View Full Version : Halo 3 comes out in September

03-16-2007, 10:10 AM
From IGN today. I'm not a Halo fan at all really. I didn't own an XBox, but I do have a 360, so I'm looking forward to the newest sequel.


Halo 3 Slated for September
Microsoft pushes for early fall system-selling spree to kick off holiday season.
by Douglass C. Perry

March 15, 2007 - Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios aim to ship Halo 3 in September, well before the biggest holiday rush begins, IGN learned last week from two independent sources who asked to remain anonymous.

A big-name publisher and well-established development house separately revealed to IGN that Microsoft intends on beating this year's stacked holiday rush with a September release, rather than the assumed November timeframe.

When phoned, a Microsoft representative said it has only publicly confirmed a fall release, with no specific day or month slated.

The developer, which is close with Bungie, said by getting Halo 3 out early it will sell more systems faster and give Microsoft a head start on its competition, which is likely to ship games in the more traditional months of October and November. Halo 3's popularity makes it the perfect killer app and system seller to give Microsoft an edge over Sony's and Nintendo's hefty set of games coming this fall.

The original Halo shipped with the launch of the first Xbox in November 2001. The sequel, Halo 2, shipped in November 2004. With both games, Microsoft's strategy was to give Bungie as much time as possible to hone and polish their title before reaching QA and the finalization process. But this time, Bungie is on schedule and aims to surprise the world by shipping two months earlier than assumed. IGN was told that was the goal, at least. With all development processes, nothing is certain, both added. Halo 3 could need another month or two, pushing it to October or the assumed November slot if necessary.

03-16-2007, 10:14 AM
oh sweet Jesus! I'm gonna get in line right now! Masterchief FTW!

Cam B
03-16-2007, 10:31 AM
Retired Halo pro right here! I'm deff. gonna get this. Bungie made a statement saying how Halo 3 is going to play more like Halo 1 rather than Halo 2. So go out and get ur $5 reserves guys! If anyone wants to play me in Halo 2, my gamertag is : Cam B

*EDIT* I dont trust IGN much. It was found they were taking bribes from video game companies to give their games better reviews. This was found out when game companies tried doing the same thing with Gamespot. Instead of Gamespot being greedy like IGN, they released this news to the public and blew up IGN's spot. Gamespot.com FTW! (im not saying that Halo 3 fall release isnt true though)

03-16-2007, 12:48 PM
that game is just hype like the other 2 halos... is "ok" first person shooter but have seen more fun ones...

also if wanna play first person shooter i like play more with mouse and keyboard

03-16-2007, 12:59 PM
Retired Halo pro right here! I'm deff. gonna get this. Bungie made a statement saying how Halo 3 is going to play more like Halo 1 rather than Halo 2. So go out and get ur $5 reserves guys! If anyone wants to play me in Halo 2, my gamertag is : Cam B

*EDIT* I dont trust IGN much. It was found they were taking bribes from video game companies to give their games better reviews. This was found out when game companies tried doing the same thing with Gamespot. Instead of Gamespot being greedy like IGN, they released this news to the public and blew up IGN's spot. Gamespot.com FTW! (im not saying that Halo 3 fall release isnt true though)

Hmm, I never heard about that. I go to ign, gamespot, and gamespy every hr so throughout the day for updates. I kinda take the reviews of all three sites into consideration when buying a game. I don't like relying on just one source.

03-16-2007, 01:24 PM
Gears of War and Rainbow 6 LV is kicking arse now

03-16-2007, 01:41 PM
Gears of War and Rainbow 6 LV is kicking arse now

Traded my GoW in and got GRAW 2. I thought GoW sucked.