop that keep their value, IBM and Apple. And working in IT that indicator reflects real life reliability, as those are the only laptops that people use for years consistently instead of tossing them and upgrading at the earliest convenience. IBM reliability nowadays is uncertain because of the change of ownership, so I guess you got Apple by default.

Aside from that indicator, there are plenty of other things going for getting an Apple laptop, well two things, and it's the two things that matter. First is that OSX is a great OS, if it wasn't so great, Microsoft wouldn't have busted its ass so hard to imitate it. It has a better foundation, and is effectively more secure than Windows, and on a related note is faster than windows since you don't have to be running anti virus on it 24/7. If you don't like OSX, you can use Windows on Macbooks. Most importantly, since this is a laptop, is that the hardware on the macbooks is great. Most of the guys at work are still using their old ass Powerbooks, and one of them let their baby girl get ahold of it and totally ripped it to pieces, he lost of his keyboard keys. Still working fine. I bought one for my woman and the thing is all banged up and it still works like new. Going back to indicators, here's one for you:

Number of support calls from my girl over the last year: 0.

It's pretty much the best laptop on the market.