View Full Version : anybody have a wacom tablet?

03-19-2007, 12:03 PM
i'm thinking about buying one, but i've never used one before, so i'm not ready to dump 3-400 bucks into it.. has anybody used the graphire 4x5? it's like a hundred bucks at best buy, and looks like a good place to start..

03-19-2007, 12:34 PM
I have a Graphire 4 6x8. Bought it about 2 years ago, maybe. Its pretty cool, i use it for drawing and coloring and stuff...also for doing homework sometimes, so i dont havta waste paper, just bust out MS Paint.

If your planning on doing like, any graphic design stuff, i'de really suggest getting a bigger sized one..more room to work. My friend has a really old school 4x5 wacom, and i feel its just too small to do any real work on.

But hey, maybe you'd like the smaller size.

(edit: wooh, finally, after 3 years of being on this forum, im finally at 100 posts.)

03-19-2007, 12:37 PM
Start out with the cheap $100 Graphire and get a nice one once you know what you need. Used one off e-bay maybe?

03-19-2007, 12:43 PM
I have one. Get the cheap one. You really don't need the big one. I really only use it for drawing stuff like this:


03-19-2007, 01:40 PM
^wow, that's actually pretty cool.

03-19-2007, 03:21 PM
I have a tablet @ work, but its a Calcomp

03-19-2007, 04:37 PM
I'm seriously contemplating getting one of those for when I go back to school.

Anybody know a place that sells these that offers student/military discounts?

03-19-2007, 06:13 PM
Hit up bestbuys.

I rocked the 4x5 wacom, and it was good for doing my shit. It was a bit small, and gettin used to the scaling of the tablet was something else.

It was the graphire, and its really good for learning it, and your first tablet.

I used my friends +6x8 Intuos2, and man, it was a world of a difference. Its alot more precise, and the pressure diodes are alot closer. best feeling ever!

But i used the my graphire to throw out some shit, mainly coloring and editing my drawings.



03-20-2007, 12:30 AM
jeez sochbat...your pretty damn good. kick my ass easily....but thats not hard, hah.

03-20-2007, 01:42 AM
got the small graphire at compusa for 95 with taxes. 10% off everything since they're closing, yay! :D

domo dorigato
03-20-2007, 02:21 AM
i got my 6x8 intuos 2 used for 200.. it's great i love it. i never tried the graphire but it's all on how you use it of course. i've seen some great stuff coming from the graphire also..!

03-20-2007, 03:08 AM
The Rhino is my first time coloring ever in PS. The Snake one i was watching a tutorial by some guy on DeviantArt.

03-20-2007, 01:09 PM
i need to get one ASAP. shoulda had one two months ago but i blew all my money on drinks

03-20-2007, 02:11 PM
I got mine for 50bucks at school, haven't used it in 2 years. I like it though!

03-20-2007, 03:37 PM
I been using a 6x8 Intuos2 for 6 years being in industrial design and about to upgrade to a Cintiq 21UX. You cant go wrong with a 6x8 intuos as a starter tablet. It's way more precise then anything out there for the the price.


03-20-2007, 03:44 PM
Nutshell Recap.

Graphire = Good starter, dirt cheap.
Intuos = Better starter, more streamline transition to higher models, fairly cheap.

Or you could buy an Adesso tablet. Not as good as, but retardedly cheap for a bigger size.


I had that one when i was working as CS for a shithole company, and it was fun to use, and didn't care if i damaged it cuz it was dirt cheap. Local Pickup in Walnut, CA.