View Full Version : Its a sad sad saaaad day for me at least.

03-17-2007, 05:57 PM
Dont want to bash on nobody but an old guy (87) slamed his brakes in front of me, and this is the result. IM FCKNG MAD., he did hit a honda pretty good trunk was pretty much done for, My car did not suffer that much damage, doesnt look like there is frame damage to me, just front bumper, bumper support and the hood, and the headlights, funny the cops were complementing about my car, and when they saw the tow truck guy pick up my the real glass pieces they were like wow!, you dont see that often:hs:
Thankfully nobody was injured with the exception of me getting burned by the airbag.

This one is the one that really gets to me^, i had just installed that jdm momo into my car! 5 days ago.!!:-/

03-17-2007, 06:01 PM
At least you know you installed the wheel correctly.

Good luck with the repairs.

03-17-2007, 06:01 PM
that sucks man... some old man merged into me 2 weeks after i had bought a new car. i was soo pissed

03-17-2007, 06:45 PM
Good reason why to get old ppl off the road imo. lol

Hope insurance doesn't count you as blame and you get it fixed quick! :)
Gotta see you at the Irvine meets!

03-17-2007, 07:03 PM
that sucks i went throught the same thing in my car, but my rad support was fuct, lol. theres seems to be a slight curve in the rad support but youll be able to bend it out easily. good luck with the fix.

Edit: just so i dont look stupid im not talking about the obvious dent in the left of the rad support. to me it kinda looks like the whole thing has a slight cure in it, being pushed back.

03-17-2007, 07:08 PM
Well maybe you shouldnt follow so close next time!!

03-17-2007, 07:32 PM
dude a had a whole 3 feet between me the the guy, :aw: , anymore space and you've could've fit a whole other car!,
not really i was prolly about couple car lengths behind him but its just one of those things, he slamend into the honda (and since my car is lowered and cant see over his car, and i was not looking around him, usually i do that mostly on freeways were speed is a bigger factor) and i really did not have much time or space to react the lane next to me was full of cars, it just happend. Maybe next time he'll look out and be able to see a completly stoped car in the middle of the road at 2 pm with plenny of sun light.
the way i see it, it was about 80 his fault and 20 mine,(tell that to his insurance company),
but anyways this is just a small bump on the road for my baby, she'll be back better than ever.:2f2f:

03-17-2007, 10:01 PM
Dont want to bash on nobody but an old guy (87) slamed his brakes in front of me, and this is the result. IM FCKNG MAD., he did hit a honda pretty good trunk was pretty much done for,

The old guy HIT the honda, and that was after you so called said he slammed his brakes on. What did you expect him to do. He slammed on his brakes and still ended up hitting the honda, what should have he done smashed the go pedal instead. He hit the honda it's his fault plain and simple. You hit him, your fault plain and simple.

The fact of the matter is you need to learn how to drive. Look the fuck ahead. You should know what is happening 3-4 cars ahead of you, before they even know what is happening.

03-17-2007, 10:13 PM
Good reason why to get old ppl off the road imo. lol

Hope insurance doesn't count you as blame and you get it fixed quick! :)
Gotta see you at the Irvine meets!

You can always find an anecdote to back up a theory. Sorry but anecdotal evidence is never good reason to create legislature.

03-17-2007, 10:16 PM
The old guy HIT the honda, and that was after you so called said he slammed his brakes on. What did you expect him to do. He slammed on his brakes and still ended up hitting the honda, what should have he done smashed the go pedal instead. He hit the honda it's his fault plain and simple. You hit him, your fault plain and simple.

The fact of the matter is you need to learn how to drive. Look the fuck ahead. You should know what is happening 3-4 cars ahead of you, before they even know what is happening.

:fawkd:, hope you get on a car accident tomorrow :fawk2:....... edit, hope you hit a wall tomorrow.

03-17-2007, 10:19 PM
dude a had a whole 3 feet between me the the guy, :aw: , anymore space and you've could've fit a whole other car!,
not really i was prolly about couple car lengths behind him but its just one of those things, he slamend into the honda (and since my car is lowered and cant see over his car, and i was not looking around him, usually i do that mostly on freeways were speed is a bigger factor) and i really did not have much time or space to react the lane next to me was full of cars, it just happend. Maybe next time he'll look out and be able to see a completly stoped car in the middle of the road at 2 pm with plenny of sun light.
the way i see it, it was about 80 his fault and 20 mine,(tell that to his insurance company),
but anyways this is just a small bump on the road for my baby, she'll be back better than ever.:2f2f:

3feet is nowhere near enough to fit another car. You should be able to fit a lot more than one car in between where you are following another car. DO NOT tell me that your reasoning for sitting so close is that most other people wouldn't. Most other people don't fucking drive right.

You can't accurately divide how to divide the fault in an accident. Sure reports might make up some arbitrary numbers, but in an accident involving car on car collision there are 2 mistakes made. You made yours and he made his, and somebody in front of him apparently did too. This has nothing to do with him being old or you leaving "plenty of space."

Any amount of space that doesn't give you the time you needed to react is an amount of space that wasn't enough.

:fawkd:, hope you get on a car accident tomorrow :fawk2:....... edit, hope you hit a wall tomorrow.

You haven't seen SHIT as far as accidents go if you would ever hope that on anybody.
I hope the price of kouki headlights jumps through the fucking roof tomorrow.

03-17-2007, 10:21 PM
This one is the one that really gets to me^, i had just installed that jdm momo into my car! 5 days ago.!!:-/[/QUOTE]

The truth is.... There are many people on the road that do not know how to drive. It seems that in this case It was not 100% your fault. At least youll be good at installing the JDM steering wheel.:hs:

03-17-2007, 11:02 PM
3feet is nowhere near enough to fit another car. You should be able to fit a lot more than one car in between where you are following another car. DO NOT tell me that your reasoning for sitting so close is that most other people wouldn't. Most other people don't fucking drive right.

You can't accurately divide how to divide the fault in an accident. Sure reports might make up some arbitrary numbers, but in an accident involving car on car collision there are 2 mistakes made. You made yours and he made his, and somebody in front of him apparently did too. This has nothing to do with him being old or you leaving "plenty of space."

Any amount of space that doesn't give you the time you needed to react is an amount of space that wasn't enough.

You haven't seen SHIT as far as accidents go if you would ever hope that on anybody.
I hope the price of kouki headlights jumps through the fucking roof tomorrow.

True, like you said the space between me and him wasnt enough for me to completly stop (read my whole post, i was jocking about the 3 feet, I had about two car lenghts), i usually do keep my distance. His mistake was not seen a red suburban stop and a honda accord also stoped trying to change lanes, my mistake was not having an extra 10 feet of space., about me whishing 0100 to hit a wall, shit he started it, you dont tell me I dont know how to drive, and walk away like nothing. And i wont bring it up again, i dont like to argue in the forums, i've got better things to do.

03-17-2007, 11:35 PM
It sucks dude i feel your pain, i messed my moms front fend in her 350z the other day( isnt bad at all).

i had just got on the interstate and it was a 2 lane, im in the slow lane i look in my mirror just glance over my shoulder, start to murge over,see a blurr in the cornner of my eye and caught the tire of a jeep(imo the qtr pannel glass area on the 350 should be a little larger)my fault though.Could have been a lot worse and i feel worse about it than she does,but anyways.

Just think about it this way just a way to make it better and make improvments.

03-18-2007, 03:40 AM

You ran into the back of him, and you think it's his fault? You weren't following at a safe distance. Even though he hit a car infront of him, it has nothing to do with you. Why didn't a car run into the back of you? Then you go on and state that it was also because your car is lowered. If you can't handle it, then raise it back up.

You blame him. That's funny. Don't fail and then try to rationalize it.

This thread is about as dumb as all those, "I was going 115mph, a cop saw me and gave me a ticket. Cops are pigs!" type of posts.

You're at fault. Fix your car and the back of his car and move on. Done.

03-18-2007, 08:40 AM
nobody ran into me, because there was nobody behind me, simple. And now i see how people in auto insurance companies think, you hit your fault wich is not always the case, im not putting all the blame in the poor guy, im saying about 80 him 20 me, a car crash is way more complex than a you hit him is your fault, thats the explanation for dummies, there are a ton of factors involved that affect and make each crash different from each other so if you do not know all of this facts about mine, then dont try to be a smart ass and tell me "ah mmm duh yea is your fault you hit him:cj:"
And if this thread is going to become a this guy is stupid doesnt know how to drive, keep your distance, mods do me a favor and delete this, and to all of you who gave me some support and cared about the car, thanks.

03-18-2007, 09:45 AM
That sucks. At least in Japan, if you are in a wreck, the blame is always split. No matter what, here it takes 2 to crash, unless you hit a pole on your own, then you are a dumbass.

03-18-2007, 10:23 AM
Thanks!!!^, finally someone in Zilvia has common sense.:-/ ,

03-18-2007, 10:25 AM
No matter WHAT, it is YOUR fault according to the law, it doesn't matter if he slammed on his brakes in the middle of the freeway for no reason even, you should be following at a distance where you can safely avoid him.

Just be happy that the front end did not really sustain MAJOR damage.

03-18-2007, 10:40 AM
laws are made by people, some people have some pretty stupid ideas, dont believe me, check this ones out.
You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.

I keep saying that to my self, im lucky it was only minor damage, im still thinking about how the heck the airbags deployed with a minor accident like this.?, unless i did hit him at a faster speed than what i can remember and s14 body is pretty stiff to only have suffer that kind of damage?:-/

drift freaq
03-18-2007, 10:41 AM
nobody ran into me, because there was nobody behind me, simple. And now i see how people in auto insurance companies think, you hit your fault wich is not always the case, im not putting all the blame in the poor guy, im saying about 80 him 20 me, a car crash is way more complex than a you hit him is your fault, thats the explanation for dummies, there are a ton of factors involved that affect and make each crash different from each other so if you do not know all of this facts about mine, then dont try to be a smart ass and tell me "ah mmm duh yea is your fault you hit him:cj:"
And if this thread is going to become a this guy is stupid doesnt know how to drive, keep your distance, mods do me a favor and delete this, and to all of you who gave me some support and cared about the car, thanks.

Excuse me. California vehicle code clearly states. If you hit someone from behind you are the driver at fault. Now you may not agree with this law but the line of reasoning goes like this. If your close enough behind a car to hit at any speed your driving to closely or tailgating. Now Socal is famous for people going 60 mph bumper to to bumper. It does not make it right. It just makes it dangerous and accident worthy.
If your at a standstill behind a car and you cannot see the back of his tires your to close. If your going 60mph or faster you need to keep at least 2-3 car lengths between you and the car in front of you to stop properly. This stuff is taught when you get your drivers license its on the written test at the DMV as well.
Your at fault, period! You were following closely enough to the guy in front of you that you had no time to stop or react.
Own it. As for the statement of who is at fault and whatnot. There are cases in California where drivers are determined to not be completely at fault. Yours is not one of them. This is also not a no fault insurance state like New York.
Stop trying to justify your lack of judgment on your part. You made a mistake , we all make mistakes, suck it up and own it. Take responsibility for your own actions instead of trying to find someone else or something else to blame it on.

03-18-2007, 10:49 AM
sorry to continue the blame but your responsibility as a driver is to AVOID ACCIDENTS!

That also means anticipating when or where an accident might be. If you notice a bunch of cars in front of you tailgating eachother, you might want to give yourself a bigger cushion of space. Remember way back in drivers ed. they kept saying "leave yourself a way out"? If you did this, you could have easily avoided the accident.

I just hate it when your driving and some :mrmeph: behind you is tailgating for no reason. Its just stupid and not worth the risk.

BTW, good luck with the insurance and hopefully your car will be as good if not better than before. Be safe !

03-18-2007, 10:58 AM
You bet ill take care of her next time, I feel like shit because i crashed her.
People im not trying to defend my self I FUCKED UP, so stop making me feel worst, i usually do leave a way out, and only get close to a car when i now there is nothing ahead of him and he is on the fast lane going 55, I was not tailgating this guy he was going 45 then in 2 second he was going 0, if i hadnt locked up my brackes i would've made it out,(abs do help a shit lot guys).

03-18-2007, 11:57 AM
To prevent this from going downhill I am locking it. The guy fucked up, said he fucked up, no need to rub it in his face. Yes he hit the car, but, the other drivers on the road also play into the equation.