View Full Version : what do you do?!

03-20-2007, 12:23 AM
So what the hell do you people out there do for a living? Iam not talking about a part time job or the job you are working now until you get your degree and get that job, but what are you aspiring to?

What was your major in school, what did you end up doing for a job? I still just have no real clue what I want to do so Iam trying to get as many ideas as possible. I need to quit wasting time.

03-20-2007, 12:26 AM
I go to Itt-tech right now, hope to do network Administration.

C. Senor
03-20-2007, 12:29 AM
umm i'm dont have a profession but i'm working toward being a doctor, i'm a chem major right now, but once i transfer i will be a neuroscience major...science is fun...i've taken astronomy, chemisty, biology, oceanagraphy, and criminal justice(yeah that's a science)...and have found that they are all very fun and can lead to different porfessions...ei doctor, pharmicist, police enforcement, teacher, researcher, different types of engineering-pharmacutical, envirnmental..just some ideas though

03-20-2007, 12:53 AM
I currently work on aviation life support equipment. I pack everything from NACES Parachutes for F/A-18's that have a 5 ton press to get them into their head box, to working with LOX to maintaining flotation equipment. I like it. It is fun. Not a huge job market when I get out of the military,but, the jobs that are there require the certificate that I posses. I am currently working towards my associates degree and I am leaning towards a major in education possibly psychology. Hope that helps you some.

03-20-2007, 04:12 AM
No college degree yet (working on it) leaning into International Relations/Business. Currently working on my online international trade business dropshipping products (sounds fancy but i'm entry level) Also working for World Leadership group and Global Equity Lending. Its building up, not quite up to my brothers level but its getting there.

03-20-2007, 04:35 AM
i work on t56-a-15 jet engines
and the propellers that go with them as well

I am directly involved with teardown, overhaul, and rebuilding of the jet engines and propellers, as well as the operational checkout of above parts.

03-20-2007, 05:08 AM
slang 240 parts

03-20-2007, 06:40 AM
I shoot pencils at a box with my cubicle-mate.

03-20-2007, 07:48 AM
stare at computers all day in the navy

03-20-2007, 09:03 AM
A/V Engineer, with an Associates degree in Architecture and Drafting. I help in the Design and Drawing of all the components of the systems. Mainly for Company Conference rooms and a lot of Auditoriums and things like that.

03-20-2007, 09:08 AM
in art school aspiring towards graphic design yay! Was working the electronics dept part time while in school but i just quit cuz walmart sucks ridiculous donkey balls

03-20-2007, 09:31 AM
going to college for mechanical engineering and astrophysics:bigok: 5 more year

03-20-2007, 09:37 AM
Try to keep you all happy by making sure Zilvia is fast enough...and pay our bills.

Real Job - Network Architect/Consultant working on the South Pole Station Modernization project

03-20-2007, 10:26 AM
USAF Aircraft hydraulics system tech = Repair and replacement of anything hydraulic on my F-15s.

03-20-2007, 10:36 AM
Look handsome in my cubicle

03-20-2007, 10:40 AM
^~~~haha, Waiter and UPS.

03-20-2007, 11:10 AM
I somehow managed to become a car salesman at Ford, Its a difficult job and i'm completely out of my comfort zone. I figure if I can do this I can do anything. Currently i'm upgrading my math so I can get my diploma in Computer Information Technology. I want to do Network Admin.

03-20-2007, 11:30 AM
Photographer / Videographer / Video Editor / CG Artist / Graphic Designer / Journalist. Jack of all trades.

I hang out with race car drivers and try not to get hit by trucks at Baja.

A Spec Products
03-20-2007, 11:39 AM
I currently work at some company called A Spec Products.

I don't think you guys know who they are though.

If you are a guy and undecided on what you want to do in life, get a degree in Business.

You will thank me later.

03-20-2007, 11:45 AM
If you are a guy and undecided on what you want to do in life, get a degree in Business.

You will thank me later.

Why'd you get a PhD in hateraide then?


03-20-2007, 11:58 AM
i'm a mechanical engineering major. if you don't like/aren't good at math and physics, go for business. 30% of engineering students here at my school find that out the hard way.

03-20-2007, 12:06 PM
i'm still in high school but next year i'll be going to a community college to get my core classes out of the way, then transfer to MCV (Medical College of Virginia) to become a pharmacist. but right now, i park cars and stuff at a Chrysler dealership and do detail.

A Spec Products
03-20-2007, 12:54 PM
Why'd you get a PhD in hateraide then?


I didn't go to school for my Playa Hatas Degree.

I learned that growing up in the streets.

Natural talent.

Major in business, done.

03-20-2007, 01:04 PM
Logan, thats where I am headed. I would like to have a Online Store and Shop.

Also, thinking about getting my Real Estate License. Anyone with insight?

03-20-2007, 01:13 PM
Former Ceremonies NCOIC at Fort Carson.

I don't know what unit or section I'll get assigned to next.

Before that I was studying architecture at the University of Utah. Hopefully, if everything works out, I'll start that back up once my tour is done.

03-20-2007, 01:20 PM
Logan, thats where I am headed. I would like to have a Online Store and Shop.

Also, thinking about getting my Real Estate License. Anyone with insight?

I got about halfway through the process of getting mine, helps if you have a friend or relative that is working for a broker, the broker will do a lot to help get you started. The test isn't insanely hard, it helps to take the class. You can make a crap load of money, or be poor as hell, it's all the market's condition. I wouldn't rely on real estate primarily, always have a backup for when the market drops. But when it's hot, get ready for easy money.

03-20-2007, 01:20 PM
Im currently going to school to be a "Automotive Technician" or mechanic if you wanna be a dick (its like a hyped up name like calling someone a Fuel Dispensing Technician or gas station guy) I WAS going to go to UTI but instead I'm going to good ole broke ass Lincoln Tech in NJ! Eventually I wanna go work at a BMW dealership.

03-20-2007, 01:31 PM
I'm majoring in Psychology, dunno what I'm going to do with it, might minor in Business for practicality's sake and the fact that having money at one point in my life would be nice.

03-20-2007, 01:47 PM
I'm currently taking my undergrad in aerospace engineering. Like Kodama said, if you don't like math and science, do not go into eng. 1st year has like a 40% drop out rate I think. To be honest, I don't even know why I torture myself with engineering; I'm trying to get into the Canadian air force as a pilot and you can have any type of university degree. For the love of aviation I guess...

03-20-2007, 02:09 PM
I play Army Medic at Balboa Naval Medical Center on the weekends. Living in San Diego, there really isn't any Army installations, anywhere (closest one is Ft. Irwin).

I'm also working on a B.S. in Human Biology, at UCSD.

i also moonlight as the webmaster and sales associate at Panda Garage.

03-20-2007, 02:10 PM
I'm majoring in Psychology, dunno what I'm going to do with it, might minor in Business for practicality's sake and the fact that having money at one point in my life would be nice.

Yeah, there's not really any jobs for a bachelors degree in psych. If you get a master you can start to use it. But if you want money in psych you really need a PhD. Psych looks really good with a business degree on a resume though.

03-20-2007, 02:18 PM
surgical tech doing plastic surgery in beverly hills!

03-20-2007, 02:20 PM
I've considered business quite a bit but what kinda a frickin job can I get with a business degree?.....Manager at Best Buy does not sound to appealing. For serious!

03-20-2007, 02:26 PM
I've considered business quite a bit but what kinda a frickin job can I get with a business degree?.....Manager at Best Buy does not sound to appealing. For serious!

you start your own business.

03-20-2007, 03:40 PM
In high school, I only liked art classes and cars. I ended up as an Automotive (car) design major and I am now designing aftermarket wheels. Love it everyday.


03-20-2007, 03:47 PM
I'm a field engineer for Dell.

I work with SANs, servers, and pretty much any of the enterprise gear we sell.

03-20-2007, 04:00 PM
i sit in my cubicle and check out zilvia every single minute. I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering, but i do small researches to pass the time and for the car. Going back for Master

Baka Sama
03-20-2007, 04:05 PM
A/V Engineer, with an Associates degree in Architecture and Drafting. I help in the Design and Drawing of all the components of the systems. Mainly for Company Conference rooms and a lot of Auditoriums and things like that.

Thats actually my major right now, I should be done pretty soon. It seems like your doing more architectual drafting and I dont know if I wanna move into more civil drafting or not. If you dont mind me asking, about how much is your base salary?

I've always enjoyed drawing and everyone including myself thought I would become a cartoonist. Hell, Cartoon Networks HQ is 20min from me. But I decided to use my skills in a more practical way thats still kinda fun. Although making cartoons would have been bomb. Right now I work at a hospital to pay my bills and buy my expensive toys I dont need. I was shooting for Radiologist but after working in the hospital I wanna get far away from the health field. The money is great but people are freakin crazy!

03-20-2007, 04:52 PM
slang 240 parts

me too!! haha :hsdance:

03-20-2007, 04:59 PM
tryin to focus on the come up, doing thiings to get money, idealy i wanna make money and not hate what i do to get it.

03-20-2007, 05:09 PM
Yeah, there's not really any jobs for a bachelors degree in psych. If you get a master you can start to use it. But if you want money in psych you really need a PhD. Psych looks really good with a business degree on a resume though.

yea, I've heard that a million times, lol.

The way I look at it, I like the subject, and could see myself doing something in that field. If I have a clear vision of what I want to do at the end, cool, I can go to the masters, etc. If not, it is a good background to have I think, and it should be of use to me even if my profession isn't that field.


03-20-2007, 05:09 PM
I'm currently a bum, living off my girlfriend.lol

03-21-2007, 06:43 AM
Sell stuff.
Beg for change.

03-21-2007, 06:57 AM
I've considered business quite a bit but what kinda a frickin job can I get with a business degree?.....Manager at Best Buy does not sound to appealing. For serious!
Don't throw aside retail just b/c its not a glamorous job. I've been doing it for 14yrs and for those of you who aren't into school, you should know that there's a decent amount of money to be made here. I, and all of my close friends, are/were in retail and we all make over 50k/yr. That may not be as high as some of you, but it allows me to be able to comfortably(sp?) support my family, save, and spend money on my car. My best friend's ex-girl is a district or regional manager for one of the largest retailers in the world and her base pay is 130k+stock grants+bonuses. Though I can tell you that dealing w/the general public is not for everyone (I for one am waiting for my wife to finish school and then I'm getting out of retail) there is a substantial amount of money to be made.

03-21-2007, 09:55 AM
United States Marine.
I am an Avionics Technician on the MV-22B Osprey Aircraft.
I am currently an instructor, teaching young Marines how to do my Job when they get to the Fleet.

03-21-2007, 10:19 AM
Go USMC! oo Rah!

03-21-2007, 10:25 AM
currently a wood flooring salesman and a laborer at a automotive restoration/collision shop. im in college majoring in international business and hope to start my own business like logan:bigok: .

03-21-2007, 11:07 AM
Majored in Transportation design at CCS in Detroit.

Now I'm head of design at MHT wheels.
I also do freelance fashion design and product design from time to time.

drift freaq
03-21-2007, 11:19 AM
Sound engineer/Music Producer and Composer. Slang 240's and parts for fun.

03-21-2007, 12:59 PM
Sales/delivery boy for family sandpaper/tools business
Sales/Janitor boy for a car shop
Sales/my own boss for wheels refinishing thing on the side

Can't complain, love all three. Just not as baller as Logan though.

03-21-2007, 01:06 PM
I currently work for g.e as a tech for appliances. great pay weekends off and good medical plan!! and 17 sick days a year woot!!!!:hsdance:

03-21-2007, 03:19 PM
Don't throw aside retail just b/c its not a glamorous job. I've been doing it for 14yrs and for those of you who aren't into school, you should know that there's a decent amount of money to be made here. I, and all of my close friends, are/were in retail and we all make over 50k/yr. That may not be as high as some of you, but it allows me to be able to comfortably(sp?) support my family, save, and spend money on my car. My best friend's ex-girl is a district or regional manager for one of the largest retailers in the world and her base pay is 130k+stock grants+bonuses. Though I can tell you that dealing w/the general public is not for everyone (I for one am waiting for my wife to finish school and then I'm getting out of retail) there is a substantial amount of money to be made.

agree, I worked at a Circuit City a few years back and some of the salesperson made pretty good bank. But, as said, not for everyone. I would never do that again, I can't put up with stupid people.

I wear many hats at my current gig - encoder, video editor, content manager, webmaster. I basically get paid to play on the internet.

Physics degree just to make the panties drop.

03-21-2007, 03:48 PM
Yeah I'm not hatin on retail or anything. Its just definitely not for me

03-21-2007, 04:14 PM
Yeah I'm not hatin on retail or anything. Its just definitely not for me
No worries, I didn't take it that way. It's def. not for everyone, and the South Fl. cust are some of the most demanding. I'm personally done w/it but my income is the main one in the house so I have to wait. Some ppl are born to do it. The good thing is you don't really need to have anything more than a high school diploma/g.e.d. All you really need is common sense and some organization/work ethic and your all set.

03-21-2007, 04:19 PM
Work @ an Engineering Firm.

Im the "Man"

Schooling to get some degreezies

Robotic Engineering

03-21-2007, 04:24 PM
I'm going to school with a major in Administration of Justice, and a minor in Psychology. I kind of also want a degree in Business though.

03-21-2007, 04:31 PM
Work for an aftermarket car company right now.

Getting my degree in Interpersonal Communications soon.

I think I might do composite work and build F18s soon. Not sure. Just thought about it yesterday.

Also might go into stupid television industry.

And then I also think I want to be a real tough ass and work on the East Coast bustin ass all day and then hittin the bar on the way home. Then hang with the family.


03-21-2007, 05:07 PM
law school, which is pretty much the same as a job...without pay or offdays

03-21-2007, 05:12 PM
Mechanical engineering. I think I'm going to ditch it and go into the Navy before I off myself though. At this point I buy trucks on craigslist, fix them, and resell them.

03-21-2007, 05:31 PM
Im an exclusive agent for Allstate Insurance. Self employed and working for commisions. I might not be able to eat after march, its so slow.

03-21-2007, 05:35 PM
yea, I've heard that a million times, lol.

The way I look at it, I like the subject, and could see myself doing something in that field. If I have a clear vision of what I want to do at the end, cool, I can go to the masters, etc. If not, it is a good background to have I think, and it should be of use to me even if my profession isn't that field.


That's the spirit. Your education is nothing more than what you make of it, and a shiny piece of paper to impress people that pay you to make something of it.

03-21-2007, 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by theicecreamdan

That's the spirit. Your education is nothing more than what you make of it, and a shiny piece of paper to impress people that pay you to make something of it.

Its the same concept in automotive. You go to school for the paper that says you passed an automotive course when in reality all you need is 2 years of work in a shop or garage and be ASE certified. Some places won't hire you though unless you go to a school. For instance, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have their own schools which you can only attend if you go to either UTI or other selected automotive schools. You can attend at no cost their school as long as you retain a near perfect GPA and attendance record. But when you finish and go work you get payed well, you get benefits, holidays, retirement plan and if you like working on cars than your doing something you like which is the idea.... right?

03-21-2007, 06:40 PM
Mechanical engineering. I think I'm going to ditch it and go into the Navy before I off myself though. At this point I buy trucks on craigslist, fix them, and resell them.

Navy??? OH NOES!!!!!!!! :aw: :aw: But seriously, if you have a degree in Mechanical Engineering you can go flight engineer or something cool like pilot or WSO (weapons systems operator).

03-21-2007, 06:57 PM
Navy??? OH NOES!!!!!!!! :aw: :aw: But seriously, if you have a degree in Mechanical Engineering you can go flight engineer or something cool like pilot or WSO (weapons systems operator).
WSO as in 'wizzo', the 'copilots' in bombers that do the targeting stuff? I just say Navy because I want to get the hell out of where I am now.

03-21-2007, 07:04 PM
currently going to school majoring in the video industry. getting a bachelors in the science of the arts. also started my own productions company. currently working on a video magazine within the tuner/aftermarket industry. its fun cuz i get to hang out at events, and try to avoid getting tire rubber in my eyes

03-21-2007, 07:13 PM
I would like to be a professional criminal... but the general public and the legal system seem to have a beef with people in that profession. :fawk2: .... I kid.

I debated about making the military a career, but I'm in university now, planning on going into law school. I'll probably stick with that... I'm only 21 though. I'm young.

03-21-2007, 07:21 PM
Post-OP RN for 6+ years now. Blah good money, but my goal now is to get in the best fighting shape of my life. Right now I am stronger, faster, and wiser than when I was fighting 10 years ago. I went through a few years when I was racing and all I did was race and/or work on my car. Fuck that! I now train twice a day and feel great. My life is train,work,train,sleep. Boring life with no time for friends but I like it that way. :D

03-21-2007, 07:54 PM
That's the spirit. Your education is nothing more than what you make of it, and a shiny piece of paper to impress people that pay you to make something of it.

The flip side is that certain disciplines require certification. For example: medical, law, etc.

03-21-2007, 07:55 PM
WSO as in 'wizzo', the 'copilots' in bombers that do the targeting stuff? I just say Navy because I want to get the hell out of where I am now.

Yep 'wizo' is the nick name for them...like 'rio' for the tomcats. Having an engineering degree opens up a lot of options in the navy. You can go officer, or you can go in enlisted for 4 years and the Navy will pay off your school loans. *this route though you are probably an E3 coming in, it sucks because you have an education far above that of the people you are working for and you will want to choke the shit out of them*

03-21-2007, 08:34 PM
County Bus Operator. I drive for a living. Its very interesting and everyday is different b/c you never know who's gonna get on or whats gonna happen on your bus!

03-21-2007, 10:07 PM
I run a shop in santa clara.


03-21-2007, 11:44 PM
it sucks because you have an education far above that of the people you are working for and you will want to choke the shit out of them*
No different than being a non commissioned officer and having 2LTs fresh out of school coming to "lead" you. :ugh:

Thankfully I was done with that years ago.

03-22-2007, 12:27 AM
Right now i do bitch work at a car dealership

Im going to school for Film. well, im at the community college right now. Im looking for a good four year university that specializes in film/television, and wont put me in debt for the rest of my life.

But yeah, i've always wanted to do editing for full length films. Or even doing some bizzare television show.

I gots lots of ideas constantly going through my head.

Giraffazilla and Friends.
Mon-Starr, and his tasty companion, Timmy the billy-goat.
Or i've always wanted to make a movie named Bob. I dont know what it would be about though.

03-22-2007, 12:32 AM
Mechanical engineer and working with cars :)

03-22-2007, 03:27 AM
Porn star and going to school.

03-22-2007, 03:47 AM
Right now i do bitch work at a car dealership

Im going to school for Film. well, im at the community college right now. Im looking for a good four year university that specializes in film/television, and wont put me in debt for the rest of my life.

dont go to brooks institute...good school...will pwn u for life through student loans. on a plus side..you will be playing with cameras within 2 months, where as USC wont let your near a camera for 2 years

03-22-2007, 07:15 AM
Prep cook/cook/dishwasher and on the 26th I'll be training to be a machinist FT and still working as a prep-cook part time.

I thought about the marines and would still like to go, but my gf said we'd probably break up because I'd be gone a lot.

ASE certification is in the cards next and my gf is going to school for business management and accounting so with any luck we will open a shop together :)...I'm thinking half strip-club, half motorcycle garage...

03-22-2007, 10:07 AM
I thought about the marines and would still like to go, but my gf said we'd probably break up because I'd be gone a lot.

My gf of 3 years dumped me 2 days before I left for the military. This was AFTER she supported my decision and said it wouldn't bother her. haha. I was kinda like "Thanks!.... bitch" :wtc: :-/

Not trying to scare you.... :)

03-22-2007, 01:45 PM
The flip side is that certain disciplines require certification. For example: medical, law, etc.

Right, but hypothetically you could do those things without the certification. I'm not putting down a degree by any means. In my opinion going through these programs proves that you can learn. If you can learn, then you can do anything. Specializing in an area gives you a background so when you come upon something you don't know about, you have a general idea of where and/or who to ask about what you need to know to solve a problem.

Its the same concept in automotive. You go to school for the paper that says you passed an automotive course when in reality all you need is 2 years of work in a shop or garage and be ASE certified. Some places won't hire you though unless you go to a school. For instance, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have their own schools which you can only attend if you go to either UTI or other selected automotive schools. You can attend at no cost their school as long as you retain a near perfect GPA and attendance record. But when you finish and go work you get payed well, you get benefits, holidays, retirement plan and if you like working on cars than your doing something you like which is the idea.... right?

Its the exact same concept. You hear from a lot of people that graduate UTI that probably didn't take it very seriously, now they are washing cars, or if they're lucky changing oil at a Jiffy Lube. Whose fault is that? I don't really like the technical schools because you're only training yourself to do a pretty specialized thing. In a more traditional education you get an exposure to a lot more than just wrenches and a certain make of car. So if after 7 years you don't like writing for a newspaper any more you have to put less effort into changing yourself than somebody who spent 2 years after high school learning about how to fix BMWs followed by 7 years at a BMW dealership.

The human mind is very good at adapting to what it does. I never want my mind so well adapted to whatever I do that I'm stuck doing that.

Mechanical engineering. I think I'm going to ditch it and go into the Navy before I off myself though. At this point I buy trucks on craigslist, fix them, and resell them.
If you can't handle the stress of getting through school, do you really think you're going to like the stress of going through the military? Even in the military the education you've already started is worth tons. IMO stick with it and THEN look at your options. The Navy will still be there.

03-22-2007, 04:02 PM
I'm finishing up my undergrad, B.S. in biology and a minor in Spanish (lol, minors are so useless, it doesn't even go on your diploma). I studied those subjects because I really enjoy them, and they just happen to be pretty useful for going into medicine as well. Next year I'm starting med school in Chicago somewhere, maybe eventually become an ER doc? They say everyone changes their mind in med school, but I'm interested in ER for pretty non-emotional reasons, so I think there's a good chance I'll end up there.

There sure are a lot of computer, engineering, and military people on here. I love how the people with office jobs didn't specify, but just made comments about their cubicles...haha.

03-22-2007, 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by theicecreamdan
Its the exact same concept. You hear from a lot of people that graduate UTI that probably didn't take it very seriously, now they are washing cars, or if they're lucky changing oil at a Jiffy Lube. Whose fault is that? I don't really like the technical schools because you're only training yourself to do a pretty specialized thing. In a more traditional education you get an exposure to a lot more than just wrenches and a certain make of car. So if after 7 years you don't like writing for a newspaper any more you have to put less effort into changing yourself than somebody who spent 2 years after high school learning about how to fix BMWs followed by 7 years at a BMW dealership.

The human mind is very good at adapting to what it does. I never want my mind so well adapted to whatever I do that I'm stuck doing that.

All internal combustions engines are relatively the same and for the most part most cars are the same concept wise.... 4 wheels, something powers those 4 wheels, and a way to control it. There are people who only work with one type of company for 20+ years and know the insides and outs of all the cars that the company produces, but they can still help you if you have a problem with a different brand car. Automotive is all relative, your just learning specifics from the manufacturers sometimes. I'm still deciding between BMW and Nissan. I know I want to work on cars but working at one of those 2 places would be accomplishing a goal I have.

The way I see it, if people who attend school to do automotive (or anything really) and slack off or don't really pay attention (or don't even care) thats just good news for me. Thats competition thats giving up before the race even starts so screw them and thanks for increasing my odds!

As far as adapting my mind to something I might regret later in life, but I know what I want to do for the time being.

03-22-2007, 04:47 PM
Working on BMW's is NOT fun....Nissans arent to hot either. Hondas=the best and least amount of tools you will need. Mazda isnt to bad either and has an awesome training program/dealer network

I think he was more so saying that certain dealers have specific training programs otherwise they wont hire and all. It doesnt matter much if you're a master tech though.

03-22-2007, 07:54 PM
Thanks for all the little tidbits of info you guys are giving me. As far as the tools, damn! I wouldn't mind working at a Honda or Mazda dealership, basically any place where I feel comfortable and enjoy what I'm doing. Right now I'm just a full time student which has it's perks but also has its negatives.... like being broke.

03-22-2007, 08:00 PM
You can buy a rather small box from Snap On specifically developed for Honda dealerships that has all the tools you need. Is "kinda" cheap too.

03-22-2007, 10:09 PM
you start your own business.

Uhh. It doesn't exactly work that way. Nowadays, you have to combine a BBA/MBA with a strong minor. I'm doing a joint MBA/MIS major with a minor in Computer Science. If you just get a Business degree and have no idea what kind of industry you want to get into, you're back in the same boat. Great I have this Business degree, but what industry do I want to go into? Its good to have a general idea of what industry you'd be working in and minor (and take internships) in that.

Anyways, to answer the OP's question. FT college student, PT Box Pusher (UPS).

03-22-2007, 11:17 PM
SHIT....alot of high dollar big boy gigs in this fucking thread(also alot of people overglamorizing lame gigs).
Im just a fucking parts guy at Murrays auto parts.


03-23-2007, 09:29 PM
My gf of 3 years dumped me 2 days before I left for the military. This was AFTER she supported my decision and said it wouldn't bother her. haha. I was kinda like "Thanks!.... bitch" :wtc: :-/

Not trying to scare you.... :)

Yeah we've talked about it a lot...a lot of my friends went in and a few of them are over in Iraq right now. While I don't agree with the war, I am really interested in fixing what we ruined by giving them "freedom". All the people that were rich or well off left the country long ago while the working class (like myself) are still there enjoying their "freedom".

But yeah, it's basically a dealbreaker so I'd much rather marry her than volunteer to be one of Bush's human shields.

03-23-2007, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by: klohiq
Yeah we've talked about it a lot...a lot of my friends went in and a few of them are over in Iraq right now. While I don't agree with the war, I am really interested in fixing what we ruined by giving them "freedom". All the people that were rich or well off left the country long ago while the working class (like myself) are still there enjoying their "freedom".

But yeah, it's basically a dealbreaker so I'd much rather marry her than volunteer to be one of Bush's human shields.

Whether you agree with Iraq or not is beside the point really...
I learned the hard way though, if YOU want to do something and you feel it's important to you and it's the right thing to do... do it and don't let anyone stop you. IMHO she would support you no matter what if you're really that important to her, cause then what you want would be important to her as well.

But I digress I do... this is way off topic from the thread.

03-23-2007, 10:19 PM
i work at a lumberyard. we have 6-wheeled forklifts, though. sweeet.

when i grow up, i wanna be a slumlord.

03-24-2007, 12:11 AM
Right, but hypothetically you could do those things without the certification. I'm not putting down a degree by any means. In my opinion going through these programs proves that you can learn. If you can learn, then you can do anything. Specializing in an area gives you a background so when you come upon something you don't know about, you have a general idea of where and/or who to ask about what you need to know to solve a problem.

I am not saying anything about the merits of the program. I am just saying that if you don't have a degree and you tried to practice law or medicine, you would go to jail.

It's just a check in the box, but without a degree you cannot practice at all, even if you know more than the typical practitioner.

03-24-2007, 12:03 PM
i manage a 3 store franchise of sterling optical as a liscensed optician. i will finish undergrad (pre-med) in less than a month. then its off to optometry school!

03-24-2007, 12:20 PM
in college not knowin what im doin at all; currently work at Nvidia Corp. dabblin on keyboards.

03-24-2007, 08:34 PM
But yeah, it's basically a dealbreaker so I'd much rather marry her than volunteer to be one of Bush's human shields.

Not to throw this thread off on a tangent, but why the fuck would you want to marry a girl that's going to tell you she supports you, and then change her mind when its too late for you? Better off realizing sooner than later that she's out for herself.

03-25-2007, 06:46 AM
Not to throw this thread off on a tangent, but why the fuck would you want to marry a girl that's going to tell you she supports you, and then change her mind when its too late for you? Better off realizing sooner than later that she's out for herself.

I understand what you're saying and many of your posts seem to be very insightful compared to the average zilvian (well maybe half your posts), but really things a little different than that.

Both of us have seperated from our families almost completely so other than each other we really don't have a typical family support structure. Her opinion, which I agree with, is with me being gone a lot she would have no one.

Friends aren't nearly the same as family and I think that's something nearly everyone can agree on.

Not to throw this thread even more OT, but anytime I see your SN I think of milkman dan and those hilarious comics...:rofl:

03-25-2007, 07:55 AM
Porsche race car fabricator/mechanic. Plus my own shop S chassis/86 SPList. ASE & Machinist cert.

03-25-2007, 01:34 PM
merchandiser/advocate for kellogg garden products.

03-25-2007, 02:23 PM
QA Tester at Electronic Arts. I test cell phone video games. I occasionally fix other people's cars for them. Hmm, I also wash cars for money on the side, participate in focus groups, try to sell parts when I find the right opportunity-I basically live to hustle enough to get by.

Eventually I will go back to school to get my ASE certs and stuff. But that's not in the cards for about maybe 2-3 more years.

03-26-2007, 11:37 PM
I think I have finally talked myself into what I outta do.........Massage therapy! 5 hour days 5 days a week (thats including an hour lunch, dont have to take it!) and people who work for chiropractors/fitness clubs bring in 35-40k. If you work for yourself you can always make more! The guy I was talking to said he had friends making 60. Its 8 months school and then you're good to go. This also leaves me with time to further my education further struggling on with math classes forever till I get an engineering degree/something similar for use later.

That isnt the end all goal of my existence though... Iam heavily into karting. This is just something to do for the time being to bring in cash that I consider a respectable decent job. The real 100% joke of a goal is to become a race car driver. The kart series I race in, if I win I get a sponsorship into Formula Atlantic so its a pretty good deal...Not pretty good chances but a deal. If you place in the top 5 though you can usually start picking up sponsors for the next year in karting or even to move up to something else. So the real goal is the little kid dream of becoming a race car driver...

I know its a far shot but Iam going to put all my energy into it and will make it happen. Never said I'll be the fastest or the best but I will get paid to drive race cars one way or the other!!!!! Even if its 50 bucks to break a motor in, that counts.

If I havent managed to build any sort of career in it by my late 20's, Coast Guard here I come. With any math intensive degree you can join their flight programs and I would become a helicopter pilot. I pick Coast Guard as well because I dont want to get shipped out somewhere weird (Alaska is still kinda weird) nor am I about killing people in anyway shape or form. I figure this way I can help buddies atleast. Do that for 20 years, live off the pension and stay in the reserve so I dont lose my mind and then try again to break into racing....People race that old in NASCAR! With the sensitivity a helicopter pilot aquires and with that many years in racing by then I better be able to whip some ass.

So there is my plan and back up plan... I know its a lot and most dont care. But fucking GOD. I have been driving myself nuts with shit like this forever now. Now if anyone wants to sponsor me or knows anyone really rich who wants to further American talent in roadracing which we have near none of let me know. For serious. Thanks for reading this if you do!!

04-09-2007, 04:01 PM
I work in the cash dept. of a corporate office in Chino Hills. Good Money but not my cup of tea. Going back to school in May to pursue something a lil' more me!!!

04-13-2007, 05:45 PM
im a order picker/truck driver! for some corporate company pay is good but hate the hours!

04-13-2007, 06:02 PM
Freelance terrorist yo!

I studied at a university for a semester to become an animator, but I realized that it has no future unless I went to a select few schools on the West Coast. So I transferred to a local college to take general courses, and now I have no idea where I'm heading, I'm pretty worthless, haha. Maybe I'll just transfer to some local university in a couple of years to major in business like everyone else, which seems to be the universal degree for any job, though I still like design and compuers, and I might look into computer networking.

What I really want to do in the future is have a job where I get to travel a lot, especially internationally, because I'm not good at staying in one place for more than a few hours. Does anyone know of any such jobs, and what the best career path to end up in them would be?

04-13-2007, 06:22 PM
I went to school for Computer and Network Technology.

I now own a performance shop. I still love working with computers, but I'd much rather go to work and do my hobby for the rest of my life. If this falls through I will still be happy in the IT field.

04-14-2007, 05:22 PM
I'm a full time student and working in the student store.

04-14-2007, 08:03 PM
supply base engineer was a electro-mechanical prior... ahh life never know whats next

04-14-2007, 08:57 PM
Server for Sheraton Suites fairplex. Good Pay but hate hours. need to get into the business world ASAP. Know any company looking for database analyst or something like that? LMK!

04-18-2007, 03:04 PM
I go to school at PCC for video editing on avid and sale 240's

04-18-2007, 04:38 PM
work at a carwash now(vaccum line sucks balls, haha) plan to join the airforce next summer. i wanna weld or do bodywork.

04-18-2007, 04:54 PM
Right now I work as an Editors Assistant for tv programs. Its pretty chill im also going to school for post production.

04-18-2007, 06:28 PM
I'm in nursing school right now...and I pay the bills by working a night job involving dollar bills and poles. That's all the clues you get ^_^

04-18-2007, 07:11 PM
working on AA degree in Fire Science.

04-18-2007, 09:40 PM
I'm in nursing school right now...and I pay the bills by working a night job involving dollar bills and poles. That's all the clues you get ^_^

I always wanted to work at a " dollar bills and poles" kinda place. but i figure i would end up with either a kid or an std, my luck lately probably both

Right now i manage a pharmaceutical warehouse. When i get bored I hang out with the "cubicle warriors" and try to learn the sales game. im currently going to school for business management.

Hopefully when i graduate i can get a high paying job and can pay off the student loans ive been racking up. Damn catch 22

04-21-2007, 11:25 AM
I always wanted to work at a " dollar bills and poles" kinda place. but i figure i would end up with either a kid or an std, my luck lately probably both

Haha well I've been in the profession for a little over a year, and neither such atrocity has occured thus far, thank goodness. With a little brains it's a great way to get through college, as long as you don't subscribe to the lifestyle or try to make it a career, its just a transitional employment. That and when you're 85, you can tell your grandchildren you used to be hot and a stripper, and watch their mouths drop open.

Baka Sama
04-21-2007, 11:51 AM
And whats the name of this place again? Your about a 3 hour drive from me.. Would you mind if I threw car parts on stage?? :naughty:

Wait a sec.. this is a girl right:ugh: hahaha

Once apon a time I was close friends with a lot of strippers here in GA at Oasis. The lifestyle they live gets old fast. And they soon realize that they dont have any real friends. Which was good for me cause I got many of calls on the holidays asking me if I wanted to go hang out. I can remember one time I stayed over at this one girls house and her and her friend practiced full nude lap dances on me for half an hour. ahh... the good ol days.

04-21-2007, 02:23 PM
Haha, i meant working at a club like that as a bouncer or doorman. I knew a couple girls who worked in that field. they said they did it to pay for school, the last time i saw them they were still dancing but not in school. the ones who can do it and walk away when they accomplished what they aimed to are the smart and lucky ones, unfortunately though they same to be the minority.

04-21-2007, 03:11 PM
Every now and then I strip at the gay bar but thats alright.

04-27-2007, 10:36 AM
Baka Sama: Depends what sort of car parts....^_^ I need a new turbo manifold.
It's true, most of the girls I work with have no ambition, no goals, and don't understand anything about cars :( The stripper lifestyle worked for me for about a month, and then I grew up. Yes, it was fun waking up at 3pm, going to work, and not going to bed until 6 in the morning, and spending money on anything, but it gets really old. And, its true, you don't really have friends. You have customers, and co-workers. Explains why most of the girls I know are either bi or lesbians. We all need a little attention, haha.

04-27-2007, 12:27 PM
i'm a graphic and web designer. i don't like it anymore.

04-27-2007, 12:40 PM
Baka Sama: Depends what sort of car parts....^_^ I need a new turbo manifold.
It's true, most of the girls I work with have no ambition, no goals, and don't understand anything about cars :( The stripper lifestyle worked for me for about a month, and then I grew up. Yes, it was fun waking up at 3pm, going to work, and not going to bed until 6 in the morning, and spending money on anything, but it gets really old. And, its true, you don't really have friends. You have customers, and co-workers. Explains why most of the girls I know are either bi or lesbians. We all need a little attention, haha.

pics for +rep

[email protected]

Baka Sama
04-27-2007, 02:00 PM
Shift240, Yeah its pretty sad actually. And I know its not the exact same thing but serving tables at resturants is just like stripping. When I first started college I got an apt. with a guy I knew who decided he wanted to be a stripper, a girl who was a server, another woman who was one of the lead people in the "Gold Club stripper scandal" (If anyone from Ga are old enough to remember that) and me who was a server/bartender. We called it the house of sin. (And believe me it was) lol.

Anyway, we would all sleep in until like 2-3pm and then all go to work "serving" customers. We would all make a little over 100.00 a day but the strippers would usually make more. We would all come home around 1-2am. Get dress and go clubin', get drunk, go to strip clubs... and just about everything else. Go to sleep around 7am. Wake up 2pm and do the whole thing over again. this was right around the time I got into my near death touge accident. If it wasnt for that accident to literally knock some sense into me I would probably still be living that life style today. Just like the servers you see in their 40's and the strippers in their 30's.

If I were you hun, I would get out while you can. The longer your there the harder it will be to leave. And being a stripper its almost impossible to be in a real relationship or keep real friends. Oh and please tell me your not one of those strippers who leaves their clothes (thongs) laying all over the living room floor. :hahano:

wootwoot, Just so you know it takes alot of skill to keep it up for 30=40min at a time with no young pretty girls in sight. lol or so my old friend said.

/End vent

04-27-2007, 02:31 PM
It's true, most of the girls I work with have no ambition, no goals

Ha, funny, cause strippers always tell me their "in school" to become a lawyer or some shit like that.

04-27-2007, 02:32 PM
pics for +rep

[email protected]



05-10-2007, 11:30 AM
Baka Sama- I'm only staying in until I finish my bachelor's (another 2 years), so far I have managed to keep a "real life". I don't live the lifestyle, I just go in, make my money, and go home. I know what you mean though, so many I see get caught up and I think they'll never get out.
Clothes all over the floor? No, but about half of my 240 is lying in my bedroom, does that count? Lol, I've got so much car stuff in my house it's not even funny. It happens though, especially with no garage.

exitspeed- strippers lie, it's a proven fact. Aren't you going to give her more money if she's in school and making herself a better person then if she tells you she's a crack addict who needs cash to pay her dealer tonight?

Pics? Ha. No such luck boys. You either believe me, or you don't.

05-10-2007, 12:06 PM
i just got a job at nissan washing cars

05-11-2007, 02:04 PM
_shift 240, virginia beach eh? ill be in newport news, where do you work so i can validate the +rep comments